The military exercises on this planet are naturally the military personnel who have taken a fancy to the authenticity of the starry sky era and cooperated with the game team.

The game team directly drew a planet far away from the Roland Empire to them. Now the game warehouse has been fully delivered, and this army has been stationed for a while.

Overall, the training results are satisfactory.In addition to the first batch of teams stationed, the military is already considering ordering another batch of game pods.

After all, according to their understanding, after more than a year of expanded production, the output of the Star Era game warehouse has been greatly increased.

Although it is still sold out, it is not as good as it was at the beginning. It takes a long time to queue up to buy it.

With the escort of the big bosses of the military, this year, the road of Starry Sky Era went smoothly.

Although it has shown extraordinary potential in all aspects, especially in the medical field, there are basically no unresolved crises.

Although there were quite a few jealous people, and many who wanted a piece of the pie, they stopped in time after investigating Xu's background.

Of course, the Xu Corporation did not reject excellent partners. After all, an epoch-making product like Star Era can create enormous wealth.

Making the cake bigger and stronger is beneficial to the development of Star Era, not to mention that the younger brother is still in the game, so the Xu family brothers are more attentive to the management of the game.

The military has given such great benefits, so naturally the Xu family is very active in cooperating with this big backer.

According to the requirements, the game team specially took out manpower and carefully redesigned a set of system panels that meet the training needs.

If the authenticity of the players' Star Era is 99, then the authenticity of the soldiers is 9999.

Their game templates are different from those of the players. There are no attribute panels such as physical fitness and intelligence, and they are not like players. They can learn various skills and gain proficiency in everything they do.

When the player's skill proficiency reaches a certain level, he can get various attribute and effect bonuses, and everything is based on gameplay.

As for the starry sky era of the soldiers, the start is directly in hell mode.

The data of the soldiers in the game is linked to their real bodies. The system panel displays intuitive real-time data such as their strength, speed, heart rate, lung capacity, etc.

Under the monitoring of the game warehouse, the error rate of these data is very low.

Based on the data of each individual, the master brain will automatically generate training tasks of different stages and levels to help soldiers grow.

What the soldiers can do in the game, in theory, can also be done in reality.

The reason is theoretically...

After all, in the game, soldiers know that they will not really die, and even if they are seriously injured, they can recover quickly.

This kind of guarantee undoubtedly gave them the courage and confidence to break through themselves. It is easier for people to squeeze out their own potential and break previous records when they are desperate.

And when we return to reality, we will become constrained again because of the consideration of life.

Even so, such practice is also of great significance - doing one thing repeatedly and practicing repeatedly can form muscle memory, no matter how bad it is, you can find the most correct way through constant trial and error.

And with the support of a large amount of data, Wang Lao and the others found that although the soldiers were in a dormant state in the game cabin, they did not exercise.

But those who have achieved a breakthrough in the game, after returning to the present, both their strength and speed have improved slightly.

This improvement is not as big as in the game, but it is still shocking and gratifying.

If there is more data to support and confirm this discovery, then the significance of Starry Sky Era is no longer just a game.

Therefore, the country has paid more and more attention to the epoch-making game Star Era.

It's just that, for soldiers undergoing hard training, it doesn't have much to do with them, at most...

It's just to make their miserable life even more miserable.

Star Era is fun and enjoyment for the players, but it is suffering for these soldiers.

You must know that their sense of reality is forced to be locked at 100%. Although the death and injury in the game are not real, the pain it brings is real!

The training plans formulated by those masterminds are all stepping on the line to squeeze their potential.

They can only complete these perverted tasks if they try their best.

The main brain is not the instructor, it will monitor the soldiers' bodies in real time, whether you really can't do it, or if you don't have enough perseverance, the system knows it all.

It can be called the devil among the devils, many times more terrifying than the scariest instructor.

Moreover, this is a game after all, so of course various rankings are indispensable.

Of course, only the top [-] will be announced, and there will be rewards for the top [-]. Although most of the rewards are virtual items, they are quite attractive to soldiers.

This has also become the only fun in their training life.

Because this is in the game, no matter how you eat, there will be no problems. Many people will exchange various delicacies during their breaks.

The 100% real feeling allows them to fully experience the impact of these delicacies on the taste buds, bringing great comfort and satisfaction.

In reality, how can ordinary people eat so many delicacies from all over the country and even from all over the world?

And eat as much as you want, eat a lot, and keep yourself full.

After all, as a bonus, they don't need money for everything in the game!

As long as the training tasks are completed, star coins will be issued. Soldiers can use these star coins to exchange for anything you want in the system mall.

Food is just one of them, but food is the most attractive.

In addition to virtual props, the biggest benefit given by the game team is probably the game helmet and game room of the Star Era.

Soldiers themselves can’t use it anymore, because they have already registered the military version of Star Era, and temporarily cannot register the player version, but they can use the exchanged equipment for their family members.

Not to mention the game helmet, the official price of one game warehouse is [-]!

And it's something money can't buy.

Under such pressure whipping and welfare seduction, after the initial adaptation, almost no one was lazy, and everyone worked hard to complete the training.

The results obtained are naturally very gratifying.

Of course, the army is interested in Starry Era, mainly wanting to use virtual games to conduct large-scale military exercises.

The new training system is a surprise, but military exercises will not be left behind.

In order to improve the authenticity, the game team restored some technologies in reality one by one. After all, this is a modern military exercise and cannot be completely original.

Then, it is to simulate the environment of Blue Star, and add various geological environments on the originally desolate planet.

Guaranteed to have everything you need, and the service is at home.

The instructors, who had no worries at all, almost played all kinds of exercises by sea, land and air.

Later, the more I played, the happier I was, and finally I couldn't help but cast my eyes on the wider starry sky.

It's a pity that Blue Star hasn't developed a space battleship yet, so don't even think about space wars, you can only stay on this planet honestly.

However, they also put forward higher requirements to the game team - hoping to generate NPCs as their training objects.

After all, the npcs of Starry Sky Era are notoriously intelligent, but they have been fighting with their own people all the time, and it's not interesting to fight too much.

This made it difficult for the game group.

It is easy to add geographical environment, but it is difficult to directly create intelligent creatures such as npc in the starry sky era.

This violates the underlying logic of the mastermind, and it is easy to cause confusion. After the public beta, they dare not even change the settings of ordinary npcs, let alone generate npcs directly.

However, under the repeated requests of the military leaders, the game team also thought of a way.

Anyway, this planet is so far away from the novice planet, and the plot will not develop here for the time being. It is also possible to transfer the soldiers to other planets to fight.

And for those who meet the requirements, there happens to be one nearby—Clive Star!

There are all interstellar pirates on this planet, and you won't feel guilty if you kill them, and...

According to Blue Star's strength, the game team felt that most of them would not be able to win.

After being abused, the bosses will probably be able to recognize their own strength!After all, they are the military version of Star Era in the beginning of hell.

It's just that no one thought that the plan could not keep up with the changes.

As soon as they agreed on their side, on the other side, the Clive Star Thief Group delivered food thousands of miles away, and was directly wiped out by the Roland Empire.

Worst of all, the Roland Empire even took over Star Clive!

The game team who got the news was dumbfounded.

Fuck, what do we do now? !

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