I'm not a soaring boss

Chapter 64 Upgrade

[Map upgrade conditions have been met. 】

[Whether to upgrade. 】

When Lu Ming saw the values ​​on the system interface, he said that he had upgraded in a few days, and he was right.

If it weren't for the system coming out from time to time for Didi, he would have almost ignored it. Of course, it doesn't mean that the system is useless.

Before he exchanged his body, it had only been a few years since he bargained with the system every time, but now that he thinks about it, it seems like a long time ago.

And now, Lu Ming has a lot of puzzles about this system. He has read a lot of time-travel novels. Those systems give mission goals, and they are very urging the host to complete. Everything they provide is to complete the mission quickly. .

This point, Lu Ming can feel the difference, because his system has been dominated by himself since he gave the goal at the beginning, and the other party seems to have never urged him to do anything.

Thinking about it this way, the previous details appeared one by one in my mind, and I was indeed very proactive. I don't care, let's see what effect this upgrade can have.

Then Lu Ming directly clicked on upgrade.

The various data spent on this upgrade are the sum of all the previous ones. It is true that the system says that every upgrade will be very difficult after that.

Lu Ming was thinking about the arrival of players when he was upgraded to B on the Wushuang map, so there is no need to worry about the subsequent upgrades, but judging from the current progress, the enthusiasm of players still needs to be improved.

Putting aside the idea for now, Lu Ming now wants to know what will be different after the upgrade. After all, his system progress was tied to the players' game progress before. Will his upgrade affect the players' game progress?

[Current map level: b (upgradeable)]

[Current map level: a. 】

[All attributes in this map +15% (can be accumulated)]

[Fortune related value: 5 (upper limit is 10)]

[Player completion: 50%. 】

After the upgrade, the first few numerical changes were the same as before, but the last two suddenly popped up, and looking at the data, he was not sure what it meant.

There is also such a thing as luck, isn't it only here that Tiandao can see it?Although the monks who cultivated to the ceiling can perceive some, but there will not be such a clear manifestation, and it is often inaccurate.

For example, the pagoda master of the past life, his perception is stronger than ordinary monks, but it is impossible to detect changes in fortune anytime and anywhere. Now this upgrade, Lu Ming reasonably suspects that the system will do something big.

"System, don't you think you are the Heavenly Dao of the Hunyuan Realm?" Lu Ming asked this question not because his head was in a rush, but because he had thought about it for a long time.

Think about it, even if there is a system under normal circumstances, it is an external force, and it can still exert such a heaven-defying interference ability. Even if the way of heaven here is not very manifest, it is impossible to make the external force so insane, right?

The only reasonable explanation is that the system originally belonged here, but it just changed its way of existence.

So this guess, Lu Ming thinks it is very possible.

[The host has insufficient permissions and cannot reply. 】

"Permission? How to elevate the authority?" He has never been clear about the authority mentioned by the system.

[This data cannot be displayed in detail, and the system will automatically prompt if it meets the opening conditions. 】

Come on, he still can't get a definite answer to this question.

However, in Lu Ming's heart, he had already determined that the system was the way of heaven. As for why it became like this, alas, there was insufficient authority and no clues could be found, so now Lu Ming had no choice but to stop thinking about it.

He didn't know the authority measurement standard, and the system didn't give a reminder, so he could only use his own guesses to work hard.

After thinking about this, when Lu Ming was looking at the player's completion, he accidentally saw his two vests.

Good guy, I don’t know if I don’t look at it, but I’m startled when I see it.

The two vests accounted for 20%. From this point of view, I have found my way by mistake?

Then look at his own reputation, the two vests, plus his own body, already have a total of 90, but this reputation system doesn't say it's useful.

His three apprentices' prestige points reaching one million each can unlock a generation of grandmasters, but his own prestige points don't say what's the use?

Forget it, maybe this is one of the conditions mentioned by the system.

After Lu Ming's upgrade was completed, the players all received a reminder.

[Game progress +5%. 】

This prompt did not cause any big action among the players, everyone just regarded it as a game prompt.

After all, for them, the bonus shared by all players is the same as none.

mirror capital.

At this moment, Shanglu and Longya are sitting in this indescribable place, and next to them are the controllers of Yinghui, Banyuexuan, Fenyu and Chengyangu.

It's just that the current atmosphere is a bit wrong.

Long Ya hadn't listened carefully since the beginning of the meeting, because even if he listened carefully, he still couldn't understand, anyway, there was a fight with Shanglu.

So I kept wandering in my mind, and when I came back to my senses, I realized that all the eyes gathered on my side.

"What's the matter?" Long Ya silently transmitted voice to Shang Lu.

"They tried to trick me, but when they found out they couldn't, I sent them back."

"Is that going to be a fight?"

"Wait first." Shang Lu stopped Long Ya's eagerness to fight.

As I said before, the flame of the dragon tooth has a known effect on the monster race. He himself doesn't know why, but when he comes to Jingdu, this kind of restraint is even greater.

