"What is a portable ice storage machine?"

"A refrigerator the size of a pendant?"

"It feels like half a glass of water can't hold it. How can I make ice?"


Looking at the ice storage machine and the air purifier at this moment, not only Liu Xiaoyuan, but even other netizens couldn't understand it.

The ice storage machine, also known as the ice machine, generally uses air-cooled refrigeration to make ice cubes of uniform size from tap water in barrels.It is mainly used in coffee shops, milk tea shops, hotels and other beverage places.The ice machines on the market are generally 15-50KG. Now the "pendant size" described by Longxia Science and Technology Institute... Netizens have imagined it, but they can't imagine it at all.

After reading the description of the ice storage machine, everyone looked at the air purifier.

The air purifier mainly uses adsorption technology, positive and negative ion technology to clean the air, and the weight of a single unit is between 10KG-50KG. Since the sandstorm in March, the air purifier has been ranked in the TOP.3 of the national electrical appliance sales.Everyone is very familiar with air purifiers. The 0.15KG described by Longxia Academy of Sciences is also unimaginable.

"Is this a concept product or real research?"

"The news clearly stated, 'On May [-]th, Longxia Science and Technology Institute researched it'."

"Is there any relevant personnel, please explain!"


The air quality in the world is poor now, and everyone goes out like a stove.You can add some clothes when it is cold, but the national average temperature is 35 degrees, and the air-conditioned house and the outside have become two worlds.

Now the 'ice storage machine' and 'purifier' have been successfully developed.Although everyone didn't know the specific products, but relying on the name of "Longxia Science and Technology Institute", everyone was full of expectations for the two devices.

On the morning of May [-], Longxia Science and Technology Institute announced the latest data of two studies through Longxia Daily.

The so-called portable ice storage machine relies on technological means to store tap water in ice storage equipment in advance.The equipment has sixty options from -10° to 50°.Users can set the surface temperature of the device through the mobile phone APP. Because the core of the product is constant temperature technology, the product can be produced into pendants, bracelets, belts, and windbreakers in various appearances.

In short, if the pendant is set to -10°, then it is a -10° pendant, and the pendant can be used as an ice cube.Set at 45°, it's a little warmer.

"Is this an ice cube that is not afraid of melting?"

"I also want a coat with automatic temperature in my dream. It would be even better if it is more beautiful!"

"It's so hot, I want to hang ice storage machines on my hands, waist, and neck."


Netizens imagined the scene of the ice storage machine hanging on the body.Everyone was excited for a while and looked at the air purifier.

The Longfeng air purifier is the size of a mask with a spherical air filter on it.During wearing time, the mask will automatically filter dust, heavy metals, formaldehyde, bacteria and other air pollutants, allowing users to breathe 90% clean air.

"This is good!"

Netizens read the air purifier three times.

With the disappearance of vegetation and the raging acid rain, the global environmental pollution is now serious, and the third-level pollution has already belonged to the city's light pollution.In late April, Aqua Blue United released a global air report. Although countries are currently trying to grow food plants, these greenings have minimal impact on the global air.

Air pollution can cause stinging eyes, skin infections, breathing problems and many other ailments.At present, everyone wears sunscreen and masks when going out, and some cautious residents even carry oxygen bottles with them.

Air pollution is related to survival. Although air purifiers cannot change the pollution problem, they are more effective than ordinary masks, and everyone will have more confidence when going out.

"When will it be listed?"

"Can I book in advance?"

"Which platform will it launch on?"


Netizens asked all kinds of questions, but at the end of the day, they realized the most critical point: How much are these two products?

"It feels like more than ten thousand."

"[-] for the ice storage machine, [-] for the purifier, and a family of five... Oh my god!"

"It shouldn't be so expensive, but seven thousand is definitely available."


Netizens guessed as few places as possible, although [-] sounds acceptable.But based on the calculation of the most common family of three, at least six pieces of equipment are needed.One piece is seven thousand, and these six pieces are forty-two thousand...

"Our whole family's income for a year."

"In the past two years of economic crisis, I haven't saved much money at all."

"Hate myself for being so poor!"


Both the ice storage machine and the purification machine are related to survival. Everyone feels uncomfortable after finishing the cost.

