The strongest magician

Chapter 93 The Fall

Li Fanggu stared dumbfounded at the huge palace in front of him, so that he could not accurately describe its luxury even after exhausting all the words, but just standing in front of it, he was already overwhelmed by its magnificence and brilliance.

The huge underground palace in front of us started from the ground under Li Fangu's feet, each brick and stone, and each step was paved with white marble.The steps spread over dozens of floors, leading up to a huge room, the room was resplendent and resplendent, and they wondered if the brick surfaces were all made of gold leaf.Looking from where they were standing now, there seemed to be steps at the end of the room, and it was unknown if there were still rooms if they went up.This structure reminds Li Fanggu of the Golden Zodiac in Saint Seiya.He tapped his head once, and continued to look at the palace in front of him.

Twelve pillars of white marble towered on both sides of the steps. The pillars were thick and thick, about the thickness of two people hugging each other. The totems of sheep, snakes, and various beasts were engraved on the pillars. The eyes of these totems were made of It is decorated with red agate, and the body of the totem is decorated with jade. Qiemo, not far from here, produces jade. Li Fanggu took a look. These jades include Qiemo sugar jade, sapphire and Jinshan jade. The jade here is enough to cover a market, and what is rare is that the jade here is all large pieces. Thinking about it this way, it must be a large piece of raw jade that has been carved before it can be pasted like this.The lines on the totem's body are all drawn by gold threads, shining golden light brilliantly, corresponding to various jade stones, very luxurious.The pillars were about ten meters high and extended to the top of the palace. Li Fanggu noticed that the top of the palace was also made of white marble, and every ten meters or so, there was a shining bead inlaid. He looked excitedly. After a while, is that the night pearl?

He has only heard of such things as luminous pearls in legends, but he has never seen them in reality. In ancient times, luminous pearls were called suizhu, hanging thorns, or bright moon beads. It is ordinary fluorite, which can glow at night when exposed to the sun, but here it is either in the dark underground, or in the entire mountainside, and the light of these beads does not diminish, and it seems that they are not affected by the light at all. night pearl.He knew that the luminous pearls were of various colors, some were light green, some were slightly blue, and some were orange-red. What was rare was that there were no less than a hundred luminous pearls inlaid on the top of the palace here, and all of them were emerald-green. The size and gloss are the same.Under the illumination of these fluorescent lights, the entire hall can be clearly seen without any lighting. Li Fangu remembered that there were still ten thousand year lamps lit in the emperor's tomb before. Compared with the one in front of him, it is simply weaker!

Local tycoon!Too rich!Several people were almost dumbfounded. Even the Forbidden City may not have such a style!Unexpectedly, they would see it in the tomb of a mage in this ancient country in the Western Regions.

Up the stone pillar is a gate in the palace. The gate is open. They can see that the gate is carved with complicated patterns, and the tangled and spreading flower branches are entangled with each other, and the petals of the flowers are clearly discernible.Each of those flowers has only four petals, but the colors of each petal are different, they are white, red, blue and yellow. When they looked carefully, the white was white jade, the red was agate, the blue was sapphire, and the yellow was sapphire. It is citrine, and the light green flower branches are all carved from sapphire, inlaid on the gate carved from white marble. Several people were shocked by the uncanny craftsmanship.

"What kind of flower is that?" Hua An asked intoxicated.

Lin Jiajia thought for a moment, then shook her head.

Zhou Liang said: "It should be the legendary Yimi flower. It is said that this flower grows on the Gobi Desert in Africa. It takes five years for this flower to grow and bloom in the sixth year, but it only takes two days before the flower withers. Die together with the mother plant."

Hua An was puzzled: "Why did you die with the sow? Are there sows living in the Gobi in Africa? Why not with the boar?"

Everyone looked at the sky speechlessly, Li Fanggu couldn't bear to look directly at it.

Zhou Liang ignored him, and continued: "This is just a legend, but the appearance of this flower means death. It takes five years to grow, and it only blooms for two days. It is engraved on this door, which means that after entering the door, it is the death of the deceased." world."

Li Fanggu said, "That is to say, there must be a trap behind the door. We need to be more careful."

Song Wei smiled and said: "It's not just behind the door, every step here is a trap."

However, this sorcerer is really generous, and the king must not be as good as her in this treatment.Several people were shocked, and then slowly calmed down, Hua An could hardly close his mouth from ear to ear: "This, this woman is so generous!"

Lin Jiajia smiled and said, "Hua An, if you meet this woman later, you can ask her, since she no longer has a husband, can she let you marry her?"

