"Longfeng No. [-]?" Now at three o'clock in the afternoon, everyone looked at the seeds from other places.

According to the detailed introduction, the foreign seed in the mission is Longfeng No. [-].Although one billion mu sounds exaggerated, it is a small task in the current global environment!

After Liu Wensheng finished watching, he directly reported to the Longxia team.

"I've finally made progress." At this time, everyone in the laboratory looked at the improved fertilizer and the latest task, and felt that they had finally breathed a sigh of relief after nearly half a month of holding back.

Over the next two days, the farm will focus on improved fertilizers and off-site seed programs.


While studying seriously on the farm, Sun Fengxia walked out of the pharmacy with a depressed face.As soon as she went out, two middle-aged women with backpacks asked, "Is there any?"

Sun Fengxia shook her head: "No."

Sun Fengxia, 57 years old, is a member of the Longbei Lishu Dance Team.Since the meat crisis last year, the Lishu dance team established a dance gang.The gang group mainly helps the government to do some voluntary work, which can not only enrich the retirement life, but also have a certain meaning of life.

Now the drug crisis, last Sunday, the help group received a single old man asking for help: the old man has inconvenient legs and feet, and hopes that the dance troupe can help buy some blood pressure lowering drugs.The single old man provided the name and tracking number of the drug, and the dance group agreed that it was a commonly used drug on the market.

Lishu City is a small fourth-tier city with [-] pharmacies. Everyone thought it was an ordinary shopping agent, but after running around the streets and alleys of the city, they found that none of the pharmacies sold them!

After Sun Fengxia finished speaking, a member of the dance team said, "I have some blood pressure medicine at home, why don't you send it there first?"

Sun Fengxia waved her hand: "You also have high blood pressure, what if something happens?"

The average age of the dance team is 58, and everyone has lumbar muscle strain and high blood pressure.This time, everyone is rushing to find medicine. Besides helping the elderly, they are also worried that they will die in the house due to lack of medicine in two years.

Everyone chatted for a while, and a middle-aged man said: "Let's go back to rest first, and then go to the Third Hospital in the afternoon."

Now small hospitals are short of medicines. Although large hospitals have some medicines in reserve, large hospitals are complicated to coordinate and dispatch goods, and some medicines need to wait for a while.

Half an hour later, Sun Fengxia came to a hamburger restaurant.

"Mom!" Xu Jiaojiao greeted Sun Fengxia when she was frying chicken chops.

"You explode first." Sun Fengxia signaled Xu Jiaojiao to leave her alone.

Xu Jiaojiao's hamburger restaurant is located on Lishu Road South Road, next to two middle schools and an elementary school. Last year, the meat crisis made it difficult to operate. However, since the national meat market recovered, the hamburger restaurant's business has become more and more prosperous.

Seeing that Xu Jiaojiao was busy from five o'clock to seven o'clock, Sun Fengxia fried a bag of French fries for her after school.

"Try the secret honey flavor newly developed by the headquarters!"

Sun Fengxia took a bite: "It's delicious."

The two of you ate half a bag, Xu Jiaojiao asked, "Have you bought the medicine yet?"

"No." Sun Fengxia talked about the progress, and then said: "I won't be able to do it in two years, you don't have to make such a fuss..."

"What are you talking about?" Xu Jiaojiao immediately interrupted.

In fact, the sudden shortage of medicines in the world this time, in addition to the impact of sandstorms, is more uncertain about the future.For example, even though she is 27 this year, she followed suit and stocked up a batch of cold medicine and liver protection tablets.These medicines may not be used until the expiration date, but they are just stockpiled for peace of mind.

During this long sigh, Xu Jiaojiao's phone vibrated twice.

Residential Owners Group——

"Drug prices have risen, hoarding medicine is worse than hoarding health! Fenghuang Community is planning to organize a morning jogging exercise group, has anyone signed up for it?"

"Sign up!"

"Sign up 1."

"Going to work in the morning, is there an evening exercise group?"

"I know Pilates, and I can take everyone to practice at night, but I need to find a quieter square."


Now at dinner time, the owners of the community are chatting about the community's fitness plan. There are 3000 homeowners, and 300 people will sign up soon.

Xu Jiaojiao looked at it carefully for a while, and found two familiar IDs: @健身挑战. @A pear tree high-end second-hand car.

At this time @健考挑战@A梨树 high-end second-hand cars have signed up for the morning running team one after another.Seeing the IDs of the two, Xu Jiaojiao was instantly amused.

Dare to challenge is a fitness expert, who is used to sharing fitness skills in the group, and has the habit of running in the morning every day.Lishu high-end second-hand cars often post some second-hand car information in the group.

One day in the summer of 3026, when Dare to Challenge was updating fitness knowledge in a group, a high-end second-hand car taunted that "running at six o'clock in the morning is stupid X", "a body of tendons is useless" and so on.High-end second-hand cars are just a mouthful, but they have the courage to challenge their temper, and the two directly fought in the owner group.Then they made an appointment to fight offline, and many enthusiastic owners called the police because they pinched too hard.

In the end, the two were tortured away by the police just as they were about to fight. Afterwards, they were checked in the police station.Also because of this incident, dare to challenge and high-end second-hand cars are the influential figures in the owner group.

This time, not only used cars signed up for the morning running team, but the owners of the used station team also signed up secretly.Now that there is a global shortage of medicines, fitness and health are the most cost-effective health medicines.

Xu Jiaojiao looked at it for a while, then opened Longxia News.

"【Twenty kinds of fitness tips for the office】."

