Cang Lan tensed up, looking at the live projection in front of Ran Wei - an egg.

Colorful and radiant, like magical orbs.

The voice that brought him strong pressure came from this egg.

The barrage in the live broadcast room has frantically swiped after Huaxia opened his mouth, one after another, it is hard to see.

"Damn it!!! Look at Cang Lan and Ran Wei's expressions, they can hear Father Guo talking, can we communicate with Xinghai now?"

"Guo Guo's father is too gentle, Xiongqi, in fact, we still have a lot of confidence!"

"That's being polite, okay. Anyway, Zai Zai wants to cooperate with him. Why don't you think about changing some technological products."

"Well, I want a holographic game... The semi-holographic game in our country has already been cleared. I want to try how far the Xinghai holographic is, and whether it can really synchronize the five senses and six senses."

"Raise your hand silently, but I think Xinghai's spaceship is better. Didn't the father of the country attack space to earn carbon points, which is just right for use."

"We are going to establish diplomatic relations with Xinghai now, right? Does that mean we have to learn Xinghai's language?"

"I can understand everything I speak. It should be because I have changed the language, which is writing... To be honest, Xinghai's writing is too difficult! I don't want to learn a second language."

Bluestar and other countries are even more eager to bite their hands. What do you mean this is Huaxia? This is obviously Bluestar!

However, it was Guoyundandan, Huaxia's exclusive account, who was talking.

Other countries watched Xiao Xu in the live broadcast room, and swallowed a large bottle of vinegar, sour that his eyes were red.

On the other hand, the people from Xinghai fell silent at this moment.

The development of spiritual power of Xinghai people is a must. The stronger the spiritual power, the deeper the feeling for the voice of China's national destiny, but in Xinghai, unless the waste has more or less developed spiritual power.

They were instinctively wary of this voice that was stressing them out.

After a while, in a series of barrages in Chinese characters, several [garbled characters] barrages appeared one after another.

"Who is Huaxia? Where is it? Just an egg? AI?"

"The voice sounds...very strong, the mental power must be very, very powerful, a formidable enemy."

"It has been verified that the characters they use have never appeared in Xinghai... So, is Huaxia in Xinghai?"

"Captain Canglan, please be careful. That voice doesn't feel like it's coming from a human being. It's... somewhat similar to the aura in the middle of the star sea."

When this barrage was sent out, the entire Xinghai was in an uproar, Ran Wei's hand trembled, and the live broadcast was almost turned off.

The last barrage also came from the Hai Clan of Xinghai, who is of the same family as Cang Lan, but his spiritual power is one level higher than Cang Lan.

Since he said that the coercion conveyed by the voice is similar to the central star sea, it must be similar!

Cang Lan and Ran Wei looked at each other, both eyes filled with horror, the center of the sea of ​​stars, the source of the artificial sun...

The people of Xinghai were in a trance, and it sounded... awesome.

If "Papa Huaxia" abducted the cub, made the cub not understand Xinghai characters, and didn't even regard himself as a Xinghai cub, I, can forgive half of it...

Xinghai People: Quiet as a Chicken.jpg

"Brother Canglan, please promise my father, you can choose whatever species you want." Xiao Xu tugged at the hem of Canglan's clothes, and pointed his little finger at the large forest in the central area.

There is the center of the planet, where species ignore the living environment and are the most complete.

Cang Lan regained consciousness in an instant, looking at the dense barrage, especially the reminder in Xinghai barrage, he subconsciously touched the heart of the offender, and decided not to offend, so he tried to touch it first.

So, he pulled out a very kind smile, and said cautiously: "Hello, Huaxia, I'm Cang Lan, the captain of the Xinghai Pact Implementation Team. Excuse me, what do you want in exchange?"

The dry self-introduction and the carefulness made the audience on the Blue Star stunned.

So polite, even a little humble?

Huaxia's official communication person has now been replaced by Wang Shuo.

They were not yet familiar with Xinghai technology products, so he didn't make a decision, but answered tentatively.

Guo Yundandan: "We are not very familiar with Xinghai's technological level, can you give us a little introduction?"

Cang Lan was silent for a few seconds: "There are all kinds of technology products on Starnet, I can get whatever you fancy."

Huaxia: ...

We are not in Xinghai at all, where did Xingwang come from!

Guoyun Dandan said inscrutably: "We are an independent star network, not connected to the star sea."

That's right!I couldn't connect at all.

Cang Lan didn't know that the independent star network that Huaxia was talking about referred to "Star Sea Voyage". After hearing this, he became more vigilant. You must know that the star network signals spread all over the entire star sea, and there is no way to establish another independent star network.

