AA mutual teasing notes

Chapter 45 The Lost Love Letter

When he walked into the gate of the villa, Ye Yuanzhou was sitting in the main seat in the living room making tea - this is a hobby cultivated by others in middle age.

But Ye Yang felt that it had no effect.

In his eyes, Ye Yuanzhou is still the unkind businessman who only cares about profit.

Seeing him, Ye Yuanzhou put down the teapot in his hand, pointed to the seat next to him: "Come here, Dad has something to ask you."

Ye Yang walked over, pulled out the chair and sat down.

Ye Yuanzhou pushed a cup of tea to him, and said, "I heard that you went to the research institute of Baida University to be a guinea pig again?"

He has placed eyeliner around Ye Yang for many years, and Ye Yang knows it well, so it is not too surprising that he would know about it, but he just picked up the teacup and blew it, but there was no response.

Ye Yuanzhou saw that he was silent, and then asked: "Didn't you learn enough in junior high school?"

In the second year of junior high school, that is, three years ago, Ye Yang suffered some sequelae from undifferentiated glands due to the firefly experiment of Baida University Research Institute.

Only the father and son knew about this matter.

In other words, if Professor Dai hadn't informed Ye Yuanzhou of the result, he would have been kept in the dark, because Ye Yang had forged the guardian's signature to participate in the experiment.

At that time, he thought that Ye Yang was young and ignorant. It wasn't until the eyeliner who arranged beside Ye Yang said something two days ago that he realized that there was a reason for Ye Yang to participate in the experiment.

And the reason lies in the boy who has the best friendship with him.

——A long time ago, when they first became friends, Ye Yuanzhou sent someone to investigate Yan Qi's family background.Their family's main property is in Qingyan, and their family background can be called strong, so Ye Yuanzhou did not stop Ye Yang from interacting with Yan Qi.

He even thought that if Yan Qi split into an Omega and Ye Yang liked it, it would be possible for the two families to marry.

But later he learned that Yan Qi was also an Alpha, so he dismissed the idea.

Alpha and Alpha together cannot breed offspring.

What's more, from a natural point of view, it's very difficult for an Alpha to fall in love with another Alpha.

So he never expected that one day he would learn that his son was in an AA relationship with the person he had known for ten years.

It's not difficult for Ye Yuanzhou to guess that Ye Yang may have liked Yan Qi a long time ago.

Then contact the firefly experiment he had participated in, and the answer is obvious.

Ye Yuanzhou didn't want to tear himself apart with his son yet, so he didn't shake out the news he got from monitoring him.

Ye Yang didn't know how much his father knew, so he answered according to the questions he asked: "I went to participate in the experiment because the research institute's project may help repair gland damage."

"It's possible, it means that they are not completely sure, what if they fail again this time." Ye Yuanzhou suppressed his anger, "Didn't Professor Dai say before that the damage to your glands has little impact on your life, and you have Omega in the susceptible period?" Pheromone appeasement can pass."

"The doctor also suggested that you find an Omega life-long mark, wouldn't that solve the problem? The experiment is risky after all, why bother?"

Ye Yang said silently: "I want to recommend Baida University, and participating in the research institute's project will help."

"No need." Ye Yuanzhou said, "If you want to come in, Dad can help you take care of it."

"I've already signed an agreement with them." Ye Yang lowered his eyes, "I don't want you to intervene."

Ye Yuanzhou slapped the table suddenly: "Do you really think I don't know anything?"

Ye Yang was startled.

"Because of Yanqi, isn't it?"


"I haven't thought about what firefly experiment you secretly participated in in junior high school. Now it's clear that it's all because of him."

"No." Ye Yang said, "It has nothing to do with him, I will go by myself."

"It has nothing to do with him." Ye Yuanzhou smiled angrily, "Okay, then you will sever ties with him from today on."

Ye Yang frowned: "Impossible."

