There were two star thieves left. Seeing the card buddies clutching their stomachs and running away in a hurry, they couldn't help but look at each other, then smiled thieves, took the opponent's cards over and looked at them, and then put them back in place as if nothing had happened.

The two got together to discuss how to eat this wave, but they waited and waited, but the other party never came back.

"Why has that guy been away for so long? You don't want to play tricks and don't come back, do you?" The star thief with a face full of flesh took a sip from the wine bottle and said with some displeasure.

"Could it be called by the boss?" Another star thief guessed.

The two brothers died just now, no matter how much they didn't care, it really didn't make sense to hide in the room and play cards.

"Tsk, isn't it just a bunch of bugs? The two who died were also incompetent, and they were eaten by bugs. They died really useless!"

The star thief took another sip of his wine and said contemptuously, "Not only did I not get any benefits from coming out this time, the spaceship was also broken, and the cargo in the tail cabin was also swept into outer space. The boss will probably be criticized this time."

"How unlucky! Why do I feel that we have become more and more difficult to mix in the past two years?"

The worst thing was Clive's scumbags. Not only was the whole army annihilated when they came to rob their homes, but their hometown was also taken away.

What about the Roland Empire, stepping on Clive's reputation as a genius, the Star Thieves were not convinced at first, but the other party recently wiped out the Lizardmen of the Baywater Empire, so they couldn't help but be dissatisfied.

The headquarters directly sent a message with an emergency code, telling them not to trouble the Roland Empire any more. When they see something related to Roland in the future, they should stay away from it, lest they directly invade like a lizardman. Their lair!

Really suffocated to death!

They have never been so aggrieved since they became Star Pirates!Especially the blood dance's methods have always been violent, if you don't accept it, you will directly hit others, so how cautious you are now?

The two star thieves gathered together to complain about the Roland Empire, and soon the one with the fleshy face also felt a cramping pain in his stomach, stopped playing the cards, shuffled the cards directly, got up and went to the bathroom.

The space on the spaceship is limited, there are only three public toilets, but fortunately there is one left.

As soon as he walked in, his intuition as a star thief made him stop, and he frowned strangely.

"Gulu——" However, the colic in his stomach again made him really care less, and rushed to the toilet and closed the door.

If he looked at it from a bird's-eye view at this time, he would find that in the toilet next to him, the star thief who had just played cards with him was sitting on the toilet, his eyes widened and his head was tilted to one side. side.

On his temple, a hole was torn, and blood flowed down, soaking his clothes.

The Star Bandit next door, who was taking care of himself, was finally liberated, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind...

It smells bloody!

He opened his eyes suddenly, but it was too late.

On the metal wall beside him, a hand stretched out silently, holding a laser gun in that hand, and shot him in the temple.


Although this Star Thief is much higher level than Fallen Leaf Ranchen, there are already various detailed strategies on the starry sky forum for the duel with NPCs - as long as you aim at the temple or the heart, it is easy to deal lethal damage, especially the temple !

And the metal materials used everywhere on the spacecraft created the best concealment environment for the fallen leaves and dust.

After he killed the NPC, he reached out and touched his neck, tore off the space button hanging on it, and then quickly left the scene of the crime, and went to join me with my long legs.

"How is it? Did you steal it?" I asked excitedly in the team channel with my legs.

After Luoye Ranchen came to a safe place, he sent the information of the space button to the team channel, and then looked at the things in the space button.

The two miniature mechs lay quietly inside, which made him excited.

Not every star thief owns a miniature mecha. Although the miniature mecha is small, the price is not at all cheaper than the ordinary large mecha.

Most of the star thieves on the spaceship still drive ordinary mechs.

I was actually envious of my special legs, and then he found that driving ordinary mechas is much more difficult, and he has to go through special learning, which is not as flexible and convenient as miniature mechas.

Fortunately, they have successfully stolen it now!

Fallen Ye Ranchen complained in the team channel: "The Era of the Starry Sky is too real, and it's not good. Although those things that are hot on the eyes have been processed by Shengguang, the sound effects still make people want to vomit."

"Hey, brother Chen, what you said is disgusting! Please shut up!"

My legs are so good that I refuse to imagine that scene. Although he made the plan and prepared the medicine, he felt very lucky that the execution was carried out by the fallen leaves and the dust.

"Now Star Pirates haven't found anything wrong, we have to hurry up."

