The strongest magician

Chapter 6 Ah Hua

The general had already pulled the toad off the snake's head, and when he saw that he was in danger, he immediately swam over and lifted him to the surface of the water.As soon as the toad was removed from the snake's head, the snake dissipated in the water and became invisible.

The rest of the snakes chased Jiang Zi and Li Fangu upstream.

Song Weiwei yelled in his heart that something was wrong, if these things swam to the surface, the waves would definitely capsize Wei's boat.The two immediately chased after them.The general lifted Li Fanggu out of the water quickly, Li Fanggu panted heavily, grabbed Wei Lao's side of the boat, and floated on the water.Seeing that he was fine, the general immediately turned around and fought back against the giant snake.

Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng also picked it up, and the three of them cooperated, within a short while, all the giant snakes disappeared, leaving only a pile of exquisitely carved white jade toads.

Several people all climbed onto the boat and breathed a sigh of relief.

"What were those snakes just now?" Li Fanggu asked in shock.

Song Weiwei gave him a charming smile, "That's a giant phantom snake, made of water ghosts. Those unlucky ghosts should have died under the mouths of these things a month ago."

Old Wei counted the white jade toads, "Well, these are indeed magic tools. I just don't know which dynasty left them. Looking at the craftsmanship of these carvings, they are a bit like the skills of the Song Dynasty."

Jin Zhicheng wiped off the water on his face, "It seems that these are used to guard the gate. The gatekeepers alone are so generous, and the insiders don't know how perverted they are."

Old Wei said strangely, "These carvings are so exquisite, and the patterns on the door seem to be prehistoric. It's so strange. What is behind this door?"

Song Weiwei helped Li Fanggu re-tie the scuba, "I don't know, just go in and have a look."

Li Fanggu blushed a little, "You seem to be very used to this."

Song smiled slightly, "Of course. We have been cursed masters for a few years. We have traveled all over the world in these years, and we don't know how many missions we have given. This is just a trivial matter."

When she said this, he blushed even more, Song Weiwei comforted him, "It's okay, you're just inexperienced. Just get used to it, but you have to protect yourself, don't lose your life."

Li Fanggu found that this woman's smile was like glass, sparkling and a little cold, but she was so beautiful that there was nothing to say.

Take back the son's nails,

After resting for a while, several people went into the water again this time.This time, no creatures in the water attacked them again.They stopped at the door, looking for a way to get in.

Li Fanggu asked with gestures, why must he be in the water, can't he dig a hole from the land?In the tomb robbery notes, it is written to dig a robbery hole before entering.

Song Weiwei rolled his eyes, they are curse masters.Since these places involve spells, there must be some degree of space distortion, and a robbery hole may not be able to enter the right place.

Jin Zhicheng studied for a long time, and used a dagger to trace the direction of the decoration on the door.Then he waved his hand, indicating that he wanted to retreat.Several people returned to the boat again, and after tossing for a long time, it was almost dawn.

Seeing them coming up again, Mr. Wei asked suspiciously, "Have you found a way to get in?"

Jin Zhicheng shook his head, "I haven't found it yet, but if you open the door directly, if there is air inside, a huge vortex will definitely form, and you will be in danger here. I just checked and there is a spell seal on the door. I suggest you find A Hua Help, he is better at these."

Old Wei nodded, pulled a few people onto the boat, docked the boat, and called Ahua.

A Hua is the chairman of the Underworld Curse Master Committee in Haizhou. His full name is Lu Tianhua. Everyone is used to calling him A Hua.What Ahua is best at is cracking spells and making spells.If you want to enter this door, you have to ask him for help.

It is four o'clock in the morning, and Ah Hua is fast asleep.When he received the call, he yelled, "Old Wei, please do me a favor. It's almost dawn, so you can hold back for a few more hours. You must wake me up at this time. Do you want me to go over there now to help you break the curse?" ah?"

Old Wei couldn't hold back the old face that was said, "Isn't this impatient. Besides, I, an old man, stayed up all night. Why do you sleep so much, you young man? Sleeping less will not hurt."

Ahua screamed, "Old Wei, you must be kind. I just helped the Spiritual Investigation Department solve a big case a few days ago, and I haven't slept well for a week. Please forgive me. I don't want to be violent at a young age. Die. I'll sleep for a while, and I'll go see it with you when it gets dark, how about it?"

Old Wei hung up the phone awkwardly.Song Weiwei and the others were already staggering from exhaustion.

"What should we do during the day? Should we go back or find a place to rest near here and wait until it gets dark?"

Old Wei snorted, "Ah Hua can sleep, so let's go back to sleep too."

Song Weiwei screamed, "If I had known I would not come by bus, it would be nice to come by car."

Li Fanggu immediately raised his hand, "It's okay, you can take my car."

Li Fanggu drove a few people to Heji for breakfast, but it was a pity that he went too early, there was no breakfast, only Malatang.A few people were not polite, and they caught their favorite food and took it out to eat.

