"Brother Sheng, let's go back."

Xu Sili hovered in mid-air on the flying saucer, turned to Si Sheng and said.

They have already seen almost this desolate star.

The members of the Clive Star Thieves obviously don't have the patience to manage it. Looking around, the whole planet is desolate and barren, and it is a real uninhabited planet...

Huh, wait.

Seeing Si Sheng looking down, Xu Sili couldn't help but frown when he followed his gaze.

For him now, the detection range of his mental power has expanded a lot. Although he is in the sky at this moment, his mental power can also extend to the ground.

What's more, there are ubiquitous sound elements, and his hearing is very sensitive.

Although the figure below was motionless and almost buried in the sand, when he listened intently, he heard some slight movements.

"Is it the star thief who escaped?"

It is not far from the star thief base, and the base building is within the range of vision. If it is a star thief who escaped, it is not surprising.

After finishing speaking, Xu Sili casually threw a detection technique in the past, but the displayed information made him stunned for a moment.





All are *?

Is this blocked?Still can't detect it?

This was the first time Xu Sili encountered such a situation, and Xu Sili was a little confused.

But what is certain is that the two people below should not be star robbers.

At this time, Si Sheng also shook his head, with a strange expression on his face.

"They give me the feeling...somewhat like brave men," Si Sheng said.

Xu Sili was even more at a loss now.

Like a brave man?Could it be the GM, that's why he can't see the information of these two people?But the question is, does Star Era have a GM?

He thought for a while and said, "Let's fly down and have a look."

After speaking, Xu Sili stretched out his arms to hug Si Sheng, and put away the flying saucer under his feet.

Si Sheng bent his lips slightly, activated the passerby halo, and then slowly landed not far from the two figures with his arms in his arms.

After landing on the ground, Xu Sili did not let go of Si Sheng, he used his mental power to observe.

These are two men in camouflage uniforms. Most of their bodies are buried in the sand, which looks very hidden. It is actually very difficult to detect with the naked eye.

However, to elementalists who use spiritual observation, they are as conspicuous as light bulbs in the dark.

The two soldiers buried in the sand did not realize that they had been exposed, let alone the arrival of Xu Sili and Si Sheng.

They carefully raised the binoculars and looked at the players running out of the base, feeling something was wrong.

"Where did these NPCs come from?"

One of the soldiers said, "It doesn't look like a star thief! And these clothes... are so strange."

The players are dressed in Western fantasy-style fashions. Although they are very beautiful, the original painting style of Desolate Star and the sci-fi style of the base are a bit out of place.

"It's really strange..."

His companion couldn't help muttering too.

They are scouts sent by the army in advance to attack the star thief base.

The information that has been collected shows that the Star Thief troops left some time ago, and there are not many Star Thieves staying in the base, but relying on their strength, it is very difficult to break through this fortress.

What's more, there are hostages inside.

And their task is to take down this star thief base while ensuring the safety of the hostages.

This is undoubtedly a difficult challenge.

Until now, no careful plan has been drawn up. After all, for this group of recruits, the difficulty of this mission is no longer Hell, but Shura.

The game team did not give any detailed information, except that this is a star thief base and there are innocent hostages inside, other information needs to be collected by themselves.

The huge gap in the level of science and technology first brought difficulties to their intelligence work that were difficult to overcome.

During the investigation stage alone, they "sacrificed" many people.

Although the game team reminded them that in the era of the starry sky, the NPC's intelligence is very high, if they start to scare the snake, it is likely to make the rescue more difficult.

But it is too difficult not to alert the Star Pirates.

In fact, on the first day they were dropped on this planet, some scouts were discovered by the defense system of the star thief base.

The unlucky soldier was covered by the concentrated fire on the base's defense tower before he even got close to the base, and played GG on the spot. Immediately afterwards, the star thieves who discovered the enemy's invasion immediately upgraded the defense system.

Fortunately, there were still surviving soldiers at that time, who saw the range aperture of the protection system and roughly estimated the safe distance.

Although safety is temporarily guaranteed, it is difficult to observe the situation in the base at this distance.

The soldiers adopted various detection methods, but none of them escaped the enemy's defense system. Many detection planes were even blown up as soon as they crossed the cordon.

