There are ghosts

Chapter 5 Departure

The author has something to say: Xiaoxiu


After getting off.

"Cough, An Qi, how does it feel to see the sun?" Tourmaline put her arms around Su Bai's neck, and said to An Qi with a smile.

"Hmm! So comfortable!" An Qi's eyes flickered, and she walked around twice under the sun excitedly. She hadn't come out for a long time after her death, thanks to meeting them this time.

Tourmaline patted An Qi's head, looked at Su Bai kindly and said, "In the future, Xiao Bai can let you go out often."

Su Bai's expression was tangled and he kept silent. If he fulfilled his wish, he should go back and reincarnate immediately.

After getting off the train, An Qi naturally followed Su Bai and Tourma all the way to the hotel.

Tourmaline led Su Bai and An Qi through the winding streets and alleys, and came to a dilapidated hotel.

"..." Su Bai stood blankly at the main entrance of the hotel, the dilapidated facade, with colorful neon signboards shining in broad daylight.

...Brother must be very poor in daily life.

But he was able to find such a secluded small hotel...

Before Su Bai could react, Tourmaline pushed the door open and walked in with a calm expression. The bearded boss in front of the small counter was holding the small TV and watching it with great interest.

"Boss, a standard room." Tourmaline took out her ID card, and the boss smiled and put down the small TV immediately after hearing the sound: "Okay, okay." While taking the key, he looked at Tourmaline and Su who was standing behind with his small eyes. white.

An Qi was unhappy when she came out, she pouted and protested around Su Bai: "No, no, no!! I, a girl, don't want to share a room with you!"

Su Bai, who was not in a good mood at first, was knocked out by An Qi again, and growled, "You don't need to sleep!"

The hand that the boss took out the key froze for a moment, Tourmaline reacted very quickly, took the key plug from the boss's hand, gave it to Su Bai and pushed him away, scratched his head and said hahaha: "Hahahaha you are too, I don't sleep at night What can you do? You go upstairs first..."

Su Bai also remembered that ordinary people can't see the soul body, raised his head and smiled twice, took the key and quickly fled up with An Qi.

Walking on the narrow corridor, the wooden stairs creaked every step of the way.

The house is old, and the walls are covered with mottled marks and moss.

An Qi didn't make trouble any more, she closed her mouth and quietly followed Su Bai to look left and right.

"Room 209..." Su Bai held the key and looked at each room, and it was actually the last room at the corner. The last room is the place with the most yin energy, and it is also in the direction of the back of the sun, which is most likely to attract some unclean things.

Su Bai took the key and weighed it. He had a bad premonition that more things would be better than less things, so he decided to go downstairs and find the boss to change one. At this moment, An Qi trembled, and suddenly a very cold feeling came over her. Float up and stick close to Su Bai.

"Woo so cold..."

Su Bai glanced at An Qi in surprise, ghosts are very sensitive to Yin Qi, but they should not feel afraid.

Thoughtful, Su Bai suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing past him, and the corners of his clothes and hair were blown up.

At this time, a white hand slowly touched Su Bai's shoulder, An Qi covered her eyes and screamed, "Wow——" Su Bai was also taken aback by An Qi, and reflexively took it out. The spell, the footsteps moved quickly, turned around and pasted it!

"Hey, hey, aren't you too sensitive?" Bixi took the charm that Su Bai attacked, looked at the spell in his hand, and wondered how many fire charms he had on him?I used so much on the train and still have it?

"No one told you to walk silently." Su Bai withdrew the spell angrily.

"Ha, if there was a sound when I walked, boom, boom, boom, wouldn't you be scared to death by now?" Tourmaline gloated.

"Hmph." Su Bai narrowed his eyes and threw the key to Tourmaline, with his hands wrapped around his arms: "The last one, back Yang, you can figure it out."

Tourmaline took the key and glanced at it. She was a little sullen, and opened the door while muttering: "This is luck..."

Su Bai raised his eyebrows: "Then are you going to change?"

The room is considered clean, and the facilities are extremely simple. There are two beds, a TV, and an independent bathroom.

Tourmaline patted the sheet that was still clean, and lay down on it carelessly: "We are not ordinary people anyway, this is what we do, what are we afraid of?"

Su Bai rolled his eyes and walked in, feeling that An Qi hadn't followed, so he turned around and saw a pair of shining eyes looking at him.

Su Bai: "..."

He and An Qi looked at each other for a while, and finally lost, Su Bai waved his hands discouragedly: "Don't cause trouble."

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." An Qi nodded her head like a chick cutting rice, and happily crossed the wall after getting permission, and disappeared immediately.

Tourmaline straightened her body and said with a smile: "It seems that I have been bored on the train for too long." Then she sat up straight and stretched her waist, showing a sense of laziness, with her broken hair casually placed on her forehead, revealing her collar Under the looming skin, let out a lazy □ □, and raised a seductive arc to Su Bai, "Mmm... It's time to talk about the purpose of this time."

