"This is the team's production plan, let's see if you have any suggestions."

Early the next morning, Liu Wensheng took out a stack of documents and asked.Now the task of the farm is to sell the ice storage machine purifier.According to a one-night discussion, the farm decided to produce the following products: pendants, bracelets, coats, and purification masks, each costing 300-3000 yuan.

"I have studied the factory data, and the factory's daily output is 70 pieces." Sun Yiping said after reading the team's documents.Ice storage machines and purifiers require professional technology production lines. According to the normal process, they will be launched at least by the end of 3030, but now there are technology factories, and the products will be put on the shelves next week, and the task is expected to be completed in mid-September.

"These prices are within the rules of the system and will not cause too much burden for residents..."

Everyone discussed for a while, and then looked at the product price.This time the system task is simple, but there is a mandatory requirement: the product price cannot be lower than the cost price.

According to the team budget, the final price of the product——

Pendant: 599 yuan.

Bracelet: 1699 yuan.

Jacket: 3699 yuan.

Purification mask: 1699 yuan.


"If there is no opinion, the team will transfer materials today." Liu Wensheng continued.

The key technology of the ice storage machine purifier is the technical chip. The main materials are metal frame, cotton thread, stamping parts, high-quality silica gel... Now that the price is rising, these materials are difficult, but Longxia purchases them from them, and the transfer work is not counted. too difficult.

"This is the name of the product." At the end of the meeting, Liu Wensheng took out another document.

The names of the ice storage machine and the purification machine are too general. According to the discussion, the Longxia team decided to change the name of the ice storage series to the constant temperature series, such as constant temperature pendants, constant temperature bracelets, and the purification machine directly to the purification mask.

"It's a good name. It won't be too cold in winter." Song Yueshan said while looking at the name change document.

He is 75 years old and has moderate rheumatism.Since the farm announced the news of the ice storage machine, he has greeted the technology team and wanted to be the first to buy ice storage products.The ice storage machine can be set from minus 10° to minus 50°, and the constant temperature series can also better express product characteristics.

Everyone chatted for a while, when the conference room phone rang.

"Hello, Liu Wensheng." Liu Wensheng answered, and then turned to everyone: "21 companies including Longshan, Fengmai, and Qinghong have submitted cooperation applications to the Science and Technology Bureau."

Longshan and Fengmai are all well-known technology companies in Longxia.Half of the country's electronic products come from 21 companies.The technology industry is a popular industry in the world, but since the acid rain in Halma, the global demand for electronics has been declining, except for survival appliances such as air conditioners and water filters.Sales of electronic equipment such as mobile phone stereos fell by 52% compared with the same period in previous years.

In the past two years, large-scale technologies such as Dongshan and Fengmai have shifted their focus to environmental product research, but the production of technology requires a process, and the country's air conditioners, purifiers and other products have not improved much.In the midst of this painstaking research, the Academy of Sciences announced two technologies.As soon as they saw the technology, many technology companies immediately contacted the farm.

Now Fengshan Farm is a national key research base, and the confidentiality work is strict. Many enterprises cannot be contacted, so they can only make reports through the Science and Technology Bureau, and then there is the current scene.

Ten minutes later, the farm received the fax.In addition to the request for cooperation, the technology company also hopes to visit the farm laboratory for further technology learning.

"What do you think?" Liu Wensheng asked after reading the fax.

"If we cooperate with various technology companies, the company is responsible for product design and assembly, and the farm specializes in the production of chips, which can increase the daily efficiency to 500 million pieces."


Everyone analyzed it carefully.

If three years ago, everyone would definitely worry about leaking farm secrets.It's just that with research in recent years, they know the complexity of farm technology.Let alone the visits of technology companies, even if foreign teams get the chip data, without the support of the laboratory, these teams will not be able to crack it at all.

"I know." Liu Wensheng nodded after listening.

The science and technology industry is one of the important industries in the country. However, due to the economic crisis in recent years, the residents have all lived with their pockets covered.Like some new mobile phones, new headphones are not a must-have for residents.In the past three years, 30% of small and medium technology companies have gone bankrupt.Nowadays, technology companies are affected by the environment. Except for Dongshan and Fengmai with strong financial strength, some foundry companies are surviving in the cracks.

Necessary technology demonstrations can empower technology companies.

The focus of the farm is not unique to technology, but to solve the crisis after acid rain with farm technology as the core.

Farms are like the heart of technology, and national enterprises are the blood of the country. Only when the blood keeps flowing can the whole country recover from the acid rain crisis...

The farm made a decision and replied directly to the Science and Technology Bureau.

After discussions between the two sides, there are 120 companies on the confirmed visit list.In addition to technology companies, it also includes seed companies and fertilizer companies that have submitted applications before...Visitors will conduct professional-level reviews, and the visit time is scheduled for May No. 20, which is three days away from now.

In the next three days, the farm planned for the latest tasks, and 120 companies were excited when they heard the farm's reply!


"Mr. Zhou, I have worked in the company for 27 years and would like to apply for this visit."

"I have participated in the excellent management selection before, and I must meet the requirements of the visit..."



On May [-]th, at the high-level meeting of Dongshan Company, all shareholders and middle-level leaders ignored the previous spirit of moderation and recommended themselves one after another.

