Magical Medicine in ancient times

Chapter 130 One's Way Returns One's Body......

Sitting on the high hall in front of him was a black-faced man wearing an official hat and full of beards.He held a gavel in his hand, and his eyes were wide open like a pair of brass bells.

Beside him also stood a gloomy man with torch-like eyes.He holds the scroll book in his left hand, and a huge judge's pen in his right hand. The bright red juice on the pen swells strangely and glaringly, as if full blood may drip out at any time.

A copybook is suspended on the beams on the left and right sides.

Although the lawsuit in the yang world was spared, the law net in the underworld is always inevitable.

The white sails fluttered in the dark surroundings, the wind gusted, and the black clouds rolled under the feet, and the head could not be seen.Not far away, a long blood-colored river reached the sky, boiling and rolling, mixed with the ups and downs of white skulls.

There are evil ghosts roaring in my ears, like resentment or anger, and ghosts crying, which only makes people feel terrified.

The dazzling light alternates between white, red, and green, making the surroundings even more eerie, treacherous and unpredictable.

This... Could it be the King of Hades and the Judge!Wang Renxun suddenly felt a chill all over his body, and his breath stuck in his throat, and he was about to faint.

He trembled and slurred his speech, "Yan, Lord Yan..."

With a "bang", the gavel in the hall was deafening.As if a thunderbolt from the blue sky reached Tianlinggai, Wang Renxun's eyes and ears suddenly became clear, and he was no longer confused or tired.

"Wang Renxun, are you convicted of the crime!" King Hades scolded, as if coming from all directions.

Standing on the left and right sides were several little ghosts with terrifying faces, sticking out their long tongues, and their eyes were bloodshot.Following the scolding, drops of blood and tears dripped from the blue-faced fangs, howling and angrily about to rush at Wang Renxun, but there seemed to be something blocking him, so he could only look at him resentfully.

Wang Renxun rolled his eyes in horror, his face was scarier than that kid, "I, I...I am guilty!" His face was covered with tears and snot, "Forgive me, I was wrong, let me go I'm going back, I want to go back, Dad save me, Dad, Sister, Sister..."

Zhou Jin didn't expect this arrogant and domineering prince to be so unintimidated, he was about to collapse before it even started, crying loudly, crying for his father and sister.

But don't think that this will let him go, Zhou Jin's heart is like iron now!

"Wang Renxun, you are arrogant, domineering, and vicious. As the son of the Tai Tuo, you don't understand the suffering of the people, but instead kill innocent people. What crime should you deserve!"

The King of Hades in the hall scolded angrily, and the sky was filled with his thunderbolts.The evil spirits on both sides wailed continuously, with blood and tears streaming down their faces.

Wang Renxun only felt that he was in the endless hell, and his heart stopped beating in horror.

"I... I was wronged, I didn't harm the people, I beg Lord Yama to see clearly!"

"You still dare to quibble, the Li family father and son were killed by you, and there is nowhere to redress their grievances. They have already sued King Yama. Otherwise, why do you think you are here!"

"Who are the father and son of the Li family?" Wang Renxun murmured dumbly with tears in his eyes.

When Zhou Jin heard this, this damn dandy harmed others but didn't even know his name!

It turns out that this place is really hell!Such a thought suddenly appeared in his mind.The red eyes flickered, but he saw that the face of Hades above him was red and green, making those eyes as big as copper bells even more terrifying.

With a jolt, he suddenly remembered the pair of father and son.The busy ghost cried and howled: "I...I didn't. I was wronged. It is clear that they are going to assassinate me, and I haven't put them in the cell yet..."

Wang Renxun was sobbing, and the snot bubble burst with a bang.

Zhou Jin;  …

"You still dare to quibble! If you hadn't gouged out Li Qingtian's eyes for no reason, how could Li Baojin have assassinated you! The cycle of karma, now that you have come to the Hall of Yama, you still haven't committed the crime!"

The evil ghost next to him suddenly jumped several meters, and grinned at Wang Renxun, its long fangs seemed to poke several holes in his body.

Zhou Jin suddenly smelled a strange smell. He took a closer look, but saw the prince's eyes turned white, and suspicious yellow water stains had already dripped on the ground.

Wang Renxun's whole body went limp, and he fell to the ground, but for some reason, no matter how frightened he was, he was conscious, and he couldn't even fall into a coma.

"I, I didn't, I didn't poach his eyes, I just beat him up, and he was fine! I was in a bad mood that day, whoever told him to hit me, he deserved it!"

Wang Renxun squinted his eyes and cried aggrievedly, like a baby.

When Zhou Jin heard this, his blood surged immediately.No matter how pitiful he is, just from his words, you can know how hateful he is!At this point, he still refuses to repent. Not only does he not admit to gouging out his eyes, but he also has no repentance for beating innocent people for no reason!

