"You two are getting married?"

Leopold looked at his son who was standing in front of him and brought him the "good news", and then at the blond man standing behind his son all the time, showing an incredulous expression.

He couldn't help but look at Brenda beside him, his loyal bodyguard, who was holding a fishing rod and standing on the boat to fish for him.

Since returning to Roland, Leopold has opened the door to a new world, eating and drinking almost every day.

The brave men are really good at eating, so that he has eaten for so many days, but he has not eaten a heavy dish, and among these delicacies, his favorite is seafood dishes.

What he didn't know was that the strategy post about him in the starry sky forum had been updated—all players knew that to gain the favorability of the former emperor, they only needed to bring enough delicious food!

The original post also wrote: This handsome and extraordinary His Majesty the late emperor is not picky at all, whether it is pancakes or finger cakes, whether it is snacks or famous dishes, as long as it is eaten, he likes it!

I don't know how Leopold will feel after reading this post, but as a person born in the era of interstellar beasts, even if he is an emperor, he really hasn't eaten many good things.

Of course, what you eat while playing games doesn’t count.

What's more, the interstellar food is not as delicious as the braves' cooking!Roland's food city is now famous all over the world!

Now he has completely indulged in the fun of food, even when his son returned the game cabin to him, he never went in to play.

Cough cough, mainly shameless.

Now he and Brenda drove a magic boat out and were fishing in the sea.

With the return of more than 100 high-star elementalists, many lost skills have been inherited, such as the manufacture of magic ships and magic cores.

And the magic core is not only used on magic ships. Before the natural disaster, it was most used in the manor of the elementalist.

With a magic core, you don't even need to hire too many servants, they will help you take care of your home properly and guarantee absolute loyalty.

Now, under Xu Sili's order, several high-star elementalists began to study how to make a core capable of managing a city.

In this way, the safety and service quality of the food city, a tourist city that mainly receives outsiders, will be greatly improved.

Speaking of Leopold, the seafood they are catching can be taken to Lihai City to cook for the brave. Each dish only needs to pay 10 Aixue coins, which is not too cheap.

And the players are also happy to serve him, after all, this is the former emperor, such a high-level NPC, it is not wrong to gain more favorability!

As a result, today, as soon as Leopold caught a few sea fish, his youngest son brought Si Sheng down from the sky, and announced to him grandly that they were going to get married in a week.

Leopold was shocked.

Why didn't he see that Si Nuo and Si Sheng were a couple?

"When did you guys get together? Why didn't I know?"

As soon as he said this, Brenda next to him couldn't help looking at him with indescribable eyes, and interjected, "Your Majesty Leo, I'm afraid everyone in the empire knows about this matter."

what? What?Everyone in the empire knows?

The old emperor, who was obsessed with delicious food after returning home and gave himself a long vacation, looked confused and surprised.

"Brenda, you know they're together? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you knew."


Seeing Leopold's complex expression, Xu Sili smiled, took Si Sheng's hand, and clasped his fingers tightly.

"Since you don't know it yet, let me introduce it to you formally."

"This is my lover and my fiancé, the partner I want to spend my whole life with - Si Sheng."

Hearing this, Si Sheng's mouth twitched into a smile.

That's right, they're finally getting married!He was looking forward to it day and night, and finally this day came.

He looked at the old emperor and saluted respectfully.

"Please marry us."

As the last monarch of the Roland Empire and the father of Snow Roland, Leopold is more qualified than him to officiate their marriage. He also hopes to obtain the blessings of all Ali's family members.

Facing Si Sheng, the patron saint of the empire, the strongest Roland, the only nine-star elementalist in the world...

To be honest, even Leopold, the former monarch of the Roland Empire, couldn't help but feel apprehensive in his heart.

This is the result of star suppression, although Si Sheng has restrained his coercion.

"Yes, father, we need you as the officiant of our wedding." Xu Sili said with a smile.

When it came to the wedding, the two looked at each other and smiled, as if they were covered with happy pink bubbles, which made Leopold, who had never eaten dog food, feel a little full.