Li Fanggu saw that Song Weiwei brought several kinds of meat, "Beauty, I didn't expect you to like meat so much."

Song Weiwei replied coolly, "Oh, because my family was poor, I couldn't afford meat when I was young, but now I can't stop eating it."

Li Fanggu smiled sheepishly, "You really like to joke."

Song Weiwei lifted her hair and smiled brightly, the morning wind was a bit cold, and it gave her a headache.

Jin Zhicheng ate with his head depressed, while Ai'ai and Ling Lan sat obediently beside him.

While eating, Mr. Wei said, "We still have to wait for Ah Hua to come to watch at night. Maybe he has to go down with him too. This charm seems to be a little tricky, maybe I have to make a call with the department of spiritual investigation." Say hello, and maybe borrow a few helpers."

The general watched them eat, and said in a deep voice, "It's just that the spirits guarding the gate are already very strong. It seems that the things inside the gate are not simple."

Song Weiwei ate in small bites, looked up at the general, "Uncle General, I was quite confused before. You sometimes sound very old-fashioned when you speak, which dynasty did you start practicing?"

The general was silent for a while, Song Weiwei was about to apologize when the general answered, "Do you know about Tan Daoji?"

Song frowned slightly, the name was so familiar.

Wei Lao said, "The general of the Song Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty, the one who died unjustly."

The general nodded, "It's me."

"Crack!" Song Weiwei dropped the meatball from his mouth.

The general looked at the stunned crowd, and smiled shyly, "It's been more than 1000 years, so don't worry about it."

Everyone looked at him with respect in their eyes. They thought he was a man who had practiced for hundreds of years, but they didn't expect him to be a thousand-year-old zombie.

Li Fanggu was very proud to see his zombie earning face, "Hey, Uncle General is of course very good."

Song Weiwei glanced at him, "Yeah, it's a pity that the bright pearl has turned dark."

Li Fanggu said awkwardly, "This is the first time I have encountered this kind of situation, and I didn't react for a while, so I won't make any more trouble in the future."

Song Wei Wei sized him up, "I'm afraid you don't have as many muscles as I do." After speaking, she rolled up her sleeves, revealing her muscles.Li Fanggu saw little mice bulging on her white and slender arms, this woman's arms are so beautiful, slender and powerful, and then he spurned himself in his heart, Li Fanggu, your nympho is hopeless.

He blushed slightly, "I will exercise hard in the future."

Jiang Zijie said, "It's a good thing, the young master was really lazy before."

Song Weiwei turned around and asked Old Wei, "Why do you call Uncle Zi the young master?"

Elder Wei looked at Li Fanggu, and Li Fanggu said by himself, "Oh, because the boss of Huahai Electronics is my father."

He thought they would be surprised. After all, Huahai Electronics is a well-known company in the country. Although he is not as good as Wang Sicong, he is still a real rich second generation, but Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng just shrugged their shoulders and did not express anything.

For some reason, he was suddenly very happy, and he even forgot all the previous counseling incident with a smile.

After looking for a place to rest, Ah Hua came at night.

Although Ah Hua is the chairman of the Underworld Curse Masters Committee, his grade is very young, only in his early thirties, and he looks frail and delicate.With a height of [-] and a slender figure, he looks like a very small subject.However, his temper is somewhat strong.

Seeing him coming, Song Weiwei smiled brightly, "Ah Hua, come to the rescue."

Ahua's face was a little pale because of lack of sleep for too long. Seeing Song Wei's bright smile, his face froze, "Uh, the Spirit Detective Department was busy a few days ago, and even Zhou Qi and Zhou Yu went. I It is not easy to be called."

Jin Zhicheng raised his head and asked, "Is it the homicide case not long ago?"

Ah Hua nodded, "Well, the information has been blocked by the media, and you still know this, amazing."

Song Weiwei looked at Ling Lan, she was a good informant, if there was any news that Ling Lan couldn't find out, it would be strange.

Ahua sat down, "I have seen the photos you sent me, but I have not seen the curse on the door either. I will go and see with you tonight."

In the dead of night, several people came down the mountain again.This time Ah Hua went into the water with them.

Ahua stared at the underwater flashlight for a long time, and did not return to the boat until the air in the scuba was almost exhausted.

Everyone was so weak from the blisters that they collapsed on the boat.

Ahua pondered for a long time before saying, "I have never seen this kind of curse." Seeing the murderous eyes of everyone, he said quickly, "But the world's magic is a family, and this curse is used to guard the door. How can we solve it?" The method is also very different. I can try."

Then everyone pouted and let him go.

Ahua continued, "I can't open this door completely, but I can blast a hole through it and let us pass through it. What do you think?"

Elder Wei thought about it and nodded.

This time everyone went down with Ah Hua again, Ah Hua took out a dagger and pierced his finger, the blood on his hand was sucked in by the dagger.

Li Fanggu was stunned again, and quietly asked Song Weiwei, "Can his dagger suck blood?"

