Qin Yun opened the mission details.

Host name: Qin Yun.

Current task: accumulatively sell 5000W dual-machine series. (completed)

Mission Reward: Random Lab.


The dual-machine task is expected to be completed in October. Now that the technology factory has been upgraded, the task time has also been advanced.

Qin Yun clicked on the reward.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining an intermediate laboratory: Fengshan Oxygen Laboratory."

Fengshan Oxygen Laboratory: Adopt the latest artificial oxygen production method of Klein to make artificial oxygen more stable and cyclic. (For indoor and carry-on use only.)

Now that science and technology are advanced, the main artificial oxygen production in Longxia includes: heating potassium permanganate, electrolytic oxygen production, molecular sieve oxygen production, membrane separation oxygen production...Artificial oxygen production is not uncommon in Longxia society.A few years ago, oxygen bar coffee was popular across the country for a while, and artificial oxygen production is not a difficult research.

After reading it, Liu Wensheng asked curiously, "Do other planets have oxygen?"

"I don't know." Qin Yun shook his head, it was also the first time he saw the introduction of oxygen production.

Liu Wensheng was curious, so he reported to Long Xia immediately.The oxygen laboratory covers an area of ​​[-] mu. The Longxia team carefully analyzed it and selected it to the south of the seed laboratory.At [-] o'clock in the evening, Qin Yun and Liu Wensheng went directly to the south side of the laboratory after confirming the location.

"Dual machine mission completed?"

"What's an oxygen lab?"

"Hydrogen peroxide to produce oxygen?"


Now at seven o'clock in the evening, the researchers had just finished their meal and gathered around after hearing the news.

After a brief conversation, everyone looked at Qin Yun.Qin Yun didn't hide it either, and just clicked to use it.The earth shook and the mountains shook, and after a while, a silver and black two-story building appeared in front of everyone. The building lines were neat and the appearance was full of majestic beauty.

"The style is quite uniform."

A researcher said amusedly.The current farm has seed laboratories, virtual laboratories, technology factories...these buildings are all in a simple style mainly silver and black, and the style of the farm is very unified.

Everyone turned around outside the oxygen laboratory and entered through the gate.There are various oxygen generating equipment in the laboratory.In addition to the oxygen-generating equipment, there is a huge cylinder in the middle of the laboratory. There are very neat small holes on the top of the cylinder, and gas is emitted from the holes.

A researcher walked over and felt it hard: "The air is very good." The current global acid rain pollution is serious, and the farm has a farm heart, but the air outside the farm is turbid.

Liu Wensheng stepped forward and followed his feelings: "It's pretty good."

Liu Wensheng took a breath and looked at the members of the technology team.

Members of the science and technology team took out air equipment to measure.After measurement, the cylinder gas is the same as ordinary air, but the composition is more pure, like a natural oxygen bar in a virgin forest.

According to the research, the air is automatically circulated in the laboratory, and there will be no lack of oxygen in the gas turbidity.

"An oxygen laboratory?" Everyone was curious about the function of the oxygen laboratory.Lab grades are based on water blue functionality.At present, the global oxygen production technology is mature, and everyone is very surprised by the reason for the system'【Intermediate】'.

According to the current technology, this is just an ordinary laboratory.

Everyone was curious, Liu Wensheng looked at Sun Yiping: "The science and technology team has a task."

"Promise to complete the task." Sun Yiping made a salute gesture.

They don't know the specific function of the oxygen laboratory, but obviously, this is the research work of the science and technology group.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Qin Yun and Liu Wensheng came to the biology laboratory after leaving the oxygen laboratory.

"Everyone should do a good job of virus detection during this time, and pay attention to the mutant strains of cucumber."

"Pay attention to the safety of the experiment, and you must wear good isolation when entering and leaving the sterile room..."


In the laboratory, Xiang Qingchuan was giving serious instructions to the research members.

Qin Yun and Liu Wensheng were listening, and after 10 minutes, Xiang Qingchuan finally found them: "Commander Liu, Secretary Qin."

"You go ahead." Liu Wensheng motioned to Qingchuan to continue working.

As of September 25, 35 cucumber H1 mutant strains have appeared in the world, and a total of 17 people have died. This is the largest influenza virus in the world after the cockroach disease in 2152.Although Long Xia has developed a cucumber mask, it only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. To let the residents live in the sun, the virus must be completely eradicated.

Cucumber virus originated from bipolar biological corpses. After discussion, the biological team decided to station at the biological station in Qingchuan for research and sampling.

Xiang Qingchuan is leaving tomorrow, and now he is explaining his work to those left behind.

At [-]:[-], after explaining to Qing Chuan, he turned to Qin and Liu: "There is a little more work."

