"Have you arrived yet?"

"It should be soon."


At [-]:[-] a.m. on May [-]th, Zate crouched nervously at the gate of the grain station with a sack in his hand.

Zate is a resident of Ruiwei Town, and he opened a pancake shop in the suburb of Ruiwei before. Last year, during the locust crisis, the pancake shop had no raw materials, so he could only reluctantly close the pancake shop.Later, the locust fertilizer was developed, and Longxia signed biological locust import contracts with various countries.

Mali encourages the breeding of locusts across the country. After discussing with several relatives, he finally opened a locust farm.Now the breeding factory brings in a monthly profit of 30 Mali, which is equivalent to [-] Longxia Yuan. Although the money is not too much, it is enough for the whole family to live a good life.

On May 31st, Long Xia announced the list of off-site seeds for sale.From May 300st to December 30st, Longxia will accumulatively sell 30 million tons of off-site seeds to the world.Among them, the Mali government won 30 tons. 1 tons is not a lot to hear, but one mu of land needs five catties of seeds, and [-] tons can be used to plant [-] million mu of land.

Since Mali announced the foreign seed import plan, people all over the country have paid attention to foreign seeds.According to the government's announcement, Mali intends to use 30% of the seeds for enterprise planting, and the remaining 70% to be sold to residents with land, and the sales amount is calculated according to the land area.

Zate's family has ten acres of land and can buy fifty catties of seeds.The afternoon before yesterday, the Grain Station issued an announcement that the first batch of off-site seeds would be officially sold on May [-]th.As soon as he got the news, he came to the gate of the grain station to stop.

Now the Ruiwei Grain Station is crowded with people, and everyone is a nearby farmer.

"Zat!" While waiting patiently, a tall man called out.

"Sutton." Zat greeted.

Sutton, 33, used to be an employee of a garage that closed down last year.Now he can only go to the dock to find some casual work, his weight has dropped from 190 catties to 130 catties, and his appearance is ten years older than two years ago.

The two chatted for a while, and Sutton asked, "The feed factory is fine?"


"That's great." Sudun looked at Zat enviously.

"What are your plans?" Zate asked.

"My family has [-] acres of land. After planting this year, we will see if we can build a grain and oil factory by the end of the year." Su Dun said with mixed feelings: "Long Xia is doing well."

In this global crisis, Long Xia first sold grain, then bought locusts, and sold seeds from other places... Su Dun didn't care about the international situation, but he also knew that without Long Xia, he would have starved to death two years ago.

"It's pretty good." Zat was silent.

He remembered that when he opened a pancake shop the year before last, he cheated a Longxia tourist of [-] Mali. This matter is in the past, but now that he thinks about it, although it is not troublesome, he is often annoyed.

"Open the door!"



At [-]:[-], the gate of the grain station opened.The surrounding villagers flocked in.Zat didn't care about other things, and squeezed forward with Suton.

At ten twenty, Zate came out with fifty catties of seeds.He didn't go home, and rode directly to the crop field.

"Zat!" At this time, the wife was digging the fields with the children.

"The seeds are here." Zat took the seeds off the car.


"Uncle Seid!"

With Zat's actions, more and more villagers came back after buying seeds.

Mali used to be one of the largest rice exporting countries in the country, and rice was the most indispensable thing in the whole country.But from 3028 to now, this crop land has been deserted for two years. At this time, touching the familiar rice seeds, everyone feels at ease like never before.


"Spread the fertilizer evenly, and don't care about the cost of fertilizer."

On May [-]th, at the same time as the equatorial country was sowing seeds from other places, Wang Shuoyang seriously sowed fertilizers in the litchi garden in Yangyang, Zhao's hometown in Yu Province.

Zhao's hometown is the largest litchi planting base in the country, with a total of more than 300 litchi orchards. In February 3028, Longxia issued a policy of rushing to harvest economic crops. Half of the bases in Zhao's hometown supported the policy, and the other half were lucky enough to not act.

There are [-] lychee trees in the Yangyang Lychee Garden. At that time, there was still a month before the lychees matured. The family didn't want to pick them at first, but driven by the local policy, they picked them anyway.The lychees in Yangyang had just been picked, and there was heavy rain in Longnan, and all the lychees in Zhao's hometown died all at once.Due to the timely rescue of Yangyang litchi, the loss was relatively small.

In the next two years, Yangyang Lizhi followed the country to grow vegetables, grass and wheat.Although Yangyang Lychee didn't make any money, it could support a family and survive the global crisis.

Yangyang litchi covers an area of ​​[-] mu, and the sweet potatoes were planted last year.Now that the new wave of sweet potatoes has just been harvested, when Yangyang Lizhi plans to plant sweet potatoes or switch to watermelons, news of improved fertilizers is released.As soon as they saw the news, the whole family made a unanimous decision: plant lychees!

During this period, Yangyang Litchi No Acid Rain Planting Base ordered [-] litchi saplings.The acid rain-free planting base is a high-tech planting greenhouse established by a technology company on the land without acid rain. Various economic crops are planted in the greenhouse. To prevent the infiltration of acid rain and acid soil, the cost of planting is extremely high.

The current market price of lychees is two hundred and twenty-one catties. Because 90% of the lychees are dead, these lychees are priceless.

Suffering from daring and starving to death from cowardice, Wang Shuoyang decided to use improved fertilizers to improve the land after market research, and then transplanted lychee trees. The entire project is expected to be put into production of 2000 million.

