"Long legs, it looks like we got a big one this time!"

Fallen Ye Ranchen looked at the text description in the task bar, and said excitedly.

As an adventure player, he doesn't like to engage in equipment, fight monsters to upgrade, and doesn't like to do daily work and practice life skills. He only likes to go to the corners of each map to dig out hidden tasks and interact with NPCs.

However, he didn't expect that the map of Star Era could be so big. It was just an ordinary challenge to explore the air wall of the battlefield map, which directly sent the two of them to the point of no return for interstellar travel.

Drifting in the universe, bored?

Of course it's boring!

The entire starry sky was so silent, if he hadn't had long legs to accompany him, if he hadn't been playing music all the time, and occasionally browsed forums and watched TV series, he would probably have gone crazy during the three months in Yupiao.

And the more than two months of lurking in the Star Thief spacecraft are only a little more interesting than before.

Because they can't scare the snakes, they can't communicate with NPCs. They can only observe NPCs and spaceships, and occasionally play tricks on these interstellar robbers for fun, but they can't do more.

Of course, he still had to feel the power of the Starry Sky Era.

The two of them went online to observe the NPC every day, and they didn't find that the behavior of the NPC was repeated. Although their activity trajectories were similar, there would always be subtle differences in their words and deeds.

This also made them discover a lot of fun, which added a lot of color to the two-month interstellar travel.

But generally speaking, in the past half a year, he and I have not gained much from having long legs.

Adventure adventure, you don't need to care about the rewards, but you still have to experience the thrill of danger!Otherwise, how can it be called an adventure?

And now, the harvest time has finally arrived!

"This should be the pre-quest of the main storyline." Fallen Ye Ranchen analyzed, "Did you see the word Interstellar?"

I have long legs and nod.

"Previously Roland's main line was to protect the Roland Empire and help the Roland Empire destroy the interstellar beasts. Now that players start to enter the interstellar, the main plot of the interstellar story begins, and we are the triggers!"

Fallen Ye Ranchen suppressed his excitement, "Of course, it can also be called a witness."

The server has been open for so long, and players have long known that Star Era is different from other games, and the plot is not triggered.

At the beginning of every important plot, there will always be various clues. If the player does not find out or receive the pre-quest, the player may not know when the plot is over.

This is also the reason why players often complain that NPCs steal the plot by themselves, but there is nothing they can do about it.

But what is certain is that the player's participation can interfere with the direction and progress of the plot. The higher the participation in the plot, the richer the rewards will be.

The two most extreme examples are the blue mark and the grumpy bunny, which are still often mentioned.

"Then what are we going to do now? Collect clues from these black bugs. This description is too general. How can we judge success?"

I have long legs and continue to observe the situation of the tail cabin from the perspective of fallen leaves and dust.

Because a big hole was made, and the air pressure inside and outside was different, everything in the tail cabin was sucked out of the cabin, including the insect ash of course.

Now the spaceship maintenance engineer is driving a miniature mecha, urgently repairing the hole in the tail compartment.

The metal shell of the spacecraft is made of renewable and rare materials, so it is not complicated to repair. According to the estimate of the maintenance engineer, it can be repaired in about half a day.

Fallen Ye Ranchen thought for a while and said, "We have to stay and investigate."

The worms appeared here. If they wanted to investigate, they would naturally start from the map where the worms first appeared. This meant that they had to leave the spaceship that had been there for more than two months.

To be honest, I'm really reluctant.

Their original goal was Blood Dance's base. Just for this goal, they went to so many transfer stations halfway, and they didn't get off halfway.

After enduring it for so long, are you going to give up like this?I'm so unhappy!

The spaceship stayed for half a day, and they had to make a decision quickly.

"I'll go out first." After some hesitation, Luoye Ranchen gritted her teeth and said.

"What should I do if I can't come back after going out? This is outer space, and there are bugs, and those bugs can eat everything."

I have long legs and a dignified expression, "If our corpses are damaged, we can't use in-situ resurrection."

Fallen leaves stained with dust think about it, and think so.

"What should I do?"

"Let's go steal the miniature mechs first!"

I have a good leg and finally said my plan, "Hey, I'm going to steal it sooner or later anyway, so let's steal it now. With the miniature mecha, we can survive in outer space."

There is a special air circulation system in the micro-mecha, which can ensure sufficient oxygen, just like this spaceship maintenance engineer, who is now driving the micro-mech to work in the environment of outer space.

However, there is one more problem.

"The mechs are all bound, we won't be able to use them if we steal them." Luoye Ranchen said.