Now Longya is still stuck at the ninth grade of Feiling, but with this bonus, he is not afraid to compete with the monks in the real spirit realm.

The reason why Shang Lu didn't want to do anything was because he passed the test just now, except for Fen Yu Fen Tian who was very hostile at the beginning.

It was the behind-the-scenes supporter of Chang Hao who they killed not long ago.

Of course the other party didn't show it, but everyone knew in their hearts that they were all thousand-year-old foxes, who wouldn't know how to play in Liaozhai.

"Okay." No matter how unclear Longya is, he should understand that it's better not to fight or not to fight at such a meeting of giants. After all, the more strength, the more complicated the situation, and he doesn't know what Shanglu will do in the future. Nothing, so wait and see.

"Lord Luoshui, you may have just come back recently, so you don't know our consensus." Brahma said, he really didn't expect to meet Luoshui's direct family when it came to Chang Hao's matter.

Because Luoshui Temple lacks a direct bloodline, for hundreds of years, it has always been the last existence in the five families.

That's why he thought about it a little bit. He was almost successful, and the main character came back halfway.

He wanted to see if he took control of Luoshui Palace and could find out how that person left back then.

But now the result is not bad. It can be confirmed that the new one who came back must not have grown up in Jingdu, so there is only one possibility - from the outside world.

It's not the time for the mirror to appear in the world now, so if he can come in, there must be something special about him, not to mention that the monster accompanying him is not ordinary.

What Fen Tian could think of, of course, other people present could also think of it.

"Before, your consensus did not include my Luoshui Palace at all. Now that you think about it, use these to restrict it? Impossible." Shanglu came here to understand the current attitude of the other four families, and the other is to come out to prove Luoshui Palace It's not the same as before, so I can't retreat in momentum.

"Hehe, Lord Luoshui is really young and energetic. Forget it, these problems are trivial matters. Let's talk about the matter of the mirror that will appear in the world in five years." style.

Every time the mirror appears to the world, it means that the pain of purgatory they endure every year is aggravated, so they are constantly looking for ways to leave.

Of course, after so many years, only the original Lord of Luoshui succeeded. This conclusion was only recognized by everyone after seeing Shanglu appear.

Before that, they all thought that the man had lost his mind, and now Shanglu was a breakthrough point for them.

"Yes, as long as you tell us how to leave Jingdu, will we still be afraid of those monster clans and monster kings when we return to the demon world?" The person who said this was the head of Ban Yuexuan, wearing a pure black robe that seemed to be as dark as pitch black. The seats are integrated.

"It's a good idea, but I'm not interested." The current situation is very clear for Shanglu. It's these people who need to worry. The more calm he is, the more favorable conditions he can take.

Don't look at what they are saying now, it will be another matter when they really leave Jingdu.

"You...don't say that, when you taste the pain of purgatory, you will know what to do." Fen Tian blurted out, and swallowed the second half of the sentence.

In his opinion, Shanglu is just a young boy, he doesn't know anything when he first enters the mirror, and he will speak out when he suffers.

Hey, Shanglu guessed that they would think so, but they didn't like it.

"I don't know what will happen in the future. I don't want to talk about your attitude now." I still want to be a white wolf with empty hands, which is a beautiful idea.

In the end, the holy meeting broke up unhappy.

When Shang Lu and Long Ya were on their way back home, Xuan He stepped forward and said something to Shang Lu.

"They won't make any moves for the time being, everything remains the same." This time, Shang Lulai also touched a lot of things in the holy meeting.


Shang Lu didn't come back before, Luoshui Palace has always been controlled by Xuan He, and now Shang Lu doesn't want to take care of these things, so basically Xuan He will do it, and tell him if he is undecided.

Because the five major forces were only in the closed state of Luoshui Palace before, now the arrival of Shanglu has brought a lot of changes to Jingdu, but these Shanglu don't care.

What he cares about is how to control the mirror in his own hands...

Everything in Jingdu is completely different from Hunyuan Realm. When it is not manifested, it is like two worlds. Players who choose the Shanglu camp in the Demon Realm have nothing to do with Shanglu in the first stage.

Among them, the gold group formed by Ziche Hefeng and others, the camp selection distribution is quite even.

Of course, Zi Che and Feng chose Jing Cheng, Feng He and Feng Ling chose Yin Mingshuang, Feng Sheng, Feng Shui and Yu Ning chose Shanglu.

As far as there is nothing special about it, many people speculate that the first stage of the faction mission is warm-up, and after it is completed, the second stage is the most exciting.

In addition, all kinds of game activities have started now, and the players seem to have returned to the days when they just entered the game and desperately did tasks to get out of Novice Village.


The author has something to say:

Yin Mingshuang: Hurry up, I can take the task of the second stage when I refine the high-level elixir.

Players from the Yinmingshuang camp: Yes.

Players from the Shanglu & Jingcheng camp: Boss, give me some news! ! !


Sorry for the six thousand I said yesterday, there is a lecture suddenly today (to finger.


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