How could Kou Huachi have never imagined that it was rare for him to obey the praise of his colleagues? When he shared the legendary atmosphere of working as a worker, he was caught by the boss by such a coincidence.

And in almost one ten-thousandth case, he stopped Lin Yi without hesitation, and completely missed the golden opportunity to destroy the evidence in his own hands.

Even his voice was counterproductive, not to mention that he failed to cover up the scene, but the excessive volume caused a lot of greetings from colleagues around him quickly.

"Hua Chi, what happened?"

The colleague who took the lead first felt a strong squeezing force from the door panel before he had time to see the situation in the room clearly. Compared with Kou Huachi's physique, this colleague obviously didn't have the confidence to resist it,? But it was After a symbolic push, he immediately announced his abandonment.

Although the researcher stays in the laboratory every day,? But he is not stupid,? Since Kou Huachi resisted so much, then there must be some problems that he needs to solve by himself.

As for this, he calmed down quickly and rationally, and his tone slowed down from his nervousness.

"What, is there something urgent? I'll go change clothes first,? Shall we go to Area D together later?"

Some noisy commotion in the hidden office seemed to pause for a moment.

"Mingyong, why don't you go first? I may have to wait a while." Kou Huachi looked at the silent young man opposite him, thought about his previous habits, and honestly told the door that there would be something wrong with him. Shallow impact answer.

Kou Huachi himself couldn't figure it out, why his fame was always defeated by the same person.

But this didn't affect him asking the great god about his upcoming whereabouts after his colleagues left.

After all, as his ultimate big boss, this is more or less tied to his year-end bonus.

"Yi Lam, do you want to see something today?" He hesitated for a while, but still guessed according to the character he used to get along with this boy before.

...How come everyone who came in seemed to be so curious about their movements?

It's just that the boy who wanted to be alone took a deep look at the other party,? Replied in a moderate voice in the silent space.

"Go to area D."

The overall laboratory is divided into four areas, abcd, according to various majors, and area d currently means the newly developed chip.

It is also conceivable why Edward Lam went there.

"Okay," this is Kou Huachi's expected answer, and there is nothing unexpected,? He just paused, as if thinking of something, he picked up a proximity card from his desk and handed it to the boy, "This is The access control of Area D, you..." His voice was a little hesitant, but the cautiousness inside still let Lin Yi spy completely.


Why, the whole world knows that there is no access control? ? ?

He took a deep look at Kou Huachi, pursed his lips, and exhaled another foul breath the next moment.

In silence, the young man nodded silently, took the light card, and walked towards another door leading to the outside of the laboratory.


Many netizens who followed the same Weibo account suddenly discovered that this scientific research blogger who has become a marketing account has finally sent out a promotion in a serious manner.

Bah, no, he finally did what he was supposed to do.

【@百万V: On June [-]th, a new object will be born, and people’s lives will be changed accordingly. 】

This somewhat mystical discourse theory is just regarded as fake news released by millions of pornographic marketing accounts on Weibo.

What's more, this blogger seems to be a little too exaggerated.

What is life-changing? You say it as if you have to do it, but it is really a light bulb that directly illuminates the earth?

Just when the routine sailors were about to make unscrupulous ridicule at Zai Tu, an account that seemed to have nothing to do with it suddenly appeared in the Weibo forwarding list.

[@华-国日报: See you on June [-]th. //@百万V: On June [-]th, a new object will be born, and people's lives will be changed accordingly. 】

Naturally, most of this irreconcilable relationship disappeared after Weibo forwarded it, and some netizens even belatedly picked up hot topics that had been forgotten by everyone from the history of this technology blogger. imaging technology.

Hmm... from a reply from a person who asked about the progress of this technology two years ago: It's on, it's on, the masters are already balding!

Then two years later, the subcutaneous of this account seemed to have changed its core for a certain period of time, and then quickly ran away from the lonely talker to the chatterbox.

And there has been no talk about the project since then.

Get caught!

Well you fat and cooing pigeon!

Although I don't know what information the two accounts want to reveal to the public, but after all, it will be a week later. The master of procrastination is making heartbreaking criticisms.