Since Huaxia can do it, it means that he is extremely difficult.

Cang Lan took a deep breath: "Leaving to collect materials this time, I will make a collection of valuable products for you to choose from."

Guoyun Dandan: "Thank you, you can hand it over to D13, or Banya to me. Of course, if you want to communicate and cooperate with us in person, you can talk to our family, Yangyang, and I will open a teaching room for you."

Hearing this, Cang Lan immediately looked at the teaching room on the other side of the live broadcast room.

In the teaching room, there is a sign of "in class" all the year round. Cang Lan heard about this place from Banya.

He didn't care about the barrage for the time being, and he didn't know that Huaxia's words set off a thousand layers of waves in the sea of ​​stars.

What is D13?It was the proud work of Yuan Jiu, a senior researcher of the empire and a lord of the Fengxue Clan, in Xinghai Erli. After the death of Master Yuan Jiu, it also disappeared.

Never expected that D13 would be in Huaxia's hands.

That is a high intelligence that can upgrade and break through, and can also independently develop!Lord Fengxue Clan built it bit by bit by himself, how could Huaxia come out of it, how could he be!

And Banya, is it the Banya they know?A genius legend in the medical world, a specially appointed doctor of the Xinghai Convention, and also a medical miracle who survived Xinghai Erli.

Why did he go to Huaxia? !

The Xinghai people counted briefly, and their scalps felt numb.

The treasure of the Xinghai Convention, the purebred seaman——Canglan;

The genius legend in the medical field - Banya;

The proud work of Fengxue clan adults - Gaozhi D13;

The youngest general in the empire——Ran Wei;


In addition, when the camera flashed by, they also saw some of General Ran Wei's most proud subordinates, the king of individual soldiers and the No. 1 mecha maintenance department.

No matter which one is the best in the star sea, they all went to Huaxia?

By the way, General Ran Wei and the others seem to have reported... missing?

The Xinghai people were in a trance again, and Cang Lan had reached a consensus with the Huaxia officials.

Cang Lan: "It's my honor to be in the teaching room. Next time I will bring the materials back. I look forward to meeting you."

National Luck Dandan: "It's also an honor for me, Huaxia."

The two parties closed their tails reservedly, Cang Lan greeted Xiao Xu again, exchanged a glance with Ran Wei, turned and left.

He walked in a particularly hasty manner, as soon as Xiao Xu raised his hand, he ran away without a trace.

Xiao Xu: "The spaceship is a bit far away, Yang Yang still wanted to ask if he should drive him there in a speeding car, why did he run away?"

"He runs very fast, and..." Little Yuan Dan left Ran Wei aside, "They are smart adults, they have vehicles that are many times bigger than our speeding cars, and they don't need you to send them."

Ran Wei's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at Xiao Yuan Dan expressionlessly.

She didn't expect Xiao Yuan Dan to be so keen at such a young age.

Before they came, Ran Wei handed Cang Lan a small airship, which was placed in the smallest space button, which was specially hidden before being caught.

Xiao Xu followed Xiao Yuan Dan's gaze and looked up at Ran Wei.

Ran Wei pursed her lower lip, and said softly, "Yangyang, can I learn Chinese characters?"

She subconsciously asked Xiao Xu, the youngest, because after so long, she also knew that Xiao Xu was the one who made the decisions, and second, Xiao Xu was obviously not as shrewd as Xiao Yuan Dan, and her heart was softer.

Xiao Xu blinked, and said confusedly: "You can learn if you want, why ask Yangyang?"

"Since you agree, then allow me to find Banya." Ran Wei remembered that Banya had been studying Chinese characters hard not long after he was arrested.

Cang Lan found it interesting halfway through, and she followed suit for a few days, but Cang Lan said that the Chinese language was tricky and the translation was too complicated, so she didn't want to learn it anymore, but Banya still kept the tutorials passed to him.

Ran Wei's expression moved slightly, her eyes flicked to the direction where Cang Lan left, her heart was anxious, she only felt that the cub was full of mist during the time she stayed in Garbage Star.

This kind of fog became more obvious after Huaxia spoke out. She faintly felt that the crisis and opportunities were here, and they could not be solved by force.

I hope that those regimes in Xinghai can calm down and not break through violently.

Ran Wei looked at the live broadcast room and thought deeply, and heard Xiao Xu's milky voice say, "Yaya is busy, you have to learn to find Sansan, it is in Jianshui Township."

Xiao Xu pointed to the guide area, and asked politely, "Do you want us to take you there?"

