It was too cold on a snowy day, and now it was not in the Prince's Palace, which was well-equipped. She was worried that she would catch a cold and get sick, so Janice didn't let Xu Sili and the others take a bath.

With limited conditions, Xu Sili had no choice but to make do with it, but he insisted on wiping his body with hot water, and got into bed numbly after he finished wiping.

He grabbed the quilt and wrapped himself into a ball, but he still felt cold, so he hurriedly called Si Sheng to come over quickly.

The young man who had already walked to the door couldn't help but stop, and looked sideways.

Xiao Tuanzi on the bed, half of his face was exposed from under the quilt, and his beautiful purple eyes looked over, shining brightly in the orange light of the fire.

His mouth was hidden in the quilt, calling him in a muffled voice.

"Where are you going?"

Only now did Xu Sili realize that he was walking outside, and asked with a frown.

The boy stood still, remembering what Janice had said to him when he was helping to pour the water just now, he looked at Xiaotuanzi from afar, and didn't go over immediately, nor did he leave.

He couldn't move his feet, and said in a low voice, "Janice arranged another room for me..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but Xu Sili already understood what was going on. The reason why Janice would do this was easy to understand, and it just made him a little unhappy.

Just thinking that this trial will soon pass, he doesn't seem to need to make trouble.

"So do you want to sleep in another room?" Xu Sili looked at the boy standing at the door.

He was also pulled by him to wipe his body together just now, and he changed into a loose nightgown. Now standing in the dim candlelight, he looked thinner and thinner.

The boy lowered his eyes, he didn't really want to go, but...

He understood his identity, and vaguely understood the current situation of His Highness, and he didn't want to make His Highness's life worse because of him.

Being far away, Xu Sili couldn't see the young man's expression clearly, but it was really cold outside, and after looking at his thin pajamas again, he finally gritted his teeth and got out from under the quilt.

The young man noticed his movement and saw that he was trembling and about to get out of bed, he was startled and ran over in a hurry.

"What do you want? I'll get it for you."

With that said, he pulled the quilt over the child's body again.

Xu Sili huddled under the quilt, and just left the quilt for a while, he felt as cold as a popsicle.

Hearing Si Sheng's question, he subconsciously said, "I want you."

The boy couldn't help but froze, and seeing that the person was already in front of him, Xu Sili would not let him run away again.

He stretched out his short hand from under the quilt, grabbed the boy's sleeve, and said, "Aren't you cold? Come in and keep warm with me."

The boy stood still.

The doors and windows in the dormitory were all closed, leaving only a small vent. The thick walls blocked the wind and snow, and there was a stove for warming the fire. He didn't feel cold.

Looking at the child whose teeth were still chattering under the quilt, he finally climbed onto the bed.

The child couldn't wait to snuggle up, and the warm quilt with a faint milk fragrance covered him. He stretched out his hand and hugged the soft little dumpling.

Xu Sili nestled in his arms, he didn't feel it before, but now he found that although his body was thin and small, it was hot, like a small stove.

"Why aren't you cold?" He couldn't help muttering.

"Maybe I'm used to it."

The young man's tone was indifferent, as if he was just answering casually, but Xu Sili felt distressed again.

As far as the environment he saw in the underground slave market yesterday, he didn't even know how Si Sheng survived for so many years.

Probably can only hold on hard?That's why I say I'm used to the cold.

Xu Sili loves the cold in summer, but he can't stand the cold in winter. He hugged the young man's warm embrace, and being pressed by his body temperature, he couldn't help but sigh comfortably.

"We'll sleep together next, you don't have to listen to Janice."

He leaned against him and whispered, "Maybe you can't understand, but I still want to tell you that we are now in a trial."

"When the trial is over, we will go back, and everything here will disappear, so you don't have to care about class or gossip."

The boy listened to him quietly.

He really couldn't understand what he said. Many things in the dream felt separated from him by a layer of veil, and he couldn't fully understand those things.

However, he decided to believe what His Highness said.

This is a very strange thing.

Obviously the two have only known each other for a day, but he has already entrusted him with trust.

In the past, he didn't believe anyone in this world except himself... But now, he found that this feeling was very good.

The little angel who appeared at his most desperate and painful time, embraced his dirty body without hesitation, and wept for him...

What does it matter if what he said is true or not?It was enough for him to have this warmth.

He tightened his arms, and just as he was about to respond, he heard the little boy muttering: "You dared to do this to me when I was the emperor, but now you don't have the tools to commit crimes, so what's wrong with sleeping together?"

