The strongest magician

Chapter 59 Formation

Duan Jinming's bump was not light, and Li Fangu almost heard the sound of bones breaking from his body. Fortunately, Li Fangu checked him after he helped him up, and there was nothing serious.Duan Jinming's face was serious, and he stared at Li Bing outside the door with cold eyes. Li Bing took off the uniform hat on his head, raised his eyebrows and smiled, "I have always been a kind person, and I will let you know who I am before you die. , let me introduce myself, my name is Xiao Bing, and my number in Xiao's family is 78, you should remember me." The smile on the corner of his mouth was very gentle, but there was a bloodthirsty gleam in his eyes.

Li Fanggu kicked the empty space in front of him angrily, obviously he couldn't see anything in his eyes, but it seemed that there was an extremely solid wall blocking them, it seemed that they were trapped by the magic circle.

Li Bing smiled again, his eyes seemed to be looking at a group of dead people. In his eyes, these were almost the same as being dead.Regardless of the curses behind him, he turned and left.

Duan Jinming grabbed Li Fanggu, who was jumping, "Don't worry, it's useless to rush. This is a magic circle. If we want to break the formation, we must find the opening of the formation. If no one helps us from the outside, we can only break it from the inside. Now go back Look inside, the eye of this formation must be somewhere, we need to find it."

After listening to Duan Jinming's calm analysis, Li Fanggu finally calmed down. He took a look at Duan Jinming's ugly face, "Are you okay?" The blow just now was not light.

Duan Jinming pursed his lips and shook his head, "It's nothing." Just now he rushed over at a speed of [-] yuan, and the reaction force he received on his body was so strong, coupled with the rebound of the magic circle's spell, that almost made his internal organs tremble. Shifting, but it is impossible for him to show weakness in front of Li Fanggu.This kid's mind is very crooked, if there is a slight gap, he may be forced to eat tofu, not to mention they have a contract, it is justifiable for this kid to eat his tofu, he absolutely cannot tolerate this situation.

He thinks highly of Li Fanggu. He was under the cover of Jin Zhicheng and Song Weiwei in Yuntai Mountain before, and he felt that he could pass through any crisis. Moreover, it was his first mission, and he didn't realize the urgency of the situation at all. After a while, he had already put away his rash thoughts. Among the group of people here, only he and Duan Jinming had the strongest spiritual power, and his sense of responsibility forced him to be serious. Even if he wanted to eat Duan Jinming Tofu, I don't have the guts and spare time now.

Zhu Wenjie was already stunned, he hadn't realized what was going on, and his face was full of bewilderment and shock.Li Fanggu patted the dust off Duan Jinming's body, and explained to him, "That's a Shadow Curse Master, and Meng Tang was used by him. He helped Meng Tang make the puppet corpse, and he killed Meng Tang to bring us here. Trying to catch us all. We are now trapped in a circle."

Zhu Wenjie has experienced big storms. Now that he knows the general situation, he quickly calmed down, "Don't panic. Zhou Liang has the marks of Zhou Yu and Zhou Qi on his body. The two of them will soon notice when he is in danger. , let’s look inside first, and if we can’t find it, let’s wait for the two of them to meet outside.”

Hearing this, Li Fanggu breathed a sigh of relief. With his two cheap uncles around, there shouldn't be any serious problems, but he can't take it lightly. There is nothing strange in this magic circle. If his two uncles If they were delayed and couldn't come to rescue them in time, they could only obediently go to see the King of Hades.

Just as they were thinking, there was a rustling sound in their ears. Immediately, Li Fanggu and Duan Jinming's expressions changed. This feeling was too familiar to them. This was the voice of the puppet corpse. It turns out that the female ghost has been here , It's just that they didn't know what method they used to hide the breath, and they didn't discover her existence until now.

Li Fanggu looked in the direction of the sound, it was the direction of the back room, the position of the door frame, the female ghost showed half of her face, looking at them with white eyes, Li Fanggu immediately took out the gun pinned to her waist, The female ghost moved quickly, but she ignored them and rushed into the back room. Zhu Wenjie shouted, "No, Zhou Liang is inside alone." When they came in, Liu Yang and Wang Yuan went upstairs directly. There are Zhou Liang, Zhu Wenjie and Xiao Bing, but now only the bodies of Zhou Liang and Meng Teng are in the back room.

Li Fanggu's expression also changed, and Duan Jinming and they immediately chased after him.Before entering the room, he heard Zhou Liang groan, Li Fanggu's heart trembled, and then he saw Zhou Liang flying towards him, he hurriedly caught it, and the two fell to the ground together, with Li Fanggu under Zhou Liang's body , The breath of being hit almost didn't come up.He hurriedly got up to check Zhou Liang's condition. Zhou Liang passed out, his left shoulder was covered with blood and flesh, and the originally clean white robe was covered with dark red blood. It came from the wound on Zhou Liang's body. He didn't expect Zhou Liang to have such abundant spiritual power in his blood.

