Healing black lotus

Chapter 7 Addiction

"I got 30 points in chemistry, that's all for the first year of high school, okay? As the saying goes, be brave when you know your shame..." Lu Qianzi muttered, "But what did you say just now, Huayou told you a secret while I was taking a shower!"

Not only Lu Qianzi, but even Bian Chengyi stopped breathing for a second.

"You don't know, she told me that she likes..." The two walked around the corner, and Lin Lingwan was shocked when she saw Bian Chengyi.Lin Lingwan caught Bian Chengyi's somewhat stagnant expression, she paused, and said, "Squad leader, you should also come and see the results."

"Well, I've already finished watching." Bian Chengyi returned to normal, and even smiled at Lu Qianzi, "You've made it to the chemistry red list, congratulations."

Lu Qianzi let out a small exclamation, her brows curved: "That's great! Thank you monitor for helping me."

"You are in the top three, very conspicuous, and I didn't notice it on purpose." Bian Chengyi tilted his head and said, then nodded to her and Lin Lingwan, and left straight away.

The moment the bell rang for evening self-study, Huayou stepped into the threshold of the classroom.Her hair was soaked, as if it hadn't been brushed at all, her bangs were tightly pressed to her forehead, and her shoulders were also covered with water stains.Bian Chengyi, who was standing behind the podium, glanced at her, and then said, "Sit down."

Huayou seemed to realize that it was her on the podium just now, her eyes shone a little, and she took out the lollipop in her mouth—it was one of the bunch of snacks that Bian Chengyi bought him— That lollipop is strawberry flavored.She smiled and nodded slightly to Bian Chengyi, as if they had a tacit understanding like old friends for many years, and then sat back in her seat tacitly.

Bian Chengyi turned the pen around and glanced around the class. Although the face was soft and weak, the commotion stopped unnaturally where the eyes glanced, like a sea tide being pressed under the glass block, as soon as it moved away , Another storm is coming.

If there is a trending search in Class Three, Senior Three, it must be "Bian Chengyi Huayou Reconciliation".

This is a result that even Fang Jinyu can't believe.Her eyes fell on Huayou who was bouncing and running to the seat in the last row, as if she was watching a talking deer saying hello to her, which cannot be easily summed up in four words incredible.The fawn ran deep into the jungle and stopped her.

Huayou frowned slightly, the gap in the last row was almost gone, and the tables and chairs were close together.

"Move forward, Qin Jing." Hua You said calmly.

Qin Jing acted as if she hadn't heard, and was still lying on the table to write her math homework.

Huayou is not an ordinary person.She directly swept the things to one end of the table, piled the books on the floor, and sat on the table like this, preparing to start evening self-study as if nothing had happened.

Half an hour after the evening self-study starts, a teacher will come to give a class, and then it is all evening self-study time.It is equivalent to saying that there is no teacher to control the field now, and the only person Huayou can rely on is Bian Chengyi, the manager.

Huayou looked at the 20.00% five progress bar, and decided to make do with it.

Unexpectedly, it was Bian Chengyi who took the initiative to step down from the podium. Her words were still soft and cold, without much emotion: "Student Qin Jing, can you sit a little further?"

Qin Jing's tone was normal, even showing a little bit of grievance: "Squad leader, you have to take care of everyone, you didn't see, my seat is also very small, this is a series of things, I can't do it alone decided."

Huayou snorted coldly in her heart, except that she made the seats one by one like this before evening self-study, Huayou didn't believe there was a second truth.

Bian Chengyi said "Oh" and nodded: "That makes sense." She looked at the front of this row at the moment, and the students in this row had already consciously moved forward one after another, leaving a big room in front of Qin Jing's desk. a spare time.

Qin Jing: ...

Bian Chengyi didn't say a word, turned around and left, leaving the embarrassed Qin Jing alone.

Huayou still feels emotional, this timing, this entry and exit, seems to be a veteran in solving this kind of farce.

The memories of Bian Chengyi that Yuanshen Huayou gave her are all negative. Bian Chengyi's attitude and handling of many things are subconsciously negative in Yuanshen Huayou's heart. In short, it is called "prejudice" ".

She really changed her soul and looked at Bian Chengyi's behavior out of Huayou's inherent thinking. In fact, she handled many things with a sense of proportion, safeguarding her own interests and taking care of others who have the same interests as hers.

Just like now.

Huayou, as the care recipient, made a gesture of watching the show at this moment.Qin Jing held back and held back, but still moved her stool forward.

The noisy discussion in the class quieted down as Hua You took her seat. Many people began to write and write. If you don’t race against time to do your homework in the evening self-study, the homework for the nine cultural courses will undoubtedly be endless. Forced to fight wits and courage with the supervisor, and do homework before the sun rises at three or four o'clock.

Huayou read the two instant papers casually, and felt that it was true that she had wronged her hand by writing.