After such a long time, the range of activities of Ran Wei and his "captives" has been unlocked, but the lift-off height is controlled, so that they can't leave the garbage star, and they can only be watched by Bai Ying and others.

Ran Wei shook her head: "No need, I'm very fast."

After refusing, Ran Wei said hello, turned and ran towards the south. During the whole process, she never tried to send any information outside through the live broadcast room.

Only then did Little Yuan Dan look back, and crossed his arms: "Shi Yangyang, what are you going to do next?"

Xiao Xu has been doing tasks for a long time, and has become accustomed to searching various data. He first looked at the map, and the garbage in the other five major areas has decreased a lot: "The purification is very fast. I will purify the land first."

However, he looked through his vault, his eyes lit up immediately, the whole cub jumped up, and excitedly pulled Xiao Yuan Dan to look at it together: "Damn, I'm rich!"


The energy harvested per minute has reached more than 800 million. Excluding more than 7000 billion carbon points, there are still more than 4000 trillion energy points.

Xiao Xu's face was flushed with excitement, and his little finger pointed to a series of numbers on it, counting tens of millions... His big watery eyes were dizzy from the counting.

"It's innumerable, but it grows so long, Yang Yang finally has money!!!" Xiao Xu only knew that the more he counted, the more money he would get, and he was so excited that he didn't know what to do. Money, what should I do?"

Little Yuan Dan was so shaken by him that he couldn't help but said, "What else can I do, make people!"

As soon as Xiao Xu heard the word "creating human beings", he subconsciously covered his small treasury, and the blush on his face faded by two points. He said aloud, "creating human beings is very expensive, and Yangyang still needs to create species, Dad. The mutated plants I want..."

"You start the mutated plants, and the treants will take care of them later, so you don't need to spend any more money."

"You don't have to rush to create species. The southwest and southeast regions are the first to be created, and the tree people will expand later."

"The garbage in the remaining five major areas has not been cleaned up. You can clean it up first and then create it. Moreover, there are people from Xinghai in the live broadcast room, so there is no shortage of money for creation."

Little New Year's Day put on a straight face and spoke clearly and logically.

Xiao Xu nodded blankly: "God's right, Dad, what do you think?"

Huaxia: ...&%(¥&*(%#&

They clutched their chests and couldn't speak for a while, what are these two cubs talking about? !He was actually talking about creation, creation of people, creation of species, in front of Quan Xinghai!

The Garbage Star is in Xinghai, and it can be surrounded in minutes, yet it's said so loudly.

But what can be done?When Xinghai people enter the live broadcast room, adults may be able to cover up, but three-year-old cubs... how to cover up?What's more, in the live broadcast, the behavior is magnified, how can this be played.

Huaxia pondered for two seconds, and finally had no choice but to agree.

Guoyun Dandan: "Listen to the dog, first revive the southern region."

"Okay, okay..." Xiao Xu touched his own vault, closed his eyes, put his hands together, and did not go to the southern area, and directly created people on the spot.

The fleshy, short and small hands were slowly pulled away, brilliant light entangled with his fingertips, and phantom figures of men and women emerged one after another between the two palms.

Little Yuan Dan supported his knees, looked at his hands, held his breath and helped him count: "One, two, two, four... one hundred, one hundred and one, one hundred and two... ..."


Little New Year's Day yelled out at last and took a deep breath: "Enough is enough, there is no money, let's put it in."

Hearing this, Xiao Xu's hands trembled, he opened his eyes abruptly, and instantly threw the phantoms of figures crowded into a large group to the south area, and his hands were empty, exactly like his small coffers.

The small treasury that used to have a lot of money is now empty!

The corners of Xiao Xu's mouth dropped, his mouth was pursed, the corners of his eyes were slightly red, staring at his small treasury, his heart hurt so badly that he couldn't breathe.

What he lost was not people, but money!

His small treasury, more than 64000 trillion yuan is gone, and now only 800 million feedback carbon points per minute are increasing.

Although it seems that the rise is very high, there is no comparison between millions, tens of millions, and trillions.

Little New Year's Day patted him on the shoulder, and said secretly: "Sure enough, the population is poor, and the recovery rate is not bad. How about extracting the carbon points stored later to create adults?"

[Southern Region]

Recovery rate: 89%

Purification rate: 100%

Prosperity rate: 91%

The prosperity rate has exceeded 90, and the recovery rate is only 1% short. This time tens of thousands of people invested, it is still very effective.

Xiao Xu felt much better. He reluctantly closed the attribute panel and stopped looking at his small treasury. After the spending is over, we still have several pieces of land that have not created species, and everything will cost money.”

