
Pei Mingxu saw the faction mission suddenly displayed by the system, and it was so sudden that he was a little confused. When he really came to his senses, he quickly clicked on this new mission to check the specific mission information.

A few days ago, the players had all received notices from the system's main line camp. Of course, he and his regular team members had nothing to hesitate, and they all chose the Yin Mingshuang camp.

At that time, everyone was still on the sidelines. Some people didn’t choose so easily, but by now they should have all chosen. After all, they have not chosen. If someone else chooses and triggers some good tasks, wouldn’t they be unable to keep up?

Now he suddenly updated the main line camp. In order to prove that he is not the only one, Pei Mingxu quickly went to the group chat of their fixed team to ask them.

【Thigh-hugging five-person group】

[Pei Mingxu]: Have you received the faction mission?

[Bai Wei]: I just wanted to ask you, I received it, but I haven't read it carefully yet.

[Cheng Huang]: Yes.

[Chi Ling]: Both.

[Bai Wei]: Let me see the specific instructions for this task.

Pei Mingxu saw that his fixed-team teammates were also updated, which meant that as long as the first extreme of the faction mission was chosen by Yin Mingshuang's faction, they would all be updated at the same time.

Thinking of this, he also saw the mission description below.

[The player has chosen Yin Mingshuang's camp, which is currently the first stage. In order to fight with Yin Mingshuang in the future, please strengthen your own cultivation first. The first stage can be divided into: Chengdan, Xiaocheng, Dacheng (That is, Danxiu who has obtained the official certification of Danmeng above the fifth rank.)]

Below is a row of progress descriptions. Pei Mingxu took a look at it, and now he is in Chengdan in the first stage, and his progress has reached 90%, which he can understand.

Although he is good at alchemy, it is not particularly stable. Sometimes the level of the pills he refines varies. According to the system's instructions, the standard for Cheng Dan is third-rank alchemy, minor success is fourth-rank, and great success is fifth-rank.

The completion of these three first stages is considered complete. Although this is a faction task, overall it is the path that players in their Danxiu life must take.

Just like these things, even if there is no system task prompt, they have to do these things, but now, there are system rewards, it is simply killing two birds with one stone, anyway, doing these is to improve yourself.

Wanting to understand this, Pei Mingxu cut to the group chat, where they are now chatting in full swing.

[Bai Wei]: What is your progress?

[Cheng Huang]: 80% of the first quarter.

[Pei Mingxu]: What is the specific description of your tasks?

The mission description that Pei Mingxu saw was only his own, because he is Danxiu, so he didn't think there was anything wrong with the mission content, but as far as he knew, none of his regular teammates were Danxiu. Seeing such a mission description, Shouldn't it be weird?

[Cheng Huang]: This [picture]

[Bai Wei]: mine too [picture]

[Pei Mingxu]:? ? ?

Seeing the pictures sent out, Pei Mingxu was directly puzzled, this task is really different.

[Cheng Huang]: What's the problem?

[Pei Mingxu]: Look at my [picture]

[Bai Wei]: Hey, it's really different, but it's quite normal. After all, we are not alchemy. According to your mission statement, do we have to stop our cultivation and learn alchemy?

[Chi Ling]: I think it's okay. After all, when we chose the faction, there were no restrictions on it, so each faction must have players with different professions to choose from, and the tasks triggered by the system for each person will be different. .

[Pei Mingxu]: What you said is very possible, but I still need to find someone else to confirm it.

[Cheng Huang]: I'll ask the people in the gang.

[Bai Wei]: You don't need to ask the guild, you see the world is swiping the screen again.

[Pei Mingxu]: Don't look at the world anymore, the World Channel is messed up when it comes to this situation, you can't watch anything, Cheng Huang, you should go to the gang and ask.

[Cheng Huang]: ok.

Pei Mingxu liked to watch the World Channel at first, but he was confused by the remarks of the World Channel too many times. If he didn't pay attention to the screen diving, he would miss the highlights. It's better to go to the forum to know more.

These were the things he used to do alone before, but now that he has a regular team, he doesn't have to switch to the forum frequently, he has to find everything by himself.

What's more, if people add people from their own gang, the news they say is more reliable.

While waiting for Cheng Huang to ask for news, Pei Mingxu opened his personal interface.

The first thing I saw was my huge family tree of masters!

Originally, he glanced over it as usual, but his eyes stopped abruptly when they touched the parentheses behind the name.

What, what is this?

Originally, on the family tree of Shimen, only the relationship between the names of Shizun, Shishu and Shizu were displayed, but now there is a parenthesis at the back, marking different words.

The parentheses behind Uncle Shanglu read—the faction is opening: Jingdu.

