Cubs make planets and send them to the country

Chapter 98 Hello, this is Huaxia, from now on...

The people from Xinghai were stupefied, with words written all over their bodies, who am I?where am I?What am I looking at? !

They didn't believe that General Ran Wei, the youngest and most powerful general in the empire, would pick up trash, and they didn't believe that any oasis could have so many extinct species, but...

In the live broadcast are two little cubs!

No one in Xinghai dares to make fun of the cubs, and even does not allow the private life of cubs under the age of 12 to be exposed for entertainment.

They are eager to get answers, so they can only post barrage questions in the live broadcast room!

Fortunately, Xinghai is a plane of science and technology, and I am very familiar with live broadcasts, but I am not used to this live broadcast not being a holographic live broadcast.

"Little friend, can you tell my brother where you are? Your guardian... Where is the adult?"

"The Oasis looks very big. There are many ferocious animals. The cubs need to be accompanied by their family members. Please pay attention to the cubs' families and don't violate the Xinghai Convention."

"General Ran Wei is nearby, the cub must not be in danger."

"Hey boy, can you tell us where the oasis is? It's okay if you don't tell me, let's turn on the holographic mode, let us take a few breaths of pure natural oxygen, even if it's fake, woo woo woo."

"The mastermind has separated the live broadcast room. Starnet has released various news and is actively locating the cubs. Don't panic."

Because the Xinghai Convention is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the Xinghai people always treat their cubs somewhat restrained, and they are too soft, and they don't even dare to make jokes.

There are many people in Xinghai, and bullet chats are sent out one after another, using Xinghai's common characters.

It is somewhat similar to pictographs, but there are very few strokes and many long lines. When connected together, they look like mysterious symbols. No one in the live broadcast room can recognize them except Xinghai people!

The audience at Blue Star is still waiting to see if something magical will happen after the task is shared.

In the end, nothing happened to Xiao Xu and Xiao New Year's Day, but a large number of viewers suddenly poured into the live broadcast room, and the number of people increased gradually. It's just...they couldn't understand the barrage of those people.

Even the ID looks like gibberish to them.

"System, this is going too far. Our IDs all have nationality prefixes, and the newcomers are coded even if their nationality is not listed. How do we know if they are allies?"

"System system, as the most powerful leader in the world, do you need a translator?"

"Actually, I have a guess that Zai Zai and Goudan share the mission, and the shared mission is Goudan's mission in Xinghai, so, the new audience... everyone understands."

"That can't be said? Isn't it Xinghai people, those words are not from our Blue Star at all."

"Hahahaha, I'm curious what kind of barrage they are posting, and I also want to know if their live broadcast room is as rogue as ours at the beginning."

"To be reasonable, we still want our Huaxia to look good. Proud.jpg"

"Let's confirm, are the audience in Xinghai friendly? Can you spray it? Can you hate it?"

Of course, the audience on the blue star is Xiao Xu's side, and they don't have a good impression of Xinghai, but...they also have people they like, such as Banya, who has been hiding in the classroom teaching Huaxia, who was forced by Bai Ying Cang Lan, who is looking forward to picking up trash and wishing to eat salted fish every day, and even the cool female general Ran Wei.

There are few people in Xinghai they come into contact with, but the impression of people who appear more often is not bad.

So now there is no trouble in the live broadcast room until——

"Damn it!!! I'm fucking swearing, everyone went to social platforms, and at least half of the goods in the live broadcast mall were robbed by newcomers."

"Guys, please don't analyze what barrage they are posting, go and check the tipping list, they will take over you!!!"

In the reward list of the live broadcast room, the top three are Chinese, the top ten has two foreign friends, and the top 41 has 56 foreign friends. But now, the top [-] suddenly has [-] new viewers.

56, not one or two.

It was even more arrogant than when the signal in the live broadcast room was extended to Blue Star, and the audience from all over the world fought together.

Now on the reward list, the top [-], Huaxia and [garbled] new audiences are evenly matched, and foreign friends are struggling to survive.

Moreover, the tipping amount of those new viewers who were airborne [garbled codes] is still rising.

Not only that, but beyond the thousand ranks, beyond the ten thousand ranks, at the bottom, there are [garbled] new audiences appearing constantly, and they are constantly climbing the rankings.

At this speed, the number of Blue Star audiences will soon be squeezed out.