One is his own son, and the other is a nine-star powerhouse. Facing their invitation, what else can Leopold say?

"Okay, I'll be there then."

He nodded, and began to think about what kind of wedding gift he would prepare for them. As for the preparations for the wedding, I believe Wei Er will handle it, which is not something he is good at.

Thinking of this, Leopold also laughed.

Four years ago, he would never have imagined that there would be such a leisurely and comfortable time today. Not only his son and daughter survived the disaster, but his poor sister was also rescued.

Now she not only recognizes Xiaoqiong, has made her own career, but also regained her happiness.

Living in this place now, I really didn't even dare to think about it before.

And all of this was brought about by his son and the patron saint of the empire in front of him. If they really love each other, then he has no reason to object to this marriage.

"Okay, if you meet Elvis, please tell him, Father, this is his invitation."

"no problem."

Leopold nodded.

So, Si Sheng grabbed Xu Sili's waist and flew away with him. They had to go to the Forgotten Land and hand over the invitation to Rosam.

After all, the other party is the second most powerful elementalist in the empire, so he still needs to be given what should be given. When they go on a wedding trip, Roland will trouble him to look after them.

Leopold watched them fly away, filled with emotion.

He thought of his queen, that beautiful and gentle woman who left him forever shortly after giving birth to Sinuo.

If she can live till now, she should be very pleased to see this scene, right?That is... Shouldn't it be time for Thanos and Sirin to work harder?

Xiaoqiong is only 15 years old, and she is not in a hurry, but both Thanos and Sirin are in their 30s, and there is no news yet.

As the father, shouldn't he worry about them a little bit?After all, this is not only their personal matter, but also concerns the next generation of the Roland royal family.

Leopold stroked his chin.

However, compared to the lifespan of hundreds or thousands, it seems that there is no need to worry too much.

Leopold thought about these things, and soon a fish was hooked. He flicked his hand and pulled up a sea crab.

"Oh oh oh oh oh, look what I found? Isn't this His Majesty Leo's ship?"

With the appearance of the sea crab, there was a very hearty and heroic voice.

Leopold and Brenda followed the sound and looked over.

On the calm sea surface, there was a burst of bubbles suddenly, and then a submarine emerged from the bottom of the sea and floated on the sea surface.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling light came on, and after the light dissipated, the submarine turned into a ship and approached Leopold's magic ship.

"Uncle Elvis."

Looking at the youth with silver ponytail who was younger than him on the opposite deck, Leopold smiled and took the initiative to say hello.

Ives jumped over from the Mike and said with a smile, "Leopold, Brenda, are you out fishing again? Did you catch anything good today?"

As the sea interstellar beasts in the sea were cleared away, the protozoa that originally belonged to Aixue planet in the sea gradually recovered, and the seabed became more and more vibrant.

Like Leopold and the others, when they go fishing in the sea, most of the marine life they catch will be released, leaving only one or two to satisfy their greed.

Like the sea crab he just caught, when he saw that it was a female crab about to lay eggs, Leopold threw it into the sea and released it.

"It's just started." Leopold said, "You just came out of the sea elves?"

Now many cities have been built on the seabed, not all of them border on the land of the sea elves.

Although the land of the sea elves has expanded much more than before, everyone knows that the area around the tree of life is the real land of the sea elves, and only there can you see the sea elves.

As the royal family of Roland, Elvis is still welcomed by the sea elves. His pet, the big octopus Nagg, is still guarding the land of the sea elves diligently.

Speaking of this, Elvis couldn't help but sigh.

The sea elves staying in the tribe are either males or cubs, and the few females have all turned into humans and walked on land. He wanted to find an opportunity to get to know each other, but he didn't know where to start.

Even if his good friend Naig is willing to play a bridge for him, he can't find any good opportunities.

Seeing his frown, Leopold couldn't help laughing. After fighting side by side for several years, he certainly knew this uncle's obsession.

But it's a matter of course, you can't force it.