The parentheses behind Second Uncle Jing Cheng read—the camp is starting: Sword Formation.

And the parentheses behind his master are—the faction is opening: Peerless City.

He didn't know what the above two nouns meant, but seeing his master like this, it was the same reason, Jingdu and Jianzhen were also in the same position.

The brackets appearing in the system mean that he can see the progress of the two protagonists, the master and the second master, through the family tree of Shimen in the future?

But he doesn't need this thing either!Because the faction he chose was his master, he would go wherever the master went!

After thinking about it, Pei Mingxu stopped being surprised at first, and continued to read.

【Thigh-hugging five-person group】

[Cheng Huang]: Dididi, I'm back with the latest news!

[Bai Wei]: Say it directly.

[Cheng Huang]: I yelled a few times in the gang, but no one answered. I guess they were all busy, so I went to chat with my friend in private. It happened that he was not in the same camp as us, and he chose the Phytophagophyllus camp.At the same time as our camp missions were updated, his camp missions were also updated. The general direction is the same. They all say that we must first improve our own cultivation and strength, and the small details are different.

[Pei Mingxu]: In this case, the missions of the camps are started at the same time. Do you have any friends who choose the Jing Cheng camp?Ask and see if it's the same.

[Bai Wei]: It seems there is, let me see.

They also all know why Pei Mingxu was a ranger before, so he didn't participate in activities like this that required social friends. Ziche Hefeng, who has been occupying the number one ranking since its birth.

The reason why Pei Mingxu drew hatred before was because everyone thought he had no strength and was just lucky, but Ziche and Feng are different. His name and his own team are all listed on the rankings, really. Very powerful.

The essence of a person is to be strong. When the other party is a very perfect strong man, he will no longer feel jealous, but will admire him instead.

With such a fact, Pei Mingxu is of course happy to see the results. It's no wonder he thinks so. It's because those players' remarks cast a shadow on him.

When Bai Wei came back and finished speaking, she completely confirmed her previous guess.

【Thigh-hugging five-person group】

[Bai Wei]: Then what shall we do?

[Cheng Huang]: What else can I do? Let’s do it normally. Daily tasks are together. This camp is not short-term at first glance. Personal tasks cannot be shared, so the rest is up to us. As for Lao Pei, we really can’t help , but your master is Yin Mingshuang, the leader of our faction, probably doesn't need our help.

[Chi Ling]: I also think it’s fine to do the mission normally. Anyway, the first stage of our current faction mission is not much different from this profession.

[Pei Mingxu]: ...you don't know how much I have endured!Playing a game gives the feeling of preparing for the college entrance examination!

[Bai Wei]: Hahahahahahaha, touch you, Mr. Pei, continue to work hard, our team depends on you.

They are all Dharma practitioners and know nothing about Danxiu, so when Pei Ci Pei Mingxu talked about this aspect, they all looked confused and didn't know what to do.

[Pei Mingxu]: ...Forget it, I'm going to make alchemy.

Pei Mingxu was a little depressed, he didn't regret choosing Danxiu as a profession, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to take Yin Mingshuang as his teacher, but the recent workload is too much!

Does he dare not complete the double homework of Master and Yan Qing?He dare not!

So even though he usually had contact with the disciples of the Pill Pavilion, Pei Mingxu couldn't find anything to refer to, because the paths he took between them were so different that they couldn't find anything in common.

If they had to talk about something in common, it should be that all the pills were refined in the end.

Others see how awesome the boss is, but it doesn't matter how much hard work is behind it.

The one who was as tired as Pei Mingxu was Gu Yu who was far away in Liangxingdui.

Since the last time the system suddenly reminded him that Mu Yunshao was in danger and he woke him up, he hadn't seen Mu Yunshao again, but it's quite easy to understand, I told Mu Chenyi about the cooperative isolation formation before , Now that we have entered the right stage, we should be busy.

But the people around him don't think so, such as the very sharp brother Dei who just came here not long ago.

"Are you having a quarrel with His Highness the Third Highness?" Although Zheyue and his team have not been here for a long time, some things are still very clear, such as the origins of Mu Yunshao and Mu Chenyi.

Originally, he saw that Gu Yu and Mu Yunshao got along pretty well, but in the past two days, the atmosphere always felt that something was wrong, and he couldn't guess what it was.

When he was in the Dashang Imperial City before, his team received many missions. Although the grades were not high, he could roughly guess the specific situation. He can perceive the details, is it a talent point?

"No? Why do you ask that?" Hearing Zheyue's words, Gu Yu took a special look at the friendship between himself and Mu Yunshao. It was 57 points, not less, two points more than the previous two days.

If Boss Mu really thinks that his ally is not good, the friendship should drop, the system will never be able to lie to him, so Gu Yu is sure that the relationship between his allies is indestructible!

