Li's father and Li's mother finally entered the game smoothly with the help of Lin Mu.

In order to accompany their son in the game, they also went to the experience store before, so they have a game account - originally thought about buying two game helmets, but they couldn't get them, so they had to give up.

Every time the experience store queues up for a long time, Li's father and Li's mother will take turns to go. After all, the son is in the hospital and there is no one around him.

Now, they don't plan to use their son's game compartment either.

This is the relic of the son, and after unbinding the account, the data belonging to the child will be cleared, which is unacceptable to the two of them anyway.

Originally, the two were going to line up at the experience store, but Lin Mu was too curious about this matter, so he brought them back to the club directly.

There is an idle customized game warehouse in the club. Because of the special nature of the club, the one purchased from the game company is the kind of game warehouse in the experience store that can be used by multiple people without binding.

This kind of price is several times higher than that of ordinary game warehouses, but compared with the long-term dilemma of not being able to buy goods, it is still more cost-effective.

As the big boss and the behind-the-scenes owner of the club, Lin Mu is naturally qualified to deal with these game warehouses. Under his leadership, Li's father and Li's mother entered the starry sky era.

To be honest, Lin Mu didn't fully believe what the irritable little rabbit said at first, but he followed the address he gave to Li's house, and after contacting Li's father and mother, he had no choice but to believe it.

Moreover, because he already knew, after consulting the Star Era game company, Father Li told him the whole story.

Lin Mu accepted this explanation, but still felt puzzled and shocked.

Is the boy who asked him to contact his real parents really just an NPC?With the technology of the Starry Sky Era, can it really achieve this level?

When Li's father and Li's mother came to the land of the sea elves with mixed feelings of anxiety and entanglement, and saw the young man standing in front of them alive, they couldn't help but have such doubts in their hearts.

But, he is so similar to their son, he looks so smart, especially...

"Mom and Dad, I'm alive again."

The boy stood in front of them, showing an extremely cute and bright smile, exactly the same as they remembered.

Mother Li finally couldn't bear it anymore, hugged her lost son into her arms, and burst into tears.

Father Li's situation is not much better. He hugs his wife and children tightly, like hugging his most cherished treasure, and refuses to let go.

The irritable little rabbit nestled in the arms of his parents, and his eyes couldn't help turning red.

He didn't know what was going on with him now.

When he was dying, he expressed his desire to enter the game warehouse to his father or mother with great difficulty.

Then, he was carried into the game cabin.

He entered the starry sky era as before, looking at the beautiful land of the sea elves, he felt very happy, but also very sad.

Just as he was hurrying to say his last words, the game cabin detected an abnormality in his body and sounded an alarm, and then he was kicked off the assembly line.

For him who has been kicked offline countless times, what is this?

He persevered in continuing to log in, and was kicked off the log again and again. I don't know how many times he saw it. When he logged in again, he found himself in a silver space.

A system prompt popped up.

After carefully reading the content, the irritable little rabbit was surprised to find that he had triggered a hidden condition, and he could generate an NPC based on him in the game like Xu Sili and Xu Tianwang.

He agreed without thinking.

Star Era is really a game full of human touch!

Then, he seized the time to finish his last words, and then accepted death calmly.

You can look at the Star Era at the end, say what you want to say to your parents at the end, and even after death, there will be a "he" left in the Star Era, so that parents can come and see "him" at any time.

He has been very satisfied.

Then, the silver-white space dimmed.

However, after a long period of darkness, the irritable little rabbit found that he was still conscious.

When he was wondering, he heard a gentle voice calling him, so he chased that voice, and finally opened his eyes.

He found himself in the land of the sea elves, where he was kicked off the line before, as if it was an ordinary time to go online.

He can still think, has past memories and emotions, of course, he doesn't know if he has amnesia, after all, he can't remember, how could he know?

But he still felt shocked, and after the shock, he was ecstatic.

His game system interface has disappeared, but the backpack can still be summoned, but after the contents are taken out, that backpack cannot be used.

Apart from these, what made him most uncomfortable was probably the disappearance of the blood and blue bars.

When he was injured, he would hurt and bleed. Of course, he knew the water healing technique, and he was cured immediately, but after performing the water healing technique, he felt that something in his body disappeared a little bit.

He speculated that it should be magic power.

He seems to have really been reborn in the world of the Star Era, or, he is actually just an NPC generated by the Star Era based on his memory data.

But what does it matter?

He has memories and emotions from the past, and he is who he is!

So, the irritable little rabbit tried every means to find Lin Mu, the head of the team closest to him, and asked him to help contact his parents.

At this moment, being hugged by his parents, he only felt grateful and satisfied.

Seeing their family reunion, Lin Mu felt more complicated than ever.

He really couldn't treat this young man as an NPC, just like the NPCs in the Starry Sky Era who seemed to be played by real people, so he made a decision.

After Li's father and Li's mother calmed down, Lin Mu invited them into his home together.

This is a property he owns on Beywater, and he has never invited anyone over.

He looked at the three people in front of him, and said with a serious expression: "You must never disclose this matter to others."

What's the difference between Xiaotuji's situation and rebirth in the game?There may be a real difference, but for some dying people or those who pursue longevity, it will be very attractive.