"That's his Valkyrie, called Curse Blade. It's sharper than a laser knife when stained with his blood."

Li Fanggu suddenly realized.The Underworld Curse Masters Committee is really interesting, there are all kinds of talents.

Several people went into the water again, and when they came to the door, Ah Hua carefully carved a spell on the door with the Valkyrie.Song Weiwei and the others had cooperated with him before, and they recognized that it was a blasting curse.Talismans are engraved on it, and the talisman explodes through quotations from a distance.It's just that this is in the water, where should the quotation be engraved?

Ahua gestured to the surrounding mountain walls, and he planned to engrave the quotation along the mountain walls to the shore.Song slightly nodded and helped him clean up the moss on the mountain wall.

Everything was ready, everyone returned to the shore, Wei Lao tied the boat firmly, and several people stood on the shore.Ah Hua inscribes the last character at the end of the citation.I saw that from the tail of the quotation, the power of darkness began to jump, and the rock wall seemed to attract the mysterious thunder from the sky, and the whole mountain wall was buzzing.

Ahua explained, "This is the method of attracting thunder. I guide the power of lightning down through the spell, then accelerate and oscillate through the spell, and finally produce a force similar to an explosion. This is more controllable than explosives and can be controlled at will." The range is more troublesome."

Xuanlei followed the quotation and went underwater, the water surface began to roll violently. After a long time, the ground trembled, and the dull rumbling sound continued. Song Weiwei and the others saw a fierce vortex formed on the surface of the lake. After a while, the water level dropped violently, and after a long time, the vortex stopped.Several people could vaguely see a huge hole in the stone gate, and the hole could be vaguely seen from the shore.

Old Wei was about to signal to set off, but Jin Zhicheng raised his hand to stop him, "Wait, the water is rising."

Everyone listened to the movement, and sure enough, the Shimen, which was almost visible, was slowly submerged in the water, and the water in the pool returned little by little.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, did it fail?

Jin Zhicheng pondered, "Not necessarily. We saw the hole just now, and the vortex formed on the water surface, which shows that the explosion just now had an effect. The water flowed in along the hole created by the explosion, so the water decreased. I guess, this There is also water inside the cave, and after the outside water goes in, it connects with the inside water, so the water comes back.”

Li Fanggu continued, "Then what should we do, shall we go down?"

Jin Zhicheng nodded, "Go down."

Several people put on diving suits and carried large waterproof bags on their backs, and all their life-saving equipment was inside.

Mr. Wei drove the boat to the edge of the rock again, "Ah Hua, we are going down, you can meet us here. We have told our superiors that this place will be closed for a few days, saying that it is for equipment maintenance. If a Before we come out on Sunday, report to the superiors and prepare to give us the title of martyr."

Ahua gave him a blank look, "You have fooled me into coming here, and you still persuade me not to go, are you so tempting? Now that you are here, let's go down and have a look, I am also curious about what is inside. "

Old Wei smiled smugly, and he knew that if he took a step back on purpose, this guy would definitely be hooked.

Ah Hua seemed to have come to his senses at this time, "Okay, old Wei, you're going to do this to me. You're cruel."

Elder Wei laughed, and patted him on the shoulder, "Young Chairman, please come with us. Be a good partner of the revolution. I will have someone to accompany me when I go to see Marx."

Ahua spurned him, "I'm always talking about it. I'm a curse master. If I want to see him, I'll see the King of Hades. Marx advocates materialism. If I want to see him, I'm going to slap him in the face."

Several people got into the water one after another, turned on their flashlights, and swam to Shimen.Sure enough, a five-foot-square hole was opened on the stone gate, the size was exactly the size that Ah Hua carved with a dagger just now, Li Fanggu was speechless, this blasting curse was really powerful.

The general took the lead to swim into the hole. He is a zombie, so it is most suitable to be the pioneer.Then came Jin Zhicheng, Song Weiwei, Wei Lao, and finally A Hua.Ai Ai and Ling Lan were put into a large waterproof bag by Jin Zhicheng, otherwise, listening to the two little girls chattering all the way, they would definitely have the intention to die.

The bottom of the water was very dark. After they entered the cave, they went all the way downstream along the mountain wall.Behind the stone gate, a spacious stone path was opened up. The steps on the stone path are clearly visible. Due to the age, it is also covered with moss.

The stone path goes downwards first, and then turns upwards after advancing about two hundred steps.

Wei Lao looked at the surrounding stone walls, and occasionally stopped to take a few photos with his underwater camera.There is a bronze lamp holder every ten meters on the stone wall, because it has been soaked in the water for a long time, and it is covered with verdigris.This channel is so long, several people swam for a long time, but they did not see the end. Except for Li Fangu, the others have received professional training and know how to control the amount of air they inhale. The remaining gas in the scuba lungs is enough to support After a while, the pointer on Li Fanggu's scuba has exceeded half, and they still have to reserve the amount to go back.

Everyone changed their faces, are they going to swim back?

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