"Wang Renxun, let you do evil in the underworld, and you will know that torture will not be lenient when you are in this underworld!"

The Hades Gavel slapped, and the green-faced judge next to him flicked a large pen in his hand, the bright red ink turned into countless blood rains, hitting him crackling, like countless steel needles piercing his whole body.Wang Renxun, who was in pain for a moment, kept wailing and screaming.

"Do you plead guilty!"

"I really don't have one, father, mother, sister, save me, I want to go home..."

The rain of blood on the ground soon piled up into a river, and the dying Wang Renxun lay prone and rolled in the blood.Suddenly, the flowing blood water bubbled up one by one, more and more, and gradually boiled up.

Wang Renxun only felt that dense scalding went from the flesh to the marrow of the bone, and he writhed in pain, screaming...

This can be described as an alternative Daoshan oil pan!

Zhou Jin looked sideways at the green-faced judge, the beard on his mouth trembled, this guy couldn't tell he was so ruthless!

If it weren't for the mental support of No. 01, Wang Renxun would have fainted already.But in fact, sometimes staying awake is a painful thing.

Zhou Jin slapped the gavel and stopped the torture.

He said in a rough voice: "Eighteen levels of hell torture, do you want to try one by one?"

Wang Renxun was weak and crouched in the pool of blood, his whole body was blood red and he was drooling.He just opened his mouth and murmured, "Forgive me, I won't dare again! Father, Mother, Sister..." He was stupid, his eyes glazed over, as if he had reached his limit.

It seems that this blood pool torture is indeed terrifying.

When Zhou Jin saw that he really couldn't tell the reason, it was pointless to ask again.Simply slapping the building blocks, Keng Jiang said forcefully: "The cycle of cause and effect, you innocently gouged people's eyes, this hall will sentence you to gouging out eyes today, as a warning to others! I hope you will change your mind and start a new life in the future!"

After finishing speaking, I didn't read the follow-up any more, and just backed out!

But after a while, there was a shrill scream under the deep night sky.

All the sleeping people in the government office were awakened by the horrible howl.All of a sudden, the backyard was brightly lit, and there were exclamations one after another.

"What's up, what's up, what happened?"

"Who called it so miserable, it's too infiltrating..."

"Is there an assassin? What's going on!"

"It seems to be the voice of the prince..."

"Young Master, what's wrong with you, Young Master! Don't scare the servant!"

"What's going on? Wang Chuan, how do you take care of the young master?" Fu Feng was blowing cold wind on the roof, but suddenly screamed and almost fell off the roof.After hearing clearly that it was Wang Renxun's voice, his face became even more ugly, as if something happened to Mr. Wang.

He jumped into the room through the window, only to find that the room was completely dark, only Wang Gongzi was tumbling and screaming.There was no movement from anyone else.

The next moment, Wang Chuan bumped in from the outside holding a candle, illuminating the dark room.

It was only then that the two saw that Young Master Wang seemed to be insane, holding his face in his hands and screaming again and again, his voice hoarse and cracked.His arm was bleeding profusely, and his leg was swollen and swollen.But Prince Wang didn't seem to feel it at all, he just covered his eyes and howled in pain, rolling over and over.

Wang Chuan was terrified, but he didn't know what to do, so he shouted in a trembling voice, "Young Master, Young Master!"

Fu Feng frowned and rushed forward, he didn't know what happened, he had no other way except to hold down the prince and not let him move around, so as not to hurt himself.

But at this moment, Wang Renxun was extremely powerful, and he was only ramming hysterically.His body was blue and purple.

Wang Chuan couldn't bear it, so he yelled tremblingly: "Be gentle, be gentle, don't hurt your son!"

After a while, Xu Wenzhang and others also stumbled in. They were all horrified when they saw the scene in front of them, "Well, what's going on? What's wrong with the prince?"

"How dare you say what's wrong? What did you do to my son? Why did he suddenly become like this? Did you poison him? I must report to the imperial concubine..."

"Nonsense! How could we poison the prince! If the prince is like this, could he have some kind of disease? Hurry up, come and get Doctor Zhou!"

Before anyone came to look for him, Zhou Jin had already arrived.The mental stimulation of this number 01 is too great!No matter what came out, the effect is still so strong.He just wants to teach people a lesson, not really want his life!

He rushed in hastily, and greeted Prince Wang with a golden needle under everyone's gaze.After a while, Prince Wang calmed down. He slumped on the ground, still covering his eyes tightly with his hands, and shouted in pain, "My eyes, my eyes..."

Seeing that Young Master was no longer rolling over, Fu Feng hugged him on the bed, and said in a solemn voice, "Young Master, how are you doing, Young Master? What's wrong with you? What happened?"

The young master had an accident under his nose, which really slapped him in the face.His face was so gloomy that it seemed to be dripping ink.

"My eyes are gone, my eyes hurt so much... Daddy save me, sister save me..."


