"How is it?" Liu Wensheng looked at the empty warehouse and asked seriously after Baisheng Farmers left.

"Successful." Qin Yun shared the system interface.


Liu Wensheng heaved a sigh of relief.Long Xia has registered a farm company since confirming the [harvest-sale] plan.The agricultural trade company is compliant and legal, but [Farm Planting - National Acquisition] is a kind of BUG, ​​and now the BUG is cleared, which also indicates that there will be a reference template for future tasks.

Liu Wensheng returned to the office to report the progress, and Qin Yun left the warehouse.

Outside the warehouse, Zhao Zhishun was pacing back and forth nervously. When he saw Qin Yun, he hurried forward and said, "Secretary Qin..." After spending time together, he learned about the farm system.He wanted to ask about this mission, but when he thought about his identity, he was afraid that he would touch state secrets.

"It's going very well." Qin Yun saw Zhao Zhishun's thoughts and said with a smile.

"That's good!" Zhao Zhishun was very excited.

That night, Zhao Zhishun fried seven small fry from the farm. After this period of intense harvesting, the farm soldiers were also very relaxed.

Early the next morning, Qin Yun opened the system interface.

Host name: Qin Yun.

Current tasks: None.

System Backpack: Primary Irrigation Machine X1.

System credits: 19000.


The Basic Irrigator is a Cherry Blossom Hose Irrigation Device.The irrigation icon is simple and elegant, Qin Yun asked Liu Wensheng, and clicked [Use].

【Oops!The farm irrigation machine needs a perfect farm water source, and the conditions for using the irrigation machine are lacking, please buy the farm water source first!Current task: buy the farm growth spring.Task Reward: Unlock irrigation machine permissions. 】

Just as Qin Yun clicked [Use], the system task was updated again.

"What's wrong?" Liu Wensheng realized that something was wrong with Qin Yun.

Qin Yun shared the interface again.Now there is an icon of [Insufficient Conditions of Use] behind the [Junior Irrigation Machine].After reading it carefully, the two turned to the system mall.

Now the [Growth Spring] icon has been refreshed in the system store.

Farm Growth Spring: Infinite circulating water source, only for farms and farms.Discount points: 500W.

Qin Yun, Liu Wensheng: ...

"It costs 500 million?" Liu Wensheng frowned.Now the point exchange is open, the additional land purchase points are 1000 points/mu, the seed cost is 1000 points/mu, the harvest is 4500 points, and the net profit is 2500 points.To get 500W points, at least 2000 acres of wheat must be circulated.

"Matryoshka..." Liu Wensheng complained. [Elementary Irrigation Machine] is a task reward for selling wheat, and now it can only be used after completing the growth spring task... It is the same as not having it.

"That's not true." Qin Yun also complained.In his previous life, he only had one thousand acres of land a year when he worked hard, but now his third task is two thousand acres of wheat... There is a deep gap.

Liu Wensheng sighed with emotion, and sent the system tasks to Longxia's team that afternoon.

Now the farm has only three acres of land.System mall price——

Primary land: 1000/mu.

Primary wheat seeds: 1000/acre.

Intermediate wheat seeds: 2000/acre.


After careful calculation, the Longxia team intends to use the system points to purchase eight acres of land, then plant it, get the price difference, expand the land, and continue planting...

Qin Yun got the process plan and directly purchased [-] acres of land and [-] acres of seeds.

Current farm details——

System land: 11 mu.

Primary seed: 11 acres.

System credits: 0.


After Qin Yun finished purchasing, he planted directly.

Cultivation, sowing, harvesting... A week later, Baisheng Farmers came to the farm again.This time Parkson drove five large trucks.Qin Yun sold all 16500 jin of wheat to Parkson, and received a total of 4.98W.System credit: 4.95W.

Now with 4.95 points, Qin Yun bought another 29 acres of land and [-] seeds.

In the next two months, the farm repeated the repeated process of [purchasing land seeds—planting—harvesting and selling—purchasing again].