And after they startled the snake, the star thieves, who were obviously very powerful, actually huddled in the base and couldn't come out!

Such a cautious response made it impossible for the soldiers to sneak in through the star robbers who left the base.

You just said this battle, how should we fight?

It is worthy of the difficulty of the Asura level, and it is impossible to start from the very beginning.

They can only ambush outside the security circle to observe, and compete patiently with the star robbers. This is also one of their training items.

The Star Pirates were indeed not as patient as they were. About a week later, the Star Pirates base, which had kept its doors closed, dispatched two mechas.

How can a mortal fight against a steel monster?

The scouts fled quickly, but they were found and eliminated one by one by the enemy. Only one scout ran to the teleportation point and successfully escaped back to the training star.

Soldiers who "sacrifice" during the mission will fail the mission, and as a dead person, they can no longer pass messages to their teammates.

A real and cruel setting.

Fortunately, some scouts brought back information, but it only made them realize more deeply the gap between them.

Just, let the game team lower the difficulty?

Not to mention whether it can be done, even if it can be done, there is no face to mention it.

After all, the bosses asked the game company for this task, and they had reminded them before starting.

Anyway, this task is stuck in the reconnaissance stage now, but the soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion don't want to give up just like that. Although the task is difficult, it is indeed very training.

The two soldiers that Xu Sili and Si Sheng met had been lying here for almost a day and a night.

"These weirdos must be related to Star Thief, otherwise why didn't the defense system of the base respond?"

said one of the soldiers.

They have suffered enough from the defense system of the base. They have used all kinds of methods, and even the most powerful hackers cannot hack into this system.

What else can he say besides Star Era being awesome?

They were the first batch of recruits who came in for a trial run. After hearing about the difficulties they encountered, some big bosses in this area became interested, but they were also tortured to the point of being autistic.

Later, I didn't insist anymore, but went to the Star Era team to exchange ideas, and let them overcome it by themselves.

"These NPCs are running out..." Another soldier murmured.

They have been squatting here for so long, and they have never seen a star thief come out like this directly. The few times they were all driving their mechs.

and so……

Could it be that the game team really lowered the difficulty because they looked at them poorly?

When the two soldiers were at a loss, Xu Sili couldn't help being a little dazed when he listened to their conversation and combined their clothes.

He remembered the military exercise that his second brother told him...

Could this be those soldiers?

Didn't the second brother say that he drew a remote planet for them?How would it appear here?

But after thinking about it, Clive Star is indeed very remote.

Xu Sili was speechless.

He took a few more glances, and then turned on the communicator to contact his second brother. Just in time, Xu Yuheng also came online to find him.

After the two brothers communicated, Xu Sili finally knew what happened, and felt very strange.

"Now Mr. Wang's headache is dying, and he doesn't know how to solve this matter."

Xu Yuheng clicked his tongue.

So, the less you want to happen, the easier it is to happen?

"It's very simple."

Xu Sili looked at the players below and the two dazed scouts, and said with a smile.

"Make Desolate Star a copy of war."

"What?" Xu Yuheng frowned, "You mean... let the army fight the players?"

"Yeah, I think it should be interesting."

Xu Sili nodded and said, "After I report to the Star Alliance, the barren star will be officially designated as the territory of the Roland Empire, and we can do whatever we want."

"Xiao Li, you may not know that the templates of soldiers are different from those of players, their data is modeled after reality..."

Xu Yuheng said tactfully.

In other words, the soldiers have pitifully weak attributes in front of the players, and they will be abused miserably.

Of course, it might be better than being abused by mechs.

"Some restrictions can be placed on the players who enter here."

Xu Sili shrugged, "As long as the rewards are rich, the players will never mind being a training partner."

"However, it's best not to let the players find out who they are fighting with."

After all, it involves the military, which is a little sensitive.

Xu Yuheng hesitated for a while, and finally nodded and said: "Okay, I will go to them to discuss it."

Although the game team cannot directly change the game settings, with Xiao Li cooperating with him, many things are much easier to solve.

But before going offline, Xu Yuheng told Xu Sili another good news.

"In about three months, there will be 500 million new players. You should prepare in advance, and..."

In the communicator, Xu Yuheng's smiling voice came out.

"Parents can also enter the game."

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