[@人世看你: What’s the matter with you, Zero Billion? Why didn’t you even write any articles after hugging the patron’s father’s lap?Say, are you locked up somewhere? ! 】

[@团团Kasana: It’s been two years, and this pigeon still has book fans?I thought I had completely become a fan of popular science bloggers? 】

[@重在指顶: What's wrong?What's wrong?Science bloggers finally started to take the road of science popularization? !I am so moved!Does this new price mean that the previously expected retinal imaging technology has become? 】

[@糖糖糖糖多: Zero billion is really a different skin, this Weibo is completely different from the previous style of painting. 】

[@糖糖糖糖多: Is the great god from before coming back?My inner DNA is suddenly excited!Is the Great God going to announce another announcement?I have been obedient and ready to listen! 】

[@秋秋不在冬冬: Doesn’t matter if he changes his skin or not, I just want to know what is the relationship between the new item this great god mentioned and the Weibo launch two years ago?That really impressed me so much, if life-changing, that's the only thing I can think of. 】

As guessed by netizens, the person who chose to post this message was the original real blogger of this account, a classmate named Lin Yi.

His direction is also very clear, that chip that has appeared in the laboratory not long ago.

At this time, the boy was standing in the office of the laboratory, having a somewhat stagnant conversation with the old man across from him.

The theme is unbiased, which happens to be of great significance to this pre-announced press conference.


"Are you really not going to show up?"

When Wei Hongxin heard this young boy's answer, he was somewhat skeptical.

He has always known that Yi Lam is not very particular about the so-called fame, and it is fine to just smile when he hears others commenting on him, but he never thought that for this kind of press conference that can improve his influence, this The teenagers were able to give themselves a negative answer without hesitation.

He even had a vague decision to hide his identity during the chat.

And what he got was still the very fixed answer.

"Old Wei, my contribution to the whole game is not outstanding. Compared with me, you are more suitable for that position."

"Before, the β-factor drug was trusted because it had enough curative effect in that short period of time. As this kind of persuasive project, compared with me as the keynote speaker, you will obviously make consumers trust this product more. .”

The young man standing in front of Wei Hongxin obviously dressed a lot more casually than usual, and it seemed that most of the factors had been overcome because of this difficulty. Seems to be all coming together at this moment.

In the final analysis, Lin Yi and Wei Hongxin were almost at the same level of communication on weekdays, and therefore, the young man did not immediately compromise on this old Wei's proposal after hearing about it.

The atmosphere in this closed office seemed to become a little stiff with Lin Yi's straight answer.

After an unknown amount of time, Wei Hongxin finally sighed and took the lead to take a step back.

"If you don't show up, it's okay to send a VCR."

Lin Yi's influence in the entire project team is obviously an example for the superiors to promote to the vast number of young people in China, let alone in the face of this completely cross-generational press conference, even if it is not stated directly, it will be conveyed Yes, the words of 'Let teenagers learn more about the spirit of the project team' basically hides everything.

Therefore, for Wei Hongxin, an old man who is really in charge of the entire project, this boy must be more or less involved in the distribution of press conference tasks.

It's not that he doesn't want to go to the press conference, it's that this technology is somewhat similar to what he came into contact with when he was abroad.

Although brain-computer imaging technology is basically blooming everywhere, technically, although it is not certain whether the fraudulent part of the United States will be applied, it is somewhat too sensitive.

And under the interference of various factors, this boy didn't dare to show too much performance in the scene where he showed up.

"VCR?" Lin Yi hesitated for a moment, as if thinking of something, "I..."

Just when he was about to refuse, the system that had been silent for a long time suddenly bubbled, and a familiar and cold voice rang in the boy's mind.

[The system store is new today, the upgraded version doesn't even recognize the filter, don't need 998, don't need 668, just 100 knowledge points, instantly make you disappear from the crowd. 】

[Mom doesn't even recognize that the filter is transformed from the presence-reducing shield that the host has previously purchased. There is no charge for materials, and only some copyright knowledge points are collected. The host can choose the filter switch to switch roles at will. 】

It seems that this upgrade seems to be wasting his knowledge points in vain.

Even if there are more funny elements in the language, his own intonation that does not change at all will reduce the original general laughter by a lot.

This system is really useless, burn it.

Edward Lam exhaled, and instantly changed his position.

"If there are fewer shots, I think I can still be on stage."

He blinked lightly at the old man opposite, showing an extremely innocent smile.

The author has something to say:


Because a lot of things happened today, I chose to temporarily postpone the posting of the article I originally planned to post until now.

May the sir go through the ages, and may the mountains and rivers of the motherland be safe!



Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: Mountains and trees? 20 bottles; Miao Miao? 10 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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