A few people looked down the passage. In the next mural, the woman was fighting with someone. The face of the mage who was fighting with the woman was unknown, but a rough outline was carved out. It could be vaguely seen that it was a young man. From the outside, they look like people from the Central Plains, not like those people in foreign costumes depicted in the previous murals.The scene in the mural is magnificent, the sky is covered with dark clouds, thunder bursts, the two duels are powerful in spells, there are landslides and tsunamis around them, and the scene is extremely exaggerated.

Hua An clicked his tongue a few times, and said, "This painting looks like it's bragging. Two mages were fighting, and it was a landslide and a tsunami. If there is such a skill, how could her husband be executed by the king?"

Jin Zhicheng said: "Maybe he was temporarily transferred from the mountain?"

Lin Jiajia said, "It's possible. No matter how good the relationship between husband and wife is, it's impossible to tie the other one on the waistband. When the mage is not paying attention, the king can easily get it."

Hua An said coolly: "Didn't the king seek death on his own? Knowing that this mage is so powerful, and having the guts to harm her husband while she's not around, didn't he seek to destroy the country by himself?"

Li Fanggu speculated: "You said, could it be that the mage was sent out to find something at that time, but he didn't come back for a long time, and the king thought she was dead. If the king was jealous of their husband and wife, taking advantage of the mage's disappearance It's not impossible to become her husband at the right time."

Song Wei smiled lightly: "Who knows, I think if we go in and meet that sorcerer, why don't we ask about the situation in detail. Let's look at the next picture and see if she really lost in the end."

So a group of people moved to the next picture, and in the next picture, sure enough, the mage lost and surrendered at the knee of the mage who was fighting her. She knelt on one knee and looked up at her opponent.The mage who defeated her was giving her something. The female mage showed a sad look in her eyes. When she took the thing, her eyes were full of unwillingness.From the painting, they could only tell that it was a box engraved with patterns of flowing clouds and fireworks.

Li Fanggu snorted, showing a surprised expression, and the others turned to look at him, not knowing why he was surprised.

"What's the matter, Xiaogu?" Song Weiwei asked strangely.

Li Fanggu pondered for a while, then turned to look at Jin Zhicheng and her, and said, "Sister Weiwei, Ah Cheng, do you think this box looks familiar?"

Jin Zhicheng said in a deep voice, "This box looks very similar to the one we saw at the foot of Yuntai Mountain."

Song Weiwei was also taken aback, looked carefully and said: "That's right, we were too hasty at the time, we didn't look at the box carefully, but it looks very similar, no, it's exactly the same, it's a pity that the box ended up It fell into the hands of the Xiao family, and we don't know what is inside."

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay. Could it be that Master Xiaowan's tomb is also related to the one under Yuntai Mountain?They thought that at that time, She Bishi was protecting the box with all his strength, so it can be seen how important the contents of that box are. Could it be that there is an identical box in Master Xiao Wan's tomb?What exactly is in the box?

Li Fanggu was thinking a lot. At that time, he lied that the box was taken away by the Xiao family. In fact, he was the only one who knew that the box ended up in the hands of Ling Duanyang. I am afraid that only Ling Duanyang knew what was in the box. .But he didn't have the chance to ask Ling Duanyang this question, and, according to Ling Duanyang's enchanting level, even if he asked, he would never answer.

Several other people didn't know their situation at the foot of Yuntai Mountain, so they all looked at them with puzzled faces.Jin Zhicheng waved his hand, signaling them not to ask more questions.Both Lin Jiajia and Hua An turned their heads away. They knew that there were some things that they couldn't talk about, and they wouldn't be partners all the time, so they didn't have to keep asking questions.

In the next mural, I saw the little Master Wan holding a box and standing in front of a gate, and they all recognized that gate, it was the gate they just passed through before, this little Master Wan The gate of the tomb.

Several people were shocked. It seems that Master Xiao Wan walked into the tomb by himself?

