The strongest magician

Chapter 7 Jellyfish

A few people didn't expect this passage to be so long. Judging by Li Fangu's appearance, there is only a return trip now.Jin Zhicheng made a gesture, and everyone followed behind him and swam back.Suddenly, a strange sound came from the depths of the passage. This sound sounded very strange in the water, a bit like someone whispering, and a bit like the sound of thunder.Everyone stopped, and under Jin Zhicheng's gesture, they formed a circle back to back again, making a defensive posture.

For a full minute or so, nothing appeared.Could it be an auditory hallucination?Jin Zhicheng made a gesture, and everyone followed him to swim back. The general suddenly stopped and opened his mouth to speak, "It's strange, is this passage suddenly narrowed?"

Jiang Zi’s words sounded very strange in the water. At first everyone looked at him in a daze, until he repeated it, everyone understood what he was talking about, and then looked carefully, and sure enough, the originally spacious passage seemed to be really bigger than it was. Just a little narrower.

Jin Zhicheng's complexion changed, he made a gesture, quickened his movements, and retreated first.Everyone didn't care about saving air, and swam faster. In just a few minutes, the passage had become only the size of a person's height, and the cold sweat on everyone's bodies was dissolved in the water.How did this organ work?There is still half of the way, and they can go out. At this time, a ball of light appeared in front of their eyes.The light was very weak, hazy, pink in color, and seemed to be heading towards them at a slow speed.

You can't stop, if you stop, you will be trapped in the passage, the pressure pointer on Li Fangu's scuba lung shows that the remaining air volume inside has bottomed out, and the light in front of you doesn't know what it is.

Jin Zhicheng opened the waterproof backpack on his back and released Lily of the Valley and Aiai.It was a critical moment, and they complained that he couldn't take care of it anymore.

The pink light was getting closer and bigger, and when they got in front of them, everyone's eyes widened in surprise. Looking at the thing, it was a huge jellyfish, so huge that it blocked the passage in front of them. Full, that is to say, their way back was firmly blocked by this jellyfish.

Jellyfish, aren't jellyfish supposed to live in the ocean?Why is it here?This lake is obviously a freshwater lake, wouldn't jellyfish die if they enter freshwater?

What should we do now?Everyone asked Jin Zhicheng with their eyes.Jin Zhicheng thought about it and made a beheading gesture. Now, he can only rely on force.Elder Wei supported Li Fanggu to stand back against the wall. The two of them are now the weakest two in the team, especially Li Fanggu. The air in the scuba tank is about to bottom out, so they can only stay still to reduce consumption.

Ai'ai and Lily of the Valley were soaked in water and wanted to complain, but because they couldn't understand the words in the water, they could only keep their mouths shut.Seeing the jellyfish in front of me, I made a sound like vomiting.The jellyfish looked really disgusting. Its sleek upper body looked like a fleshy mushroom, while its lower body had countless tentacles. The jellyfish seemed to have sensed their presence, and the countless tentacles swelled and entangled them.

The general was in the lead again, he had already exposed his black sharp nails and long fangs, his eyes turned deep blood red, and he rushed up in the water at an extremely fast speed.

Aiai rotated in the water, bursting out red light from her body. When the red light covered her whole body, her body became extremely light. She moved at the speed of a sharp sword in the water. She slammed her body into the jellyfish, and the jellyfish was touched by her. The place is quickly corroded, and it is not dissolved in water.

Song Weiwei clenched the dagger tightly and cut off the tentacles entwining her.But she was thinking in her heart, jellyfish usually live in the sea, and this place is obviously fresh water, why did this jellyfish appear here?She looked at the general who was attacking the jellyfish. His actions were obviously affected in the water. Fortunately, Ai Ai assisted.Ai'ai's movements are very quick, and the toxin she emits with her soul is also extremely powerful.It's just that this jellyfish is too huge, although part of its body is torn apart by Jiang Zi and Ai Ai, it still doesn't affect its attacking action.

Something was wrong, Song Weiwei was concentrating on thinking, and opened her eyes wide to look at the top of the jellyfish, which was round and smooth and glowing faintly. Just now, there seemed to be a white shimmer, but it just flashed by, and she couldn't see clearly.She wanted to look at it again, but the jellyfish moved so frequently that she couldn't see it clearly.

Gritting her teeth in her heart, she swam forward.Puzzled, Jin Zhicheng stepped forward to stop her, but she gestured to him.Jin Zhicheng understood and followed her.

Li Fanggu's eyes widened, what are these two doing?

Ahua is using Valkyrie to carve a spell on the rock wall. He is carving a reinforcement rune. He has carved the same rune on all four sides of the cliff. The power of these runes will slow down the closing of these walls.

Song Weiwei approached gradually, and she saw clearly that there was a white jade toad inlaid on the jellyfish's head, this jellyfish is a zombie jellyfish, no wonder it can appear in fresh water.Song Weiwei turned his head and questioned Li Fanggu with his eyes, but unfortunately, this young master couldn't understand, he looked at Song Weiwei's gestures, and gestured back.

