a setting sun

Chapter 10

The next day, when Xu Xin woke up in a daze, Shen Sihan had already disappeared.

Xu Xin lifted the quilt and sat up for a while, then recalled what happened last night.

It was so vivid, as if it had just been experienced.

Her body collapsed on the bed again, and she grabbed the quilt beside her to cover her head.

"Boom, boom, boom..." There was a muffled sound coming from under the quilt, and it was obvious that Xu Xin was performing an iron head banging against the poor bed board.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Finds his sanity when he's not around.

what to do?With the messy hair that was trampled into a chicken coop by himself, Xu Xin looked at the luggage he had just packed...

Otherwise, pack it up and go home...


Of course, after venting for a long time, Xu Xin still chose to get up step by step, wash up, clean up the house, then sit in front of the computer, open the recruitment website, find the job he is interested in, and then call the company name and address. record.It's as if all the out-of-control behavior just now never happened.

Although she still browsed the website for two hours and didn't remember a few, the situation is still much better than when she was in her hometown.

It's just that there are always interferences, such as the □□ hanging in the corner of the computer desktop, and there is a separate contact option in the list bar, the name is Niangzi.

At this moment, the head portrait of the number □□ under that name was on. Although he had not received any new news, Xu Xin always felt that he was waiting for an explanation or an explanation.

Finally, the mouse clicked on and off, and after half a day of clicking on and off, Xu Xin gritted his teeth with determination and selected the dialog box for two people.

Looking at the blank dialog box, Xu Xin felt that he should say something, but his explanation was always too pale.Moreover, the situation last night was more like she was coercing and begging for alms from Shen Sihan than half-pushing.

Moreover, he despicably used means to invade other people's reason, and achieved his own goal without being rejected when he was in a daze. In this case...

From the point of view of Xu Xin who has regained his sanity now, it is very normal to break off relations with her. If he has no feelings in his heart, he may sue her.What she did was no different from the scumbag who coaxed other girls to stay in a hotel the first time they met! !

Xu Xin rubbed his hands back and forth nervously, swallowed again and again, and finally typed "I'm sorry." tremblingly and sent it out.

Then, like a prisoner waiting for a death trial, he fidgets in front of the computer, and the next words are not typed, nor are they not typed.

"Oh? What are you sorry for?" Just when Xu Xin was about to go out and run around the alley before coming back to see Shen Sihan's answer, the avatar finally popped up with a "ding dong", and asked back.

again?She said again?this……

In other words, she acquiesced that I was sorry for her last night?Xu Xin grabbed his hair, his head, which was not spinning fast, started to run at full speed at this moment, analyzing clues from every word, and his eyes staring at the computer showed a smell of madness.

Xu Xin, who is not good at interpersonal communication, is the least able to play word games. Moreover, because he is extremely sensitive to people he cares about, he often over-interprets the meaning of others.

Of course, with her personality, she is too lazy to learn these things, and the relationship that needs to be maintained by these things is too troublesome, so don't worry about it.

But for Shen Sihan, she couldn't treat her casually like this.

"Uh, I'm talking about... last night." Although I felt like I was slapping myself in the face when I opened my mouth, I had to say something, not only to say it, but also to say it clearly.Xu Xin's face was blushing because of the computer, and he felt that it would be more beneficial for him to speak clearly on the computer.Otherwise, if I said it face to face, I might not even be able to organize a complete sentence.

"You have the nerve to mention it!! My back hurts all day today! You wait for me to go home, and I will settle the score with you!" Xu Xin didn't mention it, but when I mentioned it, Shen Sihan felt like he wanted to crawl over the network cable and bite she is gone.

Ho... Seeing Shen Sihan's tone, Xu Xin knew that something was wrong, and he was so frightened that cold sweat came down his back instantly.

"I... I... I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!! I really... couldn't hold back." Xu Xin no longer knew what he should say to calm down Shen Sihan.

"I'm sorry? If I'm sorry, why do you need the police?" Although Shen Sihan's tone was aggressive, he was not that angry.If you want to talk about the point of anger, it is actually because of the point of 'Xu Xin tormented her for a whole night'.This guy clearly knows that he has to go to work the next day, and... so unrestrained...

But Xu Xin couldn't guess what Shen Sihan's little girl was thinking, he only felt that he had committed a heinous crime and had to find a way to calm down Shen Sihan.

"Then...if you don't want to see me again, I'll move out...Of course! I'll still help you share the rent! Count...my atonement for you...I'll find a cheaper single room myself. "Seeing Shen Sihan's tone, Xu Xin naturally thought that the problem was serious, so he could only think of a method that he thought was safe, and brought it up.