Lin Jiajia murmured: "I don't know if I guessed right, this Master Xiao Wan was indeed defeated by a mage, and according to the agreement, the mage gave her a very important thing, and then she took that thing and walked into the tomb by herself In the tomb, he remained alive in the tomb. Could it be that this mage is still alive?"

Zhou Liang shook his head: "Not necessarily, just looking at her just now, it seems that she is a remnant soul, maybe she was about to die when she walked into this tomb."

Several people listened to his conjecture, and they didn't know why, but they all felt negative. Li Fanggu said: "Could it be that the sorcerer who defeated her cast some spell on her? Otherwise, why does her eyes look so sad?"

Hua An muttered: "What sadness, why didn't I see it? Isn't it just a pair of eyes? How did you see sadness?"

Zhou Liang gave him a cool look: "The eye cramps are quite severe, and I can't even see such an obvious expression. It seems that I am not as good as a gay."

Hua An was about to retort, but thinking of his vicious mouth, he couldn't scold him, so he could only shut up angrily.

Li Fanggu sneered, it was also the first time he knew Zhou Liang's mouth was so powerful.Fortunately, Zhou Qi has always regarded him as an honest and good baby. If he heard it, his jaw would drop in shock.

Going to the back, the murals are gone, leaving a blank wall, and the passage has come to an end. Several people are dumbfounded. The end of the passage is a bluestone wall that looks extremely thick. Lin Jiajia went up and knocked on the wall. Thick and heavy, I can't estimate how thick the wall is.

"Are you playing with us? Can't get out again?" Li Fanggu cursed softly.

A few people also became irritable, since they came in, they were always trapped, the trap here is really severe, suddenly, they had an illusion, it seems that they have not escaped from the trap at the door from the very beginning, could it be Looking up now, can you still see a stationary solar eclipse?

Li Fanggu looked at this long aisle, and the feeling of familiarity became stronger and stronger, as if he had been here before without knowing when.He closed his eyes and thought about it quietly. At first, he couldn't think of anything, but then he simply returned to the place where the mural began, and then walked all the way inside.

Hua An looked at his movements in confusion: "Hey, are you crazy? What are you doing when you slip around?"

Zhou Liang said coolly: "He is thinking of a way to get out, are you out of your mind? Can't you just shut up and think about it quietly?"

Hua An jumped, this Zhou Liang, he had to fight against him every time, but unfortunately he couldn't scold him, and now he couldn't fight him, so when he got out, he must look good to him.Hua An forced himself to hold back a breath, almost internally injured.

Li Fanggu walked along the passage, and there seemed to be blurred images in his mind. Starting from the fifth mural, there were traps. He felt that he seemed to have dodged these traps at a very fast speed. He walked all the way to the end and found that there was no way. , so go back...

Others also stroked the walls up and down, hoping to find a way out.

Li Fanggu felt that he was slowly recovering. He looked at the mural on the right. After the female mage walked into the tomb, the mural was over, and the wall was blank. Li Fanggu felt that he had groped for these blank walls, so he Paste it on the top, touch and beat inch by inch...

Looking at his expressions and movements, Hua An felt goosebumps all over his body: "Your father, you have such a wretched expression, like a spring, what do you want to do by making these expressions against the wall?"

Zhou Liang said sarcastically: "It's really frustrating to wear women's clothes. Xiao Li is obviously looking for an agency. You can also think of Fachun. Is your life so lacking in love?"

Seeing that Hua An's face turned pale with anger, Song Weiwei quickly patted him on the back to comfort him: "Don't worry, Hua An."

Hua An held back his anger, he finally found out, as long as he said that this Li Fanggu was not good, Zhou Liang would immediately turn into a fighting cock and attack him, well, if he can't be provoked, he can't hide, he just doesn't look at this Li Fanggu.

The other people were also slowly getting restless, seeing that Li Fanggu was still groping on the blank wall like a gecko, Song Weiwei also felt a little baffled, but she also knew that Li Fanggu must have a reason for doing this, so she kept Did not interrupt him.

