[Sprouting Hope Tree] is the initial reward of the farm, and it has been planted on the south side of the farm since it was obtained.Since the beginning of obtaining it, neither Qin Yun nor the farm thought that the tree would bear important fruits that would affect the progress of the farm.

After 10 minutes, the staff brought the escalator.

Qin Yun stepped on it.

"Name: Advanced Hope Tree Fruit, do you want to pick it?" the system reminded.


Qin Yun picked the fruit.I hope that the fruit is the size of a grapefruit, which is a circle bigger than before.

Qin Yun clicked to use.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the advanced reward: Purifying Heart."

[Purification Heart]: Purify the sea area of ​​200W square kilometers. (Remarks: It is only used in the current sea area and has no continuity.)

The heart of purification is a crystal-colored crystal-clear gem. Qin Yun and Liu Wensheng read it and thought of another reward from the farm at the same time: the purification gem.

"Is there any DEBUFF?" Liu Wensheng asked.

[Purification Gem] is a gift left by Qin Hai when Qin Yun returned home.Although purifying gems can purify the ecological area, there are important notes: Purifying non-primary plane substances of gems has a 30% chance of causing malignant deterioration of plants and 100% of areas.

According to the analysis of Longxia Analysis Group, after the use of [Purification Gem], 100% of the global ecological changes will occur.For example, a 300-meter giant tree, a mouse with fangs, and a three-meter-high rabbit... Purifying gemstones will also cause malignant changes in the world while purifying the global ecology.

After Liu Wensheng finished asking, Qin Yun clicked on the details of Purifying Heart.

The purification details interface is clean and tidy, and there is no DEBUFF reminder.

"No!" Liu Wensheng was very pleasantly surprised!

Half an hour later, members of the biological team came over.Xiang Qingchuan is currently investigating in the North Pole, and academician Ji Fengqing is temporarily in charge of the biology team.Ji Fengqing is 53 years old this year and is a senior academician of Long Xia. After reading it, he is not too optimistic: "The heart of purification does not have DEBUFF, but there is one regret..."

He pointed to the [purification] note: "The heart of purification is only for use in the current sea area, it is not permanent."

Purified Heart is an Ocean Purification reward.Since it is an ocean reward, global ocean current movement needs to be considered.The sea area of ​​Longxia is 500W square kilometers, and the heart of purification can purify half of Longxia, but after purification... there is no continuity.

This is like the mineral water drops in the inkwell, no matter how clean the mineral water is, it will always be assimilated by the inkwell.

"Are there any exceptions?" Liu Wensheng asked sadly.

"No." Ji Fengqing shook his head.

According to the [Purification Heart] function introduction, even if it is used, the purified sea area will also be polluted after five years.

"Ah." Liu Wensheng was very heavy.This is like having a sharp sword. Given the current environment, this sword has no chance of being drawn out of its sheath.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Liu Wensheng reported to the Longxia team. After the team's analysis, the heart of purification was merged into the purification gem project.

Although the purification gem has not been used, in the past two years, Long Xia has been researching the function of the purification gem. It is like starting from scratch, and the whole project is very difficult.

"Drink some hot water." Qin Yun helped Liu Wensheng pour a cup of hot water.It may be the cause of acid rain disease, Liu Wensheng has been exhausted a lot in the past few months.

"I'm too eager for success." Liu Wensheng took the hot water.Since the beginning of this year, Longxia has faced various crises. Although the Longxia team has worked hard to solve them, ocean pollution, vegetation reduction, air pollution...there are still various problems around the world.

As of 327 o'clock tonight, the death toll of courgettes across the country was [-].This is not just a number, behind each number is a family.Cucumber masks can isolate viruses, but they cannot eliminate them.Due to too many crises, his spirit has been tense during this time.

"Don't think too much." Liu Wensheng said to Qin Yun.He felt that he was too tense, and passed some nervousness to Qin Yun.

Qin Yun smiled.

In fact, during this period of time, not only Liu Wensheng was tense, but he was also tense with a sense of crisis.

