Healing black lotus

Chapter 6 The Red List

After paying the bill, Bian Chengyi stuffed the pile of snacks into Huayou's hand: "Up to you." She raised her hand and glanced at her watch, "I'm going back to take a shower first, the dormitory building is not on the way, so I might go first gone."

Under the six major genders, it is divided into eight dormitory buildings.There are six quadruple rooms and two double rooms.

The two buildings in the double room are for students who have completed the marking or registration of marriage. Now they are much more enlightened. As long as both parties are at least 16 years old, they can get married regardless of whether they are marked or not.There are also those who have completed the mark but are not married, they can also apply, and the school will basically pass it. This is a benefit under the AO policy to encourage marriage.

At this moment, Huayou recalled where she should go.She took it over, showing just the right hesitation and reluctance: "Then...you go first."

At this moment, Bian Chengyi's progress bar in the task system has increased to 20.00% five, officially reaching a quarter of the stage.

Now the dormitory is a quadruple room.The original host had a good relationship, and at least the relationship in the dormitory was handled well. As soon as Huayou returned to the dormitory, two girls greeted her.

She quickly mobilized her memory and greeted hurriedly: "Lingling, eggplant, let's share the potato chips!"

I saw the two girls who had gathered together to study a major chemistry problem hastily put on slippers and went to the door of the dormitory to welcome Huayou.The full name of "Lingling" is Lin Lingwan. Her hair is caged in a dry hair cap, and she is wearing a blue pajamas printed with cute white puppies. Huayou can even smell the shower gel on her body. The aroma: "Why do you buy so many potato chips? Doesn't your father limit your pocket money?"

"How can it be?" Huayou frowned when she said this, "This is given to me by the squad leader."

Lu Qianzi, who was nicknamed "Eggplant" in homonym, raised her head from the pile of potato chips so suddenly, her big eyes were full of bewilderment.She struggled with her words for a while, her ponytails waggling: "You have caught her, did she come to you to show weakness?"

"How can that be?" Huayou knew that her two roommates didn't really dislike Bian Chengyi, it was just that when she said bad things about her before, as a roommate, she just echoed innocuously, which was completely different from Qin Jing's nature. She doesn't need to pretend, but she still has to find a way to round it up, "We turned our fights into friendships! This is her gift."

"Ghost letter." Lin Lingwan made a face at Huayou, but the potato chips were already stuffed into her bosom.Lu Qianzi wanted to hear the follow-up: "What's going on, Huahua, tell us!"

"What do you mean?" Hua You stuffed two lollipops into Lu Qianzi's hands, "I figured out why I hated her before."

"Why?" The two said in unison.

Lin Lingwan added enthusiastically: "I know, I know, you think she's targeting you! She trips you up everywhere, and looks down on you because of your poor grades. Huahua, although in our class, she seems to be The most gentle, but we absolutely have no brains to believe and support what you say..."

Hua You is grateful for the good dormitory relationship with the original owner, but sometimes feels that it is too good to be troublesome.

"No, no, I made it all up, I made it up." Hua You folded her hands and put her hands together in front of her head, prostrating indiscriminately, with a look of helplessness and fear of being brought up with black history, "I have a showdown, I used to say that I hate Her words are all because I like her so much."

After Huayou said this, she felt that the dormitory seemed to have a strange time stagnation for a second, and it seemed that there were crows flying in the sky.

"Huahua, don't you have a fever?" Lu Qianzi worriedly put her hand on Huayou's forehead, Huayou could only hold her wrist and put it down, while smiling: "I'm fine, why do you believe all the bad things I say about others? , to tell the truth, you don’t even believe it.”

"I understand." Lin Lingwan mused, "This is called love to the depths is hate."

"Lingling understands me!" Huayou was so moved, before she could finish the text, Lin Lingwan said to Pei Fei, who had just left the bathroom in No.4 dormitory: "Feifei, do you think so?"

In this dormitory, Lin Lingwan and Lu Qianzi usually act together, Hua worries about others, while Pei Fei usually walks alone, and is recognized as a "good student in a hurry" in the dormitory.She doesn't like to wait for others, and she doesn't like to gossip. She concentrates on her studies and tries her best for efficiency, but she can still answer some common topics, and she doesn't say nothing. .Therefore, their dormitory relationship can be said to be very harmonious and balanced.

Pei Fei smiled: "Yes, our Miss Hua's love must be extraordinary. By the way, who will take a bath next?"

"I'll go." Lu Qianzi said, "Huahua, you just finished eating. Don't worry, I won't wash for 10 minutes..."

Huayou pretended to twist her ears: "I only give you 10 minutes."

"Promise to complete the task!" Lu Qianzi saluted with a giggle, and hurried to the bathroom with her things in her arms.

With wet hair, Pei Fei started to write again when the lamp was turned on.Instead, Lin Lingwan moved closer to Huayou: "Huahua, you're not talking ironically, do you really like the office manager?"

Huayou Chicken Peck Mi nodded: "That's it."

As the saying goes, if you want to do a good job in love, you must not have fewer assists.At the very least, he had to let the people around him know his clear attitude, otherwise the gossip that would reach Bian Chengyi's ears would still mean that he hated her to death and wanted to fight her, which would be bad.

Lin Lingwan clicked his tongue twice: "Female colleges don't keep you. But let me tell you, the class monitor is really good-looking and gentle. It just looks like he is in poor health and his face is always very pale."

