Magical Medicine in ancient times

Chapter 131 The God of Medicine Vs Hades

"Can you stop spinning, I'm dizzy!"

No. 01 was lying on the table, gurgling while holding the tea, his eyes followed Zhou Jin from left to right.

Zhou Jin was in a daze. Hearing No. 01's voice and seeing his laid-back look, he couldn't help but doubt his life, "Why are you talking about such an important thing now!"

No. 01 spat out a piece of tea with a moist mouth, "Is this important?"

"Isn't this important!" Zhou Jin stared at the eyes of No. 01, and suddenly let out a surprise, he pulled the stool and sat on it, "I see, are you saying that Li Qingtian's eyes are not the eyes of Prince Wang himself?" He dug it with his hands, but he sent his men to dig it!"

"That's right!" Zhou Jin clapped his hands together, "This can also be counted as not being dug by the prince! Is that what you mean?"

Zhou Jin looked at No. 01 expectantly.

No. 01 blinked and said mercilessly: "No, Li Qingtian's eyes have nothing to do with that person! His eyes were gouged out by others!"

Zhou Jin choked, and he took a deep breath, "Who is it?"

No. 01 shook his head, "I don't know! Even Li Qingtian himself doesn't know!"

Zhou Jin covered his face, "Then why didn't you tell me! I thought he really did it! I actually..."

Thinking of the tortures that Prince Wang had suffered before, he even let him personally experience the pain of gouging out his eyes!

No. 01 looked at Zhou Jin strangely, "But we were going to teach him a lesson! Does it matter if he gouged out his eyes? He is so fierce! He even wants to kill us and that father and son!"

That's right!So what if he didn't goug the eyes!He is arrogant, domineering, stubborn, and vicious!Wanton beating of innocent people!

So what if you teach him a lesson!

No wonder!

Zhou Jin tried hard to convince himself, but there was still something wrong deep in his heart.

Although Wang Renxun is domineering, he has already been tortured by the torture of "knife mountain oil pan"!

The pain of gouging out the eyes in the back is really undeserved.If he really committed the crime, then Zhou Jin can still take it for granted!

He has the power of No. 01, in fact, he should stick to his words and deeds!Using his power this time, he can convince himself that he is punishing evil and promoting good, repaying retribution.

But the facts told him that he was wrong!

Zhou Jin suddenly realized that at some point, he had put himself above everyone else.This is a dangerous behavior.Maybe his original intention is good, but he is not really a god, and he cannot guarantee that he will never be wrong!

Maybe now he can still keep his heart!What about the future?

Zhou Jin didn't know what was on his mind, and he came outside Wang Renxun's room without knowing it.

Since that day, he has not paid attention to the situation of the prince.But when I came here today, I realized how serious the prince's situation is!

"Why are you here? Do you want to see my son's jokes? I warn you! You don't want to succeed!" Wang Chuan stared at Zhou Jin with two swollen eyes, the hatred in his eyes seemed to turn into a sharp sword .

"Wang Chuan! Get out of the way!"

Fu Feng walked over from the side.His face was tired and his eyes were black.Looking at Zhou Jin was also cold.

He asked, "Doctor Zhou, what's the matter?"

"I'll come and see Mr. Wang. I heard that he's not doing well these two days! As a doctor, I can't just leave him alone!"

In the past two days, the doctors in the mansion came in and out, and they all shook their heads and sighed.Although Zhou Jin knew about it, he didn't pay much attention to it.

Hearing Zhou Jin's words, Fu Feng frowned, "Do you want to treat the young master?"

"How could you be so kind!" Wang Chuan yelled, with a look of disbelief.

It's not to blame for the reaction of the two of them. They did come to invite Zhou Jin at the beginning, but he refused politely at that time.Now that he took the initiative to come to the door, it was normal for people to be suspicious.

"Believe it or not! I'm just here to take a look. If you want to hire another Gao Ming, I don't care! Anyway, I'm not the one who needs a doctor to see a doctor now!" Zhou Jin had an attitude of whether to watch or not, as if he was here to respond , I wanted to turn around and leave after speaking.

"Wait!" Fu Feng hurriedly stopped Zhou Jin, "I was rude just now! Of course I have heard about Dr. Zhou's medical skills! If Dr. Zhou can help, the Wang family will be very grateful in the future."

Zhou Jin smiled, how could he not understand what the other party meant!Isn't it because he is afraid that he will not do his best or play tricks, and suppress him in the name of Jingdu Wang's!But he doesn't care, whether it's gratitude or threats, he doesn't care at all!