Finally, Li Fangu's hand touched somewhere, and there was a loud noise, and their feet trembled violently.

Li Fanggu was startled, as if he just came back to his senses, he stood up straight, Jin Zhicheng beckoned, and several people quickly gathered around him.

A few seconds later, the ground trembled again, and this time they clearly felt that the ground seemed to be tilting.

"Hey, did you do something just now?" Hua An asked Li Fanggu while supporting Lin Jiajia's hand.

Li Fanggu said inexplicably, "I don't know."

Boom! ! !The tremor was more obvious this time. They clearly felt that they were in a box that was placed at an angle. The ground had already formed an oblique angle of nearly 45 degrees. Slide to the end of the passage.Several people struggled to maintain their figures, trying not to let themselves fall.It's just that I couldn't stand anymore soon, so I could only lean on the ground and cling to the ground in a rock-climbing posture, and my fingers turned white from the hard buckle.

"Damn, your dad! What's going on? The ground is lifted? Why are we falling?"

The ground is still slowly being raised, and several people have already started to slide down.There was another bang, and the ground was raised at a ninety-degree angle. They couldn't hold it anymore, and fell down like dumplings.The seemingly thick bluestone wall suddenly cracked a gap, Hua An was at the bottom, and was the first to rush down through the gap, and he was about to fall in a blink of an eye.

Song Weiwei turned over in the air, kicked her feet on the upturned ground, her body fell quickly, caught up with Hua An, and shouted: "Hua An, hold on!" She stretched out her hand to Hua An, and Hua An grabbed her in the air. Song Weiwei hung the gold hook upside down, hooked the bluestone slab at the gap with his feet, but Lin Jiajia behind didn't grab something that could stabilize his body, and smashed it down, smashing both Song Weiwei and Hua An fell down.

Jin Zhicheng, Zhou Liang and Li Fanggu also fell through the gap in turn.

Li Fanggu cursed in his heart: Damn perverted, who designed this perverted mechanism?Since they came in, they kept falling and falling, don't be a fucking sea of ​​swords and flames down there.

Before he could figure it out, they all fell to the ground, hitting the hard ground with a dull sound.Hua An almost fell on his face, but fortunately Song Weiwei helped him to cushion it later, otherwise that pretty face would probably have to be reimbursed.Li Fanggu acted as Zhou Liang's meat pad, and Zhou Liang's heavy body was pressed on him, and he felt that his intestines were almost pushed out.

Several people were thrown to the ground, and they struggled for a long time before getting up.Hua An's lighting instrument also slowly fell, and the light fell around them, and they could finally see their surroundings clearly.

"Your father! You fell to my death." Hua An patted the dirt off his body, and Song Weiwei also came over to help him pull up the short skirt that was lifted up to his buttocks. He blushed and said thank you.

Song Wei smiled and wiped off the stains on his face, and Hua An suddenly became an obedient little white rabbit again.

Li Fanggu helped Zhou Liang stand up and looked around.They seem to be in the middle of the mountain now, and there is an upward staircase in front of their eyes. The staircase is about one meter wide, and it is very steep. Behind them is a rock wall, which is wet and covered with a layer of slippery moss. Looking up again Where they fell, the thick bluestone slab was about six or seven meters high from them, and it was basically impossible to climb up again.

Li Fanggu thought: It seems that they can only go forward, not backward.But, after getting that important thing, how are they going to get out?Is it the same as the tomb under Yuntai Mountain last time, with another exit?

It is not known who built Master Xiaowan's tomb.When it was built, Master Xiaowan was still alive, so she must have personally supervised the construction. In ancient times, when building imperial tombs, those craftsmen would always leave an escape route for themselves. This Master Xiaowan seems to be very skilled. Man, can she tolerate these craftsmen playing tricks under her nose?Besides, in addition to organs, there are more formations in this tomb. I am afraid that even if there is an escape route, it will be smashed by the mage's formation.Maybe this time he, Li Fanggu, will really explain himself here.

