I was on the clouds

Chapter 43 Thunderstorm Night

The sun had set, and there were only a few rays of afterglow remaining between the sky and the earth, and there was not much light in the dark hut. The little girl sat on the small bench by the door with her chin in her hands, and a candle was burning beside her.

There was a thunderstorm outside, and a flash of lightning flashed from time to time, illuminating the entire hut brightly.

The handsome boy leaned on the wall and limped to the door of the small north house, sat down slowly, the saliva dripped from his mouth, and the girl wiped it off bit by bit with a handkerchief.

"Hee...hee...hee...", he called out inarticulately.

The girl frowned: "What are you trying to say again, I can't understand at all", her mouth was full of anger, but tears rolled down her eyes.

She said fiercely and viciously: "What is a little bitch? Ye Sheng gave me a candle. How did I offend her? One day I will peel Liu Shuyan's skin and drain her blood."

The boy's eyes blinked in confusion, and he slowly stretched out his hand towards the girl, holding a yellow rubber duck in his hand, he squeezed it slowly, his hand was very stiff, he squeezed it slowly, The rubber duck did not squeal loudly, but made a sound similar to a leak.

He turned his head slowly, and squeezed the rubber duck stiffly again with his disobedient hand, this time there was a sound.

Saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he said with difficulty: "Laugh...".

The girl cried louder, she looked at the rubber duck with tears in her eyes, and stretched out the hand holding the rubber duck in front of her again.

"Ge...mud, Bu...bitter..."

The girl took the rubber duck and squeezed it vigorously, and a loud, crisp sound came out.

The boy pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled with difficulty, and the girl smiled through her tears. She wiped away her tears and said, "Are you hungry? There are still a few egg pancakes in the pot."

There was another loud thunder outside, and the wind slapped the windows with raindrops. The omelette in the pan was still warm, exuding a sweet aroma.

She walked into the small north room with a basin, and the boy at the door was bowing his head. He had a little difficulty breathing, and his nose was probably blocked after he caught a cold.

The girl stepped forward to pat him on the back, took an omelette from the basin and handed it to him. The boy gasped for breath, but he didn't hold the omelette tightly after taking it, and the golden omelet fell to the ground.

The girl bent down to pick it up, and when she looked up, she saw the boy clutching his neck in pain.

"What's the matter".

The boy couldn't tell what was wrong, his face flushed red, he held his neck and breathed heavily, the girl slapped his back and chest in panic.

But all efforts are in vain.

She watched him with terrified eyes, breathing with all his strength, every time he inhaled, a large piece of the boy's chest would collapse, and the bones protruded one by one, the airflow made a sharp roar in the nasal cavity, his eyes looked out Convex, the blood vessels all over the body are like bugs that are desperately burrowing out of the skin.

The thunder outside came one after another, louder and louder, overshadowing the boy's painful panting, and also overshadowing the girl's desperate slamming on the door and her hoarse shouts, one lightning after another illuminated the room brighter than day .

The door was locked, and the exhausted girl slid down the iron door. She staggered and ran into the room. The boy on the ground curled up on the ground, and every time he breathed, thin lines of blood dripped from the corners of his mouth and nostrils. .

The thunder outside is getting louder and louder, and the sound of wind and rain is getting louder. The candle in Xiaobei House is extinguished after burning out, the door is locked, and anti-theft iron railings are installed on the windows. All the sounds are muffled in this closed room. In a dark, airtight room.

The weak girl hugged the painful boy with difficulty. The boy's head rested on her leg, and the blood line lying down from the corners of his mouth and nostrils dripped onto her hands.

This pain lasted for a long time, the boy's body twitched from time to time, and gradually the gasping sound became weaker, and the body in his arms became colder and stiffer little by little after being cold.

It turns out that death is such a process.

"Nightmare again?".

Ye Xi shook the champagne in his hand, took a sip and nodded.

Ye Sheng took a shawl and wrapped it around Ye Xi. She was wearing a white haute couture dress, with a large white skirt hanging on the floor, maroon wavy hair hanging down, and delicate makeup on her face.

Ye Sheng has always been very beautiful. In the past, she was the beauty of a lotus flower, but now she is a beauty that overwhelms everyone. She took off the heavy diamond bracelet on her wrist, and casually threw it aside.

She turned her back to Ye Xi again, and said softly, "Sister Xi, help me untie the necklace."

Behind the dress is a large red/naked snow-white back, and the slightly protruding butterfly bone looks like a snow-white butterfly fluttering its wings. Ye Xi took off the necklace, and when his fingers touched Ye Sheng's skin, Ye Sheng Always tremble slightly.

Ye Xi took off the necklace, Ye Sheng turned around, stretched out his hand to gather the shawl on Ye Xi's body.

Ye Xi: "Where's your assistant?"

"I didn't let them follow me. After this event, I'll have nothing to do. I want to be quiet for a while."

She carried the skirt and went to the cloakroom to change, and after a while she came in wearing a white silk nightgown. Ye Xi leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window and stared at the busy traffic under her feet. Ye Sheng walked up to her and took Ye Xi's hand He took a sip from the wine glass in his pocket.

Now that she has removed her makeup, she doesn't wear those jeweled jewellery. Even so, she still exudes a dazzling radiance.

She smiled sweetly, put her chin on Ye Xi's shoulder, put her arms around Ye Xi's waist, and said in a soft and sweet voice, "Sister Xi, what dream did you have just now, why is your body so cold?".

"I dreamed of Ye Zhen".

Ye Sheng's complexion sank, and the smile on her face disappeared immediately. She tightened her arms and hugged Ye Xi tightly, begging: "Sister Xi, don't think about the past, it's none of your business."

Ye Xi raised his head and muttered to himself: "I have always wondered. I put that small dish of honey on the window sill. Ye Zhen was very ill at that time, and his hands and feet were not flexible. How did he open the window and eat that honey?" There are so many dead ants in the plate of honey, he has always been most afraid of bugs, how could he eat them in his mouth.”

Ye Sheng said softly: "We were all in the countryside when we were young. We all know that paraquat, no matter how much you eat, even if you just lick it, it can't be saved. At that time, honey was mixed with paraquat, and Ye Hao might be sick after touching it. Licked a finger, who would have thought."

Ye Xi looked out of the window with gloomy eyes, she opened Ye Sheng's hand, and sat silently by the side, with a faint blue color under her eyes.

Ye Sheng stood in front of the window and drank the champagne in the glass. She stepped forward and suddenly sat on Ye Xi's lap, her snow-white arms like lotus roots clung to Ye Xi's neck softly like vines.

Ye Xi was taken aback, then subconsciously tilted her head, a kiss that should have landed on her lips landed on her cheek.

Ye Sheng smiled indifferently, stroking Ye Xi's face with fingers like white jade, she looked obsessed, and said softly: "Sister Xi is so pretty, with just this face, I will never let you go" .

Ye Xi held her hand, hugged her off her lap, and said seriously: "I can't let go of Xiang Nuan for the rest of my life."

Ye Sheng looked at her, his face changed again and again, she opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she could only tilt her head, letting tears fall from her eyes.

Ye Xi felt sorry for her, but there was nothing she could do in her heart. She thought about it and said carefully, "Or else I'll disfigure her."

Ye Sheng cried and laughed, and then cried again: "You are the most capable of hurting other people's hearts."

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