The boy blinked his eyes, the crime tool... what is it?Also, what does it mean to be like that to him?

However, the little boy did not answer him.

He rubbed his eyes with his small hands, and said, "Sleep with me during these few days of trial, or I will freeze to death alone."

The young man looked down at the top of his hair, listening to his soft and dependent milk voice, his heart was slightly numb, and he heard himself answering softly: "Okay."

Xu Sili felt a little sleepy, but looking at the time, it was only after eight o'clock in the evening.

Is it too early to go to bed like this?

He thought for a while and said, "If you still don't want to sleep, I can sing to you."

Seeing that his eyelids were so heavy that they were about to fall off, although he wanted to hear it a bit, the boy still said considerately: "Your Highness, sleep when you are sleepy, I will accompany you."

"No, I want to sing for you, I sing really well..."

The little boy's voice was already a little dazed, and he half-closed his eyes as he spoke, pulling him to lie down on the bed.

Xiaotuanzi was hiding under the blanket, and it seemed that he was really afraid of the cold.

The boy turned sideways and wrapped his hands around him so that the child could hug him more comfortably.

I thought he had fallen asleep, but unexpectedly, the little boy really sang to him.

The immature voice has a kind of ethereal beauty.

Even though there was a thick layer of quilt, the boy felt that the singing sounded directly in his ears, and he even seemed to have hallucinations.

He saw that in the room that was burnt orange by the fire, small lavender light spots seemed to light up one after another. The small light spots frolicked in mid-air, sometimes converging and sometimes spreading out.

It's beautiful, beyond words.

Those lavender spots reminded him of the purple eyes of a little boy, so... Are these little elves his avatar?

The boy suddenly began to believe that everything in the dream was real...

Slowly, amidst the weakening of the little boy's singing, he felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier, as if he had reached the warmest and most reassuring place. With his mind relaxed, he fell into a deep sleep quietly.

Xu Sili is still humming the good night song. Although he can't mobilize his magic power now, the melody of this song itself has a soothing effect.

He persisted in humming the song until he heard the boy's even breathing, and then let himself fall into a dark and sweet dream.

The wind and snow are howling outside, but the house is warm and warm.

It seems that nothing can disturb them, and nothing can separate them...

The night is long and quiet.

When he woke up the next morning, Xu Sili stretched comfortably, but just as he emerged from the quilt, he shrank back into the quilt in a jerk.

It's too cold!

He felt that if he went out like this, he would definitely freeze to death!

Is this also one of the contents of the trial?

Xu Sili's already sober brain thought helplessly.

He felt that it was really possible, if it wasn't for Si Sheng's human-shaped heater, he might really not be able to survive last night, even if he didn't freeze to death, a cold and fever would definitely be unavoidable.

And under such conditions, getting sick is absolutely extremely dangerous for a five-year-old child.

and so……

Sure enough, I still stay under the covers and don’t go out today!That's right, there is no danger if you don't go out, at least the danger will be less.

He is not alone now, and Si Sheng was involved in this dangerous trial because of him, so there is no problem for him to be cautious.

Xu Sili, who found a reason for himself, began to lie in bed with peace of mind, and Si Sheng, who was about to get up, was also dragged back into the bed by him.

"You have to warm my bed, don't leave!"

Janice came in with hot water and toiletries, and heard the little boy's voice from under the quilt.

She knew that the boy slept in His Highness's bedroom again yesterday.

Although she really wanted to stop her, but thinking that His Royal Highness hadn't been this happy for a long time, she finally softened her heart, but she didn't expect to hear such a sentence when she came in early in the morning.

warm bed...

Janice gritted her teeth. This is not a nice word. In just one day, the little majesty has been taken away?

She couldn't help feeling worried.

At this time, a head poked out from under the quilt.

The boy's light blond hair was messy, and his fair face was dyed with two blushes. When he met her gaze, he shyly avoided it.

This innocent and harmless appearance gave Janice the illusion that he was the one who was led badly.

Janice was stunned for a moment, shook her head, and began to serve the two of them to wash up.

And under the unquestionable request of the little boy, they ate breakfast in bed, and the little boy was particularly dissatisfied.

He asked the boy to sit cross-legged, and then he arched his body and squeezed into his arms, letting him circle him, and then pulled the quilt to cover his chest, and then settled down to have breakfast.

Seeing their intimate posture, Janice hesitated to speak, but recalling the boy's indisputable appearance just now, she sighed, and finally said nothing more.

