AA mutual teasing notes

Chapter 46 Pillow

When the call ends, the phone screen turns off automatically.

In the black reflection, Yan Qi saw his own face, and there was a trace of moisture in his eye sockets.

He has never been a sentimental person, and he blinked his eyes lightly, swallowing this emotion back.

Yan Qi had thought about many possibilities, but he didn't expect this to be the case.

Three years ago, he and Ye Yang were in the second year of junior high school, which happened to be the group of students who were undergoing differentiation pre-examination.

His and Ye Yang's pre-check results were also Alpha.

Therefore, Yan Qi can guess the reason for Ye Yang to do the firefly experiment without thinking.

No wonder he has been reluctant to speak.

With Ye Yang's character of breaking teeth and swallowing blood, Yan Qi would not let Yan Qi know about it.

The floor of the attic was covered with dust. He held his mobile phone and sat cross-legged on it as if he hadn't seen it.

The phone has rang five times.

The doctor took it out and took a look, and it was still the same call Remarks: Ah Qi.

She glanced at the boy lying on the bed with hideous red marks on his back, and hesitated whether to hang up the phone.

"Is it Ah Qi?" Ye Yang asked aloud.

Because of the serious injury, his voice was a little hoarse.

"Yeah." The doctor glanced at him, "Boss Ye said, you can't contact anyone."

"Let me have a word with him." Ye Yang endured the pain and reluctantly turned his head, "I can't run away like this now."



"..." The doctor was stunned.

She is a private doctor hired by the Ye family, and it's not like she hasn't dealt with this young master before.

In my impression, this is not a character who will ask for help at all.

"Okay, okay." She glanced at the bodyguard guarding outside the window, "Then don't chat for too long."

"Thank you."

Ye Yang was still lying on his stomach, the doctor quietly connected the phone and put it next to his pillow.

Because he was afraid that the bodyguards outside would hear him, he turned his voice very low: "Where are you, why don't you answer the phone?"

Hearing Ah Qi's voice, Ye Yang's entire spine relaxed: "I'm at home."

Yan Qi knew that he wouldn't lie to him, so he paused and asked again: "What's wrong, did you argue with your father again?"

"Probably." Ye Yang leaned close to the sound hole, and said in a volume that no one else could hear, "I'm locked up at home."

Ye Yuanzhou has a strong desire to control, and Yan Qi knows it, but he hasn't been so insane before.

Now that Ye Yang is locked up at home, he can guess the reason after thinking about it carefully.

But Yan Qi didn't ask directly, he knew that Ye Yang would definitely not admit it.

He was silent on this side for a long time, until Ye Yang thought he hung up the phone, and said "Hello?" on the other side, and then said, "I'm going to find you?"

"What do you want me to do?"

Yan Qi didn't answer, just asked: "Do you want to see me?"

"Think about it." There was a little smile in Ye Yang's voice, "Why don't you want to."

"Then you wait at home." Yan Qi said, "I'll go over now."

Before Ye Yang could react, the phone hung up, and there was only a busy tone of "beep... beep..." in the receiver.

"Is it over?" The doctor looked anxiously at the bodyguard outside the window.

Ye Yang came back to his senses: "It's over."

She hurried over and quietly took the phone away.

Ye Yang lay on the bed and was quiet for a while, then suddenly raised his hand to touch the gland, frowned and said, "Go out."

"Huh? But Mr. Ye asked me to stay and take care of you..."

Before the words were finished, a strong wave of pheromones suddenly swept through the entire room.

She was so suppressed that she could no longer make a sound. After realizing what was going on, she quickly covered her mouth and nose and ran down the corridor.

The moment the door was pushed open, the pheromone also poured out and spread to both sides of the corridor.

The bodyguards standing outside looked at each other in blank dismay. Because they were suppressed by the pheromone, they were a little out of breath and uncomfortable, and they followed the doctor downstairs within two seconds.

Ye Yuanzhou was making tea in the lobby on the first floor, when he saw them running down in a hurry, he stopped them and asked, "What's going on? Why did his pheromone suddenly explode so violently?"

"I'm not sure." The doctor shook his head again and again, "His experimental post-traumatic syndrome, the susceptible period has been unstable, it may be caused by the burn stimulus..."

Ye Yuanzhou raised his hand and pressed the center of his eyebrows: "Go out first and watch outside, I will call someone to deal with it."

As soon as the voice fell, the pheromone quickly diffused to the first floor.

Ye Yuanzhou is an Alpha, but the pheromone intensity is not as strong as Ye Yang's. He couldn't bear this ordeal, so he immediately raised his legs and walked out.

There was a car parked in front of the gate of the villa. When the bodyguard saw him coming out, he bent down respectfully and opened the door.

The strong and choking alcohol pheromone invaded the car, and the driver's hands trembled uncontrollably: "Boss Ye, this is..."

Ye Yuanzhou was not in the mood to talk to him: "Drive."

"Okay, okay..."

The car window rose slowly, Ye Yuanzhou turned his head and told the bodyguard: "Take care of me, don't let him go half a step away."


The driver stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped away.

When Yan Qi arrived, what he saw was such a scene - agave pheromones overwhelming the sky, and a row of black-clothed bodyguards guarding the gate of the villa.

This is already the limit distance for them to stick to their posts.

If you get closer, you may be so suppressed by pheromone that you can't even stand up.

Therefore, when Yan Qi entered through the window from the side of the villa, no one noticed.