"[You don't need to buy medicine if you learn these things well, Mr. Hao will teach you some tips for keeping healthy in summer]."

"[Exercise, save money for colds all year round]..."


Now three of the top ten are related to exercise and fitness.Everyone should stock up on medicines, and those who don’t stock up on medicines should take care of their bodies.In short, through this increase in drug prices, countless netizens are very emotional: It’s great to be healthy!

Xu Jiaojiao was about to continue browsing when two middle school students entered the door.

"Boss, do you have fried chicken tenders?"


Xu Jiaojiao hastily put down her phone.This busy work lasted until nine o'clock in the evening, and at nine thirty, the two left.

Xu Jiaojiao was about to ride a bicycle when Sun Fengxia suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Xu Jiaojiao was curious.

"The country has released news..." Sun Fengxia stared blankly at the phone screen.

Xu Jiaojiao turned on the phone.

"Longxia Academy of Sciences has developed an acid soil improvement fertilizer. The land with the improved fertilizer can grow edible plants, and the maximum fertility can reach three years..."

"Longxia plans to build a 5000 million mu medicinal material base in Longnan and southern Sichuan. It is expected to alleviate the national shortage of basic medicines in October 3030, and solve the shortage of basic supplies in Longxia in May 10."

"Longxia has signed off-site seed sales contracts with 23 equatorial countries including Mali, Cyborra, and Alashan. The first batch of seeds will be officially shipped on May [-]."


Every hot list here is a Wang Zha, and now the three hot lists are gathered together... Wang Zha PLUS!

"Improve fertilizer for acid rain! Do you want to plant whatever you want in the future?"

"Cherry Banana Dragon Fruit...I really want to eat cheap fruits now!"

"Wooooow, I want to buy fertilizer, and the zucchini on the balcony want to grow."


The moment they saw the improved fertilizer, netizens across the country were blown up.

In August last year, Long Xia developed locust fertilizer, which made the country more colorful with flowers, and now he has developed an improved fertilizer for edible plants... This will directly restore the national ecology to the pre-disaster level.

Netizens carefully looked at the details of the improved fertilizer.

The estimated cost of improved fertilizer is 800 yuan/mu, and it needs to be applied once every three years.

The improved fertilizer is no different from normal soil except that it is fertilized every three years.Before the Halma acid rain, the soil was everywhere and worthless. Now that the land is about to recover, everyone immediately remembered the excitement that Longfeng-[-] just researched.

"Don't we need to stock up on medicine?" Everyone was excited for a while, and turned their attention to the second hot list.

According to the announcement of Longxia Health Bureau, Longxia intends to build a 5000 million mu medicinal material production base. This base can not only solve the employment problem of most of the medicinal farmers, but also sell some of the surplus to foreign countries.According to predictions, the medicinal material base is expected to bring nearly [-] billion in revenue to the local area. In addition, Longxia will increase the research and development of other biological drugs regardless of the cost.

"A pair of three hits a pair of A..." Some netizens had mixed feelings.

Although everyone often complains about the rise in drug prices during this period, we also know that the world is facing a considerable shortage of drugs.Long Xia has a box of Ganmao Ling 75, but in foreign countries, there are quite a few countries that do not have Ganmao Ling.

Now that the research on improved fertilizers has been successful, although they have not yet been applied in practice, everyone already has a premonition that some plant medicines are no longer in short supply...

"That's great!" Xu Jiaojiao was not sick or disaster, but she felt a kind of sincere pride thinking that the soil of the whole country might recover.

"Sister Sun, are you awake?" The next morning, Sun Fengxia just woke up when she received a call from the dance troupe.

"Just woke up." Sun Fengxia brushed her teeth.

"Hurry up and clean up, the blood pressure medicine has been found!"

"Has the third hospital bought?"

"It's not the third hospital, it's Jinhe Pharmacy."


Sun Fengxia was a little confused.

An hour later, Sun Fengxia and members of the dance team came to Jinhe Pharmacy.At this time, there were a lot of people outside the big pharmacy, and many people lined up to buy medicine.

In addition to the needs of some patients in this drug shortage, 60% of second-hand dealers are hoarding their goods.

Everyone originally wanted to stock up for a few months and then go up again, but now that the state has promulgated improved fertilizers, some animal extracts will not be affected for the time being, but the price of plant extracts has fallen off a cliff.The previous hoarders acted on the wind, and in this way, 70% of the country's medicines began to cut prices...

"These grandsons!" Sun Fengxia cursed very rarely.

Jinhe Pharmacy had no medicine yesterday, but there was medicine as soon as the news came out last night. This is obviously tricky.

Just after Sun Fengxia finished scolding, a member of the dance team said mysteriously: "Don't scold, these profiteers won't be around for a few days."

Sun Fengxia was puzzled.

"My nephew is not from the Food and Drug Administration..."

Half an hour later, Sun Fengxia understood what had happened.In short, since the release of the "Measures for the Administration of Drugs", the state has strictly controlled drug prices in the market.However, some distributors hoard goods badly and disrupt the market order. These distributors are testing on the edge of the law.Although the Longxia government has been busy improving fertilizers during this period, it also pays attention to market dynamics.

Now that the national drug market is almost stable, it's time for Long Xia to strike hard.

"Yes!" Sun Fengxia felt unprecedented comfort.


"Exotic seeds."

"Finally sold..."


China is paying attention to improved fertilizers, while foreign countries are keeping off-site seeds.Now that off-site seeds are on sale, they can finally grow their own crops!

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