Li Fanggu was taken aback, and quickly took off Zhou Liang's white robe, and bandaged his wound. Zhou Liang's shoulder was missing a piece of flesh, and blood was flowing out continuously. It seemed that the female ghost's target was his neck artery. Fortunately, Zhou Liang flashed past.

Here Li Fanggu bandaged Zhou Liang in a hurry, and Zhu Wenjie was helping. The female ghost continued to chase and kill Zhou Liang when she saw this. Duan Jinming stopped her in front of her and stopped her. Duan Jinming swept out her long legs like the wind The female ghost moved swiftly, opening her mouth and fangs to bite her.

Duan Jinming has been thinking about how to deal with her since the last time he came into contact with her. This time, seeing her doing this trick again, he immediately retracted his legs and ran back suddenly.

The female ghost was provoked to attack, and immediately chased after her, but Duan Jinming suddenly turned around and kicked her right foot towards her chin. Then, the female ghost's face was kicked crookedly, and her body flew out heavily.

Duan Jinming hit the iron while it was hot, and ran forward with his long legs. He lifted his right leg high and smashed it hard on the female ghost's back. Clamped, and crawled away against the wall.Her speed was terrifying, no matter how long her legs were, Duan Jinming couldn't catch up with her, so she could only stand still and brake quietly.

At this time, Liu Yang and Wang Yuan upstairs heard the movement downstairs and went downstairs to check the situation. Down the stairs was Meng Teng's bedroom. Now Li Fanggu was squatting at the door with the unconscious Zhou Liang in his arms, and Zhu Wenjie stood in their way. In front of him, Duan Jinming stood on the edge of the west wall and watched the female ghost's movements closely. No one had the time to look at the two of them.

Liu Yang had seen this female ghost before, so he was not surprised, but Wang Yuan gasped.However, he also had a lot of fighting experience, so he quickly calmed down and stood beside Zhu Wenjie with Liu Yang, sealing the door and blocking the way of the female ghost.

It looked like the female ghost was surrounded by them, but Duan Jinming was sweating coldly on his forehead. He knew very well that he could barely fight this female ghost here, and the rest of them would definitely not be able to escape the female ghost. It's no wonder Xiao Bing looked at them like that when he left. In just a moment, this female ghost will definitely kill them all.

Feeling the aura of Liu Yang and Wang Yuan, the female ghost rolled her eyes and turned her eyes to look at it. She even grinned, revealing an expression similar to a smile. Li Fanggu and the others were shocked when they saw it. Suddenly, the female ghost had only the whites of her eyes. The eyes became blood red, and Li Fanggu noticed that just yesterday, Song Weiwei slammed the female ghost's lower body on the ground so badly that it was bloody and barely able to move. Faster than before, they saw that the female ghost's eyes glowed red, and suddenly the female ghost's dirty long hair like seaweed rose up, and a heavy ghostly aura rushed towards their faces, and the shadows in the entire room were distorted, like a ghost. Shaking like a monster, they slowly gathered under the female ghost's body.

Li Fanggu was startled, Duan Jinming pursed his lips, "Her strength has been boosted, Xiao Bing must not have gone far, and is still manipulating her outside the house. It seems that the real owner of this puppet corpse is him, Meng Ruzhen It's just being used."

Li Fanggu looked at Meng Tang's body on the ground, and suddenly felt that he was really pathetic and pitiful.

The breath in the room was slowly tense, as if countless dark forces had poured into the female ghost's body, Li Fanggu was nervous, he handed the unconscious Zhou Liang to Zhu Wenjie, and stood in front of them himself, if he had known that he would bring the general today Uncle and Fusu came together, but they didn't expect such a big trap waiting for them here.Zhou Liang's bleeding had already stopped, but the shock of pain just now was so violent that he passed out, and now he recovered, and he also slowly woke up.His ethereal eyes opened, seeing the situation in front of him, he let out a weak snort.

His voice was like a switch, causing the female ghost to act in an instant. The female ghost aimed directly at him, and rushed over in an instant.

The female ghost's movements were so swift that Wang Yuan couldn't even catch the female ghost's figure.Duan Jinming also moved, but not as fast as the female ghost.Li Fanggu has practiced shooting all the year round. At this time, his specialty can finally be brought into play. The gun in his hand is a small gun with a long barrel and a fast rate of fire. The magazine is full of 20 bullets. When he got the gun, he immediately The bullet had been carefully filled, and the moment the female ghost rushed over, he quickly released the safety and fired, "Bang, bang, bang!" Three consecutive gunshots sounded, and the female ghost hissed, and was shot in the chest, shoulder, and abdomen. Fanggu's three bullets were fired without fail, all of them hit.