This TM can't bear it.

The inexplicable sense of crisis and desire to win made the Blue Star audience twist into a twine at this moment.

"It's too arrogant!!! Our international friends should be more helpful. Those garbled audiences are probably Xinghai people. You know Xinghai, you are in Xinghai! There is an old saying in China, if you are close to the water, you will get the moon first, and if you don't work hard, you will be there." To be hooked away!"

"Let's go for a reward, and you must not lose."

"I don't save carbon to buy, buy, buy, buy, donate first and suppress the new ones! Cubs are ours, so we can only watch them!"

"The protection and improvement of various natural regions in the world have been divided up. Anyway, China's carbon neutrality has reached the peak. The green mountains and green waters, not to mention water pollution, air pollution, and even noise pollution are less. Some countries work harder and really work hard. But come here, Huaxia can help."

Compared with all the countries in Blue Star, China is the country with the highest rewards. In the past, I wished that my international friends would give less rewards and buy more. Anyway, I can still give the cub carbon points.

But now, new audiences appear, and they are local tyrants who have a lot of money, which makes Chinese audiences hate their international friends a little more.

You are rewarding!

The countries on Blue Star's side have also started emergency meetings, and even the Chinese officials have to consider whether to speak up and contact the Xinghai people first.

They are facing a big enemy, and the Xinghai people are already crazy with joy!

"Woooooo, it's true! The meat and fruits sold by Zaizai are all natural. I haven't eaten pure natural food for almost a hundred years QAQ"

"Nervous, I grabbed a very big, very red, like a mutated cotton fruit, I really want to eat it, but I am already an adult, I don't deserve to eat cotton fruit, and I don't have any cubs around me, should I donate it to the nursery? But I can't bear it." , it is too fragrant."

"Believe me, go grab a meal replacement. It's super delicious and tastes great. I grabbed two bottles, and one bottle turned out to be wine-flavored. It's the kind of fruit wine that only appears at high-end banquets, even state banquets. I'm going to die. ! I can even drink wine."

"Upstairs, Jiajiajiayi, I have specially tested the purity of the meal replacement to reach 100%! Everyone can rest assured to eat."

"It's just that there are too many people robbing, sigh, it's good that those messy audiences are gone."

The Xinghai people thought about it, indeed, they are people who are used to playing the Internet and playing the live broadcast thoroughly. After their emotions stabilized, they immediately felt like a fish in water in the live broadcast room. After snapping up the items in the mall, their enthusiasm soared. Rewards are not stingy.

Everything in the live broadcast room is good, the only downside is that the random intruders, who don't know which country or planet they are from, don't know a single word in the barrage or name.

But they were not right, the species on the oasis made them sure that the two cubs were the cubs of Xinghai, and the oasis must be the oasis of Xinghai, and those spectators who entered in disorder were the outsiders.

So, they planned to tell the two cubs tactfully to expel these intrusive spectators.

Don't compete with them!

However, as soon as they sent out the barrage, Xiao Xu blinked his eyes hard, with a face full of doubts about life: "Goddam, are these people from Xinghai? Their writing... I can't understand it."

Xinghai people:? ? ?

them?can't read?The Xinghai people's pupils are shaking, every cub can read and write from the day they enter school at the age of three, how could they not understand.

Another cub who was older, about five or six years old, didn't change his face, and looked indifferent: "That's Xinghai script, you don't need to learn it if you don't like it, and I didn't learn it either, Brother Nine knows it. "

Xiao Xu tilted his head and thought for a while, then swept the barrage.

"I'll go, I'll go, Zai Zai is for real, those new viewers with garbled characters are indeed Xinghai people."

"Cubs, they are just sheep for plucking, no need to learn! Serious face.jpg"

As long as Zai Zai doesn't know Xinghai characters, he can't communicate with Xinghai people, so he won't be abducted!


The audience should ask Zai Zai to leave this matter alone.

Although Huaxia officials have not made a sound, Zai Zai tilted his head and thought about it, and happily put it behind him: "Then don't learn, Xinghai has bullied Red Star, if I learn Xinghai's writing, Red Star will definitely be unhappy , Red Star is my little friend, I cannot betray my little friend."

To put it bluntly, Baby Fat's little face was very serious, as if he was deciding on a major event.

Hearing this, the audience secretly thought it was stable, only Xinghai audience sent a series of question marks.