"Impossible? AA love has been created, what else are you afraid to do?" Ye Yuanzhou rubbed the center of his brows vigorously, "It is impossible for two Alphas to have offspring, you know that. Even if you don't mention this, do you think you can have offspring?" What a good result?"

"You don't know about your sequelae, even if you don't want to find an Omega, I can turn a blind eye to find a Beta, but find an Alpha instead."

After the trauma of the experiment, Ye Yang's pheromones mutated to be extremely sensitive, like a ticking time bomb, needing Omega's gentle pheromones to appease.

And Beta without pheromone can at least allow him to maintain the status quo.

The most dangerous thing is the pheromones of other Alphas, just touching them may make Ye Yang's condition worse - if there is a deeper intersection, the consequences will be disastrous.

In particular, Yan Qi's pheromone has reached a strength of 3S.


This time Ye Yang was silent for a long time before speaking: "If the experiment is successful, the sequelae will not be a problem."

"The experiment is successful... well, even if the experiment is successful, how long do you think you can stay together?"

"Alpha and Omega are naturally attracted. Two Alphas will only repel each other. After a long time, even if you can persist, can you guarantee that Yan Qi will be the same as you?"

"People's hearts can never stand the test, Ye Yang, when you look back at what you have done, will you find it ridiculous?"

Ye Yuanzhou took a deep breath: "Do you think it's worth it?"

"It's not worth it." Ye Yang slightly lowered his eyes, "I am willing."

"I don't care if you like it or not. I can't agree to this matter." Ye Yuanzhou stood up and walked back and forth irritably by the long table. Yan Qi cuts off contact - I will take care of the liquidated damages of the contract, and I will arrange for you to transfer to another school. Or, you get out of the Ye family - "

Before he finished speaking, Ye Yang got up and walked towards the gate.

Apparently the second answer was chosen.

"You stop for me!"

Ye Yuanzhou picked up the purple clay teapot on the table, seeing that Ye Yang had no intention of stopping at all, he lifted it up and threw it at his back.

Even though he was controlled and monitored since he was a child, and he hardly experienced the warmth of family affection, Ye Yang never imagined that Ye Yuanzhou would throw a hot teapot at him.

The moment he heard the wind, he subconsciously tried to hide, but he couldn't escape completely.

Dull pain, and then bursting tea, splashed all over the back, the pain was like shedding a layer of skin.

For a moment, Ye Yang almost lost the ability to move, and he suddenly bowed down to support the sofa chair, barely supporting him to continue standing.

Ye Yuanzhou stayed where he was, without moving or making a sound for a long time, as if he was also taken aback by the cruel hand he just slapped.

It wasn't until the bodyguard arrived after hearing the news that he looked away from Ye Yang, lowered his head and turned his wrist, his voice was always cold and firm: "Send the young master back to the room."

"This..." The bodyguard looked at the large burns on Ye Yang's back, and asked hesitantly, "Master seems to be seriously injured."

"Bring the doctor here." Ye Yuanzhou said, "You guys watch from the side, and don't let him have a chance to leave the room."


Seeing that Ye Yang, who had lost the ability to fight back, was taken upstairs by the bodyguards, Ye Yuanzhou took out his mobile phone and dialed the secretary's number: "Help me contact the foreign school... yes, I will send him abroad in two days."

After Ye Yang left the dormitory, Yan Qi also took an online car-hailing car.

In the past, Yanzhe taught at City University, and the old house the couple bought was also nearby, in a cramped alley.

Speaking of which, the Yan family can be regarded as a well-known family in Qingyan, but when they were young, because the house they lived in was too dilapidated, and Yan Zhe and Su Yumei lived relatively frugally, Yan Qi once thought that the family was very poor.

However, housing prices in Baicheng are expensive. There is a two-story house with an attic near the school district, which can actually be classified as a wealthy person.

Yan Qi got off the car at the entrance of the alley near City University, and turned into it with ease.

His old house is at the deepest part of the alley, and there are two bluestone steps in front of the door.

Open the door lock, push it, and the dust rolls in your face.