Now the improved fertilizer is on the market across the country, and Yangyang Litchi has ordered five tons in advance, and the litchi garden is currently fertilizing the soil.According to the instructions of the improved fertilizer, fertilize according to a certain proportion first, and it can be used normally after a week.

"Everyone, drink water first, and be careful of heatstroke." Wang Shuoyang walked around the base and said.Now at 42 o'clock in the afternoon, the highest temperature in Zhao's hometown is 30 degrees. In order to better complete the fertilization work, the litchi garden has hired more than [-] fertilization workers.

"It's okay." The worker wiped his sweat.

Now that the global greenhouse effect is increasing rapidly, the minimum daytime temperature in Yu Province has never been lower than 35 since May [-]st.This month, ten people in Zhao's hometown alone have been hospitalized for heatstroke.

Although the workers said they were fine, the sun was too hot. After being busy for a while, they all went to the fields to get ice water to relieve the heat.The ice water is frozen in advance, and then put in a foam box and covered with a quilt.The ice water has melted a little bit, but putting it on the forehead is a very convenient artifact to relieve the heat.

The workers sat on the edge of the field to relieve the heat, feeling unprecedentedly comfortable.In this rare leisure, the roar of tractors came from a distance.

Wang Shuoyang squinted his eyes and saw that this was his father Wang Qinghai driving a tractor.The tractor is the latest Changfeng tractor, with a 1X2 truck body behind it. At this time, a 'small hill' covered with a quilt is stacked on the truck body.

Three minutes later, the tractor stopped, and Wang Shuoyang came over and asked, "Where did you go?"

Wang Qinghai went out at [-] o'clock in the morning to fertilize today, and there was no one around the whole day.

Wang Qinghai got off the front seat, then lifted the quilt on the tractor: "I bought these."

At the moment when the cotton was lifted, not only Wang Shuoyang, but also other workers were a little stunned.Below the quilt is a green hill, on which there are more than 50 large watermelons. These watermelons have thin and round skins, and the green patterns on them are like the most beautiful musical notes.

Wang Shuoyang was the first to react: "Have you bought watermelon?"

"Taihe's watermelon is ripe." Wang Qinghai said.Taihe Plantation is the watermelon base in Lin County, and he knows the owner of the other party.

"How much?" Wang Shuoyang asked.

"Seven yuan a catty."

This is the first batch of watermelons in Zhao's hometown. Seven yuan a catty is not cheap, but it is completely acceptable.

After Wang Qinghai finished speaking, he took out a long board watermelon knife from the tractor, cut it into pieces, and greeted the workers very skillfully: "Everyone, take a break first, and come here to relieve the heat."

"No!" The workers quickly refused.They heard clearly just now that these watermelons are seven yuan a catty, and they ate at least a dozen yuan for one piece.

"If there is anything you don't need, I just bought it for you!" Wang Qinghai handed it over involuntarily.After a while, the workers each had a piece of watermelon.

"Let's eat first, and then each person will take a watermelon." Wang Qinghai continued.

Workers feel more motivated.

Five minutes later, Wang Shuoyang handed a piece of watermelon to Wang Qinghai while biting into it: "You eat a piece."

Wang Qinghai patted his stomach: "I ate half of a watermelon just now, and I can't eat any more."

Taihe Watermelon Field is the largest watermelon base in the vicinity. When he went there just now, the third and outer floors of the base were all watermelon purchasers. Looking at the watermelon base, he instantly remembered the old litchi garden.

Although Wang Qinghai said he couldn't eat any more, he still took a piece from the board.

These are sand-sweet varieties, which are not only sweet and juicy in the stomach, but also have a sandy taste. Not to mention the taste and taste now, even three years ago, it beat most watermelons on the market.

Wang Qinghai ate two yuan in a row, and when he couldn't eat any more, he looked at the workers beside him: "Is it delicious?"

"Delicious!" The workers all gave a thumbs up.

Wang Qinghai chatted with the workers for a while, and was about to go to the field to see the progress of the fertilizer.I saw a worker in his seventies staring at the watermelon with red eyes in a daze.

"Uncle Zhou, isn't it delicious?" Wang Qinghai asked.

The workers are relatives of a family in this village, and they are also the oldest workers.

After Wang Qinghai asked, the worker quickly rubbed his eyes: "It's delicious, but I didn't expect to be able to eat watermelon."

After the global acid rain, there are also watermelons on the market, but the price of watermelons is 81 catties, and he will definitely not buy such expensive ones.He is 73, and half of his body has been buried in the ground. He never thought that he would still have the opportunity to eat watermelon.But today I really ate it...

"What's the matter, when the lychees are ripe next year, I'll send you some watermelon and bring two big baskets of lychees!" Wang Qinghai didn't want to make it too sensational, but just patted his chest as a promise.

"Good!" The worker scratched his head gratefully.

In the next five hours, the workers fertilized the land very patiently without Wang Shuoyang's reminder.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the work in the litchi orchard was completed, and each worker left in a burst of excitement with a big watermelon in their hands.

The evening breeze was a bit cool, Wang Shuoyang and Wang Qinghai looked at their lychee fields.Now that the improved fertilizer has been sown successfully, all that remains is to wait for the land inspection a week later.

"Wooooow, the watermelon field at home is ripe!"

"Finally got watermelon!"

"Coordinate Longnandong District, I've already eaten it, nine yuan and fifty one catty."

"It's 11 yuan here, and I haven't eaten watermelon for a year!"


The weather is hot now, and while Wang Shuoyang is counting the days of fertilizer, watermelons across the country are ripening one after another.

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