"Move away? Where are you going? Do you want to break up with me? See if you can!! Okay, you can leave if you want, and I won't stop you. Let's communicate!" Shen Sihan on the computer side was really annoyed by Xu Xin.

what?Is she, Shen Sihan, just such a casual girl in Xu Xin's eyes?And this plan is beautiful!Is this principle of action to run when you sleep? !OK, Xu Xin!So you came to me because you wanted to cut off contact with me completely? ? ?

Although Shen Sihan was sitting in the office, he felt that he was so angry that he could rush to outer space if he ignited.This idiot Xu Xin! !Fool!Fool!Second-hand goods! !I didn't see her take the initiative to contact me this morning, so I thought what was going on, so I didn't think of an excuse to leave?

Walk?How dare she say it out loud?I clearly told her that I dare not sleep alone!This careless!It seems that he didn't take what he said to heart at all!

I am so angry!Shen Sihan's hand holding the gel pen trembled slightly.Just at this time, the new male editor next to her sent her the manuscript that needed to be proofread again. She gritted her teeth and read it one by one. Before reading the two paragraphs, she found three words that needed to be corrected. The momentum exploded.

"Hey! How did you proofread? A manuscript of more than 2000 words, I just read two paragraphs and found three places! Do you want me to proofread a second time or let me directly create? Can you do it!!!" Meditation Han can be regarded as an old employee in the company, and because she likes to speak straightforwardly, she never points out the mistakes of others implicitly and gently. Newcomers who are not willing to do things in a down-to-earth manner, people like them, who need to learn but don't study, and those who need to work hard don't care. Of course, it is impossible for Shen Sihan to have a good attitude.

Because of her good writing skills, high work efficiency and straightforwardness, the boss likes her quite a lot. Usually in the company, she is the only one who dares to confront the boss, and some time ago, she went directly to the boss's office to ask for a raise, otherwise she would quit.She never concealed her dissatisfaction with her job, and in Beijing, even if she only talked about the surrounding areas, their company's wages are really low, so her principle is, if you make my mother upset, she will slap her ass and leave immediately!

Facing this kind of accusation in front of all colleagues, the newcomer was completely dumbfounded. He thought that in this kind of company, it would be fine to just goof around, get some extra life money, and live a relaxed life, which is pretty good.She didn't expect that Shen Sihan would directly give her a blow, she wanted to have a fit, but she was embarrassed in front of a group of people, so she could only endure it.

Shen Sihan was very angry at first, but now he scolded the newcomer, his mood improved a lot, at least he calmed down.

After getting angry, she decided that she and Xu Xin couldn't have this kind of invalid communication on the Internet. After returning home, she came face to face to see what this bastard Xu Xin could quibble about.

Xu Xin had long been frightened by Shen Sihan's words.She wanted to stay away from Shen Sihan's sight, maybe she would not be so angry, but she never thought about breaking up with Shen Sihan.Moreover, to be honest, she was actually most afraid of such consequences.

At this moment, she got up abruptly, turned left and right in front of the computer, her head was about to explode, and she didn't know how to coax Shen Sihan into peace.

"I was really wrong, can you not break the friendship? You can tell me to do anything... Really." Xu Xin can only keep admitting his mistakes at this moment, hoping that Master Shen Sihan will forgive her a lot.

"Don't talk about it, I still have to work, I'll go home tonight and we'll have an interview."

Yes, they need to talk to each other.

Now even if Xu Xin wanted to pretend to be an ostrich, it wouldn't work.Let's think about how to apologize to calm down Shen Sihan...

In the weather of early autumn, the sunshine time in a day has obviously begun to shorten.Although the weather in Beijing is colder and later, the climate change is still obvious. Sooner or later, it is no longer possible to wear short sleeves outdoors, so when Shen Sihan came back from the outside on a small electric motor, the first thing The only thing is to hang up your own small satchel, and then hang up your coat after taking off your coat.

As for Xu Xin in the room, at first he looked like a primary school student, sitting on the edge of the bed in a well-behaved manner, with his head down, not daring to speak, only secretly looking at Shen Sihan's face, wondering what he should do .

When she saw that Shen Sihan was about to take off her coat, she immediately stepped forward to help Shen Sihan pull down the coat and then turned around to hang it up, just like a standard nanny.

Turning around, as expected, Shen Sihan was glaring at her, obviously not satisfied with her courteous behavior.

"Didn't you want to leave? Why didn't you leave? What? Do you need me to pack your luggage for you? Come... um, um..." Shen Sihan never gave in to anyone, she was still angry Well, naturally it wouldn't make Xu Xin feel better, but what she didn't expect was that Xu Xin, who was supposed to apologize again and again, didn't speak, but when she was still planning to vent her emotions, he gently held her face, and then A pair of lips came together.

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