More and more netizens are concerned about the price. At [-] o'clock at noon, the two topics of [ice storage machine price] [purifier price] are on the tail of the hot search.


"Is this a technology factory?"

"should be."


While netizens were concerned about the prices of the two, Fengshan Farm, Qin Yun and the farm researcher stood in front of a huge black and silver building.This is a huge factory covering an area of ​​[-] acres. The factory is black and silver. Outside the door is a giant coded door with a width of ten meters. There is a technology signboard on the door: [Huge Technology Factory]

"The name is very individual." Liu Wensheng teased with a smile, then turned to Sun Yiping: "The technology team has done a great job."

Sun Yiping smiled from ear to ear: "It's all luck."

In late February, since the acquisition of the virtual laboratory, the scientific and technological team began to work overtime on scientific and technological research.

Now that the global pollution is serious, the main direction of the laboratory is air quality and temperature regulation.After nearly three years of data accumulation, yesterday morning, the science and technology group developed [ice storage machine] and [purifier].As soon as the research is successful, the system refreshes: "Congratulations to the host for obtaining the technological sound achievement, achievement reward: a huge technological factory."

【Huge Technology Factory】: Multifunctional electronics factory, built with honor by DH36 Planet. (intermediate building)

The huge technology factory was a surprise. After everyone researched it, they directly reported it to the Longxia team.The science and technology factory covers an area of ​​[-] mu. Due to the large area, the Longxia team finally selected three areas after professional analysis.The farm staff studied carefully, and finally chose the east side of the virtual laboratory, and then there was the current scene.

Everyone walked into the factory.Inside the technology factory is a huge technology production line. The process on the production line is complicated. Everyone standing in the middle of the production line feels like they are standing in a huge mechanical maze.

Everyone walked around the factory, and then learned that the main function of the high-tech factory is the large-scale production of farm products.

For example [Longfeng ice storage machine].The farm needs to prepare the product materials for the [ice storage machine], and then set the scale and quantity on the LCD screen.The technology factory will automatically adjust the production process, because it is a fully automatic adjustment of production, and the production efficiency is seven to ten times that of the outside world.

"Can it be copied?" Liu Wensheng's first thought was not to produce products, but to learn the factory structure and apply it to modern enterprise production.

"I haven't studied it yet, so there should be gains..."

Sun Yiping thought for a while.Three years ago, he would have been amazed at the factory in front of him, but in the past three years, the farm wheat machine, harvester, irrigation machine...these are all disassembled by the technology team.

The first time he entered the technology factory, he thought about the principles of these equipment rooms.After pondering, he found that he was no longer confused as before, but had a certain idea, which was the accumulation of three years of knowledge.

"Study well!" Liu Wensheng encouraged.

"Yes." Sun Yiping was full of enthusiasm.

"It's so sour..." Xiang Qingchuan looked at Sun Yiping sourly.Three months ago, when the science and technology team had just obtained the virtual laboratory, his eyes were bubbling.Unexpectedly, the mood has just calmed down now, and another technology factory has come...

Sour, so sour!

"You all have rewards for wishing, and the big guy is too sour." Sun Yiping directly turned back.

The wishing pool reward is an autonomous reward, and its main process is: farm selection reward—system review—issue task—mission reward for successful task.

The wishing pool is an annual renewal task. The farm considered soil type rewards before, but the soil type did not conform to the system rules. After dozens of project teams competed, the reward direction was prepared for the biological group.Its specific rewards are still under further study.

After Sun Yiping finished speaking, Xiang Qingchuan felt at ease.

Now that there is a technology factory, the next step is to experiment.

Everyone walked around the technology factory, and Qin Yun started the factory.

The inside of the factory starts to work like a mechanical clock.

While everyone was observing the factory, Qin Yun suddenly froze. At this time, the task was refreshed——

Host name: Qin Yun.

Current task: sell 5000W Longfeng ice storage machine and 5000W Longfeng purification machine.

Mission Reward: Random Lab.


When seeing the system task for the first time, everyone instantly remembered the sale of wheat two years ago.

With Long Xia's current influence, is the task difficult?

Not difficult at all.

This is a leak-picking task, the task is simple, the key is production and pricing.

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