a setting sun

Chapter 54

After Xu Xin cheered up, Shen Sihan's mood also improved a lot.Gradually, the two returned to the days when they would eat together, chat and joke together.

The two of them even went to apply for a one-year fitness card at a nearby gym, although Shen Sihan insisted on dragging Xu Xin to do it together.But in the end it was Xu Xin who persevered. Her new job was to do sales in the children's playground in the mall. The fitness center was on the second basement floor of the mall, so after work every day, she could go directly to the gym for two hours. Hour.

Later, every time Xu Xin asked Shen Sihan to go to exercise together, Shen Sihan yelled that he was too tired to go.After more times, Xu Xin stopped calling her.After all, Shen Sihan's work is also quite busy, and it's true that she won't be free enough to take care of her health like Xu Xin.It's just a pity to pay the full annual fee for the gym card.

"That can't be helped... If it doesn't work, I'll contact the person who gave me the card and sell it at half price." Shen Sihan threw the suit on the chair and collapsed on the bed to relax.

"Then hang up my card too..." Xu Xin wiped his hair with a towel, and replied after listening to Shen Sihan's words.

"You can use what you have. I spent all my money, so you always go there too. It's not a waste of money."

"Didn't you insist on dragging me to do it together? I didn't even want to go. Now that you're not going, why should I go alone?" Xu Xin really thought that if he could accompany Shen Sihan Exercise is a good thing, so although Shen Sihan coaxed them to apply for a card together, they didn't say anything because they could be with Shen Sihan.

When applying for the card back then, Shen Sihan promised in front of her and the salesperson, the image of 'I will definitely come every day' is still vivid in my memory, but after going there for two days, he changed his words and said nothing again. have been.

Xu Xin had expected this kind of result at the beginning, so he refused to agree with Shen Sihan to spend the money, but Shen Sihan gave the money, and she also took the idea.Just like the time she was scammed for speculating in gold, Xu Xin still couldn't make Shen Sihan change his mind.

Xu Xin often thought that perhaps it was because she and Shen Sihan were both too determined and similar in this aspect, that they could come together, not only became friends, but also lovers.But Xu Xin also knew that he could dismiss his idea for Shen Sihan and cooperate with her decision and pace, but Shen Sihan would not.

Whether it is wrong or right in the end, she only follows her own wishes and ideas.That's why Xu Xin was unwilling to disagree with Shen Sihan on anything, and she knew that as long as Shen Sihan made up his mind, he would never change his mind.

Therefore, when faced with the matter that Shen Sihan may have fallen in love with someone else, she can only wait for Shen Sihan's final decision.Some time ago, the situation appeared inexplicably and disappeared without a sound. It didn't mean that Xu Xin's guess was wrong, it was just that the balance in Shen Sihan's heart was swinging.The reason why Xu Xin can still stay by Shen Sihan's side now is that the balance has tilted to her side.

In fact, falling in love is not a simple matter. Many times Xu Xin feels like Mario breaking through levels. One level after another is facing him. He can only deal with bad mushrooms and green shells. Turtles, piranhas and vacillating paths ahead.But the difference between the reality and the game is that the final level is not to usher in a happy ending by pulling the princess's hand, but to face the next round of unknown difficulties and tests together with the princess.

When I was young, I read fairy tales, but no one told Xu Xin that after the prince and princess lived happily together, they would quarrel over daily necessities, turn their faces over who was responsible for the children, and divorce for the next so-called true love.

After the job stabilized, Xu Xin met several new colleagues, all of whom were children in their 20s.When he was with these little girls, Xu Xin gradually realized that he really seemed to be different from young people.Watching them drinking ice-cold milk tea on a cold rainy day, I would think about drinking it, and the painful days will come later.I don't think it's such a happy thing at all.Watching their backs when their boyfriend came to pick them up after get off work, and the two of them left holding hands, one would think that it was just a temporary warmth before the next storm of quarrels came.

Being too far-sighted has indeed caused Xu Xin to lose a lot of joy in life, but now she is no longer the same as before—she would cut a knife on her arm if she was unsatisfactory, and would smoke and drink heavily when she was depressed. If you are physically and emotionally frustrated, you will grab the other person and make a fuss, and if you think you are uncomfortable, you must not make the other person feel better.

To the current Xu Xin, those are just young and vigorous, or it may be that the pain is much worse, gradually becoming numb, and occasionally he will regard the pain as proof that he is still alive.