Song Weiwei: Aren't you good at manipulating zombies?This is a zombie, come and see.

Li Fanggu: Don't worry, I'm standing still, the air here is enough for me to support me for a while.

Song Weiwei: What are you still standing there for?Come take a look, we're short on time.

Li Fanggu: What?Something on your head?I look up.

Song Weiwei: What are you doing standing there?Come here soon?

Li Fanggu: I checked, but there is nothing on it.


The two talked and gesticulated for a long time with gestures, Jin Zhicheng rolled his eyes.He pulled out his dagger and gestured to attract the jellyfish's attention.Aiai nodded, flicked on the wall of the tunnel, and stuck to the jellyfish.Covering her with the scorpion, the sharp nails penetrated deep into the jellyfish's body.Jin Zhicheng moved forward like a shrimp, the dagger stuck into the jellyfish, he reached out and buckled it, and the jade toad fell off.

The jellyfish deflated quickly like a leaky balloon.Soon, it turned into a pile of rotten meat and fell to the bottom of the water.

But at this time, the passageway is only half the height of a person, and Ai'ai is standing in the passageway, like standing in a photo frame.

Several people felt that the space was very cramped, Jin Zhicheng motioned them to move faster, and they continued to move forward.With the resistance of Ahua's spell, the closing speed of the passage was much slower.

Song Weiwei's heart is not quiet, this passage is not right.If a passage needs to be closed, you only need to move the walls on both sides, that is to say, the walls on both sides are movable, and then slowly squeeze towards the middle.

But all four walls of this passage seem to be moving.If the effect of this trip is to be achieved, these stones must be able to dissolve each other like a liquid.She couldn't imagine how powerful it would be to make these seemingly ordinary stones dissolve into each other.Unless, they are all hallucinating.

As if being alerted, she grabbed Jin Zhicheng and expressed her thoughts with gestures.

Jin Zhicheng thought for a while and nodded.

If they were hallucinating, something must have triggered a spell.So when did this spell start?

Jin Zhicheng tried hard to recall.Stone gates, walls, passages, bronze lamps... His eyes froze, and he began to turn on the bronze lamps on the wall.Sure enough, the walls kept closing, but the bronzes did not move.He swam to the nearest bronze lamp.

The bronze lamp was about the size of a palm, and its shape was like a simple candlestick. After Jin Zhicheng looked carefully, he found that there was no wick or trace of wax in the lamp.He started to look at the other one again, as expected, it was still the same, it was just a decoration, the lamp socket was empty, these lamps were not used for lighting at all.

With his thoughts wandering, he turned to look at Song Weiwei.Song slightly turned the ring on her hand, and for a moment, although it was very short, she found that the space in front of her was a little distorted.

It's a pity that the power of her ring seems to be limited, even though she exerted the power of Valkyrie to the maximum, it can only create a little crack in the illusion in front of her.There is no way out of these fantasies.

Jin Zhicheng gritted his teeth, waved his hands, and moved on.

However, another bright light appeared in front of their eyes, and everyone took a breath of air.Another jellyfish.

The one just now had already caused them a lot of headaches, if there is another one, if time is delayed, Li Fanggu might not be able to hold on if he is the first one.

It's just that they were too optimistic. What appeared this time was not a single jellyfish, but a large group of...

These jellyfish were not as big as before, but a large group appeared, filling the space in front of them densely.Looking at those countless wriggling tentacles, Li Fangu's face turned pale.

The general gritted his teeth, and was the first to pounce on it.Ai'ai no longer hesitated, and stepped forward to help.

Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng looked at each other, relying on fighting to break through, Li Fanggu couldn't hold on.

Song Weiwei gestured, where did these jellyfish appear from?

Jin Zhicheng thought blankly, and he gestured for Ling Lan to investigate.

Lily of the Valley was swimming, looking around, but the jellyfish simply ignored her and let her shuttle through the water.

Song Weiwei's eyes brightened, by the way, Lily of the Valley is a god of war and has no vitality.The reason why Jiangzi and Aiai can do great damage to those jellyfish is because they have no vitality.

There must be a curse here, as long as a living object enters this passage, these organs will automatically activate.These passages are not for living people to enter at all.

So, how can we stop this mechanism?

She looked around, her mind spinning at high speed.

Jin Zhicheng was accepting the message from Linglan.

Ah Hua continued to draw reinforcement spells.Want to slow down the closing of the walls.

The jellyfish surrounded by Zizi and Aiai are still attacking non-stop,

It's just that the number of jellyfish has hardly decreased, and the channel is still closing.

Li Fanggu saw that he couldn't help, so he looked around anxiously, hoping to find a place where he could make a difference.

However, he took a breath with some difficulty, the compressed air in his scuba was gone...

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