Two months later, after the last batch of wheat was sold, Qin Yun opened the system interface.

Host name: Qin Yun.

Current task: buy the farm growth spring.

System land: 1800 mu.

System credit: 529W.


Now the land has increased from three acres to eighteen hundred acres.Because of the cyclical planting, the land and planting costs have to be deducted. During this period, the farm sold a total of 1575 mu of wheat to Parkson, totaling 1575 million catties. 7875W Jin is 7875 tons, 1 sounds like a lot, but the annual demand for Longxia wheat is more than [-] million tons.According to Qin Yun's simple calculation, this is about ten days' worth of food for a small county town.

"It's so spectacular." Now in late October, when the Parkson motorcade left, Zhao Zhishun looked at the wheat fields and couldn't express his pride.

At this time, the wheat is golden and brilliant, and the top of Fengshan Mountain is looming in the distance, surrounded by desolate neighbors. The golden wheat fields seem to be buckled on the farm. He has been shocked by this contrasting scene during this time.

"It's really spectacular." Qin Yun scratched his arm.

There are only six people on the farm. Because the system authority has not been upgraded, he has no authority to hire 'employees'.In the past, the three mu of land was small, and they harvested it fairly smoothly, but as the land became larger and larger, it was simply not manpower-capable.To improve farm efficiency, the farm purchased three harvesters.

Harvesters are non-farm equipment. Although they can be harvested, everyone has itchy DEBUFF every day. As time goes by, the degree of DEBUFF increases.Coupled with the DEBUFF of [Bad Building], this is definitely a nightmare experience.

Now the last batch of wheat is on sale, and at the same time as the sale, the farm recycles three harvesters to Parkson Farmers.

Now that the harvester has been towed away and the DEBUFF has disappeared, everyone has only one feeling: Wife is so cool!

While chatting left and right, Liu Wensheng came out of the office: "Do the task first."

Qin Yun didn't have any ink, and directly bought the system growth spring.

"Farm growth spring, basic props, do you want to buy it?"



"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the [Farm Growth Spring], unlocking the primary irrigation machine permission, and unlocking the basic farm tool permission..."

At the same time as Qin Yun clicked, the system refreshed again.

At this time, the system mall has unlocked more than ten kinds of products——

Primary irrigation machine: 100W.

Primary Harvester: 100W.

Grain thresher: 200W.


Qin Yun set the interface to be shared by all members, and then clicked on the system balance.

System credit: 29W.

After two months of hard work, I returned to before liberation in one move.

Qin Yun clicked on the details of the growth spring after reading it.

Farm Growth Fountain: Basic props, increase the quality of crops by 10%, and can only be obtained from system tasks.

The farm growth spring is a slap card that can be transformed into a small lake of about [-] acres.Liu Wensheng read the properties of the Changchun Spring and sent it to the Longxia team, who then inspected the location of the Changchang Spring.

"It's not a loss!" Liu Wensheng said with a smile.These two months are easy to say, but getting up early and working in the dark every day, the harvesting process is even more tormented.Although he doesn't know the specific effect of 10% quality, but just building a small lake in a barren and uninhabited area... super worth it!

"Ah!" Liu Wensheng sneezed just after he finished speaking.

"Do you want to go back and rest?" Qin Yun suggested.

Liu Wensheng has been living on the farm during this time.He is getting older, and with the farm debuff, his face is covered with red spots, and he even caught a cold the day before yesterday... Although the farm debuff is just ordinary itching and the temperature drops, it is obviously not suitable for a long time.

"It's okay." Liu Wensheng waved his hand, and continued: "Exchange the remaining points into land first."

The current system of wheat is still in further testing and research.In order to avoid future changes, the Longxia team decided to convert 29W points into 290 acres of land, which can also maximize the system rewards.

Qin Yun clicked to buy.

After 3 minutes, Qin Yun helplessly shared the system interface: [The host currently has low authority, and can only open 2000 acres of system land, please choose again! 】

Liu Wensheng: ...

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