The curtains on all sides were all drawn, and because of the holes, there were still dots of light coming in, illuminating the dust floating in the air.

The smell of dust was a bit pungent, Yan Qi raised his hand and fanned it, closed the door, and went straight to the stairs.

The attic was built in the corner of the second floor, where they used to store sundries.When he was in junior high school, every weekend or holiday, he and Ye Yang would come here to play or lie on the wooden floor to do homework.

Ye Yang's book was lost at that time, because there were too many sundries in the attic, Yan Qi went to look through it in the middle of the night, but couldn't find it after searching for a long time.

He now vaguely recalled that it was a book with a yellow cover, which seemed to be related to biological genetics, with dense black characters, which made people dizzy.

If Su Yumei hadn't mentioned it, Yan Qi would never have thought that Ye Yang would put the love letter in this kind of academic book.

The attic was empty. It had been cleaned up a long time ago, except for a cardboard box piled up in the corner by the window.

Yan Qi walked over and looked through it, and when his hands were covered with ashes, luckily no spider webs had grown yet.

Su Yumei and Yan Zhe put the book in the middle right away, and wrapped it with a piece of paper. Yan Qi picked it up and shook off the paper. The outer shell of the book inside was still a little new, and it was only after opening that the paper was covered with paper. Yellow corners.

Yan Qi flipped through a few pages, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a line on one of the pages, where the word "firefly" appeared.

Because of the research institute's experimental project, he is now very sensitive to the name of this insect.

Yan Qi stopped his fingers, turned the page back, and saw the text clearly: Fireflies flashed to their mates to attract them. Each species has its own unique Morse code-like flash pattern, so that the differences between different firefly populations No confusion occurs, thereby avoiding harmful crosses.Just as sailors look forward to discovering the distinctive flashing patterns of certain lighthouses...[Note 1]

Ye Yang also said similar things to him.

There can be no connection between the two.

Yan Qi vaguely grasped something, but it was not clear.

He frowned slightly, and heard the phone ring.

Then, a gentle female voice came from the other end: "Ah Qi."

"What's wrong."

"The firefly project you asked about last time, your father said that he had a little impression, and later asked a friend in the research institute to inquire about it, and asked some questions."

"Well, tell me." Yan Qi put the phone to his ear with one hand, and continued to flip the pages of the book with the other.

"Firefly is a project established by the research institute three years ago. The theory is that it changes the performance of pheromones like fireflies imitating the flash frequency of other species, so as to eliminate the repulsion between Alphas, and even make the same-sex, AB, and BO The original intention of generating attraction is to change some of the dilemmas faced by non-AO couples in today's society."

While the pages of the book were turning, there was a sudden "snap", and an old and hardened piece of paper fell out from between the gaps in the book and fell to the ground.

Yan Qi bent down to pick it up.

On the other end of the receiver, Su Yumei was still talking: "At that time, the scientific research technology was not mature enough, and it could only be carried out before the human pheromones were fully differentiated, and the requirements for the experimental subjects were very strict. Pre-screening, screening among students who are dissatisfied with their second gender in the future."

"They offered very high rewards, but in the end they only found three test subjects, and all of them failed. The children in the test had more or less problems, and lost all their money. In the end, the project was abandoned..."

On the piece of paper I picked up, the writing in black pen was a little fuzzy, and I could vaguely distinguish the first two characters as "Ah Qi".

Behind his name is a sentence from the book.

——I will go against my nature, go against my instinct, and love you forever. [Note 2]

Looking at the note, Yan Qi was in a daze, and the voice in the receiver became distant and blurred.

He heard Su Yumei seem to be saying: "That friend also took a photo of the file... Ye Yang's name is in the list of subjects below."


Yan Qixiang, he should have guessed it a long time ago.

Ye Yang once made that firefly that changed the flashing frequency for him.


The author has something to say:

Note 1 and Note 2 are from "The Selfish Gene", author Richard Dawkins.

There are 18 chapters on trains and 25 chapters on love letters.

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