The upper limit of the farm land is 2000 mu. After Qin Yun made a new choice, he purchased: 200 mu of land.He put 200 land close to the previous farmland. After this operation, the system now has 9W points.

"Hope this wheat is useful..."

Liu Wensheng looked at the wheat field with emotion.The quality and plumpness of the wheat in the system is beyond Longxia's planting, and it is only the foundation of the food planting relationship with the residents.Adhering to the idea of ​​bold assumptions and careful verification, the country did not put grain on the market.Instead, the Longxia scientific research team must study carefully to ensure that the food is edible, and it can be eaten before it is put on the dining table of the common people.

The six stayed at the farm for a while before returning to their room.Fengshan is located in the northwest of Longxia, and the temperature varies greatly throughout the year. Now in late October, everyone is wearing cotton shoes and cotton trousers. Qin Yun went back to his room and lit the stove, and then opened the system interface.

Host name: Qin Yun.

Current Position: Bad Architecture.

Building Rating: 0 stars.

DEBUFF: Cold +20%.

System upgrade: 1000W.


The full score of the building is five stars, and it needs 0W points to go from 1 star to 1000 star.Qin Yun didn't care about it at first, but the weather is getting colder and colder. With the existing heat preservation measures on the farm, it is impossible to survive the winter.He discussed with Liu Wensheng in the afternoon, earning points, buying a house and upgrading it is also on the itinerary...

Qin Yun roasted the stove for a while, then turned on the satellite TV.

The TV news is full of recent interviews with world leaders.Qin Yun looked at it for a while, then looked at the desktop calendar.Today, October 29, is three months away from Storm Halma.Now the farm planting is on the right track, and Long Xia has also received a Harma storm warning.Even if there is a food crisis, Long Xia should have the ability to protect himself...


While Qin Yun was thinking seriously, the Longxia Agricultural Research Institute was brightly lit.

"Academician Song, this is the analysis report sent by Academician Zhou." In Room 306, the glasses assistant handed over the latest report.

"Put it on the table first." Song Yueshan was observing the wheat composition in the microscope.

Time passed bit by bit, and when Song Yueshan found that his shoulders were a little stiff, he turned his arms and said, "When people get old, their bones are failing."

"You are tougher than my grandfather." The glasses assistant said while handing over the prepared hot water.

There are 78 people in the Longxia Agricultural Research Group. In the past two months, everyone has worked overtime and stayed in the research institute. It is even more common to stay up all night like today.Song Yueshan took a sip of hot water and took the document: "Fengshan Wheat Composition Report [23]".

Wheat is one of the three major grains in the world, with 70% starch, 10% protein and 2% dietary fiber.The three farm data are 62%, 17%, and 5% respectively.This is the No.20 third report of this month. Farm wheat is more in line with the dietary needs of the human body than other wheat.

Song Yueshan finished drinking the hot water: "Have Professor Li and Professor Wang arrived yet?"

"Already in the meeting room."

After Song Yueshan changed his clothes, he went to the research meeting room with his assistant.

Professor Li and Professor Wang are well-known geneticists and biologists in Longxia. During this time, everyone has devoted themselves to research on wheat. Today is the fifth research summary.

"Academician Song!"

"Professor Wang."


Song Yueshan came to the meeting room, and everyone greeted each other.

"Where's Lao Zhou?" Everyone chatted for a while, Song Yueshan asked curiously.Zhou Yuanheng is the general director of wheat research, and Zhou Yuanheng presided over previous meetings.

"Go back to the office to get the documents." After Song Yueshan asked, the assistant behind him hurriedly answered.

Just at this moment, the door of the meeting room opened.

"Hello everyone, welcome to today's special meeting..." Zhou Yuanheng came to the stage to introduce, and then talked about the theme of this meeting: exploring the edibility of farm wheat.

"This is a biological experiment report. The farm wheat is rich in carotene and vitamins, without any adverse reactions."

"Farm wheat products qualified."

"The wheat is of international A-grade quality."


After Zhou Yuanheng finished speaking, others spoke one after another.

Based on discussions, the farm's wheat quality is normal.During the growth process, the time flow rate should be increased. For example, the maturity period of a wheat plant is nine months, and under the influence of the time flow rate, it is shortened to five days.

The flow of time comes from outside the universe, it only affects the time of wheat, and will not change the quality of wheat.

"This is a great discovery!" The scientists were amazed. This is a great discovery for agriculture and human history.Now that system wheat comes out, they expect more system plants.

"Thank you for your thoughtful discussion." The meeting lasted three hours.

This is a big-name meeting, and the whole meeting also confirmed two points——

1: The farm wheat is officially named Fengshan No. 1, which complies with the quality inspection and safety of Longxia, and is allowed to circulate in the Longxia market.

2: In order to further ensure the analysis of wheat, Longxia will cooperate with designated wineries and bakeries to produce the special edition of Fengshan wheat.

Now that the global economy is developed, Longxia still has a food shortage of 1.5 million tons. Most of the wheat and soybeans are imported from abroad. If Fengshan wheat has a good effect, this will greatly reduce the food shortage in Longxia and increase the food supply of Longxia people. In the hands of Long Xia.