"If you are worried, you can stay on the farm." Liu Wensheng said.There is a certain danger in stationing at the biological station. After discussing with the biological team, he was the first to object.It was only after Xiang Qingchuan persisted repeatedly that he got the consent of his superiors.

"Contact me anytime if there is anything to do." Xiang Qingchuan said to Liu Wensheng.

"Be careful." Liu Wensheng saw that he had made up his mind to go to Qingchuan, so he couldn't say anything.

Early the next morning, Liu Wensheng led the team to the Arctic Biological Station.In addition to the inspection team this time, there is also a special member: Qin Yun.

"Put on the mask and isolation suit according to the regulations, and don't run around when you get there." On the plane, Xiang Qingchuan chattered to Qin Yun.Before Qin Yun unlocked [The Beginning of a Disaster] at the North Pole, in order to test whether there is any special place in the North Pole, the team decided that Qin Yun would go there again this time.

"I know." Xiang Qingchuan said too much, Qin Yun said helplessly.

The North Pole is the source of outbreaks of biological viruses. For safety, he and the biological group have changed into masks and isolation suits, and everyone is wrapped airtight.

On September 27, the plane arrived at Will Airport.

"To the academician..." The staff of the Will embassy received him at the airport.Because we had cooperated once before, we simply greeted each other and went directly to the Arctic Biological Station by boat.

The Arctic Biological Station is a biological station established in the Arctic by the Water Blue Union after the outbreak of cucurbit virus.Although this is a biological station, as the two-level glaciers melted, the biological station was built on a giant ship.

At seven o'clock in the evening, everyone arrived at the biological station.

"Xiang Academician."

"Mr. Qin?"


There are many old faces from the trip to the North Pole at the biological station, and everyone was very enthusiastic after meeting.

After handing over the work to Qingchuan and Longxia's garrison personnel, Qin Yun walked around the ship and met an old acquaintance——

"Qin!" A tall man greeted in surprise.

"Mr. Ron." Qin Yun said.The man was a staff member of Will, and the two had rescued a polar bear, but unfortunately, the polar bear died, and a seal survived.

"Thank you Long Xia." Ron praised the mask as soon as he came up.

This is a courgette mask purchased from Long Xia.In addition to the cucumber mask, he was wearing a Fengshan constant temperature jacket inside and an isolation suit on the outside.At this time, not only him, but also the Arctic Biological Station were all wearing Fengshan three-piece suits, which was their confidence to survive in the Arctic.

"Very beautiful." Qin Yun said with a smile.Because it is specially customized, each Arctic mask has an iceberg embroidery on it, which looks very commemorative.

The two chatted for a while, and Ron said mysteriously to Qin Yun, "I'll take you to a place."

Qin Yun was a little curious, and after reporting to Qingchuan, he followed Ron in a kayak.

The sea area near the biological station is full of floating ice, and the sea level has risen by one centimeter compared to before.At [-]:[-], the two came to a huge iceberg, and Ron threw a tilapia on the ice, making strange noises in his mouth.

Qin Yun was a little puzzled.

After 3 minutes, a short-haired creature emerges from behind the ice.The creature first looked at the two of them vigilantly, then crawled up to the raw fish with twists and turns, and began to eat.

"Is this the seal from before?" Qin Yun asked in a daze.

"I wasn't used to it at Will Aquarium before, and I just released it last week." Ron said.

"Will it be infected?" The seal was fatter than before, and he didn't recognize his birth.

"No infection." Ron teased the seal.Although the seal is a mammal, there is no sign of infection. The biological station has implanted a positioning chip in the seal and is ready to observe the status of the seal at any time.

The two stayed on the ice for two hours before returning to the biological station.

In the following week, Qin Yun walked twice on the North Pole ice, but no matter where he was, the system did not respond at all, and the plan to rely on the North Pole to update the system came to an end.

On October [-]th, Qin Yun returned home early.

"Be careful." When parting, Xiang Qingchuan hugged Qin Yun.

"You too." Qin Yun said.

The Arctic is a source of biological viruses, and work in the Arctic is also full of dangers.At this time, there were 32 staff members at the Biological Station, and they came from [-] countries around the world. Everyone was used to the work of the Biological Station. Although he didn't say it clearly, he admired the spirit of everyone.

On October [-]th, Qin Yun returned to the farm.As soon as he returned to the farm, he heard a pleasant surprise: a breakthrough in agricultural soil research!

"The sunflower has germinated!" In the seed laboratory, Song Yueshan took Qin Yun to watch the experiment.

This is a fully enclosed experimental field covering an area of ​​three acres. The experimental field is covered with a glass cover, and the inside is the plowed land. At this time, tender green shoots grow in the land, which is very lively in the sun. .

"Is this farm soil?" Qin Yun asked while lying in front of the glass cover.