And this is likely to cause huge troubles for the Starry Sky Era.

After all, when the NPC was generated, the player died in the game room. This may be the player's own choice, but will his family be as reasonable as Li's father and Li's mother?

Also, what if someone commits suicide in the game cabin just to become an NPC in the Star Era?

"Once Star Era is closed due to such a negative situation, you will never be able to meet in the game again."

Lin Mu tried his best to make the situation as serious as possible.

What's more, he was talking about something that has a high probability of happening. If the Starry Sky Era is really forced to close, then he will be the first to go crazy.

In the past few years since the game was launched, the energy, money, and affection he has invested in Starry Sky Era will not allow it to be closed!

Li's father and Li's mother couldn't help but nodded, expressing solemnly that they would definitely keep the secret.

"However, you don't need to be too nervous."

Lin Mu softened his tone and said, "When people ask about it, no matter who it is, you all insist that you signed an agreement with the game company before Xiaotuji was alive."

"As long as we don't say that the little rabbit got this result by accident after he died in the game cabin, there won't be much problem."

After all, there are examples like His Majesty Xiao Luo, but His Majesty Xiao Luo does not have the memory of Xu Sili...

Maybe it's because Xu Tianwang died accidentally, and the game warehouse hadn't been developed when he died, so he couldn't access consciousness?

This is not Lin Mu's specialty, so he can't analyze it, but...

Even he, looking at the little rabbit in front of him who is no different from the past, can't help but be moved!

Connecting consciousness into the game after death and becoming an NPC is simply a genius invention. In a sense, it can be regarded as the second life of human beings!

"I will contact that Mr. Chen later and report this issue to him."

And this can be manipulated—as long as the post-death consciousness is connected to the game, as long as it is controllable and not random, it will not cause any waves, and it can become a customized service, which will definitely attract countless people.

Lin Mu felt that Star Era's game company was really unprofessional in many aspects. It was as if no one knew about such a sensitive setting before Xiaotuji triggered it?

He shook his head, suppressed this strange thought, and told the Li family again, so he didn't disturb their family reunion anymore.

When Lin Mu contacted that Mr. Chen and explained his views, he realized that he actually took it for granted.

Because not everyone's consciousness can be connected to the game, and it is rare for a situation like Xiaotuji that can retain past memories.

Although a little disappointed, Lin Mu still thinks that there is no need to hide this matter, because paper cannot cover fire, and the more you hide it, the more likely it will cause big trouble in the end.

"Mr. Lin, I have recorded your opinion. I will ask my superiors for instructions and give you a satisfactory answer."

In fact, this staff member surnamed Chen is from the crisis public relations department. It has only been a few days since the incident, and the company is still discussing how to deal with it.

As Lin Mu guessed, no one really knew there was such a setting in the game before Xiaotuji happened.

After the repeated bombardment by the crowd, only Mr. Wang stood up and said hesitantly that it seemed that he had joined this setting.

As for why he forgot?I guess it's because of memory loss as I get older.

Faced with such a maddening answer, what else could they do but accept it?But this is indeed an exciting and good news. Whether it is for game development or personal selfishness, who can refuse such a temptation!

Probably the whole company, or this world, the only people who know the truth are brothers Xu Fengqing and Xu Yuheng.

When they received the report from the staff, they entered the game at the same time and asked Xu Sili about the setting. Later, the elemental spirit gave the answer.

"I did accept the soul of this boy, I like him very much, he is a good boy."

Therefore, players can really come to the world of Starry Era after death, as long as the elemental spirits are willing to accept him!

But at the same time, after the player comes to this world, he will become a real life. Like the aborigines, he will be injured, get sick, and die because his lifespan has come to an end.

"That's enough, thank you, Elemental Elf!"

Xu Sili was ecstatic.

This also means that when Xu's family members come to the end of their lives in reality, they can come to this world and be by his side, and they don't have to experience parting again.

After all, the Xu family should have a high degree of favorability with the elemental elves, and the elemental elves have no reason not to accept them!

As for Xu Yuheng, he was a little jealous.

"I knew that I would also have a rare race account for fun..."

Looking at his elder brother's Dark Demon Dragon, he couldn't help being envious. Not only are its attributes stronger than his, but its lifespan is also very long!

Fortunately, Xu Sili comforted him, "In the later stage of human development, the life span is actually similar to that of rare races, and only those with compatible souls can get the number of rare races..."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Brother's luck is really good!"

Xu Fengqing: "..."

In the end, the game company still took the initiative. After consulting Li's father and Li's mother, the key information about Xiaotuji's case was hidden and reported.

After the death of the human body, the consciousness can be connected to the game. Once this news was reported, it immediately caused an uproar.

Star Era, with this great invention, officially broke away from the category of games and became a well-known explosive product. No matter how many people envy and question it, there is no game that can shake its status.

And Xu Yuheng's original imagination about "creating a second world for mankind" has also been realized.

Many things happened in the follow-up. For example, the foreign players who went farther and farther on the road of Zhenxiang finally let the game company of Star Era finally let go after many efforts, and even found help from the government.

However, because the production speed of game equipment cannot keep up, most people still cannot play games and so on.

But what the Xu family and all players care about the most is that His Majesty Luo and Marshal Si Sheng are getting married!

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