Wang Chuan pouted, and wanted to say something, but was glanced coldly by Fu Feng, and immediately backed away with his head down.

Fu Feng made a gesture of invitation, and stepped aside to open the door.Zhou Jin didn't care what they thought, just walked in swaggeringly.

As soon as he entered the room, Zhou Jin felt a rush of heat that made his face burn.The room is very bright, not only the skylight from the windows, but also the candles that lit the room, making the whole room bright red and hot.

He scanned around and found Wang Renxun in the corner.He was wrapped in a quilt and huddled in a corner, but he didn't feel the heat at all.

He was much haggard all over, his eyes were hesitant and loose, and his hair was disheveled.There are all kinds of jade tablets and talismans hanging on his body, and he is still holding a very fine jade Buddha tightly in his hand, and he doesn't know what effect it can have.A pair of eyes stared blankly at a certain void, without focus.

Zhou Jin frowned, and called softly, "Prince Wang?" The voice sounded, and the prince was startled, his wide eyes looked up at Zhou Jin from bottom to top, and he couldn't help shrinking back, "Don't come here! Don't come here! Goug my eyes! Don't..."

"Young master seems to have been greatly frightened, that's what he said when he saw people..."

Fu Feng came in behind, with a dignified face and a very puzzled tone, "His eyes are obviously fine, but for some reason, he always feels that someone will come and gouge his eyes!"

Could it be that it is really retribution?The young master dug out Li Qingtian's eyes, so this happened?

Thinking of this, Fu Feng's face darkened. He very much disapproved of Prince Wang's behavior. Gouging people's eyes is really vicious.But things have happened, and he won't say anything more.It's just that I don't know when the young master sent someone to do this evil thing!

Not to mention Fu Feng, even Wang Chuan thought it was his young master who was angry, so he found someone to goug Li Qingtian's eyes afterwards!

When he first saw the blood hole on Li Qingtian's face, he was also shocked.But as a servant, I wouldn't be so stupid as to ask the prince.After all, the young master didn't ask him to do this, and he made it clear that he didn't want people to know that he did it!Did he ask if he was courting death?

So this is where the misunderstanding comes from.As for the arrogant arrogance of the prince, I'm afraid everyone will think that the prince did it!So I really don't blame Zhou Jin for making a mistake!

Only when the guy No. 01 got into his mind, did he know it clearly!

"Young Master Wang is in a state of distress. You have to tie the bell to untie it. Although it is not easy for him to recover, it is not impossible!"

"Doctor Zhou have a solution?" Wang Chuan was overjoyed, no matter how unhappy he was before, he was happy when he heard that the young master was still in trouble.

Zhou Jin glanced at him, "I will give him acupuncture first to stabilize his vitality. But what he is most afraid of now is getting his eyes gouged out. What we have to do is to make him believe that no one will goug out his eyes! In this way , isn’t it solved easily!”

Wang Chuan's face froze, "Doctor Zhou, you speak so easily!"

Zhou Jin snorted and didn't bother to talk to him.He asked Fu Feng to help Prince Wang onto the bed, and held down his twitching limbs, then directly took out the golden needle, and began to inject it on the large acupoint on his head.

After a few injections, Wang Renxun's eyelids drooped, and he fell asleep after a while.

Half an hour later, Zhou Jin took off the gold needles one by one, "I will continue to give him needles tomorrow, you take good care of him, let him go out more often, don't just stay in the room and think about it!"

He wrote another prescription and handed it to Wang Chuan, then packed up and left.

Wang Chuan guarded the sleeping prince, heaving a sigh in his heart.I don't know when the son will get better!If the master finds out...

Thinking of his end, he couldn't help but shudder!

He looked at Wang Renxun's haggard face, and tucked the quilt for him, alas!Although the son has a bad temper and yells at every turn, he is still very good to him!Slap him at most, but nothing else!It's delicious and delicious, if something happens to this young man, what can he do!

Wang Chuan fell into confusion about the future, and his mood fell to the bottom.

Wang Renxun fell into a dark sleep, and didn't wake up until the lights came on.

He moaned and rubbed his eyes, and shouted first, "Wang Chuan, Wang Chuan! I'm hungry! Bring me something to eat!"

Wang Chuan kept guard all afternoon and dozed off. Then he was startled when he heard the young master's roar, and stood up abruptly, "Young master, I'm coming!"

He hurried to the bedside, and said flatteringly, "My lord, what do you want to eat...Your lord! How are you, lord!"