When Elvis rolled his eyes over him, he quickly stopped laughing, and said solemnly: "Sinuo just came here, let's go back to attend his and Si Sheng's wedding, this is his invitation to you."

Elvis took the invitation and looked at it, he didn't seem too surprised that the two of them were going to get married.

"Okay, I will go to the ceremony on time."

As an elder, I still have to prepare a gift, but speaking of which, the emperor's wedding ceremony...should all sea elves be present?

Aves suddenly decided that he must wear his best dress that day!

From this day on, the news that His Majesty Roland was about to marry Marshal Si Sheng was widely publicized by the media, and soon spread throughout the Roland Empire, and spread to the interstellar countries.

The extraterrestrial tourists who come to travel will be a little surprised, but the people of Roland will not be surprised.

They are finally getting married!

Almost all over the country, all the people who heard the news gave out such cheers.

His Majesty Ronaldinho and Marshal Si Sheng are finally consummated!

Now, under the influence of the players, the aborigines of Roland like to call their monarch "His Majesty Luo" affectionately.

As the monarch who led them to the road of peace and prosperity, His Majesty Xiao Luo is undoubtedly the most popular among the successive emperors of Roland. His beautiful love with Marshal Si Sheng has also made all the people stunned.

After all, it's official!And from time to time, there will be official sweets, which are so sweet, who will read them and say that they are really in love?

And now, the CP they knocked on is finally going to be cultivated to a positive result!

The entire Roland Empire reveled like a festival, and the bonfire parties that had not been held for a long time were held in various places one after another.

This kind of atmosphere also infected the interstellar people who came to travel and avoid disasters—yes, now the Roland Empire has become one of the few countries in the interstellar that is not infested by the Zerg.

According to the analysis report of scientists, this is probably because the special magnetic field of Aixue star hinders the entry of Zerg.

Of course, the actual reason - the black armor has evolved to a five-star strength, and it is considered the highest level group among the Zerg.

With it, other king worms would choose to avoid Ai Xuexing.

Because the reconstruction of Ai Xuexing requires too much manpower, and neither the population nor the education level of the Roland Empire can be improved in a short period of time.

Therefore, under such a cosmic environment, Xu Sili chose to open up some places to interstellar people who seek help.

Of course, it is not unconditional to help them.

With the current level of prosperity of the Roland Empire, these people do not need to pay high amounts of money, they only need to have a skill that Roland needs, and promise to serve the Roland Empire for more than ten years.

As long as this condition is met, the Roland Empire is willing to accept them. As for the selection work, on the surface it is handed over to the Star Alliance, but in fact it is handed over to Xiao Wu.

With Little Five around, 90.00% of those with bad intentions can be screened out, leaving those who really seek help and are willing to work for Roland.

In short, the current Ai Xuexing has changed from the dangerous, backward, and daunting planet to the first planet in the entire interstellar world that he most wants to emigrate to!

Back then, when Val was on a mission, he had rejected Roland's country, and his stomach was green with regret.

Although the countries that first established diplomatic relations with Roland were also attacked by the Zerg, with Roland's help—mainly the support of the players, they quickly won.

Now, these countries have adjusted and developed rapidly with Roland's assistance.

And these friendly nations, after receiving the news that the monarch of Roland was about to get married, all sent congratulatory letters and sent envoys to send gifts—anyway, with the warriors of Roland, they were not worried about encountering interstellar pirates or Zerg, Roland's mercenary group, now also enjoys a very high reputation in the interstellar.

The people of Roland cheered happily, and the loyal players of the Star Era naturally did not give up too much.

As a novice village planet, the Roland Empire has run through almost every player's gaming career. Even those players who have switched sides, His Majesty Ronaldinho still holds a very special place in their hearts.

That is a special existence that even if he switched sides, when he heard that an NPC wanted to target him, he would roll up his sleeves and kill the NPC.

After all, in every large-scale event, His Majesty Ronaldinho gave them a very comfortable game experience, and His Majesty Ronaldinho also sent out special missions every now and then, and the mission rewards were quite good!