Xinghai people:? ? ?Who is the red star! ?Absolutely slander!

Little New Year's Day, who could understand Xinghai's audience, twitched his mouth and turned his head away. The system and 099 always put the host first, and they naturally wouldn't have any objections as long as it wasn't necessary.

The system flipped through Xiao Xu's main missions, and now there are two missions.

——Recover the origin and return to the sea of ​​stars!

——Create the star sea and restart the star era!

The system stared at the two tasks, stroked the long hair on its face, and looked like an expert: "099, sure enough, our tasks are the same."

099 nodded: "The essence is to make this unformed plane into a real plane world, but the direction is different, but after being merged into one, Yang Zai needs to make more preparations."

It said, turned to look at Xiao Xu, and said softly: "Yang Zai, the original task of Little New Year's Day and I was to build the Star Sea and restart the Star Era. In fact, it was to create enough habitable stars."

"As long as there are enough habitable stars and the creatures are perfect enough, the rules will become more and more perfect. When a certain point is reached, a new era will be restarted, and this plane world will be reborn."

The new era is different from the ephemeris in which Xinghai always restarts.

Every calendar in Xinghai will be called a restart, because before each calendar, there will be a deathly darkness.

But the restart of the ephemeris is because the origin star left the center of the star sea. Not only that, but also became a waste star. The star sea has no "Dinghai God Needle", and can only fall into darkness. However, every time it is forced to restart by the system, it has now restarted Twice, one more time...

099 subconsciously looked at the system and Xiao Xu's body, and shook his head. This person has been eroded by the long river of time and space in order to restart, and even his memory is lost. If he does it again, there will be no scum left.

This is the last chance.

Obviously, only 099 knew about the turbulent waves behind this, and perhaps the system also had a premonition.

099 glanced at system 110. The system seemed to have noticed something. He couldn't help pinching a string of small light balls in his hand, and stared at 099 as if warning.

The 099 data immediately restrained itself, stopped saying unnecessary words, and only looked at Xiao Xu.

Xiao Xu was frowning in confusion, pursed his mouth, obviously not happy: "Then do I want to make a habitable star for Xinghai?"

He glanced at Little New Year's Day with his small eyes: "Goudan told me that Grandpa Tree and the others were beaten up when they went to repair the habitable star. It's too bad. Now there are only a hundred Grandpa Trees left. I don't want to let them Grandpa Shu will help again."

Little New Year's Day crossed his arms, with a cool expression on his face: "Our planet hasn't recovered yet, how could it be possible to let the big tree go out, they don't deserve it."

Xiao Xu nodded again and again, like a brat following a complaint, nodding repeatedly: "That's right, brother, don't let Grandpa Shu go out."


It didn't want to send the tree man out either, okay!There are only 100 of them, which are very precious, and if one is missing, it will be painful to death.

The system said angrily: "Look at the live broadcast room, the Xinghai people are very rich, you can sell them more extinct species, there is no need to mutate."

The system paused: "You can sell whatever you want, and you can also exchange for some technology products that Huaxia is interested in."

Anyway, the species on Garbage Star were all created by Xiaoxu first, and the tree people use their abilities to expand, and the essential energy is the same, and any species can live.

Hearing this, Xiao Xu's black eyes suddenly brightened, and he subconsciously flipped through the live broadcast room, and found that there were many unfamiliar bullet screens, and the items in the live broadcast mall were selling faster. Can't even make up.

The most important thing is to give a reward. Just by looking at the leaderboard, you can tell that Xinghai people have money!

Xiao Xu's big watery eyes like black grapes flickered, Bling Bling, looking at those unrecognizable names on the list, like a puppy smelling meat, dazzlingly bright.

"Shi Yangyang, what's your plan?" Little New Year's Day approached and also looked at the tipping list, but didn't see anything unusual.

Xiao Xu frowned, and said sweetly: "God, they are rich! They are very rich! You see, except for Dad, No.1!"

As he said that, he leaned close to little Yuan Dan's ear, and said in a very low voice: "Their money is all yin and yang."

The unique milk voice of a child, proud and cheerful, like a kitten who has succeeded in stealing fish, secretly complacent in hiding.

Little New Year's Day grinned: "They are really rich, Shi Yangyang, let me tell you, the people who made troubles have died long ago, and now this group of people are dedicated to creating livable stars and protecting the environment, and they really got a lot of money. We can use any root grass and sell it for a high price, we can do this..."