In order not to collapse too much, she decided to do English first.Yuanshen Huayou likes English very much. Except for physical education, she is terrible in almost all cultural subjects, only English is surprisingly good.In Yuanshen's words, to "travel the world", English is an indispensable foundation.


Huayou sighed lightly and began to write English.

The original novel is a gentle novel, no matter how villainous or cannon fodder such as Huayou, they have arranged a tragic life experience, so that the logical chain of character design is perfected, and one or two shining points are added at the end. An extremely tragic ending, carefree and regrettable, I have to say that it is a very mature author.

If we really want to go around the world, we must first obtain complete autonomy, and this must be accompanied by a period of sacrifice.There is no freedom without a price, and if there is, it is because someone else paid the price for you.

Half an hour flew by, and Huayou almost finished a set of English test papers other than writing and translating.

Tonight is English class, and we are analyzing the monthly exam papers.Hua You took a look at the original owner's grades, and found that they were passable, in the early 1130s.English teacher Liu named and praised Bian Chengyi, who was more than [-], and then began to randomly select people to translate sentences, which was a warm-up exercise before class.

Not too coincidentally, Huayou was the first one.

"'The youth of young people is short-lived, so we must cherish the time.', Huayou, why don't you try it?" Teacher Liu has always been fond of Huayou, and loves her a lot in class.Then, he ordered Bian Chengyi again, "Chengyi, you have a try too, you go to the blackboard and write together."

The difficulty of this sentence lies in the translation of this "flash in the pan".

You can directly translate the meaning. "Flash in the pan" means that it exists for a short time and will disappear soon. If you translate this meaning directly, the teacher will not count you wrong.However, Huayou naturally knows its most standard translation, "beaflashinapan".

In English translation, the pursuit of integrity and elegance is not necessarily the best translation.If there is a standard translation, naturally that is the priority.

After Huayou finished writing, she moved away, and everyone in the class exclaimed at the same time.

Only then did Huayou realize that she turned her head away, only to see that Bian Chengyi and her sentences were exactly the same as hers.She smiled slyly at Bian Chengyi, revealing a little complacency that a hero would agree with.Bian Chengyi lowered her head slightly, her expression was normal, she didn't seem surprised that Huayou could write the exact same sentence as her, as if this was a very normal thing.

English Teacher Liu nodded with satisfaction: "You have all grasped the key points, and the extracurricular translations have accumulated very well, let's go on." He patted Huayou's head again, "Especially you, Xiaoyou, this exam, I I think you can do better."

Huayou scratched her head embarrassingly: "I will work hard, teacher."

"Of course, you have to work hard on other things too." Teacher Liu said earnestly, and everyone in the class laughed together.Huayou was a little speechless, thinking of her "great military exploits", so she could only nod: "I will work hard, Teacher Liu, don't worry."

At the end of the evening self-study, she originally walked with Qin Jing, but Qin Jing wrapped her back and joined hands with Pei Fei, calling very affectionately: "Fei Fei, let me go with you today." Pei Fei is the girl who loves to study in the same dormitory as Huayou. She touched her glasses uncomfortably, and looked in Huayou's direction with some doubts and unease.

Huayou didn't care at all, she was very happy that someone took over the stall for her, and she showed her hands, signaling them to go.

She was on duty today, after wiping the blackboard and saying goodbye to the fellow duty students, she walked towards the dormitory building alone in the dark.Before she could leave the teaching building, she saw a figure standing under the moonlight.

Bian Chengyi.

If Huayou guessed her elder's intention correctly, the word Chengyi should come from Luoshen Fu. "Bright eyes are good at gazing, and they are the right to support. Magnificent and elegant, with a quiet appearance and a leisurely body."

Standing under the moonlight, she fits this sentence very well.

The moonlight was like frost, her black hair was dyed with silver dew, her black oblique bangs were randomly blocked by a dark hairpin, her eyes were as quiet as the deep sea.She closed her phone - the time to use the phone is from the end of the evening self-study to the morning self-study the next day - and looked at Huayou without any emotion.

She is waiting for her.

Huayou, who was aware of this fact, knew what to say.

"Sister Bian..." She changed the address between the two of them and tilted her head innocently, "Are you waiting for me?"

you do not know.

Bian Chengyi let out a breath slowly, and pinched the palm of your hand with your nails. Your eyes now are like a deer parked in front of a hunter, smiling at the muzzle of a gun, like the most vivid moment before the announcement of death.

"I think temporary markers are more addictive than I expected."

Bian Chengyi lowered her head and said, she said in a low voice:

"I shouldn't have helped you."

Huayou leaned over, but couldn't hear what she said.All I knew was that Bian Chengyi was leaning on the pillar at the door, looking lonely and cold.It was as if the cool tones of the night were all dyed on her body alone.

In the meantime, Bian Chengyi grabbed Huayou's hand and brought it close to his lips.

"Flash in the pan."

With a little misty eyes, she looked at Huayou in front of her.

"I'm afraid you will change back tomorrow, so... offended."

She stuck out the tip of her tongue and lightly licked Huayou's fingers.

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