It's foggy again.

The night is dark, the smoke is light, and the small courtyard in the verdant countryside is full of crickets.

Dim light shines from the window of the low earthen house, and the old sewing machine is creaking.

Through the mist, she saw Chi Xiangnuan sitting on the opposite swing, with a smile in her eyes, the smile was still very clear in the hazy mist, with tenderness and tolerance.

Ye Xi opened her eyes sleepily, she looked at Chi Xiangnuan for a long time, until the smoke cleared and Chi Xiangnuan's face became clear, she wrapped herself tightly in the blue blanket, and lazily lay back on the rocking chair superior.

After the fog cleared, every expression of Chi Xiangnuan became more vivid, and the smile in her eyes was like the gurgling water of a stream, bright and moving.

Her voice penetrated the night, with a hazy sense of unreality, Ye Xi heard her say: "When your mother died, you weren't scared at all, weren't you sad?".

Ye Xi heard himself say: "Maybe I'm a little sad, but I'm not afraid at all. After all, my elementary school teacher was burned to death by my own hands."

Chi Xiangnuan looked at her silently.

Ye Xi smiled and said, "Do you think I'm terrible, why do you disregard human life so much, do you know why Liu Shuyan doesn't like me?"

Chi Xiangnuan shook his head.

"Because I killed a chicken in front of her." With a strange smile on Ye Xi's face, she stroked the blanket and continued: "It's an old black hen that has lived for many years. If there is too much of it, it will not lay eggs anymore, so my grandma decided to kill it and make soup that day."

"The old man is old and doesn't have much strength. The edge of the kitchen knife for killing chickens has rusted and is very blunt. The first knife cut off a few hairs from the neck of the chicken, and a little blood came out. The chicken struggled. It was terrible, my grandma cursed a few words and put the kitchen knife aside, and went to find the newly bought kitchen knife."

"I've been watching. After she left, the chicken started flapping all over the room. You don't know how annoying a crazy chicken is. Its feathers are all over the room, but I still have to be in the room." Watch it, can't let it get out."

"Later, I was finally bored to the extreme. At that time, my family members shouted at me. They all said that I was a cheap thing who could not stand on the stage. Maybe it was because I had been suppressed for too long. I looked at the chicken and suddenly thought of me. Don't have to suffer for a dead chicken."

"When it rushed to the stove, I saw the timing and grabbed its neck, then I grabbed its wings, it was struggling in my hands, I pressed it to the cutting board, Picking up the kitchen knife at the side, he chopped down the chicken head fiercely."

"There was a lot of blood sprayed out, the whole cutting board was covered with blood, the chicken was still moving after the head fell off, its legs twitched a few times, and then it was motionless in my hand."

When she was talking about these past events, she rarely looked directly at Chi Xiangnuan, and always looked up at the sky or looked away.

But this time she didn't back down at all, she looked into Chi Xiangnuan's eyes, the golden eyes were burning, the black eyes were poisoned, she said slowly: "Do you know how I felt at that time".

Chi Xiangnuan's eyes were a little sad, she shook her head, looked at Ye Xi quietly, and waited for her to continue.

"I felt so good, the moment the chicken blood splattered everywhere, I was so comfortable that every pore opened up, and for the first time I felt what a great joy was, my whole body was trembling with joy, he fascinated me , At this time, I realized that I have a certain ability, and only this ability can bring me happiness, which means that I don’t have to accept it, since I can kill a chicken, I can also kill a person.”

The aftertaste after many years still made Ye Xi feel great pleasure, her face was glowing, her expression was vicious and charming.

She hooked her lips into a smile: "Since then, my back has straightened up, and I, who was always terrified and restless, died completely. I am no longer afraid of anything, and I began to rummage through the pile of papers day and night for information about the human body." The book of structure, more and more understands how fragile human beings are".

"This change of mine must have shocked everyone, especially Liu Shuyan, that bitch who always called me a little bitch, when the bloody chicken head just rolled to her feet, she saw Looking at me, the expression on his face is one of disgust and surprise."

Chi Xiangnuan lowered her head, wiped her face with her hands, and said shyly, "So, you burned people to death in the paper warehouse later on."

Mentioning this person, Ye Xi's face gradually became melancholy, she lowered her eyes, looked at a cricket crawling by her feet, and said in a low voice: "Yes, I have planned for a long time, and I picked a cricket. The most suitable day, it was a very enjoyable process at that time, whenever I thought that another person would die because of me, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep."