Everyone was horrified when they heard it. Could it be that Prince Wang's eyes were also gouged out?No wonder Prince Wang kept covering his eyes.

"You actually gouged out my young master's eyes! How courageous! The master will not let you go! You bastards!" Wang Chuan burst into tears immediately, cursing.

Fu Feng cast his sharp eyes across the crowd, and finally glared fiercely at Zhou Jin.Besides that kid, who else has the ability to hurt the young master's eyes without him noticing!Now that child is not in the room, he must have run away after he got it!

"Why are you staring at me! I didn't goug his eyes! His eyes are right on his face! Why would there be no blood if you gouged out his eyes! Are you all fools?"

Everyone was startled, they were too confused to notice just now, and now they looked carefully, only to find that although the prince's body was in a mess, there was really no blood on his face, and the occasional spot was blood from a wound on his arm.That amount of bleeding could never be the amount of blood that flowed out from the eyes being gouged out.

But Prince Wang's painful look doesn't look like a fake!

Only Zhou Jin knew it well, and he stepped forward, "My lord, your eyes are fine, they are still on your face, put your hands down and have a look!"

He grabbed Wang Gongzi's hand and forcibly pulled it off.

At this moment, everyone finally saw clearly that Prince Wang's eyes were closed tightly, and his wet eyelashes fluttered, but he was indeed intact.

Wang Chuan burst into tears of joy, "Master, your eyes are still there, it's okay, it's okay!"

Under everyone's comfort, Wang Gongzi finally opened his eyes tremblingly. The tails of his eyes were red, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and his black eyes were wet with a trace of fear, which was rare and clear.

"I, am I really okay? My eyes are still there?" Wang Renxun looked around blankly, and touched his eyes with both hands in disbelief.

"Then just now..." Thinking back to what happened just now, Prince Wang shivered and quickly retreated into the corner.

"There is a ghost! There is a ghost who wants to gouge my eyes! Help, help!"

"Father, sister, help me..."


The prince is bewitched!

Rumors spread like a virus in the mansion.

When Master Wang heard about this, he hurried from the mansion to Fu Yin's office.He himself was a cowardly person, and he didn't dare to speak too loudly even if he was questioning Xu Wenzhang. He was not as arrogant as Wang Chuan, a servant.I just kept moaning and moaning, wiping my tears secretly, worried that my family brother would blame me.

Prince Wang hid in his room all day, not daring to see anyone, and kept saying that he had been gouged out by the little devil when he arrived at the Palace of the King of Hell.It was said in tears, as if experiencing it personally.

Everyone's expressions were unpredictable, and they said that it was the prince who had suffered retribution. He poached other people's eyes, and even Lord Hades couldn't stand it!Under the blue sky and bright sun, they were sweating a lot.

Unpredictable, who can guarantee that he hasn't done anything wrong on weekdays, today Lord Yan found Prince Wang, if he can't decide, it will be his turn next time!

One or two of the servants in the mansion became more and more quiet, and they all immersed themselves in their work, fearing that they might also be possessed by evil spirits!

Zhou Jin picked up his teacup and took a sip, lying on the deck chair basking in the sun.The sun is shining today, and the servants in the courtyard don't know where they went. It's okay, no one disturbs them, and it's rare to be quiet.

No. 01 sat aside and gnawed on a pig's trotter.I don't know where he got it, but the color is bright red, and the fragrance is tangy, which whets the appetite just by looking at it.Especially with his eating.

Zhou Jin felt that if No. 01 went to eat and broadcast, he would definitely be popular!

He squinted his eyes, found a comfortable position to lie down, and said lazily: "Tantong, let's go back to the medical clinic after I change Mrs. Xu's heart. I'm so homesick for not going back for so long!"

"Hey, it's a pity that we still have to go to Kyoto. It's cold today, so I really don't want to move!"

"If you don't want to go, don't go! Is there anything delicious in Kyoto? If not, don't go!"

Zhou Jin smiled, "The imperial decree has been issued, can you not go if you don't want to go? It's really an evil imperial society!" He frowned, "I don't know how many arrogant and domineering sons of the family in Kyoto, Don't let me run into it again!"

"But that prince's bones are quite tough! After all this, he still doesn't admit his mistakes! It's a pity that he didn't tell him about the evil deed of gouging out Li Qingtian's eyes!"

But it doesn't matter, anyway, even if he said it, with their current power, they can't really do anything to Prince Wang!Moreover, he has already retaliated with retaliation, which made Wang Gongzi personally experience the pain of gouging out his eyes.Presumably this lesson should make him unforgettable for life, and he will probably have to weigh it before committing a crime in the future!

"But, the prince really didn't dig out Li Qingtian's eyes!" No. 01, chewing the pig's trotters in his mouth, said this sentence calmly with a pair of watery eyes.

Zhou Jin spurted out the tea he just drank into his mouth.

"What did you say?"

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