Hua An raised his brows upside down: "Get out! Who wants to live with that woman in the same tomb! No matter how beautiful she is!" He sneaked another glance at Song Weiwei, and saw that there was still a bright smile on the corner of her mouth, so his face was blank. He turned his head with an expression.

Li Fanggu joked: "I'm afraid people will look down on him if he becomes a married woman. It should be possible to arrest him and become a maid."

Hua An knew that he was protected by Zhou Liang, so he didn't dare to provoke him, so he could only curl his lips: "Get out, I'm a man."

Jin Zhicheng stepped out of the hole first. The ground was smooth. He stepped on it carefully, but found no response, so he sank down and said, "Look, there is another door on our left."

Several people followed his voice to look at the magnificent white marble gate, only to realize that the direction they just entered was not the direction of the main gate at all.

Several people also followed Jin Zhicheng out slowly. Li Fangu saw that the place where they came out was on the wall on the right side of the palace. There was a dog's tooth hole one person tall in the wall, which looked very abrupt. He Strangely said: "Strange, the location of this hole is so strange, could it be a stolen hole?"

Zhou Liang said: "The door must not have been opened at the beginning. It seems that after the death of the mage, there are still people who want to go out, so they opened it here."

Lin Jiajia analyzed: "If you want to go out, then the craftsmen who built this palace can only temporarily open it after the tomb door is closed. But usually the escape routes are repaired at the same time as the tomb is built. Leaving such an obvious hole. It doesn’t look like a robbery cave, after all, if it is a robbery cave, how can there be stairs.”

"This staircase must have been built by those craftsmen back then. That's right, the door opened too abruptly. I think there must have been a mechanism at the beginning, but maybe the people who wanted to go out were too anxious and couldn't find the mechanism. It's not impossible to make a hole here." Song Wei smiled.

Several people thought it made sense, so they nodded.

But Li Fanggu said: "Maybe it doesn't mean you want to go out, maybe someone wants to come in after the tomb is closed." He suddenly remembered the inexplicable familiarity in the passage before, could it be that he came here to rob the tomb in his previous life?Maybe if you go inside, you can still find the bones left by your previous life?He was terrified by the thought of himself.

Several people rested in place, Hua An shook off the dust from his hair, and said strangely: "We obviously came in through the main entrance, why did we come out through the dog hole in the end? What step went wrong?"

Song Weiwei said: "According to my thinking, we have been walking around in the magic circle since we came in. I think that when we entered at different times, we entered in different magic circles, and the exits we found in the end will definitely lead to different places. You see those Xiao family members came in in front of us, but they were obviously not in the same space as us just now. They must have encountered a mechanism different from ours. I think there must be something powerful in the mural gallery just now The organ is waiting for us, but before it can be activated, Xiaogu brought us out, so we came here. The Xiao family may not have our luck, isn’t one of them already dead? "

Lin Jiajia agreed: "That's right, look at this gate, it looks like the main gate. If we didn't fall into the magic circle, we should have come in from here. Anyway, it's good if we can get in. I don't know where the palace is at the end. Where does it lead to?"

Zhou Liang also said: "The structure here is different from the usual tomb. It doesn't look like a tomb, it looks like a palace for pleasure and accommodation. Maybe along these palaces, you can finally find the location of the body of this female mage. She kept it Since that box is so important, the most powerful organ must be used to protect that box. If it were me, I would be most at ease keeping important things by my side. So, if you find the location of this female mage, you will be able to find it. This box."

Hua An curled his lips, expressing his indifference.

Jin Zhicheng saw that a few people were resting, so he signaled them to move on.

"Is there any mechanism in this palace?" Hua An asked as he walked cautiously.

"No more." It was Li Fanggu who answered him.

Hua An stared at him: "How do you know?"

Li Fanggu smiled wryly: "I'm talking nonsense." He just intuitively thought this way, as if he had experienced it here.

Hua An frowned, "Don't talk nonsense if you don't know, it will kill us."

Zhou Liang glanced at him: "People from the Hua family are so afraid of death?"

Hua An sneered: "Don't say you're not afraid of death. Life is so beautiful, why would you want to die if you can live?"

Zhou Liang didn't sneer at him this time. He glanced at him indifferently with ethereal eyes, and turned away without saying anything.

Hua An was taken aback. Zhou Liang let him go so easily this time. He felt a little uncomfortable all over. He looked at him several times with a strange expression, but seeing that he hadn't followed up, he finally calmed down with anxiety.

Song Weiwei seemed to see his discomfort, and reached out to stroke his head. Hua An was like a little hedgehog with fried hair, so cute.

