There are ghosts

Chapter 6 Departure

The next day Su Bai didn't sleep well again.

With two big dark circles under her eyes, she was dragged out of the hotel by Angel and Tourmaline.

Forget about An Qi, why even Tourmaline is so energetic, Su Bai couldn't help thinking, howling ghosts and howling wolves, women's cries, music box ringtones, weird footsteps, and the sound of water in the toilet last night. No sign of waking up at all!

"Master, master~look!" An Qi hugged Su Bai's arm excitedly, looked around, but didn't see Su Bai's pale face at all.

Tourmaline walked ahead and glanced at Su Bai, seemed to have thought for a long time, handed over a paper talisman, paused: "I forgot to give it to you yesterday..."

Su Bai took it haggardly, and on the yellow talisman was written the word sleep...

Tourmaline thought for a while, and said seriously, "It's the same for today's use."

Su Bai: "..." He really didn't have the strength to start blasting.

Tourmaline decided to go to South Sacrifice Mountain first to investigate the situation, and Su Bai had no objection, but it took nearly four hours to drive from the city center to South Sacrifice Mountain in the suburbs, and it was almost at the edge of K City.

South Sacrifice Mountain is not a place suitable for tourism, just hearing the name is very scary, except that traces of the tomb of King Huainan were found in the ancient books during that time, after a period of excitement, it finally calmed down.That place is very boring, except for the lush trees on the mountain, which are black soil and yellow mud, there is no meaning of project development, so even the road is only half repaired, and the vehicles are driving left and right.

Since it is not a tourist attraction, the road is long and obstructed, and generally long-distance vehicles will not go to that place, so we can only hire a van at a high price.

Su Bai originally wanted to catch up on sleep in the car, but the drowsiness disappeared without a trace after getting in the car.

An Qi'an nestled quietly in the back seat to rest, and the not-so-spacious van was still driving staggeringly.

His slender, fair fingers lightly tapped the yellowed pages, rubbing them a few times from time to time, and then continued to turn to the next page.

Su Bai, who was flipping through the ancient books, couldn't help but raised his head and looked out the window. The sky was blue but there were no clouds. How could he have a bad premonition.

Suddenly, I remembered Master Chu’s fortune-telling, "Benefits across the great river, mutual aid, three thousand waters, and the white tiger moves quickly."

When Su Bai was pondering this hexagram, his mind suddenly moved, princes, generals, and white tigers moved...

"Hehe, there are quite a lot of people going to this mountain recently, you guys are all going to explore?" The driver brother who was listening to music with headphones seemed to think of something, and said happily.

After hearing this, Su Bai couldn't help pulling back his thoughts, pretending to ask casually: "Are there a lot of people going there recently?"

"That's not true, just the day before yesterday I saw a few people looking for chartered cars everywhere, five hundred a trip, tsk tsk, they are really rich..."

Could it be that group of people?Su Bai frowned, if they had found the location of Huainan King's tomb...

"Probably not. No matter how proficient in geomancy is, they won't find it so quickly. After all, they haven't been able to find it for so many years. It shows how well it is hidden." Sitting opposite him, Tourma said with a smile.

Su Bai nodded, and continued to talk to the driver brother: "Ah, is it... What do those people look like? Are they going on a trip?"

The driver brother listened to the song and didn't care and smiled and said: "How can I remember so much, and I didn't take over the job, but I heard they said it was a geological team to investigate, we don't understand these things , if you have money, you can do it.”

"That's that, this trip should have earned a lot..." Bixi took the words and responded with a smile, but Su Bai's thoughts drifted out of the window again, geological team investigation?The reason for being so clumsy and generous should be that this group of people is right... It's only two days behind them...

An Qi woke up at some point, pointing out the window and shouting excitedly: "Hey, hey, look!"

It has been driving for three hours and it should be almost here. Apart from the mountains, the surrounding area is flat loess. Su Bai and Tourmaline looked in the direction An Qi pointed, and there was indeed a dark crowd in front of them. It was strange, how could there be so many people in such a remote place? people?

"Stop and stop." Tourmaline seemed to have seen something, and beckoned the driver brother to stop, "Come here, we will arrive at our destination soon."

Su Bai was surprised and glanced at Tourmaline. Although he was indeed approaching, there was still a long way to go when looking at the route on the GPS map.

After thinking about it for a while, Su Bai still kept his doubts in his stomach, and the two got out of the car and walked towards the crowd.

As soon as I approached, I saw a yellow line and a sign in front of it: "The important shooting area, non-staff personnel are not allowed to enter."