Yan Qi's pheromone strength was comparable to Ye Yang's, although he was also affected to some extent, he could still move freely.

Following the direction of the pheromone, he walked up the stairs quickly, found the door of the room with the strongest smell, unscrewed the lock on the door handle, and kicked the door open.

There was a big lamp on in the room, and on the big bed by the wall, a tall boy was lying on it, his broad back muscles covered with hideous red marks from burns.

Yan Qi's eyes froze.

Hearing the movement, Ye Yang turned his head slowly. Seeing that it was him, he raised his upper body with some difficulty and sat up from the bed.

Yan Qi walked to his bedside: "Your father did it?"

"Yeah." After a pause, Ye Yang went on to say, "I drove him away with pheromones."

"... Ah Qi?" Sensing Yan Qi's unusual silence, Ye Yang stretched out his hand to give him a hand, and pushed him down on the bedside, "Why don't you talk."

When Yan Qi heard him ask, he moved his fingers lightly, but turned his face away again, without looking at him.

"What's wrong." Ye Yang withdrew his hand, his voice was very soft, "Ah Qi, I will be afraid if you do this."

Yan Qi sat on the bed with his back facing him, unable to see his expression clearly.

But Ye Yang seemed to hear him take a deep breath.

"Do you want to leave here with me?" Yan Qi asked.

"Buy tickets for tomorrow and come back to Qingyan with me."

"..." Ye Yang was stunned for a while, before he came back to his senses, "You want to elope with me?"

"Well, do you want to go?"

Ye Yang pursed his lower lip and smiled a little: "Let's go."

Yan Qi stood up and grabbed one of his arms: "Get up, I'll carry you on my back."

"No need." Ye Yang put his shoulders on his shoulders, and slowly moved out of bed, "I can still walk."

After speaking, he stood up and took two steps for Yan Qi.

Yan Qi stood with folded arms and watched, then nodded after reading, "Well, I'm physically disabled and strong."

Ye Yang laughed: "Is what you're talking about human?"

Yan Qi also laughed, taking off his coat and putting it on Ye Yang's shoulder.

Then he noticed that the skin outside the glands at the back of Ye Yang's neck also showed signs of redness and swelling like allergies.

Yan Qi frowned and reached out to touch it.

Ye Yang stopped him: "It's okay."

After the trauma of his glands, the pheromones have been unstable. If they are released on a large scale like now, it is inevitable that some stress symptoms similar to the susceptible period will be out of control.

"It doesn't hurt."

"Does it not hurt when you inject it?"

Ye Yang's breathing stagnated for four or five seconds before he said, "What?"

Yan Qi lowered his head, touched his cheek with the tip of his tongue, and looked up at him again: "Doesn't it hurt when you inject the firefly reagent?"

Ye Yang raised his head in astonishment, and met Yan Qi's gaze.

The latter took a deep breath, withdrew his gaze, and stared up at the ceiling: "I originally thought, no matter what, I have to push you to the ground and beat you up before this matter is over."

"Ah Qi."

Yan Qi didn't give him a chance to speak: "Don't talk about it now, I'll settle the score with you later."

After he finished speaking, he took Ye Yang's hand and walked out of the room quickly.

As soon as he reached the corridor, there was a rush of footsteps downstairs.

——Because Yan Qi was here, Ye Yang's pheromones were restrained a lot.

The bodyguards in black sensed something was wrong and rushed in.

This way down the stairs is definitely not going to work.

The dense footsteps were about to step up the stairs, so they had no choice but to change direction and run towards the end of the corridor.

In order to prevent Ye Yang from escaping, all the windows on the second floor were locked, and the key was in the hands of the bodyguard.

There is no time to push them now.

As soon as Ye Yang closed his eyes, he slammed into the window pane and jumped out together with Yan Qi.

Behind the villa is the forest, and there are fireflies cruising quietly in the dark night.

"Crash" sounded.

Countless shards of glass spilled from the window, turning into thousands of light green spots under the moonlight.

They jumped down holding hands, like falling into a midsummer night's dream.

When jumping from the window, Ye Yang was caught by the broken glass in the grass before he had time to adjust his posture because of the rush.

The moment he felt the pain, he immediately rolled back, reached out to catch Yan Qi who jumped down, and hugged him into his arms.

When the two of them got up from the ground, Yan Qi saw that Ye Yang's back had been cut several times by broken glass, blood oozing, it was so dark that it was hard to see how deep the piercing was.

In the process of escaping, Yan Qi only heard the gasping around him getting heavier and heavier, and gradually he couldn't keep up with him.

But they can't stop.If you can't escape tonight and spend the night in the wilderness, the injury will be more likely to worsen.

Yan Qi stopped, pulled Ye Yang's arm, and carried the whole thing on his back.

Compared with Ye Yang's muscular physique, he looks thinner, but it's not a burden to carry a big boy who is 1.8 meters seven on his back, and he can even run.

"Ah Qi." Ye Yang lay behind him and smiled sullenly, but his voice sounded weak, "I knew Lysander should have let you act."

Yan Qi bent the corners of his lips, stretched his fingers behind him, and gently scratched his chin.

Then slowly, Yan Qi noticed that the breathing in the back was getting shallower and longer, as if he had passed out.

I don't know if I was exhausted or if I was injured too badly.

His eye sockets suddenly became a little sore.

Yan Qi blinked his eyelashes, raised his face to look at the stars in the night sky.

"Wake up." He shook the person on his back, "Don't leave me alone... I will be afraid of the dark too."

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