Otherwise, after staying on the spaceship for such a long time, they would have done it long ago, not because it was useless if they got it, and they had no money to start the first position, so they couldn't put it in the system backpack.

"Steal it first, and then we can put it in the Space Nylon." I said slyly with my long legs, "I tried it. The Space Nylon can be put into the system backpack, and it's quite valuable."

Among the things Fallen Ye Ranchen searched on the tour group's spaceship before, there were two space buttons, which were divided by each of them.

While Fallen Ye Ranchen was still weighing, both of them heard the system beep.

[Full server announcement: The game will be updated online. This update lasts for 30 minutes and will not affect online players, so stay tuned]

The two were taken aback at the same time, online update?

In the past three years, the game has been updated several times online, almost every time some function or setting is added, and the results of each update are good. I don’t know what will be added this time?

There was a lot of discussion on the world channel, and the two of them were also guessing what it would be, and then they heard the system prompt sound again.

[This update content: 1. New return home button: In the non-combat state, players can use the "return home" function to quickly return to any designated property under the player's name. Note: the designated property can be replaced once a month for free 】

[2. Added the function of returning home to mark the location: when the player uses the "return home" function, a marked location will be generated, and the player can quickly return to the marked location through the home]

Fallen Ye Ranchen and I with long legs stared at the updated content, and were stunned. They looked at each other, and they both saw the ecstasy in each other's eyes.

"Fuck, is that what I think?" I said tremblingly with my long legs.

And Fallen Leaf Ranchen has already opened the forum directly.

On the Starry Sky Forum, almost all the posts are discussing this update.

【My God, I love this update! 】

[Quick return home function?Finally don't have to run for half a day every time you go home? 】

[This function should have been released long ago, okay?The map of the Star Era is so big, to be honest, because it is too far away, I rarely go home after building a house]

The construction area of ​​the city of the brave is getting bigger and bigger, there are more and more buildings, and the landscape is getting richer and richer, but to be honest, there are not many players resident in the city of the brave.

Because it is too inconvenient, even though there is a teleportation array, it takes a long way to go home once. Unless you like to build houses for fun, there are really few players who live in the city of the brave.

However, these two new functions have directly solved this problem, making the home of the City of the Brave no longer a decoration!

[No, am I the only one who wants to know, if I leave Aixue, can I return directly to my homeland in Interstellar, and then return to Interstellar from home? 】

[If you return to your homeland from Interstellar, can you return to Roland through your own door?Then go back home from Roland, and then return directly to Interstellar through the marked location? 】

[Holy shit, speaking of it this way, if it is really possible, then as long as you have Roland's real estate, you can go out and roam around casually! 】

[This updated content is actually paving the way for players to go out to StarCraft? 】

There was a lot of discussion on the forum, and Ye Ranchen was already trembling with excitement.

If this is really possible, then they can go back to Roland to find a way to unbind it after stealing the miniature mecha, and then return here!

Most importantly, after half a year, they can finally return to Roland!It even made him feel like Peng Bai, who had been away from home for many years and could suddenly go home.

"Long legs, let's go! Steal the miniature mecha!"

Fallen Ye Ranchen is still more inclined to stay and look for clues, because after going to the base of Xuewu, it is actually difficult to defeat them alone, and they still have to go back to shake people, and it is hard to say how much reward they will get in the end, but right now The benefits are truly tangible.

And the current update content gave him enough confidence.

I have long-planned my legs, and I have set a sneak attack target in my heart.

Mechas are very expensive equipment, each star thief has only one, and there is no way there will be a spare on the spaceship, and this is a spaceship, not a battleship, so the mechas are all placed in the space by the star thief.

The Star Pirate I selected with special legs is currently hiding in the room playing cards with someone—even though two of his companions died just now, they were not affected at all, they were simply insensitive.

Stealing such a person, I have no psychological burden at all because of my long legs.

Facing the star robbers, the two of them are still very cautious - because they have been floating in the universe, the two have not upgraded for a long time, and the star robbers are elite monsters in their eyes, very dangerous.

There are three star thieves in the room.

Under the command of my long legs, Fallen Leaf Ranchen slowly approached them in the metal wall, and secretly added some ingredients to the Star Pirate's wine.

The star thieves who focused on playing cards didn't notice it, and they didn't expect that people would unknowingly add spices to the wine.

Not long after, a star thief suddenly got up, "I'll go to the bathroom first, don't peek at my cards!"

Then he ran away in a hurry.

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