What does gentleness have to do with the black-hearted lotus?Huayou shouted in her heart, you don't know how embarrassing I was when I confronted her.But she still put on a sweet face, and the girl in spinning clothes opened her eyes for the first time: "Yes, yes, squad leader Xi Shi, who doesn't like it? Hey, don't point at me, I didn't open my eyes before..."

On the other end, Bian Chengyi, who was in the classroom after taking a shower, sneezed hard.

It was the spring equinox season, and occasionally a few peach blossom branches would poke through the large glass window of the classroom on the first floor, which did not provoke the students to write a few good words, but once they explained it to the security office, there would be some students in uniform. The sanitation workers took advantage of the time when no one was having dinner and rest to trim.The sanitation worker knocked on the door and waited at the door.

The classroom was very quiet, and there was no one else, so Bian Chengyi said please come in.Her slightly wet hair was scattered on her chest, she raised her head slightly, her eyes collided with the sanitation workers, she burst into a soft smile in an instant, and soon lowered her head to read the book again.Her table was tidy, except for stationery, water glasses and the book in hand, other miscellaneous books and test papers were piled up under her feet, and the stack of bread with a few bites at the edge of the table was particularly eye-catching.

The third year of high school is a year to compete for points, but if it goes on like this for a long time, if you only eat bread, you will always hurt your body.The sanitation worker has a child, so she can't help but look at her more when picking up branches.

"Girl, it's useless to eat this." The sanitation worker persuaded after finishing cutting the peach branches.

Bian Chengyi's thought of studying the steps of the answer was suddenly interrupted, and the pen poked heavily on the paper, but there was no trace of annoyance on his face, but a little embarrassment of being cared, and he said softly: "Don't worry, I ate it." Dinner, this thing is for after dinner." At the end of the sentence, she smiled a little, her pair of curved peach blossom eyes can make people feel extremely tender, and even the sanitation workers no longer feel sorry for those who are about to enter the black plastic sheet. Withered and rotten real peach blossoms come.

Estimating that it was almost time, Bian Chengyi got up to go to the bathroom.It is now a quarter of an hour before the evening self-study starts. This is the time when Bian Chengyi figured out that there are the fewest people in the bathroom at night, which can avoid queuing up and greeting classmates to the greatest extent.

On the way back to the classroom, Bian Chengyi felt that the general red list of the monthly exam was about to be posted, so he walked around the corridor of the office, and happened to meet the grade director posting the last historical red list.

The grade director, surnamed Lu, is a man in his 40s. He taught Bian Chengyi a year of Chinese in his first year of high school. He was very impressed with this gentle and good-looking girl.

Director Lu looked at the overall list.Her surname is rare, and her ranking is good, so it is easy to find.He said: "Good grade No. 3, Chengyi, I remember, this time you are six points behind Fang Jinyu in math, and the rest are almost the same, and you even beat her by one point in English, old Mr. Liu Chao I praise you."

Bian Chengyi smiled, glanced at her name, and she was ranked No.3.

The score list starts with the name, then the first gender, the second gender, and finally the score.

No.1 Fang Jinyu is naturally extra conspicuous.

Now the first gender does not matter anymore, the second gender is the most sensitive, APLHA and ALPHA are in a group, BETA and BETA are in a group.At present, the ALPHA of the whole school has almost become the foil of Fang Jinyu's OMEGA, which inevitably frustrates the vigor of ALPHA's desire to conquer.

Director Lu also noticed the sadness under Bian Chengyi's smile, and comforted her a little: "Fang Jinyu is a genius, not only has a good memory, but also has a sense of language and talent. But in the future, she will still be restricted because she is an OMEGA. You are ALPHA Let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart, even if you can’t get into the top Ye University in our city because of your relative weakness in mathematics, with your hard work, Huada University and Dongda University are also in your pocket. "

While silently counting the minutes she wasted here, Bian Chengyi said softly to Director Lu, "Teacher Lu, don't worry, I'm in a good mood. What's more, to make a digression, OMEGA can also make a difference now , our school has a student from Ye University, no matter what gender it is, it will be the pride of our high school and the pride of me who have studied in this school." She lowered her volume a little, "Don't tell Jinyu that In terms of gender, I guess her ears are calloused, and she feels angry in her heart."

"Come on, I made a slip of the tongue." Director Lu smiled, "You child, you care so much about Jinyu, I see..." At the end, there was a bit of teasing about Aisheng: "It's a pity, it's a pity, people Famous girls have their own lovers. Now society is much more enlightened than before. In the past, not only did the school not allow students to fall in love, but even AO was not allowed in a classroom. It’s not like now, just sit at the next table with the object.”

Bian Chengyi's eyebrows twitched when he heard the words "Famous flowers have masters", and his eyes fell on No.2's "Fang Huai".

This time Fang Huai is three points behind Fang Jinyu.

Director Lu saw that Bian Chengyi was listening absent-mindedly, and smiled kindly: "You just watch, I have to work first."

When Director Lu turned his head, more and more people came to see the red list.Bian Chengyi has excellent ears, and she can even hear the whispers of her two familiar classmates at the corner from the red list.

"Eggplant, do you think my chemistry can be on the red list this time?"

"It doesn't matter if you are on the red list or not, I know that Huahua's 9 points in chemistry will definitely be on the black list hahahaha."

"Come on, don't forget that you have passed 30 in chemistry... Oh yes, speaking of Huahua, I forgot to tell you that Huahua told me a big secret when you were taking a shower!"

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