"Let's go, let's go to purify. There are a lot of yellow land on the map that has been cleaned up, waiting for us to go."

As he said that, he seemed afraid that he would be dragged by the little New Year's Day to spend money and people, and climbed into the speeding car in a hurry, and set sail quickly.

It looked like a puppy was chasing and biting him, and the pained look on his face amused the audience.

"Zai Zai, don't be afraid, we won't urge you to spend money, we will only give you more money."

"Hahahaha, in fact, Zaizai still has a good plan for spending money. He knows to keep some reserve funds. If he spends all of it at once, in case he needs to use it urgently next time, he will not be able to finish it."

"I calculated that Zai Zai voted for 64000 humans. According to the increase in the prosperity rate and recovery rate of the southern region, it seems that the millions of people that Goudan said are not needed. I seriously doubt that Goudan was scaring Zai before. cub."

"Even if you don't need a few million people, it's a lot of money. All of a sudden, the money is gone. I almost rolled my eyes."

099 has been paying attention to the barrage, and after reading it, the data can't help but crackle and jump.

Logically speaking, it would indeed take millions of people, but...the task is shared!

Xinghai will be affected by the garbage star, no, the origin star, and gain some vitality. The origin star is the main star, and it will naturally get feedback from Xinghai.

This is one of the benefits. Xinghai and Yuanyuan are now a community. There are not enough people in Yuanyuan, and the prosperity rate cannot increase, but there are people in Xinghai!There are few livable stars in Xinghai, and humans are relatively concentrated, so the prosperity rate will rise soon.

It's just that, as the descendants of the Xinghai people who betrayed the origin, they were not forgiven by the origin, were excluded, and were only affected by it. There are still many people that Xiao Xu wants to create.

However, it will not be short of money in the future, Xinghai is a very fat sheep.

The data of 099 flashed and flashed, and they were silently sour: "110 and Yang Zai are so lucky, if it wasn't for the red star to give up their energy, Xinghai..."

Certainly there will be no friendliness, that is the arrogance of a high-ranking face to a low-ranking plane, and it is not to be taken seriously, not to mention cooperation, it is good not to be exploited.

099 picked a big lemon sincerely, and subconsciously chatted with System 110, but the private chat was sent out, only to get—fuck!

automatic response.

dog temper. 099 turned off the private chat, but was not angry, and continued to work hard to build a garbage disposal station, being an honest "worker".

The system is now shrunk deep in its own core. It has swallowed the small string of light spheres. It is in a trance. All the data is boiling. For some reason, the body that is as big as a palm is stretching desperately. Some small data are crushed .

It's like human bones being crushed into powder.

The system trembled all over, and the data buzzed, as if it would explode in the next second.

After an unknown period of time, its consciousness was suddenly pulled into the chaos, and many vague memories were slipping by, like some fragments of time in the long river of time and space.

But these fragments are clearly unwilling to be captured by the system.

The system quickly slid through those memories, saw a few relatively clear memories, plunged into them, and suddenly felt extremely painful, and the memories shook violently.

All the colors faded quickly, the system covered its head, and waited for the pain to be relieved, leaving only the black and white memory world.

It's like mourning the dead's head, revealing an ominous look.

The system looks around and finds itself in a high-tech world?High-rise buildings rushing into Yunxiao, cars speeding all over the sky, holographic projection advertisements one by one, and people with bright smiles coming and going.

"Hurry up, the [-]th anniversary celebration is about to begin. If you can't go to the scene, you have to go to Xingwang to watch the live broadcast. There is no difference between holography and the scene."

"Hahahaha, I heard that Western countries are coming, let them see our newest space station in Great China, and envy them forever."

"The promotional video of the new space station is super big and cool. It was open to Chinese residents for free the week before. Do you want to go shopping?"


One after another, there were discussions about the centennial celebration. They were passers-by around the system. They walked through the system's body, with bright smiles on their faces, and comfortable clothes on their bodies.

Most of the clothes have some ancient Chinese elements, such as cloud patterns on the clothes, new-style buckles... Of course, many people wear Hanfu.

Their cultural confidence in Huaxia seems to have penetrated into their bones.

There are also some foreigners on the road. No matter how simple their clothes are, they also have a faint Chinese style.

It looked around in disbelief, Dou Da's eyes were full of confusion: "This is Huaxia?"

Centennial Daqing, that is, the centenary of the founding of the People's Republic of China?

But China has developed into this after a hundred years since the founding of the People's Republic of China? ? ?It's even more outrageous than the current development of China.

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