Although he always likes to follow the plot behind the player's back, he is also a very perfect camp leader.

In the four years of the game, in everyone's heart, there is more or less a feeling left behind.

Now, hearing that he is about to marry Si Sheng, apart from the crazy CP fans on the starry sky forum, they are——

[His Majesty Xiao Luo gets married, will there be any special rewards? 】

【I think so. His Majesty Xiao Luo has always been very generous. Now that he is so happy to be married, why should he send out a special reward to celebrate it? 】

【So, non-Roland camp players, can they get His Majesty Ronaldinho's wedding reward? 】

[Hahahaha, aren't you talking nonsense?Is His Majesty Ronaldinho the leader of your camp?What does marriage have to do with you? 】

That's right, His Majesty Ronaldinho is not the leader of their faction. What does the wedding reward he issued have anything to do with them?

After understanding this logic, the players who switched factions emo instantly.

[Ah shit, I've only switched sides for a month!I thought Roland didn't have much demand for me for the time being, so I transferred it!His Majesty Xiao Luo's wedding is too hasty, at least one year's notice must be given in advance, and it will take another year to prepare, right? 】

[Hahaha, you have been preparing for such a long time, you just ask Si Sheng if he agrees! 】

[That's right, the marshal is waiting desperately, how can it be postponed for another year?He is so strong and still loves his wife so much, what kind of fairy paper man is Mr. Marshal? 】

[What wife?His Majesty Ronaldinho is obviously attacking, let the emperor attack! 】

【Hmph, the Marshal is still the patron saint! 】

The post once again became a battlefield for CP fans, but since this is true for CP, and almost half of the people are knocking, no one scolds CP fans for disrupting the order.

As for those players who switched sides and couldn't switch back in a short time, they posted sourly again.

[Even if there is a reward, it can only be used in Roland, and it will not have any impact on those of us who are dedicated to exploring the starry sky]

【Do you think that the rewards that His Majesty Ronaldinho gave out will include mecha battleships?Wake up, stop dreaming! 】

[Hahahaha, that's right, these rewards are not attractive to us! 】

So, did Xu Sili prepare a wedding reward?The answer, of course, is yes.

When the day of his and Si Sheng's wedding came, the players who were still staying in Roland's camp, when they logged into the Star Era, they all received this message——

[Ding ~ His Majesty Roland will be married to Marshal Si Sheng today. To celebrate their wedding, a lottery will be held in major cities. Players from the Roland faction can spend their prestige to participate. It will last for three days. The prizes of the lottery include: 1. The right to use Roland's special mecha (Sonic) (valid for 1 month) 2. Roland's special mecha...]

When they saw the long list of lottery prizes, all the players cheered in unison.

Everyone rushed to tell each other, and began to look for the coordinates of the lottery locations in the main cities. However, the players who had previously expressed no interest in His Majesty Ronaldinho's wedding rewards were dumbfounded.

Looking at the prize list posted on the forum, their saliva and tears flowed down directly.

Fuck, if I knew it, I wouldn't have switched camps so quickly!

Unlike the players who were deeply polarized between great sorrow and great joy, the aborigines who received the invitation came to the place to watch the ceremony early and waited.

Dr. Ding and others from the Imperial Research Institute also closed down the research institute in a rare way, and all of them were mobilized.

They came to the scene to watch the ceremony, participated in this prosperous world of national celebration, and witnessed the enviable love between His Majesty Ronaldinho and Marshal Si Sheng.

As the first batch of interstellar people who came to Roland to develop, they are undoubtedly the most touched by the development that Roland has achieved in just a few years.

Each of them hopes that Roland will get better and better, so that this grand miracle can continue forever.

"I heard that this wedding was organized by His Royal Highness Weier. Old Ding, when will you hold a wedding like this with His Highness Weier?"

Next to him, Dr. Yu Mingwei joked cheerfully as he watched the lively wedding scene.

Dr. Ding Mingyu smiled happily, "It's easy to say, let's make plans after we've been busy for a while."