"Acid rain soil transported by the Jinghe River." Song Yueshan said.In the past two years, in addition to research on locust feed and improved feed, the farm has been working on soil restoration.

After constant trials on farms and plantations, the plants in the acid rain soil germinated three days ago.These soils are sprayed with anti-acid potions, which can effectively neutralize the acidic substances in the acid rain soil.

"Is there any limit?" Qin Yun asked.Although locust feed and improved feed are available, the plants grown on locust feed are inedible, and the improved soil needs to be renewed every three years.

"No." Song Yueshan said excitedly.The potion of improvement is still in the testing stage, if the test is successful, these potions can completely change the acid rain soil.Of course, the acid rain potion can only change the soil that has been ravaged by Harma's storm. If the soil has undergone other changes, it can only be re-researched.

"Three years." Song Yueshan was very bitter.

The whole research has been going on for three years since Hurricane Halma, and it has been three years full of stress.

"Everything will be fine." Qin Yun looked at Song Yueshan's temples and said.Song Yueshan and Zhou Yuanheng are the most famous agricultural academicians in the country. Zhou Yuanheng is now leading a team to conduct field research on acid rain land like in his previous life. Song Yueshan has been staying on the farm for a long time due to his age.

Acid Rain Potion is the result of the cooperation of two teams.

"When the soil is restored, and then the trees are replanted, everything will be easy..." Song Yueshan is full of longing for the future.

In the next half month, the biological team will focus on soil testing.After continuous experiments, on October [-], Longxia released a news: [On October [-], Longxia Academy of Sciences developed an improved pesticide for acid rain.Pesticides can neutralize harmful substances in acid soil, and neutralize the acidity and alkalinity of acid soil...]

"my God!"

"I finally heard the good news."


At the moment of seeing the news, the whole country was excited.

After the launch of cucumber masks on August 25, a large number of mask factories were built around the world.These mask factories are technological enterprises such as Longxia who have mastered the core technology and Dongshan Fengmai.

invest.Cucumber masks are now a matter of life and death for residents. Countries have signed masks production contracts with Longxia to make efforts to produce masks.

Other countries do not distribute masks for free, but have government subsidies, and the price of masks is relatively low.As of October 52th, the global mask penetration rate is 1%.Cucumber masks can detect the virus in the early stage of cucumber H[-], as long as the virus does not enter the lungs, there is a possibility of cure.

From October 15st to NO.1, the global growth of courgette H[-] has decreased, and it has become a global consensus to wear a mask to go out.

While everyone was paying attention to masks, Long Xia developed the acid rain pesticide.Although acid rain pesticides cannot solve the problem of virus death, they can restore the soil to life, so that the global population will no longer go hungry.There are acid rain pesticides, indicating that the global green may return to normal...

"Ahhh, I'm so happy!"

"Global Daily: Longxia Acid Rain Pesticide, another miracle written by Longxia!"

At this time, not only Longxia residents are happy, but countries around the world are also concerned about acid rain pesticides.

On October [-], acid rain pesticides were on the global hot search list.

"Is the previous improved fertilizer unusable?"

"My family just opened a locust factory."


While the world was excited, some residents thought of the locust problem.

Last July, after the global locust crisis, there was a locust frenzy in Lungsia.Longxia is the largest locust breeding country in the world. If acid rain pesticides are popularized, the effect of locust fertilizer will not be as good as before.

"If it's useless, it's gone. I still like normal land!"

"We are going to convert the locust factory into a feed factory. Are there any animals that eat acid rain locusts?"


Some locust companies are preparing to find another way of life.But before the locust companies could find a way out, Long Xia announced the main ingredient of the acid rain pesticide: locusts.

Acid rain pesticides are studied on locust feed. According to estimates, the demand for acid rain pesticides is three times that of locust feed.

The whole country needs 30 billion tons of locusts, and there are countless more in the world.Longxia is the largest locust breeding country in the world and has the most complete locust breeding technology.Given the current demand for locusts, locust breeding will be a hot industry within five years.

"my God!"



The mood of Locust Enterprise turned from cloudy to sunny in an instant.

Now at the end of October, some netizens are making a summary of 3030.Sandstorm crisis, acid rain disease, cucumber H1... 3030 is more difficult than any other year, but from dual-machine series to acid rain pesticides, 3030 is also making tenacious progress.

Starting from the food crisis in 3028, everything is difficult, and everything is not that difficult.

"It's growing leaves."

"It's over."


On October 31, while the country was discussing acid rain and pesticides, Qin Yun and Liu Wensheng looked at the hope tree seriously in Fengshan Farm.

At this time, the hope tree has grown from seven meters to 15 meters. The hope tree has lush leaves and a red fruit on it...

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