These three shots only slightly blocked the female ghost's approach, and a huge impact came. Before Li Fanggu had time to shoot the third shot, the female ghost rushed out, and Wang Yuan and Liu Yang were hit by him. He fell on the steps of the stairs and rolled down again with a grunt.

In a blink of an eye, the female ghost came in front of Zhu Wenjie and Zhou Liang. Zhou Liang's ethereal eyes widened in surprise, and the hideous shadow of the female ghost was reflected in it. Rolling backwards, the female ghost's claws hit the ground, and the cement floor was smashed to pieces.

Duan Jinming rushed up from behind the female ghost, raised her right leg, and kicked towards the female ghost's abdomen. The female ghost raised her body vertically and stood up, dodging Duan Jinming's first attack. His legs kicked out in a row, this time he kicked the female ghost in the face, turned around three times in a row, and kicked six times. Another long kick with his right foot landed on the female ghost's chest. The female ghost took three steps back. Duan Jinming also groaned. The female ghost's breastbone was too hard, and his feet were faintly numb.

At this time, Li Fanggu also struggled to get up. Just as he stood still, the barrel of the gun was aimed at the ghost again, "Bang bang!" Three more shots were fired, the ghost was shot in the head, and a piece of her temple was severely sunken.Liu Yang and Wang Yuan got up and helped Zhu Wenjie drag Zhou Liang out. They were not blind just now, this female ghost has been coming towards Zhou Liang, and he is the most dangerous one now. Injuring Zhou Liang was already a mistake. If there was another mistake, Zhou Yu would make life difficult for them even if they got through this test.

The female ghost was attacked by Li Fangu, her target shifted, and she rushed towards him. Li Fanggu pressed the trigger resolutely, and all the remaining bullets were shot out. Duan Jinming flew up behind her and pushed the female ghost to the ground, Li Fanggu Immediately put away the gun and stood up.

Liu Yang shouted, "What are you delaying, get out quickly!"

Zhu Wenjie said in a heavy tone, "We can't get out, we are trapped."

Wang Yuan was dumbfounded, "Minister, what do you mean?"

Li Fanggu wiped off his sweat, "That's what it means, we can't get out."

The female ghost was thrown down by Duan Jinming and wrestled with him again.Li Fanggu watched anxiously. He had used up all the bullets he brought today, and his hands and feet were poor. He could only be anxious, but there was nothing he could do to help.

Zhou Liang groaned and said slowly, "It seems that we are trapped in the formation. If we can't get out from the outside, we should go inside and have a look. The formation has eyes, and the eyes of the trapped formation are in the formation. Inside the formation, if you find the eye of the formation and destroy it, you can go out."

Liu Yang looked at him puzzled, "Does this mean that there is a key to breaking the formation in this house?"

Zhou Liang nodded, "The purpose of the trapping formation is to trap the enemy. There are eyes in the formation and the main people outside the formation. We are trapped inside and cannot hurt the main people, so we have to start from the inside." The eye of the formation is the place where various forces in the formation meet and fuse, if the eye is destroyed, the various forces cannot be blended and superimposed, and the formation will be broken."

Zhu Wenjie asked Li Fanggu to help Zhou Liang, "Xiao Li and Mr. Duan are dragging the female ghost here, we searched the house and found the eye."

Li Fanggu nodded, Zhou Liang watched Duan Jinming's battle with the female ghost intently, and suddenly said, "There is a mark on this female ghost's neck, let's see if it can be destroyed."

Li Fanggu looked at him in surprise, this uncle seemed to be more powerful than he appeared on the surface.

Xiao Bing stood outside the house, his face changing. He thought that Zhou Yu's younger brother was just an ordinary person, but unexpectedly he was a little bit capable. He knew that Zhou Yu and Zhou Qi's backgrounds were not simple. According to the people in Xiao's house, they couldn't find out. The background of the two people is revealed, but they have broken a lot of things in the Xiao family, and they have always been a thorn in the side of the Xiao family.He always thought that Zhou Liang was just a waste in the hands of the two of them, and now it seems that he is not a simple character.But it doesn't matter, he will die inside today, he curled up his mouth proudly, "Zhou Yu, you have to pay a price for offending the Xiao family."

"What price?" A cold man's voice came from behind him, he turned his head in surprise, and then his eyes widened, how is it possible?How did Zhou Yu appear so quickly?

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