Ye Xi was five years old when he killed the chicken, and seven years old when he decided to attack the primary school teacher.

It was a very long process, and she was looking for the right time every day, thinking of the most foolproof way every day.

The elementary school teacher is called Zhang Yong, and he is tall and strong. Of course, Ye Xi can't use the trick of killing chickens to deal with him.

Realizing the huge gap in physical strength between the two, she decided to take another approach.

The first thing that came to my mind was paraquat. This kind of pesticide can be seen everywhere in the countryside, and there is no cure, but the timing of poisoning is difficult to grasp, and the smell of pesticide is too strong.

After thinking for two days, she finally turned her attention to the paper warehouse. The paper warehouse is very large and there are a lot of firecrackers in it. Zhang Yong sells firecrackers in the village, and he is a teacher. The villagers will buy them for the sake of their children. A few hang ups, so the business is not bad.

He hoarded a lot of firecrackers that year, and he couldn't put them down at home, so he put them in the paper warehouse of the paper mill. Ye Xi, Ye Sheng, and Ye Zhou were all his students at that time, and it was difficult for Second Uncle to refuse them.

There are firecrackers in the paper warehouse, and gasoline outside the paper warehouse.

Two months later, Ye Xi finally met a perfect opportunity.

The pig butcher in the village married a widow, and the pig butcher had a good network of people, so everyone from the paper mill went to the pig butcher to drink wedding wine. Ye Xi's mother went to grandma's house with Ye Xi in her arms. Only Ye Xi and two helpers from the paper mill were left in the family.

When Zhang Yong gambled, he owed the butcher 3000 yuan and wanted to renege on the debt. The two got married, and Zhang Yong didn't go to the butcher's wedding banquet.

As for the two helpers, it's easier to solve. Her tablemate Gao Bin's family opened a pharmacy in the village. Gao Bin's father is a doctor in the village. At that time, he secretly took two bottles of sleeping pills.

Sleeping pills were added to the meals, and the two helpers quickly fell asleep.

Ye Xi called Zhang Yong and said that he found that many of the firecrackers in the paper warehouse were bitten by mice, and some of them were damp again, so he asked him to take a look.

Sure enough, Zhang Yong was furious, and rushed to the paper mill.

Before he came, Ye Xi had already sprinkled gasoline on those firecrackers, and she also dismantled the firecrackers, and used the gunpowder inside to lay a concealed line of fire near the yellow paper at the door, and the bottom of the yellow paper at the door was also sprinkled Gasoline, as long as the fire wire is ignited, the entire paper warehouse will become a sea of ​​flames.

When Zhang Yong came, Ye Xi said that the firecrackers bitten by mice were placed in the back of the warehouse, and Zhang Yong walked in cursing.

Before he went in, he asked why there was such a strong smell of gasoline.

Ye Xi bowed his head and said: "A few days ago, a worker stole gasoline, and when he was discovered, he poured all the gasoline on the ground."

This is indeed a true story. The worker is an old man in his 40s who was just scolded away by everyone yesterday.

When he reached the depths of the warehouse, Ye Xi closed the door of the paper warehouse and locked it with a big lock.

The moment the door closed, she lowered her head and looked at a small section of the fire/powder line outside the door. Gasoline was also sprinkled near the fire/powder line. Ye Xi took out a matchbox, and the match ignited with a light stroke.

She looked at the cluster of small flames, smiled slightly, her eyes had a strange stream of light, she threw the match lightly on the fire/powder line, and the flames sprang up all of a sudden, crackling and wandering towards the door go in.

Ye Xi ran away from the paper warehouse and ran to the north room to quietly listen to the loud noise coming from the paper warehouse.

This is the firecrackers sprinkled with gasoline being lit, the paper warehouse is about to turn into a sea of ​​flames, Zhang Yong will die there no matter what, he will soon turn into a pile of ashes, the yellow paper in the paper warehouse will be given to him Let's be buried.

"Then why did you return to the paper warehouse?" Chi Xiangnuan asked.

Ye Xi closed his eyes, with a painful expression on his face: "I don't know, then I suddenly became very panicked, and I kept thinking about the chicken that I killed, and then I realized another thing, Chickens are different from people, and killing a human is absolutely different from killing a chicken.”