Two years ago, Longxia Academy of Sciences developed aseptic storage technology, and many technology companies wanted to conduct technical exchanges.At that time, the Longxia Science and Technology Bureau had not merged with the Fengshan Base, and everyone thought that the aseptic technology was developed by other bases.It was not until the global seeds were constantly updated that everyone realized the influence of Fengshan technology, but at this time Fengshan base became a national key base.Everyone wants to cooperate and communicate... It's completely unqualified.

Dongshan Technology has been depressed for two years, and also annoyed for two years.In this extremely depressed, Long Xia announced two techniques.

Dongshan Technology is a technology-based enterprise. Although everyone does not understand biological research, they understand modern technology.The current global average temperature is 35 degrees. Since the country’s temperature rose last year, Dongshan has devoted itself to the research of portable refrigeration equipment. These equipment cannot achieve both practicality and portability, and the project progress is zero.

If Dongshan's portable refrigeration station is on the first floor, then the Longfeng cold storage machine is on the seventh floor.Longfeng not only has the seventh floor of the cold storage machine, but also the air purifier.

After seeing the two studies, the various experimental bases in Dongshan couldn't sit still.

Two days ago, Dongshan and other companies submitted an application to the Science and Technology Bureau. Although everyone applied, they did not expect that Fengshan Base would agree so quickly.According to the reply from the base, each enterprise can send three people to visit.For the safety of the base, the three personnel need to pass the audit of the base, and mobile phones and radios and other electronic equipment are not allowed to enter the base. During this visit, a reporter from Longxiatai will conduct interviews.

Not being able to carry mobile phones and radios is a trivial matter. Let alone Fengshan Farm, even Dongshan Laboratory is not allowed to carry these communication devices.The most important thing now is not the mobile phone radio, but how the three personnel arrange...

"Mr. Zhou, this is the list of suggested personnel for our team."

"Our project team..."


This time it was a meeting of 300 people from the shareholders and above the middle level. Due to the mystery of the farm, everyone was very motivated to recommend it.

"Would you like to recommend yourself?" During this serious recommendation, a thin young man moved the man next to him at the end of the conference room and said.

The man was taking notes from the meeting, and it was a little funny when he heard the words: "There are only three candidates, why should I join in the fun."

"You are a tenth-level engineer in our company. If you are selected according to your skills, whoever you don't want to go." The skinny young man didn't care.

The man was a little moved.

The man's name is Gao Dong. He graduated from Jinghe University with a Ph.D. He has been in the R&D department of Dongshan Company since graduation.Gao Dong has strong professional ability, and he developed the most mainstream mobile phone program on the market.

Now there are too many high-level applicants, Dongshan leaders let those who want to go recommend themselves, and then discuss in the discussion group.

Gao Dong thought for a while, and wrote his name on the note.Reasons for visiting: Dongshan tenth-level engineer can learn the knowledge of Fengshan base more patiently.

Half an hour later, the staff collected the note.There were 320 seven people present, 310 five people wanted to visit, and the remaining 12 people were unable to coordinate the time due to the project at hand...

At twelve noon, the meeting adjourned.

"Tell me, when will we announce the results?" At [-]:[-], Gao Dong asked the young man in front of him while eating.

He never thought he would be selected before, but after signing up, he was very worried that he would not be selected...

"Number 20 visit, plus the review at the base, I estimate that the results will be available tomorrow morning at the latest."

Said the thin young man.The young man is an eighth-level engineer in Dongshan. Although his skills are not as strong as Gao Dong's, he still fantasizes about smashing the world, and directly puts himself in the trio list.

At [-]:[-], the two returned to the office after eating.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the manager's secretary came to Gao Dong's work station.After the two sides talked for half an hour, Gao Dong returned to his work station.

"What are you looking for?" the skinny young man asked gossipingly.

Gao Dong shook his head for a moment: "Just now the manager issued a notice."

"What notice?"

"I'm on the farm visit list."

The result of this visit was faster than expected. In addition to notifying the result, the secretary of the manager just now patiently asked him about the school he graduated from, whether the family members are behaving normally, and whether there are any bad social relationships...

The manager's secretary asked more formal questions than the original interview. He answered them one by one, and finally the secretary announced: He will pack his luggage tonight, and he will go to Jinghe Airport with the other two people after get off work tomorrow, and then transfer to Ganzhou. The personnel led the team to the base.

"Who are the remaining two people?" The skinny young man asked gossipingly.

"President Zhou, Li Gong." Gao Dong said.

Mr. Zhou's name is Zhou Changsheng, and he is the general manager of Dongshan Company. For the company's future decision-making, he must visit the farm.Li Gong, like him, is another tenth-level engineer of the company.

"Our company is working hard to learn the technology." The thin young man said tut-tsk.

He originally thought that Zhou would always bring a person from the public relations department, but now he brings two technicians... He is more determined to learn than he imagined.

Dongshan Company is a well-known efficient company. The next night, Gao Dong and the other two went to Jinghe Airport.At this time, the [Jinghe-Gan Province] terminal was full of people, except for normal passengers, half of them went to the base.

Everyone's faces were ruddy, and they were full of expectations for the most mysterious scientific research base in the country.

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