Xu Sili ate and drank, and Si Sheng, a humanoid heater, leaned against him, not to mention how comfortable it was.

Moreover, he opened the future forum while eating.

Originally, he wanted to check if there were any relevant strategies for the trial, but accidentally scanned to the background, and he remembered that fan post again.

He thought for a while, and quickly opened the CP popularity ranking in the fan area, and suddenly found that the CP ranking of [Si Sheng x Sinuo Roland] had advanced five places in just one night!

Xu Sili was overjoyed.

His sacrifice was worth it!

Thinking of this, he happily opened the post, and couldn't help grinning when he saw that the number of views had increased by more than 3000 million in just one day.

He promised to update every 2000 million readings yesterday, and now there are already many people in the post knocking on the bowl and waiting.

Now that he had decided to use it as a daily record post, Xu Sili didn't hesitate, took a photo and posted it in the post.

future world.

A Caizi just woke up, the first thing she did when she opened her eyes was not to get up, but to let the robot butler turn on the virtual optical brain, just nestled on the bed, ready to browse the forum and get up again.


"[Si Sheng x Si Nuo · Rowland] CP map building, have you knocked it out yet? "It's updated, let's take a look ~ huh?Did she get it wrong or is there a bug in the forum?

It is impossible for Mrs. Calm to be so productive!

Even though she was thinking this way, she quickly opened the post, clicked to see only the poster and scrolled to the bottom.

Fuck, it's really updated!

[Calmness]: Good morning ~ next meal!


In the first picture, the European-style log-style bed was covered with thick quilts, making the blond-haired boy sitting on the head of the bed extraordinarily thin.

The boy sat cross-legged, the quilt in front of him was slightly raised, and a small head protruded. The sun shone in from the window, and he could vaguely see the white snow scene outside.

The second is a close-up.

The silver-haired little boy was holding the quilt with both hands, his little head was raised slightly, his moist and full lips were opened, revealing the pink tongue in his mouth, and he seemed to make a sound of "Ah——".

And the blond boy holding him was tearing off the bread in his hand and carefully feeding it to the little boy.

The colors of the whole picture are bright and soft, with the coldness of winter, the warmth of the quilt, and the cuteness of a little boy and the handsomeness and gentleness of a teenager.

The atmosphere between them is so warm and harmonious, as if no one can penetrate them.

A Caizi stared blankly at the two pictures, and slowly smiled as her aunt.

Misty grass, fog grass, this is too sweet!

Is Mrs. Calmness a fairy?How can the candy made by hair be so sweet!

Looking at the picture carefully, she really can't see any traces of painting or synthesis, so isn't this really an unpublished historical material of the Starry Sky Era?

Si Zai and Si Bao are really bamboo horses, right?

Otherwise, it is really hard to believe that someone can draw such a realistic picture!

At the same time, there are not a few people who have the same idea as A Caizi.

Xu Sili didn't know, but if he really knew, he might still be happy or excited.

Doubt is good, it's best to dance in front of the future Si Sheng, and let him respond!It was revenge for my self in another world.

In other words, the him in the future world should have died in an air crash, right?

In this way, he will feel that he is really lucky.

Therefore, he must cherish this second rebirth, and no matter what, he must not let his family get hurt again...

After breakfast, although he had decided to stay under the covers and not go out, Xu Sili did not waste his time.

He began to teach Si Sheng meditation.

With the limitations of his body, he can't achieve any results in a short period of time, but Si Sheng is different.

To grow into the powerful and unparalleled patron saint of the future in just ten years, Si Sheng's aptitude must be very good, even against the sky, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a great growth.

He believes that the game team must have arrangements in this regard.

Sure enough, he just taught meditation casually, and Si Sheng was able to absorb the elements in less than a minute.

It is not ruled out that he has related memory factors, but on the other hand, it can also explain his aptitude.

Although he knew that Si Sheng was an elementalist of the whole department, Xu Sili, who was worried that the trial would be suppressed, couldn't help but ask.

After confirming the answer, while he was relieved, he still couldn't help feeling his strength.

But now he is no longer jealous.

The stronger Si Sheng is, the better, so that he has enough self-protection ability to complete the trial.

Under Xu Sili's teaching and supervision, the young man practiced all day long.

Being by his side, Xu Sili felt particularly obvious.

Because it is hot for a while, cool for a while, refreshing for a while, and feels a little numb when touched by lightning.

He knew that it was Si Sheng absorbing the elements, but he didn't expect that it was just a meditation technique, and the elements would be so strong that even he could feel it.