"So I ran back and opened the door of the warehouse. The door lock was very hot at that time. When the door was opened, the fire wave with thick smoke almost flew me away. I knew he must have found the big iron door locked. If he wanted to escape I had no choice but to climb out through the small window at the back of the paper warehouse, but my second uncle had already welded the iron grille of that small window to death, so I couldn’t get out at all. I stood outside the door and coughed for a while, then suddenly decided to rush in Call him back and tell him the iron gate is open."

Chi Xiangnuan listened silently, holding the rope of the swing tightly with both hands.

"When I went in, his whole body was already on fire, and he was holding on to the iron fence of the window. When he saw me coming, he hugged me and rushed out. His arm was on fire, and the flames scorched my clothes. To be honest, at that time, I really didn't expect that I would go back alive, let alone that he saved me."

At that time, there was a helper who didn't eat much and woke up earlier. He called people to put out the fire. When Ye Xi escaped from the paper warehouse, many people were already surrounded outside.

She inhaled a lot of smoke and fell into a semi-comatose state. Ye Decheng took her to the hospital. When she woke up, she heard the doctor said that the adult who was sent was dead, and the child was fine, but needed some lung-clearing medicine. Avoid falling into the root of the disease in the future.

No one suspected her of the fire in the paper warehouse. Everyone thought it was so hot and there were too many firecrackers in the paper warehouse that caused the fire. Some people blamed the old Lai who stole gasoline, saying If he hadn't spilled gasoline on the paper warehouse, the fire in the paper warehouse wouldn't have ignited so quickly.

In any case, Zhang Yong is dead.

Her death caused Ye Xi to fall into long-term self-contradiction, and she began to wonder how to distinguish between good and evil in people.

At that time, the abyss of evil opened its eyes to Ye Xi, watching Ye Xi fall into its embrace step by step.

After waking up from the dream, Ye Xi took a bottle of red wine and went to the beach.

This dream was clearer than any previous ones, and it was so clear that people felt that these dreams had actually happened.

The sea water surged up layer by layer, and the sea breeze passing through the nose carried a salty and cool smell.

Ye Xi took a sip of wine, lay down on the beach, and looked at the blue sky with his arms on his pillow.

When did these dreams become more and more vivid and clear.

And Chi Xiangnuan.

Chi Xiangnuan - Just thinking of this name makes my heart throb.

So why did the overwhelming joy that filled the heart when we first saw each other disappear as the dream became clearer and clearer?

Why is this so?

She drank half of the wine in the bottle, Ye Xi drank it too hastily, some red wine flowed down her chin, she wiped it off casually, looking at the undulating sea with gloomy eyes.

what is it then?what is it?

She squinted her eyes, her face was flushed with alcohol, she covered her eyes, and quietly recalled the dreams she had these days.

They were all Chi Xiangnuan, the smirking Chi Xiangnuan, the gentle Chi Xiangnuan, the dull Chi Xiangnuan, and the flustered Chi Xiangnuan.

The sentence sounded in my ear again: "Who do you think I am again?".

Who do you think it is?

Who on earth is it?

Tears flowed down the corners of his eyes, and his heart was suddenly surrounded by great sorrow.

I don't know where it started, and I don't know when it will stop.

A bottle of red wine ran out, the seaside wind messed up her hair, and her mind was in turmoil. The rising tide flooded her. She closed her eyes, enjoying the pleasure of suffocation. When the oxygen in her lungs was exhausted, her eyes Suddenly, countless lights and shadows flashed, and memory fragments came one after another, attacking her.

Childhood, flashlights and the glow of fireflies.

vast starry sky at night

Sawdust and a frog in a bottle.

At that time you just learned to run.

The flying skirt corners shattered the night wind.

A small room with a low bench at the door.

Moldy books with a corner missing.

The cobwebs formed in the paper warehouse hang from the beams.

The machine was roaring, morning dew and sunset came alternately.

You have slept in the night, curled up in the earth and sky.

At that time, the eyes were full of stars, and there was still hope.

Later, there was a sudden shower, and I left in a hurry, entering a prosperous environment.

The flashing neon lights in the field of vision dimmed at the end of the alley.

The asymptote starts to approach infinitely.

Messy formula symbols on scratch paper.

The imagination of the powerful and unconstrained style is vivid on the paper.

Occasionally, I recall the misty moonlight in my childhood.

At that time, you were always wandering around the corner.

Look everywhere the crowd walks.

Then I happened to meet you.

The desolate and indifferent life gave birth to many joys and sorrows.


The author has something to say:


Volume Two, I'm Going

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