He and Weier are already married, but they didn't hold a wedding. They are both too busy, and Weier has a strong sense of professionalism. It is really not easy for her to stop.

Probably stimulated by the wedding of His Majesty and the Marshal, she finally raised a similar idea with him yesterday, which made him very happy.

The scientists watched him blatantly sprinkle dog food, and booed him one after another, while Yi Minkang put his arms around Wang Ling's shoulders, showing with actions that he also has a wife!

Beside Dr. Yu Mingwei, his grandson Yusen was still standing.

Today, his temperament is more mature than before, and his whole person is much calmer and more confident.

After several years of training, Yu Sen has become a very professional mech trainer, almost full of peaches and plums.

The students he teaches always learn much faster than other instructors. Even with the same teaching methods, his students absorb knowledge more efficiently.

At the beginning, it was only circulated among individual players, but after being exposed, his training class was full at once.

Yu Sen didn't expect that he would have such a fortune.

After coming to Roland, a lot of things actually happened. The decision that was made on the spur of the moment has become the most correct choice he has ever made in his life.

That time, in the mecha competition held on Ampsonton, because he represented Roland in the battle, he was recognized by the people of his home country after he emerged.

It was only later that he learned that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the mother planet had put pressure on the Roland Empire, preparing to bring him back to the country for treason.

However, His Majesty Roland strongly protected him, and shut up the people on the mother planet, never daring to mention this matter again.

Since then, even Dr. Yu Mingwei has completely lost his heart for his mother country.

He has already made a decision. From now on, he and Yu Sen will be completely Rolanders, and everything about the parent planet has nothing to do with them.

And Yu Sen thought so too.

Now, those who are driving mechs on the field and performing shows are the favorite students he has cultivated, and those who are flying shuttles in the sky, leaving streaks of colorful smoke are also the students he once taught.

A deep sense of pride arose in Yu Sen's heart.

If it wasn't for His Majesty Roland, he would have no idea that he still has the talent to be a coach and trainer, and it was His Majesty who tapped his potential.

Your Majesty, is truly a great monarch who cannot help but admire!I only hope that he and Marshal Si Sheng can continue walking hand in hand like this.

After the performance show, it was the link where representatives from all parties sent congratulatory gifts.

Among them, the most eye-catching ones are naturally the various rare middle races. Many of these middle races, which were originally rare, are now endangered.

The forest elves, whose number was only over 100, became the rare middle race with the largest number.

Because of Xiao A Sheng's relationship, the forest elf is naturally at the front, followed by the sea elf, and then the goblin.

Behind them, there are dwarves, goblins, dark elves... and even a young dragon that is slowly taking off at the back of the team.

This young dragon is not a counterfeit like Xu Fengqing, but a real dragon with the attributes of light and wind. It was accidentally discovered and rescued by the player when cleaning up the interstellar beast.

At the beginning, the players almost killed the young dragon as an interstellar beast. Fortunately, the system prompted it in time, so that the young dragon was able to save its life.

Later, the players found several dragon eggs nearby, which are still hatching.

If there is no accident, one of these dragon eggs should be the future wife of this young dragon.

The young dragon held the eggs very closely, and stayed by their side every day, probably due to the instinct of reproduction in the blood. If the emperor hadn't gotten married, it was impossible for the young dragon to leave those eggs.

After these rare Chinese, there were congratulatory gifts from the representatives of the main cities, and then the envoys from the friendly nations who rushed in and finally arrived in time.

The long line of gift-giving was faithfully recorded by the live broadcast, and the images were sent to thousands of households.

The players who watched the live broadcast were drooling when they saw the mountain of gifts.

God, there are so many good things, how many good things should there be?I really want to rob!

Of course, as soon as this idea came up, they were ruthlessly extinguished by themselves. After all... there are so many high-level NPCs, they can't beat them at all!

And the benefit of going out to disturb Si Sheng at this time is probably to be chased and killed by the patron saint of the empire all over the map, right?