"I just feel that the relationship between you is very subtle, and I can't describe it in words. Do you understand what I mean?" Gu Yu is regarded as Zheyue's friend in this game, so there is no official term for these words, and he really does not know how to describe it.

It felt like the way Gu Yu got along with Mu Yunshao didn't look like what they should have, and he couldn't tell exactly what was different. This was what made him so tangled up.

"?? I don't understand." Gu Yu turned to look at Zheyue who was struggling: "Is there anything wrong? The way I get along with Boss Mu has always been like this."

Gu Yu didn't think there was anything wrong at all.

"Forget it, forget it, you don't feel it yourself, so just pretend I didn't say it." After hearing his answer, Zheyue didn't want to delve into it, and turned to ask another topic.

"After this isolation formation is implemented, are we going to return to the imperial city?"

"I don't know, I should stay for a while, I'm not sure." Gu Yu also has a basis for saying this. The progress of the story point triggered by coming here is now 70%, and there are still 30% left , and judging from what Mu Yunshao told him, her Ling Yujun finally came out once, of course it is impossible to just calm down the matter of Xun Anchong and leave.

The specific actions...uh...Boss Mu didn't tell him.

Thinking of this, Gu Yu felt that he had to fight for a little initiative now, otherwise he would always follow the other party. After all, they both recognized each other as allies, so he also had the power of an ally!

Gu Yu didn't feel that this idea was wrong at all. If he hadn't had such an idea at first, after all, he used to hug his thigh as a licking dog at the beginning. Now that his mentality is different, the pursuit is naturally different.

"It's good to wait for a while, we can do more tasks around us during this period of time, Ziche and Feng's recent upgrade speed is scary." Zheyue came to this direction at the beginning because he saw what could be triggered here Quest potential, I didn't come to the two-star pool before, and now I think it's a loss.

As for the golden team formed by Ziche, Feng and Fenghe, their reputation and effect are now in full swing. The fact that they level up quickly does not only refer to them, but also many players from the demon world who have risen rapidly on the leaderboard.

Looking at the rankings now, we can see the clues. The distribution of the number of people in the top [-] realms is not bad;

In this general environment, the first thing to worry about is the Fanyuan Continent. One reason is that the Fanyuan Continent is connected to the demon world. Players who have passed the breakthrough have no regional restrictions, and it is easy to compete for resources in the future; During the quarrel, Fanyuan Continent and the Demon Realm quarreled most fiercely, which can be regarded as historical hatred.

There is no need to worry about these Zheyue and Gu Yu, because their development route does not conflict with Zi Che and Feng, and the headache is the management of those big gangs in Fanyuan Continent.

The two hadn't started discussing this topic yet, and they both received notifications from the camp.

[Faction Mission · Phase [-]: Spiritual Sword Unity. 】

[Current progress: 0%. 】

[Mission description: The player has chosen the most difficult path of sword cultivation on the road of practice. Once again, you will be tempered a lot on the road, but you have to believe that there will always be rewards for your hard work. This stage is divided into two parts: body training and spiritual enlightenment. . 】

【Forging progress: 65%】

After reading a row of information, Zheyue, who was the first to read it, naturally noticed the well-informed World Channel, and they were all doing faction missions.

I glanced at it casually, and cut off the interface when none of them mentioned the key points.

This camp was decided after he came here to discuss with Gu Yu. They both chose the Jing Cheng camp. With Danxiu in the team, they naturally chose the Yin Mingshuang camp. As for the Shanglu camp, because of regional restrictions, There is no one in the team, otherwise the camp will ask to go to the demon world in the future, and the team's pace will be inconsistent.

Because they have already decided to develop within the scope of the big business, it is impossible to go to the demon world without looking far away.

"There's nothing to say about the faction missions in the first stage, just upgrade and do the missions and you're done!" The mission description was very clear, and the system gave them prompts to urge them in disguise.

After all, whether there is a reward or not, the player's excitement level is different.

As for the Shanglu camp that has not been mentioned, it is similar to what everyone thinks. Many players who can choose this are players from the demon world, and there are others, but not many.

The faction system reminders appeared at the same time, and after this period of discussion, they were almost done, so the enthusiasm at the beginning was gone.

After all, everyone is most concerned about their own faction, and wanting to know other things is also caused by curiosity.

The result of the discussion is obvious. The first stage has nothing to do with the protagonists of the faction, but to urge them to hurry up and practice. Therefore, even if the main storyline that they have been looking forward to, even if it is the beginning, there is no chance for them to play, because of their strength. Not allowed!

And this reminder has another interpretation direction, that is, it shows that the follow-up camp gameplay must be very exciting!Therefore, players are full of expectations for the faction gameplay, and there are rewards for reaching the first stage indicators.