The two chatted for a while, Liu Wensheng was handling business in the office, and Qin Yun was wandering along the farm.Now the farm lights are brightly lit, and the researchers are seriously poring over the data.Affected by cucumber H1, the researchers wore cucumber masks. We are not sure whether there will be infection within the farm, but this is the safest method of protection.

Half an hour later, Qin Yun came to the edge of the farm, which is located at the junction of the deep depopulated area and the shallow uninhabited area. Because it was far away from the farm, the surrounding area was very barren.

Qin Yun sat on the ground and opened the system interface.

Host name: Qin Yun.

Current task: plant one billion mu of off-site seeds (75%), restore the national green area to 10% before the disaster, and restore the national soil to normal.

System points: 25.7 billion.


Affected by Cucumber H1, the planting of off-site seeds is slow, and the recovery area of ​​"Global Recovery" is too small, so there is no percentage displayed yet.

"Srustling—" Qin Yun was watching here and there, when there was a rustling sound behind him.

Qin Yun turned his head. It was a healthy adult white wolf.There were many broken leaves on the white wolf's forelegs. At this time, the white wolf looked at Qin Yun, and Qin Yun looked at the white wolf.

Three seconds later, Qin Yun tentatively asked, "Xiaobai?"


The white wolf put down his guard, his eyes were very pleasantly surprised.

"Little Bai!" Qin Yun hugged the white wolf.

The white wolf is Xiaobai.Two years ago, after a heavy rain happened on the farm, Xiaobai left with the wolves.In the past two years, after the expansion of the farm's protection area, few animals entered.After a long time, he often came to the edge of the farm, hoping to meet Xiaobai.It's just that he has come so many times and has never encountered it.And now... I really met it!

Qin Yun rubbed Xiaobai vigorously.

"Gululu!" Xiaobai rolled on the ground, making a happy purring sound.

"Do you want to come back?" Qin Yun asked hesitantly after playing alone for a while.When he was playing just now, he found that Xiaobai's hind legs were covered with large and small wounds, some of these wounds were scabbed, and some were newly added at the proximal end.Most seriously, Xiaobai had a ten-centimeter sharp claw wound on his right face, which was only half a centimeter away from his right eye.

"Come back if you want to." Qin Yun said with some distress.He seemed to have an image of Xiaobai's dumpling appearance when he was just born.

"Gululu." Xiaobai seemed to understand what Qin Yun said, and licked the back of Qin Yun's hand with his tongue.

"Liu Junchang is very nice." Qin Yun continued.During the chat some time ago, Liu Wensheng specifically asked Xiaobai, hoping that Xiaobai could continue to stay on the farm.It's just that after Xiaobai and the wolves went to the No Man's Land, he seldom appeared.In the past two years, the farm drone has photographed a vision of wolves, and it is not sure whether there is Xiaobai.

Qin Yun was about to continue inviting, when he found five more white wolves in the distance.The wolves looked at Qin Yun and let out a low growl in defense.

"Roar!" Xiaobai shouted full of pressure, and the white wolf became quiet from the previous guard.After careful observation, Qin Yun found that there was a grayer white wolf here, and the gray wolf was the previous wolf king.

Before Qin Yun could react, he felt his cheeks wet.

Qin Yun lowered his head, Xiaobai licked him, his eyes were full of reluctance.

Qin Yun was about to say something, thought for a moment and said, "Be careful."

Qin Yun understood that Xiao Bai was reminiscing about the past with him, but he would not return to the farm again.

"Hoo hoo." Xiaobai licked Qin Yun twice, then walked towards the pack of wolves.The white wolves of the wolf pack got up and took a step back involuntarily, which was a sign of submission.

Xiao Bai joined the pack of wolves, then took a deep look at Qin Yun, and then ran away without turning his head.

The moonlight was bright, and the wolves disappeared under the moonlight.

Qin Yun looked at the backs of the wolves, and half a minute later, he murmured to himself, "I've become the wolf king..."

Xiaobai's pedigree is excellent, and now he is obviously inheriting the advantages of his parents.He wanted Xiaobai to stay on the farm, but he also knew that no man's land was Xiaobai's battlefield.It's just that we are separated this time. I don't know if there will be a chance to meet next time.