Hua An's face was flushed: "Miss Wei Wei, I told you, don't touch my head, I, I'm a's not good." Saying this, he wished Song Wei Wei could touch her a few more times and be touched by such a beautiful girl. Rubbing her hair with both hands, Hua An almost wished he could turn into a husky and walk around her more openly.

Zhou Liang glanced at him with mocking eyes, but Hua An didn't notice.

Li Fanggu walked to Jin Zhicheng's side: "Ah Cheng, let me lead the way."

Jin Zhicheng looked at him strangely, then nodded and said, "I'm with you."

The two walked up the steps side by side.Li Fanggu has a very clear idea in his heart, there is no mechanism here.Why would he know?He was also crazy, he didn't know why, he just felt that he had been here before.

This inexplicable sense of familiarity even drove him crazy.

The steps quickly came to an end, and they entered the resplendent inner room.After entering the inner room, their eyes were dazzled again. The luxury of this room has reached the extreme. The bricks on the wall are covered with a layer of gold leaf, giving off a dazzling golden light.

What frightened them even more was that there were people in this room, not just one person, but a group of people.On the left side of the room is a huge Persian rug, thousands of years later, this rug is still as new and colorful.Utensils carved from jade are placed neatly on the carpet: Hu bed, short case, on which are placed brightly colored wooden red lacquered eating utensils, and two young women with white gauze veils sitting kneeling on the side of the short case, one with both hands Holding a clay jug, it looks like it is pouring wine, and the other is bowing its body, as if it is saluting.Their brown curly hair hangs down their backs. The woman wears very little clothing, almost only a layer of light gauze, which can barely cover the important parts of her body, and her graceful figure can be seen at a glance.It stands to reason that the blood of the person who saw it should be bursting with blood. However, Li Fanggu and the others only found it strange, because the bare skin of these two beauties was dead gray, as gray as death, and looked wrinkled Yes, like dried orange peel.

And on their right side, there is a group of dancing girls, about 30 people.The dancing girls put on all kinds of graceful dancing poses, beautiful and graceful, but Li Fanggu and the others were not in the mood to appreciate them at all, because they could see these dancing girls very clearly. The facial features have been air-dried and deformed. Some dancers only have a dark hole in their eyeballs, and a brown sphere lies beside her feet. The sphere is facing them. They can clearly see that it is A dried eyeball, the color of the eyeball is still clearly visible.

Needless to say, everyone in this room is dead, including the two maids who turned their backs to them.

Jin Zhicheng and the others have experienced big storms, not to mention Zhou Liang, he is a forensic doctor, and he has seen a lot of corpses, so he doesn't pay attention to them at all.Only Hua Anru was struck by lightning, opened his mouth a few times, then turned his face away and vomited.

Seeing Hua An vomit badly, Song Weiwei took out a handkerchief from his pocket, patted his back, and comforted him. After a while, Hua An finally calmed down, and stood up straight with an ugly face.

"Your father, it's too perverted. Were these people put into this pose alive and then killed? Or were they fixed in shape after they died? How did she do it? It's so cruel. Could it be that just because they know how to cast spells Can you not treat ordinary people as human beings like this? No wonder her husband was beheaded." Hua An said with trembling lips.

Zhou Liang said lightly: "It's not surprising. Those princes and nobles in ancient times, who regarded human beings as human beings? Which tomb didn't have any sacrifices?"

Everyone agreed with his words, Li Fanggu said: "Speaking of which, apart from these, why didn't we see the corpses of animals that were buried? Since this mage was killed by someone, there must be an animal sacrifice pit, why didn't we see it along the way. "

Jin Zhicheng looked at the room and said, "There are doors on both sides of this room, maybe it's inside these two doors?"

Hua An's expression changed, and he said, "Don't open it up and look at it, it's not a good thing. We're here to find that box, don't worry about the irrelevant ones."

Jin Zhicheng said coldly: "Let's open it and look, we don't know where the box is placed."

Hua An said: "Isn't there a room on the stairs? That room looks huge, maybe it's there, anyway, it can't be in the small door on the side."

Li Fanggu sneered, and said: "Not necessarily. Maybe the place that looks magnificent is a trap. You see, this room seems to be a bunch of dead people. How do you know there is no trap here?"

Song Weiwei was startled: "Xiaogu, don't talk nonsense with your crow's mouth!"

Li Fanggu shut up in embarrassment, last time at the bottom of Yuntai Mountain, what he said meant nothing, no wonder Song Weiwei was overshadowed.

Jin Zhicheng smirked and said, "Left or right first?"