He glanced at Zhou Liang, Zhou Liang's ethereal eyes also turned to look at him, and then smiled brightly at him.Li Fanggu's heart suddenly warmed up, what are you afraid of, there is this strange uncle here, although he is good, but the companions around him are not weak.So he returned Zhou Liang with a bright smile.Duan Jinming must be somewhere here. Thinking that he might be a little closer to him, Li Fanggu suddenly looked forward to it again. He wanted to move forward faster and see Duan Jinming sooner.

Jin Zhicheng asked, "Are you all right?"

Lin Jiajia nodded: "It's okay, I can't die. Shall we move on?"

Jin Zhicheng nodded: "I can only go forward." After speaking, he was the first to go up the stairs.

Zhou Liang muttered in dissatisfaction: "Go to the right when you take the stairs."

Jin Zhicheng grinned, leaned his body to the right, and walked close to the right.After that, Song Weiwei followed him up the stairs, followed by Lin Jiajia.

Hua An's dissatisfied foot straddled the left side, deliberately trying to annoy Zhou Liang by walking close to the left side.Zhou Liang squinted his eyes and said it again: "When you take the stairs, keep to the right!"

Li Fanggu tugged at him: "Forget it, Uncle, if he stays to the left, he can stay to the left, he is different from other people."

Hua An was furious: "What's different? What do you mean?"

Li Fanggu glanced at his short skirt, showing a meaningful expression.

Hua An was about to get angry, when suddenly, the top of his head trembled, and a rock fell from his head.Fortunately, Lin Jiajia gave him a hand, otherwise his head would be smashed into a bloody hole.

Zhou Liang curled his lips this time, and said again: "My brother Yu is right, you have to go to the right when you walk up the stairs."

Hua An: "..." He walked to the right angrily.

Zhou Liang followed him up the stairs, followed by Li Fanggu.

Li Fanggu looked at Zhou Liang's back, then shook his head.

The stairs extended upwards obliquely. At the beginning, they could still walk standing up. Later, the gap between the stairs and the cliff became narrower and narrower. Climb up the stairs.

"Your father, is this road wrong? We came in from the main entrance, is this little Master Wan sick? How can I build such a road for myself? Such a beautiful woman crawls and walks like this. Is it?" Hua An murmured while crawling.

Song Weiwei smiled slightly: "Otherwise, there is no other way. Let's go first, if it doesn't work, turn around and find the way again."

"Lin Jiajia, you fucking don't fart now, or I will drag you down directly."

Lin Jiajia arched his buttocks. He was too tall, and he was especially restrained in this narrow place. He said helplessly, "Hua An, since you are wearing women's clothing, can you be more elegant now and then?"

Song Weiwei chuckled, Hua An was about to reply again, but when he heard Song Weiwei's laughter, he immediately closed his mouth, his face turned red.

Li Fanggu was also miserable in the back, and it was rare for him to agree with Hua An's words. No matter how strange this Master Xiaowan was, he was really sick to build such a road for himself.

Jin Zhicheng was the first one, crawling silently, keeping silent. At this time, he said: "Hold on, I saw the exit ahead, shhh, quiet down, there seems to be a sound in front."

When several people heard this, their chrysanthemums tightened immediately, and they all sped up their movements and crawled forward, but they stopped making any sound.

After a while, they finally saw a faint light in front of them, and they could see a hole as high as a person in front of them. Jin Zhicheng sped up his movements and crawled through it first, and then stopped before the exit.

Jin Zhicheng showed a shocked expression on his cold face, and after the few of them crawled over, they also showed shocked expressions.

"Your dad! It's so luxurious!!!" Hua An was deeply shocked when he saw the scene in front of him. A pair of beautiful almond-shaped eyes opened round, and the cherry mouth was so big that it could almost stuff a boiled egg. .

Li Fanggu leaned out from behind Zhou Liang to see it, and was so shocked that he could hardly speak, this, this, this, this is so fucking luxurious! !

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