At two o'clock in the morning, Qin Yun returned to the earth building.Half of the earth building lights are on and half are off.Day and night like this is already the norm on the farm.Qin Yun originally thought he couldn't fall asleep, but he fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow...

Early the next morning, Qin Yun came to the Tulou office.

At this time, the tulou office is full of soil data from various regions in Longxia. Now that the research on pesticides has been successful, the only thing left is to popularize them.

Acid rain pesticides restore soil vitality, calling them 'pesticides' is a bit of a misnomer.On October 23, after careful analysis by Longxia's team, Acid Rain Pesticide was officially renamed as 'Vigor 01'.

Vitality 01 means the revitalization of the soil in the whole country. The number '01' is a bit simple, but it means the beginning of one yuan and the renewal of the earth.

In the next week, Long Xia approached National Biotech.The main raw material of Vitality 01 is locust carcasses, which can not only restore acid rain soil, but also be an excellent soil fertilizer.

After careful decision-making, Vitality 01 internally divided into three steps——

1. The state-funded spraying of uninhabited forest land.

2. Commercial scenic spots such as mountain and forest scenic spots are sprayed by the local tourism department.

3. Private land of less than [-] mu shall be funded by the state, and commercial land of more than [-] mu shall be funded by individuals.


From 3030 to 3033, Shengzhi 01 will be sold at the subsidized price, and after 3033 it will be adjusted at the market price.In addition to domestic policies, Longxia has signed the Vitality 01 cooperation plan with various countries.Vitality 01 is related to plant planting, and because it involves a wide range of areas, further negotiations are underway for specific cooperation.

"The soil I dug before is useless, I want to plant flowers!"

"The [-] acres of land at home, is it free for less than [-] acres, and the other [-] acres are charged at cost?"

"There is a small garden at home, it has been withered for two years, please fully list it!"


As soon as I saw the news, countless netizens swiped their comments.According to the information released by Longxia Agricultural Network, due to the different amount of soil used around the world, the cost per mu is between 300 and 500 yuan. Those who used improved fertilizers before can reduce the amount and cost 50 yuan.

Three years ago, land was dispensable.Now after three years, land is the most precious wealth.

"Dongshan Science and Technology donated 2000 tons of vitality 01 to Longquan County, Suzhou Province in advance."

"Hualong Pharmaceutical donated 1000 tons of vitality 01 to Gantian City, Yunnan Province."

"Snow Mountain Sports to..."


At seven o'clock in the evening on October 23, the whole people were immersed in the joy of Vitality 01, and news of donations appeared on the hot searches.

Now Cucurbita H1 is raging, Longxia has just completed 8000 billion masks for the whole people, and with the investment in various infrastructure facilities, it is temporarily impossible to fully revitalize 01 for free.According to the forecast, Longxia will charge the cost of the commercial base, and the ownerless and ordinary farmers will be fully subsidized.If the land recovery is not satisfactory, we will further reduce expenditure and strive to fully provide...

The vitality policy is still being negotiated, and major companies have already begun to donate spontaneously.Not only the whole people, but even Long Xia did not expect this donation activity.

"There is no more cotton to make clothes, so hurry up and resume planting!"

"I hope that the cost of pharmaceuticals will be restored, and the cost of pharmaceutical materials will stop rising."

"Hope the economy recovers quickly..."


The business philosophy of the company is profit-oriented, and everyone didn't have much feeling for the ecological economy.But after three years of crisis, we have encountered a cycle: vegetation disappears—the cost of raw kapok spinning and medicinal materials rises—products rise—residents can’t afford consumption—enterprise economic decline.

It's an uncomfortable cycle.

Now that the study of Vitality 01 is successful, Long Xia and the residents need the national soil restoration, and they need soil restoration even more.

At this time, major companies not only donated money, but many companies invested in the construction of locust breeding plants and organic biological plants.Everyone has only one purpose: to restore the ecology and restore the economy!

Under the link of the interests of the whole people, on November 01th, the first batch of Vitality [-] in the country was launched.

According to the plan, Shengzhi 01 will be used gradually from areas with large forest areas such as Longbei Protected Area and Longnan Protected Area.

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