Xiao Yuan Dan and Xiao Xu murmured, and after a while, they clapped their hands together and finalized the final plan.

The live broadcast mall can designate the purchaser. Little New Year's Day suggested that Xiao Xu list those species, as long as they are not mutated, and designate Xinghai to buy them, and the price will be higher.

Xiao Xu agrees very much, but... Xiao Xu squeezed his fingers and made a small gesture: "Leave a little more, and give it to Dad in exchange."

Little New Year's Day waved his hand grandly: "Anything is fine. Didn't Cang Lan say before that he could go outside and bring us materials, and we can exchange them with him directly."

"Then let's go quickly." Xiao Xu held Xiao Yuan Dan's hand and was about to run away.

Little New Year's Day didn't move: "Wait, I still have Huangtu Baye, which has built hundreds of garbage disposal centers, to finish. I'll come to you when I'm done."

Anyway, now that the system is back, Little New Year's Day didn't think about following Xiao Xu all the time.

But soon, he was interrupted by the system: "Goudan, you are only so young, and you are not as fast as 099. You can just accompany the kid to do the task, don't let him go astray."

Little New Year's Day: "??? You are back, do you still need me to watch?"

The system shook a small string of light balls on its paws, and responded in a low voice: "I still have some things to do, give me a little independent space."

The voice was a little low, but it didn't have the previous arrogance and overbearing.

Little New Year's Day who just wanted to make a fuss about the system: ...

Forget it, he took Xiao Xu's hand: "Shall we teleport there, or fly there?"

System&099: "Fly!"

OK.Little New Year's Day and Xiao Xu drove a small red speeding car up into the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only the ball woven with the data 099, where they personally controlled the robot and worked hard while making new ones. waste disposal center.

Xiao Xu looked at the map, Cang Lan was constantly moving, and soon arrived in front of the captives, and he and one of them seemed to be talking about something.

Xiao Xu didn't know, so he could only speed up, and soon, the speeding car stopped above their heads.

Xiao Xu and Xiao Yuan Dan lay on the car window and looked down, and found that there was a live broadcast panel suspended in front of everyone below, and the live broadcast panel happened to broadcast their actions at this time.

Cang Lan and Ran Wei stopped talking for a moment, then raised their heads quickly, looking at the two cubs above them, their eyes were a little dazed.

Cang Lan was the first to react, and he waved his hands vigorously: "Yangyang, New Year's Day, did you come to see me?"

"Yeah——" Xiao Xu faced the car window, making a trumpet shape with his hand, shouting very actively, with the words "little gift" written in his eyes.

This blue-haired brother is the one who can give him a gift in exchange for Dad.

Thinking of this, the smile on Xiao Xu's face became brighter.

Little New Year's Day didn't see it, and quickly controlled the speeding car to descend.

As soon as the flying car stopped, Cang Lan and Ran Wei carried them out of the car one by one.

The two cubs didn't struggle either, and after they landed and stood firmly, Xiao Xu rubbed against Cang Lan, raised his head high, looked at Cang Lan's face, and smiled brightly: "Dog..."

As soon as the two characters came out, Xiao Yuandan hooked her neck: "Shi Yangyang, what's my name?!"

"New Year's Day..." Xiao Xu pouted, and quickly changed his address. In front of outsiders like Xinghai, Little New Year's Day paid special attention to his image, and Xiao Xu was absolutely not allowed to call him by his nickname.

I yelled once before, and the little New Year's Day went on strike!

Xiao Xu sighed, shaking his head helplessly like a little adult and sighing: "Brother Lan, you said you would give us a lot of materials on New Year's Day, didn't you?"

Cang Lan: ...

That's to take this opportunity to leave Trash Star and contact the organization!

Now a live broadcast room suddenly popped up, all of them showed their faces, and their immediate superiors would be able to find them soon. This matter is actually meaningless, but...

Cang Lan squatted down and smiled very gently: "Of course, Yangyang, do you know that you are very good, you are cleaning up the garbage of the entire planet, you are building an oasis, and you are turning this planet into a livable star, Yangyang, You are more powerful than us adults, and I want to contribute too."

"The only thing I can do is to provide some materials to make the garbage removal faster."