"..." Su Bai was stunned again by the monster in front of him. It wasn't because he judged people by their appearance, it was really difficult to convince him that Tourmaline was a policeman, and ghosts were more or less the same...

Su Bai coughed twice, turned away with a somewhat unnatural expression, and sat on the opposite bed. He had been full of doubts since he got on the train.

Tourmaline glanced at Su Bai and smiled, stood up and bent over to approach him: "Master should have told you almost everything, right?"

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...why are you so close?!" Su Bai bent his back and looked at Tourmaline's face getting closer and closer. Su Bai, who had never been so close to anyone before, suddenly felt faint Red, with some stuttering openings.

"Huh..." Bixi felt strange seeing Su Bai like this, isn't this reaction too green?It made people want to tease him.

"Don't come here!" Su Bai turned over to avoid the bullying tourmaline, nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and said "yes" quickly: "I'm going this time because of the mausoleum being excavated, right?" ?”

Tourmaline took advantage of the situation and sat next to Su Bai, chuckling not to tease him: "The matter is not as simple as the master said. According to my previous investigation, the tomb robbery is just a cover. As for the purpose... I guess it has something to do with summoning spirits."

"Calling the soul? Calling the soul and summoning ghosts?" Su Bai also breathed a sigh of relief seeing that the tourmaline had returned to normal.

He had read it in ancient books before, and it was also one of the ancient forbidden spells.The art of evocation is to summon the soul of the dead. To cast the spell, you must find the ashes of the deceased or the things used in life, and then use squeezed blood donations and some extremely dark tools to form an array in a most yin place.

If the dead were dead for a long time, the larger the array, the more sacrifices would be arranged, and the casting of the spell was extremely cruel and bloody.Awakening the soul of the dead, this technique has reincarnation against the heavens, if it is used carelessly, it may cause this catastrophe.

But if the soul is reincarnated, it will be invalid.

It's just that this spell has been lost hundreds of years ago, and it is still just a legend written in ancient books.

"Well, when I went to the scene to investigate, I found the remaining formations and tools of spiritualism, and there were several missing persons cases nearby." Tourmaline nodded affirmatively, and her expression became solemn, "I followed the clues I searched all the way, and found that all the stolen tombs were the mausoleums of princes and generals, and there was a certain pattern. They must be places of the most yin. From the formation method, there seems to be no traces. If the purpose is only to summon the soul... "

Su Bai frowned, as if he had guessed something: "That is to say, if it succeeds..."

"So I made a very bold guess, that group of people is collecting ghosts..."

Su Bai was puzzled: "Collect ghosts?"

"It is used to wake up souls with stronger yin energy as sacrifices, and the dead souls with stronger yin energy cannot be summoned by blood alone."

"You mean that this group of people dug so many tombs and collected so many ghosts just to wake up the dead soul with a strong yin energy?"

Tourmaline nodded in tacit agreement, and then said: "As far as I know, most of the tombs of princes and generals they dug were extremely murderous tombs where the ruling power was brutal, and thousands of people were sacrificed. There's only one area left."

Su Bai slightly lowered his head and pondered, City K, the tomb of the king...

Suddenly, he stared at Tourmaline with wide eyes, and opened his mouth wide: "No, it can't be that..."

Tourmaline tapped Su Bai's forehead and smiled: "That's right, it is King Huainan, the legendary Baisheng General in ancient Yu Kingdom."

"But isn't that a legend? There are very few descriptions of King Huainan in ancient books. It only says that he was buried in the South Sacrifice Mountain but no one has ever found it. How did this group of people know?"

If they really found the tomb of King Huainan of General Baisheng, awakened him, and killed the gods to come to the world...

The more Su Bai thought about it, the worse it became, and he couldn't help shivering.

Tourmaline hurriedly comforted Su Bai: "It shouldn't be that simple, this is just a guessing stage, but it should be certain that they will never let go of this goal, as long as they stop them before they do."

He looked at his watch, "If you want to be ahead of them, you must find King Huainan's tomb before them. We will go out to find it tomorrow."

Su Bai looked at the tourmaline in confusion and said, "We don't know where the other party is, and we don't know where the tomb is, how can we find it?"

Tourmaline smiled and replied: "So we have to find someone who is proficient in geomancy and dragon acupuncture, so that we can fulfill Angel's wish by the way."

"Eh? An Qi's wish? You really want to take her to meet..." Su Bai opened his eyes wide and wanted to say something, but he saw that Tourmaline was already lazily lying on his back, yawning and waving at Su Bai , "Ann, I'll talk about this tomorrow when I wake up..."

Su Bai was left alone sitting on the edge of the bed with a dark face: "..."

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