I said with long legs, "Now the 30-minute update time is up, and I see a button to return home on the system panel, let's go back and have a look first!"

With that said, he couldn't wait to use the new function.

I really want to go back to the Roland Empire because of my long legs. After being out for more than half a year, he misses Roland's food and the members of their mercenary group very much.

During such a long time, most of it was spent chatting with the brothers of the mercenary group.

If he can go back and come back again, there is really nothing more gratifying than this, he must go to the forum to praise the dog planner!I finally have a conscience!

Before leaving the Roland Empire, both of them had their own real estate in the Roland Empire. After all, they were considered half-life players, and they thought at the time that they might be able to communicate with NPCs better after owning the real estate.

And now, they are extremely grateful that they made this wise decision back then.

When I pressed the button to return home and confirmed, a system prompt popped up in front of my long-legged eyes.

[Confirm to return home]

[It has been detected that you have only one property, which is located in the Roland Empire-City of the Brave, and is being connected]

These two lines of text slowly faded away, and then I felt a blur in front of my eyes with my long legs. When I stabilized my mind again, I found that the scene in front of me had completely changed.

He was released from the deformation of the soil and turned back into a human appearance, and the spaceship full of sci-fi style around him also turned into a house he was familiar with.

Every brick and tile of this house was drawn by himself, studied the houses of various great gods, and finally designed and built, and the interior decoration was also bought in the system mall at a high price.

It's just that after the freshness passed, he seldom thought of such a house. After all, he had it in reality. No matter how real the virtual game is, it's just a game.

However, after half a year, when I returned to this warm and comfortable little house again, I felt like "going home" with my long legs. overflowing in the heart.

He walked to the sofa, cheered and threw himself on it, and then bought a lot of snacks and desserts from the system mall.

Thinking of something, I opened the takeaway platform under the mercenary platform and ordered milk tea and various specialties of the Roland Empire for myself.

About 10 minutes later, the wind elementalists who delivered the food arrived one after another, and rang the doorbell of his house with my special legs.

And I have long legs, so I happily opened the door and took a lot of delicious food from the delivery staff, almost filling the entire dining table.

Anyway, he can't get fat from eating in the game, so he's going to open up to eat now!God knows what he's been up to for the past six months!

Open the window again, look at the blue sky and white clouds outside, breathe the fresh air, and look at the city of the brave that has become lively due to the new functions of the online update, I finally couldn't help but screamed excitedly .

This is the game!This is life!

What could be more healing than coming home to the warmth and comfort of your home after a long adventure?

About 15 minutes after teleporting back, Fallen Leaf Ranchen finally rushed over from his own home.

Compared with my long-legged small bungalow with a garden, the house with fallen leaves and dust is much simpler, and he has no intention of enjoying it. After he came out for a run to get some air, he came directly to meet his friends.

Although my legs are good and sometimes I am lazy, and my skills are not good, the drifting life for more than half a year has allowed them to cultivate a deep revolutionary friendship.

He came here to give him a space button, and on the way here, he also asked on the forum which NPC he could find to crack the mech now.

As a result, as soon as I arrived at my home with special legs, I saw him eating milk tea with one hand and fried chicken with the other.

"Brother Chen, you are here, come and eat!"

Luoye Ranchen thought for a while, but was not in a hurry to speak, and walked over to eat with him around a pile of delicacies.

Unlike my long legs, who were eager to order takeaway, the first time he returned home, he tested whether he could return to the spaceship, and it turned out that he could.

What's worth mentioning is that he can actually set the mark location on the starry sky, or on this spaceship.

If it is fixed on the spaceship of Dancing Blood, his marked location will move with the movement of the spaceship.

Using the return function, of course, is not free. Currently, players have ten free opportunities, and after they are used up, they will be charged. One time seems to be 200 diamonds, which is 20 real coins.

What really excites Fallen Leaves and Dust is that the vacancy at the marked location can be opened with money!Although it was a little expensive, he still decided to break it.

In this way, he can record the coordinates of the spacecraft and the starry sky where the black worm was found, and he can return at any time!

The tangled problems were easily solved, and the fallen leaves and dyed dust were free to enjoy delicious food with my long legs.

What he didn't know was that when the two returned to the Roland Empire, the communicators they were wearing lighted up slightly by themselves.

Xiao Wu's avatar program on the two communication devices finally connected to the main program, and gathered all the information collected during this period.

"A little black bug? What's this?"

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