Now that all kinds of point exchange channels in the game have been opened, the workload of collecting these points every day is not small. If they add a bunch of faction tasks now, they will not be able to do it.

So everything must be arranged just right, take your time.

mirror capital.

The information that Shang Lu came here to check was nothing else, it was all about the division of inheritance within Jingdu.

He came here and found the contents of Luoshui Temple, all from the letter his father gave him. He knew very well that he would be alone in the demon world. It must come.

Judging from the above records, when the mirror capital existed in the early days, it was always chaotic, with constant competition, and it was not stabilized until 400 years ago.

Turn the whole mirror into two parts, inside and outside, and those living outside are the most mature existences in the mirror. They have no mind, but they have great brute force, and they are sensitive. As long as it is not the breath of the mirror, they can be aware of it, and they are hostile. Very strong, it can be regarded as a layer of defense in Jingdu.

The interior is divided into five different spheres of influence, namely Luoshui Palace, Yinghui, Banyuexuan, Fenyu and Chengyangu.

The difference between Jingdu and the outside world is that the controllers of the five internal forces are immortal in their own main courtyard, and they are immortal existences.

Logically speaking, this kind of life seems to be very good. After all, everyone cultivates in order to ascend to the sky and live the same life as the sky, but this kind of description of the direct bloodlines of the five major forces in Jingdu can be achieved without any effort.

But the reality is that these people are crazy and want to leave Jingdu, because here is like a bigger cage for them, and they have to endure the bloodthirsty pain of purgatory every year, without exception.

Apart from very official information, what Shang Lu read most in it was the records of Luoshui Temple.

After reading the rows of books, he could guess why his father left back then.

No matter who is in Jingdu, everyone wants to go out. Jingdu reveals the rules of the world every hundred years, letting them know how beautiful the outside world is. Because of knowing this, they are unwilling to be trapped in this purgatory-like place forever.

As for what method his father used to leave, Shang Lu didn't know, but after reading so many records, he had a vague guess.

Since these five places have the characteristics of infinite resurrection, it shows their characteristics, so these places are the most valuable to observe. Of course, the difficulty is also very high. After all, the main house on the site can allow outsiders to come in and out at will?

Shanglu felt that now was not the time for this question, at least he had to solve the doubts in his mind first.

After thinking about his plans for the future, Shang Lu returned to his senses, put back the records he had read in his hand, and walked out.

While walking, he sent a sound transmission to Longya, but he didn't receive a reply.

After sending it three or four times, I still haven't received it.

Could this guy really encounter some organ formation?Thinking that Longya had no resistance against things like that, Shanglu immediately took it seriously.

The consciousness covered the entire library, and after a while, he found Long Ya, who fell asleep on the bookshelf inside.

Shanglu: ...

It's outrageous!But thinking about it, it was Long Ya who did this, so it's not surprising, because he has done too many things like this.

"Wake up, don't sleep, it's time to go." Shang Lu grabbed one of Long Ya's ears, but the other party didn't open his eyes: "Get up and eat delicious food, if you don't get up again, you'll be gone."

"Huh? Wake up." Long Ya responded immediately: "You are lying, here are all books, not fun, and there is no good food!"

"Who lied to you? Shouldn't I wake you up first? Let's go." Shanglu was good at dealing with Longya.

When the two came out and returned to the main hall, the buildings that had been damaged by the war had been restored to their original state. Seeing this, Shang Lu couldn't help thinking, does the main house in this place also have a function of restoration?

Before coming to a conclusion, Xuan He came in to pay a visit.

"Master, are you going to the holy meeting in seven days' time?"

"Holy meeting." This term he just learned in it, and it is not unfamiliar now.

The holy meeting is the once-a-ten-year meeting of the five forces in Jingdu. Who knows what to discuss specifically, since the previous master of Luoshui Temple left Jingdu, the holy meeting was shunned by Xuanhe.

Originally, she still wanted to evade this time, but who knew that Chang Hao led people to rebel, and in the end, the blood of the master appeared, everything was unpredictable.

"Go, I'll leave everything to you to prepare." Shang Lu felt that the coming of the holy meeting was really timely, and he just took this opportunity to get in touch with the power holders of the other four forces in Jingdu.

"Yes." Xuan He withdrew after finishing speaking.

"What did Shanglu mean by the holy meeting she said just now? Are you going to a meeting?"

"Don't worry about the church meeting, there will be fights then."

"Okay!" Speaking of this dragon tooth, I won't be sleepy!


The author has something to say:

[-] words~ There are few classes tomorrow, and it may be [-] words.

ps: I almost forgot the code word today because I ate melons on the forum, it's a sin.

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