Didn't someone say that - some people die in their 20s, but are buried in their 80s.

Xu Xin felt that he might have died on the day he learned that Shen Sihan might be in love with someone else.Otherwise, how could she, who likes to express her sadness the most, be so calm...

Calm as if turned into another person.

And in the following days, although he was still living as if nothing had happened, joking and doing everything he should do for granted, Xu Xin felt that the fire in his heart that made him impulsive and desperate was extinguished.

Xu Xin would like to call that "first love".

Like fickle human beings, love is actually a variable, and it will produce different changes in various situations. In fact, the pronouns of love are not all those positive adjectives. After all, the word love is deceitful Designed by human beings, who can say for sure that love is the treasure in the world?Just like the lies about diamonds, what kind of lies cannot be fabricated by human beings in order to maximize their own interests?

So the words "I love you" carry too many subtexts behind them, but the person who made the promise would not say it.He will only make you believe in him, but he has the heart to betray you when you entrust yourself wholeheartedly.There is only one reason - he is tired.

It is said that after human beings fall in love, the period of time when dopamine secretion is strongest ranges from six months to four years.People will try their best to prolong this period of time, but they will only suffer from the seven-year itch.

And Xu Xin and Shen Sihan have known each other for ten years, and they will be together for four years soon. Even if Shen Sihan doesn't like Xu Xin anymore, it can be regarded as justifiable...

Xu Xin would not accuse Shen Sihan of such nonsense as 'betrayal is an instinct, and loyalty is a choice that goes against instinct'.Because Shen Sihan doesn't love her, theoretically speaking, there is no such thing as betrayal or not.After all, when Xu Xin chose to be with Shen Sihan, Shen Sihan had already prepared her mentally.

Afterwards, when the two had the worst fight, before Xu Xin was about to leave, Shen Sihan also expressed his attitude again.She just didn't want Xu Xin to leave, she didn't really want to leave Xu Xin.

So for Xu Xin at this time, it doesn't matter whether she loves her or not, she only cares about how long Shen Sihan can stay with her.She also often guesses what kind of reason and what kind of scene will be when the two separate. She can't guess what will happen in the future, but she has a premonition that that day may not be far away...

One day, Shen Sihan's company suddenly issued another batch of transfer orders, recruiting personnel to be transferred to the Dongguan region.It is said that it seems that because the company’s newly negotiated projects have officially started pre-sales, the new housing case channels are short of manpower, and it is still the same as before. The transferred personnel can directly apply for higher positions, and then quickly take up the post and start working.

When Shen Sihan came back excitedly and told Xu Xin, Xu Xin hesitated for the first time.

"How about it? I'll look for a house first and get familiar with the work. Then you sort out the work here, pack up your things and move over."

"I... I quite like my current job, and it has just become more stable, and I'm going to move again..." To be honest, Xu Xin objected in his heart.Through this job hunting experience, she realized how difficult it is to find a job that suits her. Moreover, the job she is doing now is not that tiring. After becoming a full-time employee recently, the salary is not bad, and she got to know the colleagues around her , the boss treats the employees very well.It is almost impossible to find a job that suits Xu Xin's temperament again, Xu Xin knows this better than anyone else.

"You don't earn a lot in this job, so go over there and change to a higher salary. If I miss the opportunity to be transferred this time, I may not have to wait for the next time." Shen Sihan rarely talked to Xu Xin Showing weakness once, I didn't expect it to be used in this kind of thing.

"But..." For Xu Xin, she just felt that she had integrated into the area of ​​her life in Shenzhen, and she was about to change to an unfamiliar environment. She was definitely worried.

"Oh, don't fail. That's it. I should be able to participate in the competition tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. If I succeed, you can ask the boss to resign." Shen Sihan finalized the future without giving Xu Xin a chance to refute. thing.In fact, when she came back to tell Xu Xin about this matter, it was more appropriate to call it a notification than a discussion.

Xu Xin opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything.

Indeed, compared to her job, Shen Sihan's job is obviously more important, because her job salary is higher and more stable, if two people are destined to give up the opportunity to continue working, it can only be Xu letter.Anyway, from the time when she was still in Beijing, Xu Xin was used to following Shen Sihan's work arrangement, and this time, she also had no choice but to compromise.

If she still wanted to be with Shen Sihan.

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