"What's good or bad? My son is very good! Go and serve me a bowl of white fungus soup, what's wrong with my throat, why do I do this!" He half-closed his sleepy eyes, coughed and rubbed his throat, and was about to get up.Suddenly he cried out in pain, "My hand, my leg, it hurts so much! Why does it hurt so much! My whole body hurts! Who hit me?"

"My lord! You are finally awake!" Wang Chuan's eyes were filled with tears, "Don't you even remember?"

"Remember what..." The severe pain that went deep into the bone marrow suddenly echoed in his mind, his eyes widened, as if he had returned to the eerie Temple of Yama, and saw that green-faced, fang-toothed evil ghost trickling down with blood.

Wang Renxun suddenly screamed, terrified, "Where is my Jade Buddha? Quick, quickly bring my Jade Buddha!"

Wang Chuan didn't know what was going on, why did the good young master suddenly fall ill again!But a closer look revealed a difference.When the young master fell ill before, he seemed to sink into his own world. No matter what they said, he seemed to be unable to hear them.But now, look at that look, although there is still fear, but it is also full of anger!

He is too familiar with this anger!Isn't it the look in the eyes every time the son thinks he is stupid!

Tears welled up in Wang Chuan's eyes, "My lord!" It seems that Doctor Zhou is really useful!

It was a slap in the face, "Shouting! Hurry up and bring me the Jade Buddha!"

Wang Chuan covered his face with tears in his eyes, and took out the Jade Buddha that had been kept in the cabinet before.Wang Renxun immediately grabbed it and held it tightly in front of his chest, as if he was facing a big enemy.

Wang Chuan was puzzled, "My lord, why are you holding this Jade Buddha?" It's useless!

Wang Renxun looked around vigilantly, "What do you know! I spent a lot of money to get this Jade Buddha! With this Jade Buddha, they won't dare to goug my eyes!"

"Who are they?" Wang Chuan hurriedly glanced left and right, "Who is so bold, my lord, why don't you ask the guards to catch them!"

Wang Renxun shook violently, with inexplicable panic and despair on his face, "No one can stop them, the king of Hades wants people to die at the third watch, and whoever can keep them until the fifth watch, I will go blind! They're all blind!" His fair face was covered with tears and snot, and he looked embarrassed, "I obviously didn't goug someone else's eyes, why don't you believe me and say it's Lord Hades, how could that happen!"

Seeing the young master crying, Wang Chuan felt a chill creeping up, and he asked cautiously, "Sir, did you really see Lord Yan?" How can you believe what you say is upside down!But now that he has clearly recovered his sanity, he still says that. Could it be that the rumors outside are true?

A cold wind blew outside the window, and the whistling night wind made the branches, leaves, plants and trees in the yard rustle, as if something unknown was caressing.

The master and servant immediately screamed and huddled together.

"My lord, is it true that Lord Yan is here?"

"Wow, I'm going blind, father and mother, sister, save me!"

The two held the Jade Buddha, trembling all over.

Waited for a while, nothing happened.The wind was still blowing, the trees were shaking, and the rustling sound rang in my ears regularly.

Wang Chuan opened his eyes, and there were countless warm candles in front of him. The bright red flames swayed gently, inexplicably making people feel at ease.

"Young master, there is nothing!"

Wang Renxun held the Jade Buddha tightly, blocking his eyes.

Wang Chuan scratched his head, and suddenly thought of what Zhou Jin said during the day, the only way for the young master to recover completely is to convince him that his eyes will be fine!

But, seeing the son so scared, how can I convince him?

He rolled his eyes left and right, suddenly as if thinking of something, he shouted: "Young Master, let's go find Doctor Zhou!"

"Why are you looking for a doctor! Wang Chuan, are you deliberately entertaining me!"

Wang Chuan looked happy, "My lord, you don't know. Everyone said you were bewitched before! I think you look the same, and you don't even recognize slaves and guards! As a result, when Doctor Zhou comes, you will be fine." Already!" He said mysteriously: "Doctor Zhou can even undo the curse of Lord Yama, and other things will definitely work! Let's go to him and ask him to plead with Lord Yama, so that your eyes will not be saved. Already!"

"He's a doctor, you want him to intercede with Hades? I might as well go to the temple and burn more incense!" Wang Renxun shrank under the quilt and gave Wang Chuan a hard look.This idiot, what a bad idea!

Wang Chuan was not wronged, he leaned forward and said firmly: "Young Master, Doctor Zhou is not an ordinary doctor, he is the god of medicine! I heard that there are temples for him in Xiahegou and Beiliang! Lingde Very! The God of Medicine faces Hades, one saves people, the other kills them! It all depends on whose mana is higher!"

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