Cang Lan spoke very sincerely. Of course, he also really thought that Xiao Xu was very powerful. After staying for so long, he already knew a lot of things.

Including, Xiao Xu is the master of the entire planet, and Xiao Xu is also the one who made the oasis.

He suddenly remembered interrogating Warner before, and always felt that Warner was hiding something, which was one of the reasons why he stayed, and now he already knew.

But... Cang Lan glanced anxiously at the personal terminal in her hand, hesitating if she could ask.

At this moment, Xiao Xu responded to his request: "Yes, dog... New Year's Day, Brother Nine, Sansan, Yaya..."

When Xiao Xu said a name, he snapped a finger: "They all said that the materials are not enough, and the ones that are separated from the garbage are not easy to use, hey!"

Xiao Xu let out a long sigh, looked at the recyclable garbage that was dismantled not far away, and felt the same disgust as Little New Year's Day.

Cang Lan & Ran Wei: ...

Our garbage collectors haven't said anything yet.

Cang Lan took a deep breath: "What materials do you need, make a list, and I will go out to collect them as soon as possible and send them over. However, if I want to leave here, I have to leave in a spaceship."

Xiao Xu said generously: "Go and drive it yourself. There are two of them, but you have to return them after you open them. When my brother agrees, those are all for Dad."

If the system hadn't kept saying that the weaponry of the spaceship was too powerful to be given away, he would have given such a powerful guy to Huaxia long ago.

Blue Star's other countries were heartbroken upon hearing this.

Cang Lan also had a lump in her throat, the two spaceships were the warships of the execution team of the Star Sea Pact, one was snatched by the tree man, and the other was obviously driven in by himself, so it turned out to be Xiao Xu's Private property? !

Cang Lan took a deep breath and tried to smile: "Okay."

The airship will never enter the Oasis next time!He's going to park outside.

Seeing that he agreed, Little New Year's Day quickly slid the list of materials to Cang Lan's personal terminal, with a stern face: "These materials must be delivered as soon as possible, we are useful."

"To build a livable star, understand." Little New Year's Day raised his chin.

Xiao Xu quickly picked up the conversation and looked at him brightly: "Yes, to build a habitable planet, do you want animals and plants? You can grow them and keep them alive."

Cang Lan and Ran Wei's pupils shook, and Cang Lan was even more surprised, and asked excitedly: "Yangyang, you want to send me the species on the green state?"

"But you have to trade it for something!"

Cang Lan and Xiao Xu's voices sounded at the same time.

Cang Lan's expression froze, and the smile on Xiao Xu's face suddenly fell, and his eyes widened in disbelief: "These species were created by Yang Yang with a lot of money! You don't want to give money?!"

"Yangyang doesn't need money from you, but you have to exchange things." Xiao Xu's shoulders slumped, and he repeated the previous words very unhappy, and looked at Cang Lan with accusing eyes.

It seems that Cang Lan is a big liar who eats the king's meal.

Cang Lan: ...

I want to cover my face, I want to sneak in through a crack in the ground, this time I'm ashamed and thrown to the whole star sea... No, there is Huaxia in the cub's mouth.

Just thinking of this, Cang Lan's brain buzzed, and her voice fluttered: "What do you want to change, what do you want to change, and how?"

Xiao Xu tilted his head, he didn't know what to change, he just wanted to exchange something good for his father.

He looked at the National Games ball that had grown a whole circle on the live broadcast panel, subconsciously puffed out his small chest, and waved his small hand, very domineering CEO Fan: "Dad, whatever you want to change, I will give it to you."

Cang Lan frowned slightly, and again, sometimes he couldn't tell whether this father was thought of by the cub or not.

However, in the scene where Xiao Xu was always talking to himself, another voice suddenly sounded.

"Thank you Yangyang, we just need it here."

"Hello, Canglan, this is Huaxia, I will trouble you more in the future."

That voice was indistinguishable from male to female, very ethereal, with a sense of timelessness, just listening to it was very powerful.

Although there was a faint smile, Cang Lan's mental strength was strong, and she was suppressed by the sound just listening to it, and even her breathing seemed heavy.

He looked anxiously in the direction of the sound.

It was Ran Wei who had been silent all this time, frowning and looking at the live broadcast room, the voice came from the live broadcast room.

Cang Lan's pupils constricted, and that voice was... Hua Xia, Xiao Xu's father!

It really exists, and the sound is very powerful!

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