Finally, the gift-giving link was over, and Leopold, the officiant, appeared on the solemn sacred staircase.

This was the most popular building on Aixue, and it was the place where all couples yearned to hold their weddings. According to legend, if you get married on the sacred ladder, you will be blessed by the gods.

Of course, this sacred staircase with a total of 99 steps is imitated according to the original version.

Leopold stood at the top, looking at the lower head with a solemn expression, and the people who came to watch the ceremony also looked at the gate.

"It's about to start..."

Xu's mother nervously held Xu's father's hand and said in a low voice.

As Xu Sili's most important family members, the Xu family, together with Thanos and the others, were arranged in the best position to watch the ceremony.

"Don't be nervous, just relax." Xu Yuheng comforted his parents, looking at his elder brother with complicated emotions.

Xu Fengqing and Thanos stood together, the two whispered to each other from time to time, communicated in low voices, occasionally looked at each other and smiled, and seemed to be in a good relationship.

Xu Yuheng couldn't help but wonder, when did his elder brother have such a strong relationship with His Royal Highness Thanos?

When he was wondering, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly changed.

I saw two rays of light, one golden and one purple, emerge from the gate of the palace. In the light, he finally took off his military uniform and changed into a blond man in a gorgeous dress, and walked out step by step.

When his gaze swept across, the audience was silent.

He nodded in satisfaction, then turned his head sideways, and stretched out his hand to the young man who was still shrouded in light.

A white and slender palm rested on his palm, and the silver-haired young man who was also dressed in a gorgeous wedding dress came out calmly and appeared in people's sight.

Everyone couldn't help but hold their breath, forgetting to breathe for this beautiful and romantic scene.

Under everyone's gaze, the newlyweds stepped on the red and gold patterned carpet, step by step, slowly and gracefully walked up the sacred ladder.

From the beginning to the end, their hands were held together, and their fingers were tightly intertwined.

The moment they stepped on the sacred ladder, golden spots of light suddenly fluttered down.

They are bathed in golden light spots, which look so sacred and beautiful that they cannot be profaned.

The golden light spots not only fluttered in the palace, this golden rain quickly permeated the entire Ai Xuexing, allowing all beings to receive the information contained in it.

For players with the system, the information they receive is more intuitive——

【Blessing of the Elemental Spirit】

[Description: Today is the day of great joy for Si Nuo Rowland and Si Sheng, and the whole world should celebrate together, and offer the most sincere blessings to the couple]

[Ding ~ bathe in golden light for 30 seconds, all attributes +10]

[Ding ~ bathe in golden light for 30 seconds, all attributes +10]


In this moment, truly celebrate!

Finally, after walking through the 99 steps hand in hand, Xu Sili and Si Sheng came to Leopold.

Under the rendering of the golden light spots, everything has a divinity.

Leopold cleared his throat and married the two.

Finally Xu Sili and Si Sheng exchanged rings.

"Then, you can kiss each other!" Leopold announced the most exciting words.

The audience cheered and booed wildly.

In such a warm atmosphere, Si Sheng stared deeply at Xu Sili.

This is his god, his love, and now...

"I finally married you."

The man's handsome face showed the brightest smile in his life, and he said affectionately: "Can I kiss you? My partner."

What responded to him was the young man's wicked smile.

I saw Xu Sili directly grabbed his collar, tiptoed slightly, and kissed his lips directly, giving him the most lingering and passionate deep kiss.

At the end, amidst the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, Xu Sili put his arms around Si Sheng's neck and pressed against his forehead, his lavender eyes were full of affection.

"Si Sheng, I love you."

Under Si Sheng's ever brighter smile, the two kissed each other lingeringly again...


The author has something to say: Ah, I finally finished writing!

The emotional line, the open line-building Ai Xuexing, the dark line-family reunion have all been completed!Woohoo, it's really hard to persist for 15 months!

There will be extra episodes later, Shuang Big Brother and Moyu cp will be available, but there may not be daily updates, I am too tired, and I have to go to work tomorrow, so let’s stop here first, good night everyone~

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