Today's whole day's experience was so novel to the young Si Sheng that it shocked him.

He actually became an elementalist just like in the dream...

This result made him look at Xu Sili's gaze, and gradually became a little strange.

Xu Sili also noticed that his eyes had become a little strange, but the boy didn't say anything, so he didn't ask.

When he wants to speak, he will speak naturally.

Having passed another day safely, Xu Sili breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that his salted fish countermeasures have worked. There are three days left in the trial, and it will be over soon!

I don't know that the time of the trial world is different from the one outside. If it is the same, the game should have been suspended and opened to the public now.

The second closed beta will be three months later, when the total number of players will increase to 6000.

He promised the second brother before that he would think about how to improve the player experience. He already has some ideas about this, but he was trapped in the trial and there was no way to implement it.

This made Xu Sili inevitably feel a little anxious.

He is a person who has an idea and immediately wants to put it into practice. This is true for investing in the Star Era, and it is also true for the construction of the Roland Empire.

After finishing the meditation, the boy adjusted his breathing rhythm and slowly opened his eyes.

After a whole day of practice, he felt that the Lingtai became clearer, and he could remember more and more things in the "dream".

Sensing the little boy's anxiety, he hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but say, "Your Highness..."

Xu Sili turned his head to look at him, but the boy only called out to him, and then fell silent again.

If it wasn't for his hesitant expression, Xu Sili would have thought that he was calling him to play.

He continued to wait for Si Sheng to speak, but he didn't wait for him to talk to him again until it was time to eat, take a shower, and go to bed again.

Xu Sili couldn't hold back anymore.

And he was really bored these two days, so he couldn't help asking him: "Si Sheng, do you have anything to ask me?"

The boy who was holding him became visibly stiff, and Xu Sili, who was in his arms, felt it very clearly.

Then he heard the boy say, ""

Xu Sili leaned in his arms, feeling a little sad.

What is the problem?This hesitant look is too tantalizing!

He pursed his lips and whispered, "You're lying."

The teenager paused, and he continued to complain, "I can already hear your heartbeat."

The body holding him became stiffer.

Xu Sili bit his lip, let him go suddenly, and turned his back.

The young man obviously panicked, "Your Highness..."

"Si Sheng, you promised me." Xu Sili whispered, "Be loyal to me and never lie to me about anything."

The boy froze again, but a trace of doubt flashed in his gray-blue eyes.

Did he really say that?

Could it be said in a dream?

He pursed his lips, looked at the little boy who turned his back, seemed very disappointed in him, the boy's eyes dimmed, he hesitated, and finally said: "Your Highness, I saw something in the dream... I just... don't quite understand..."

"Sorry, I didn't tell the truth just now..."

Xu Sili felt a little uncomfortable, he was just pretending, but he didn't expect Zai Si Sheng to really apologize to him.

How can there be such a good child?He sighed in his heart, but his heart quickly raised again.

Things that Zai Zai Si Sheng couldn't understand...

Could it be that he remembered the absurd things about the two of them?That's why he felt embarrassed and didn't ask?

Xu Sili was full of apprehension, but after thinking about it, he also knew that this was an inevitable thing, so he turned around as if death was at home, and looked at the young man by the dim orange light of the fire.

"What do you not understand? Ask, and I will give you an answer." He said seriously.

The boy's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at Xu Sili with a complicated look, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Can I really ask?" the boy asked.

Xu Sili bit the bullet and nodded.

Then, he saw the young man's lips opening and closing, and the low hoarse voice with a bit of childishness resounded in the quiet night, hitting his chest straight: "Are you... are you really a god?"


Xu Sili stared blankly at the young man, suddenly he couldn't understand what he just said.

God...God?What's the meaning?

His heart suddenly beat violently, and the question that he couldn't figure out no matter how much he thought about it, suddenly appeared in his mind like a blessing.

He stared blankly at the boy, and murmured, "Why do you... ask that?"

Is that what he thought?

Is it really what he thinks?

The young man didn't answer this question, but looked at the boy's beautiful purple eyes and his own reflection in his eyes, and summoned up his courage to ask, "So, are you really my god?"

When the words "Master God" came out of the young man's mouth, Xu Sili only felt his brain explode, and fell into a blank for a while.

He opened his eyes wide and looked at the boy, speechless for a moment.

Si Sheng...why did you ask him that?

Lord God...

Could it be that he still retains the memory from "Game of the Gods"?This is impossible!

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