The entire meeting lasted until eight o'clock in the evening, and at eight thirty, everyone left.

"Still going to the laboratory?" Song Yueshan packed up the documents and saw Zhou Yuanheng walking towards the laboratory building.

"There is still some research that has not been processed."

Zhou Yuanheng picked up the file and said.Farm wheat has given him a new research direction. He is now trying to graft farm wheat and common wheat. If the grafting is successful, farm wheat will not be limited to Fengshan cultivation, which will further solve Longxia's food needs.

"I'll go with you." Song Yueshan picked up the vacuum flask on the conference table.He slept in the early morning during this time, and now he went back early and couldn't fall asleep.

The two headed to the laboratory.Along the way, the lights of many laboratories were turned on, and everyone was a scientific researcher who voluntarily worked overtime.If they had studied the wheat grafting problem earlier, Long Xia would have further solved the food shortage.In their eyes, this is not dedication, but ordinary research work.

While studying seriously, they also ate the special noodles made of Fengshan wheat.Fengshan flour has a strong texture, and is very balanced in terms of digestion and dietary fiber.They originally studied the quality of wheat, but they couldn't help but become addicted to it.

Noodles at noon and noodle cakes at night have become the standard configuration of the institute.In the research cafeteria, there was an anecdote that two researchers received a piece of bread...


Early the next morning, Qin Yun went to Liu Wensheng's office.

"This is the location of the lake, take a look." In the office, Liu Wensheng handed the fax he just received to Qin Yun.

This is the plan of Fengshan Farm. According to the plan of the research team, the lake is located on the south side of the farmland, about 50 meters away from the living area.

The two determined the location and went directly to the coordinates of the lake.

Farm Growth Fountain: Basic props, increase the quality of crops by 10%, and can only be obtained from system tasks. (one hundred acres)

The Farm Growth Spring is a light blue light-colored card, which Qin Yun uses directly.

At the moment it clicked, the ground in front of him shook.Then the land sank, and when it sank to about five meters, a blue lake gushed out from the ground.The lake surged more and more, and after a while, it became a deep blue lake.

The lake is adjacent to farmland.Looking from the direction of Liu Wensheng, there is a large blue lake, the sky and golden wheat fields are reflected on the lake, the whole scene is exquisite like an oil painting.

Liu Wensheng approached the lake, and lowered his body to hold a handful of lake water. The lake water was clear and cool, and it was the cleanest lake water he had ever seen.

Before Liu Wensheng could react, there was an eagle cry from the sky, and then a gray-brown eagle flew from the sky.

The eagle circled twice over the lake, and when it saw someone in front of the lake, it reluctantly flew away.

"Is this an adult goshawk?" Liu Wensheng was taken aback for a moment.Northwest goshawks often appear in the deep no-man's land. Even if they appear in human-inhabited areas, they fly directly over them. It is rare to see them circle the field twice like this.

"It's worth it!" After Goshawk left completely, Liu Wensheng turned his attention to the lake in front of him again.It is absolutely worth it to exchange two months for a natural lake!

"Is this a system lake?"



At this time, Zhao Zhishun, Zhang Hu and others also came out of the room.Although they were prepared, they were still stunned by the scene in front of them.

"It's not easy..."

Zhao Zhishun is a veteran of the infantry battalion. He remembered that 20 years ago, when the transportation was not developed, everyone carried water bottles to Lushui Town, ten miles away, to fetch water.Now that the conditions are better, the infantry battalion still often cuts off water.Now there is a hundred-acre lake in no man's land... This is a gift from the Northwest.

In the afternoon of the same day, Liu Wensheng sent the lake water samples to Jinghe, and then decided: All staff will have a week off.

During the non-mission period, except for the two left-behind soldiers, everyone packed up their things and went on vacation.Qin Yun looked at the government ticket, feeling a little dazed.Time passed, and I didn't expect that I had been reborn for three months.


"Manager Li, I didn't pay attention when I placed the order... Shall I try to refund the order?" Just as Qin Yun took the plane back to Zhuhe County, Li Wenkang lit three cigarettes at Sunshine Bread Factory in Hu Province.

Sunshine Bread is a small company with about [-] employees. It mainly makes bread for national brands such as Qianzhiwei and Kangaroo Baby.After three years of development, the orders for Sunshine Bread have been stable, and the company's profits have increased year by year.

Just when Li Wenkang was preparing to make a big splash, three days ago, the Hu Provincial Government wanted to bid for a batch of wheat.The procurement manager responded to the government's call and went to the bidding site to look around. When he came back, he signed an order for 60 catties of wheat.

The purchase price of wheat is 0.8 yuan/jin, which is [-] cents less than the market price.However, the provincial government of Huzhou has a requirement that finished food products need to be printed: [Wheat Quality: Fengshan No. [-]] LOGO.

Sunshine Bread has its own packaging equipment, and it was printed before, but now the order of Qianzhiwei has doubled.The company's funds are unable to purchase excess wheat, and Qian Zhiwei is urging orders again... a dilemma.

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