For some reason, Li Fanggu suddenly had a strange feeling and said, "Let's go to the right."

Jin Zhicheng looked at the others, Hua An gritted his teeth and said, "In any case, you have to look at it, it's the same on both sides, the right side is the right side."

Seeing that everyone else nodded in agreement, Jin Zhicheng took the lead and walked towards the wall on the right. There was a small door carved from white jade on the wall. They walked around the corpses of the dancers and planned to enter the small door. Hummed, because they found that the door was half open, behind the narrow door it was pitch black, nothing could be seen, and the faint cold wind was coming out from there.

"Someone has gone in." Lin Jiajia said with certainty.

As soon as his words fell, they suddenly heard an unusual movement in the room. The sound sounded harsh, rattling, like the sound of a machine shaft getting stuck.The hairs on the backs of several people stood up, and they all stopped.

"What was that sound just now?" Hua An's almond-shaped eyes widened, "Did I hear it wrong?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a clearer voice came, gada gada gada... This time, several people all gasped, because they all knew where the voice came from, this room All the corpses in the room, those of the dancers and the maids, all turned their heads to look at them at the same time, their empty, dark, or dark and lifeless eyes were all fixed on them, and the voice just now was The sound of their necks turning.

Hua An frowned: "Your father! Are these all zombies?"

All the corpses in the room stood up straight, and the atmosphere in the room was very strange. Song smiled wryly: "Li Fangu, you crow's mouth, you hit the mark again!"

Li Fanggu also couldn't laugh or cry, he really didn't mean it, really!

Zhou Liang was stunned for a moment, and immediately drew a tactic on his chest, saying: "Burning!"

Strangely, nothing happens.Several people looked at him in surprise, Lin Jiajia asked strangely: "What's going on? Why didn't your talisman respond?"

Zhou Liang said indifferently: "I have felt that something is wrong since just now, as expected. I guess any spells in this room are useless."

Hua An refused to accept, took out the copper coin, and threw it into the air: "Hanging!" The copper coin was thrown into the air, and then fell down without any reaction. Hua An quickly reached out to catch it, his face full of surprise.

Lin Jiajia's face also changed, and then said: "No, I can't use my spiritual energy, and I can't change my claws."

Jin Zhicheng shook the black bone fan, and then said coldly: "That's right, the magic weapon can't transform, so it's useless. It seems that we can only fight hard."

Li Fanggu was taken aback, is his gun still useful?He raised his gun and shot at a dancing girl, bang, the gun rang, the bullet shot directly into the dancing girl's chest, and then came out through the chest, the dancing girl didn't respond.

Seeing this situation, several people felt more and more bad, and the atmosphere became more and more weird.Li Fanggu put away the gun, his only support was useless, it seemed that he could wash up and sleep.

However, those corpses just looked at them quietly without any reaction, and the lack of reaction made them even more surprised. Could it be that these women turned their heads to look at them because they had not seen a man for thousands of years, so that they could recall how long the man was? What is it like?

This reason is less reliable than making Li Fanggu dislike men and only like women.

Just like the calm before the storm, the corpses and several people stared at each other silently, that weird feeling almost drove people crazy.What are these corpses up to?

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind came out, creaking, the small door on the right of everyone suddenly opened, and at this moment, all the corpses watching them all opened their mouths.

Jin Zhicheng's expression changed, and he shouted, "Cover your ears!"

Everyone was startled and covered their ears as fast as they could.Huge sound waves came straight at them from the mouths of those corpses, and several people were dizzy, as if a heavy hammer had hit them in the face, their chests felt tight, and several people almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Li Fanggu was dizzy, and stepped back a few steps, until he reached behind the opened small door. Unexpectedly, there was a steep slope behind the small door. Li Fanggu stepped on the ground, tilted his body, and rolled down go down.

The steep slope was very long, and Li Fanggu was dizzy and dizzy, and the world was spinning. After more than ten laps, he finally saw the boundary. No, he was about to fall!He wanted to grab something to stabilize his body, but unfortunately, there was nothing on the steep slope, and his body continued to roll down.

At this time, at the end of the steep slope, a pair of hands suddenly appeared, and then a man propped up his body, looking as if he was going to climb up. Li Fanggu saw it, and screamed as he rolled down: "Brother, get out of the way!" !"

The man raised his head, revealing a gentle and youthful face, it was Duan Jinming!

Li Fanggu was stunned, before he had time to react, he smashed onto Duan Jinming's body, and then fell down with him.

Duan Jinming screamed in the air: "Li Fanggu, it's you again!"


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