Su Bai suddenly remembered An Qi's wish, and said with some uncertainty, "This...couldn't be the location where Ling Jianhua's new movie will be filmed?"

Tourmaline nodded seriously: "Well... it should be here."

Su Bai: "How do you know?"

Tourmaline spread her hands: "I used psychic techniques yesterday to find out what the little devils told me."

"Aww! The lover of my dreams is really here!" An Qi's eyes had already turned into two hearts and flew towards her.

"An Qi!" Su Bai wanted to call An Qi back, but he hesitated for a while when he saw the sign with a pillar on the side.

Tourmaline didn't care much: "Let An Qi go in and take a look." Then she walked unsteadily inside.

"Hey, hey, who are you?" A staff member in a white shirt and blue hat, with a work badge and a newspaper in his hand saw Su Bai and Tourmaline with sharp eyes, and trotted over, "Idlers are not allowed to enter here, who are you?" ?”

"We..." Su Bai hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to speak.

Tourmaline didn't know when she put away that lazy attitude, and said to the staff with a straight face: "We are the police, and we are here to find Ling Jianhua to investigate an important case."

The staff obviously looked dubious, and Tourmaline took out a certificate from his pocket, and the captain of the cultural relics investigation team was shining brightly on the certificate.

"Okay... I'll call the director and the person in charge." The staff hesitated for a while when they saw the ID, and frowned, "You guys follow me first."

Su Bai couldn't help sighing in his heart, having a certificate is really more useful than anything else.

"Hey... is Ling Jianhua really related to this matter?" Su Bai quietly poked the tourmaline.

Tourmaline touched her chin: "I'm not sure, but don't you see that this is a very poor cover?"

Su Bai: "..."

The two people were taken to sit in a small tent by the staff, and then went to call the director and the person in charge.

Tourmaline quietly said to Su Bai: "You go to An Qi and don't let her get into trouble, I'll deal with it here."

Su Bai thought for a while, it seemed that Tourmaline should often deal with these situations and it shouldn't matter, so he nodded and quietly retreated from the tent.

There were a lot of people outside, large and small shooting equipment and tools and equipment he had never seen before, everyone looked very busy, and hurried past Su Bai, as if they hadn't seen him.

After wandering around for a while, Su Bai finally found An Qi in an open space relying on the inspiration from the ghost contract. An Qi hid behind the stone nearby, poking out a small head from time to time to take a look.

Seeing Su Bai, An Qi immediately rushed towards him, Su Bai subconsciously caught An Qi, put her down and said seriously: "Should I go when I see him?"

An Qi looked at Su Bai twitchingly: "But I haven't seen his face yet..." After finishing speaking, her eyes looked in one direction from time to time.

Su Bai followed An Qi's line of sight, and there was a man wearing sunglasses leaning on a reclining chair under a big sun umbrella not far away. There was a half glass of juice and a mobile phone on the small table next to him. That person should be Ling Jianhua.

The corner of Su Bai's mouth twitched, it's not the seaside, basking in the sun on this kind of loess high slope where birds don't lay eggs...

Ling Jianhua also seemed to have noticed the gazes of Su Bai and An Qi, and raised her body to look sideways at Su Bai...and An Qi.

Su Bai noticed that Lin Jianhua's eyes were not only shooting at him, he was a little uncertain, could he see An Qi?

But seeing Ling Jianhua take off his sunglasses, Su Bai, who is a man, couldn't help admiring, he really deserves to be a girl killer in the entertainment circle, with fair complexion, handsome appearance, perfect facial features, and fine short hair exuding Warm breath.

"Ghost exorcist?" Ling Jianhua said lightly, with a faint smile in his tone.

Su Bai's heart skipped a beat, but with a calm expression on his face, he looked straight over: "Who are you? How do you know?"

Ling Jianhua still had a gentle smile on her face, pointed at An Qi who was staring at her droolingly, and said with a smile, "Only ghosts can come and go freely under the sun."

"Could it be you too?" Su Bai looked at him in surprise, after all, there are few people who know ghost exorcists, even fewer people who can see the soul body, unless he is also...

An Qi shrank her body, raised her head and glanced at Su Bai incomprehensibly, at this time Bixi ran over with small steps, saw Ling Jianhua stunned for a moment, then smiled, "So it really is."

Su Bai also looked at Tourmaline and Ling Jianhua in a daze, what was going on?Why does Ling Jianhua know about the Ghost Exorcist, and why does Tourmaline seem to know about it?

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