The strongest magician

Chapter 58 Diary

Zhu Wenjie's words are undoubtedly a blockbuster, what?The mastermind behind the scenes just died like this?So what are they busy all night for?

Li Fanggu hurriedly apologized to Zhu Wenjie. Zhu Wenjie waved his hand and said that he didn't care. Then he took out his phone and called Zhou Liang, telling him that he needed to set off together for an autopsy.Then he called Li Fanggu.Li Fanggu bit the bullet and went out with him, thinking that he would be buried for spraying milk tea on his face just now, but Zhu Wenjie solemnly handed him a gun, a 92-type pistol.

Zhu Wenjie had a kind expression on his face, "Zhou Yu greeted me before, saying that you are good at shooting, and asked me to give you a gun. I applied for it a few days ago, and it was finally approved today." He saw Li Fanggu showing Surprised expression, smiled, "use it, you have to report every time you use it, it's more troublesome, you have to keep it well, if you lose it, you will be punished."

Li Fanggu couldn't help taking it, "Thank you, Minister!" Good brother, now you can hold it openly, and when you touch the cold body of the gun, you feel a sense of security in your heart, although it is not as good as those treasures in your family. , but it feels very good, and it should last a long time with a little care.His cheap uncle is very efficient in doing things, next time I have a chance to say thank you to him.

In less than 10 minutes, Zhou Yu sent Zhou Liang to Zhou Liang. Zhou Liang had just been ill, and his spirit was not very good. His originally ethereal black eyes seemed a little scattered, but when it came to work, he immediately cheered up and took care of himself. toolbox, put on work clothes, and then boarded the car and headed to the North Community.

The North Community in Haizhou City is indeed very dilapidated, and each small building seems to have a history of at least 30 years. They parked the car outside the community, and then walked to the door of Meng Ruo's house under the guidance of a plainclothes policeman.

The small building where Meng Ruo lives is in the northeast corner of the community. Outside the community is the road under construction, and the excavator is still roaring.This small building looks very dilapidated, even worse than the surrounding small buildings.The walls of the small building are covered with ivy, and the walls covered by the ivy are mottled and old, and it looks like it will collapse at any time.

Li Fanggu stepped forward and pushed the door open. As soon as he opened the door, an indescribable smell came over his nostrils. He had already keenly felt the ghostly aura here. It seemed that the female ghost was also here. No, judging by the aura, The female ghost is not there now, but at least it used to be.The police officers in the house are coming and going, collecting useful evidence. It seems that the inside is safe.He looked around the house vigilantly. The furnishings in the house were very simple. This should be the living room. There was an old bookcase inside. There were a few black and white photos on the bookcase, all of which were portraits. Zhang belonged to a young looking woman. The woman smiled sweetly. He looked over carefully. The woman's eyebrows and eyes looked very similar to that of the little ghost Meng Xuan. It seemed that this was Meng Xuan's mother. Meng Xuan Looks like her.

There were a lot of books in the cabinet. He went in and looked at the books, including Qimen Dunjia, professional books on doctors, biography of unofficial history, and all kinds of books.

Zhu Wenjie asked the police officers present, "Where is Meng Teng's body?" He looked at the staff member's badge, which had the word Li Bing written on it.

Li Bing took him in, "In the bedroom, someone saw the door open in the morning and there was no movement, so they went in to have a look, and saw the deceased lying on the floor of the bedroom. He was already dead when he was found. Know."

Zhu Wenjie nodded and signaled Zhou Liang to go in for an autopsy.Liu Yang, Wang Yuan and Ma Yu followed in together.

Li Fanggu stood in front of the bookcase. He saw a locked notebook on the far right of the second floor of the bookcase. He took it out and gestured to Duan Jinming.

Duan Jinming came over and took a look at the lock. Putting his index and middle fingers together, he squeezed hard with his thumb, and the lock unlocked.

Li Fanggu gasped in his heart, Jin Ming had a lot of strength in his hands, but it was not surprising, this was not the first time he had experienced the power of Xiao Duan's scissor hands.

The lock was unlocked, and Li Fanggu opened the notebook. Obviously, it was a diary written by Meng Tang. The diary was very old, and the pages were yellow.In some places, the handwriting was a little blurry, and it was water stains. Li Fangu immediately understood that those were the tears of Meng Teng, a lonely father who lost his daughter, a helpless husband who lost his wife, and a lonely son who lost his parents. sad tears.

He looked carefully at the contents of the diary.

The first few pages recorded the work content and how he met his wife. It turned out that Meng Teng's wife was named Ruan Aihua, a very common name, even a bit heroic, which was the characteristic of that era.In the middle of the diary, Meng Xuan was mentioned.

May 1995, 3 sunny

Today is such a good day, my daughter was born, my parents are not happy, they want grandchildren, but the moment I hold the baby, I can feel their mood, my daughter is beautiful, born so beautiful , her grandparents will love her.

Sunny September 4

Aihua finally gave birth to her confinement today. Although she was a little unhappy with my parents during the confinement period, she was very generous. Fortunately, there were no major conflicts.My daughter, we decided to name her Meng Xuan, this word is rarely used, it is a fashionable name, the nickname is Yaoyao, because Aihua married me from Fujian, and came from a far away place Yes, thank my wife for supporting me. I have never been embarrassed to say it to her. In fact, I really want to say those three words to her like on TV. Forget it, I am really embarrassed, and I hope she can understand in her heart.Aihua and I have made up our minds that we will raise our daughter like a princess.Our family is not bad, and my job is getting better and better. I believe that I will be able to provide a good life for my daughter and my dear family. We will get better and better.

Meng Ruo didn't keep a diary every day, and only wrote down when she felt emotional, so the content of the diary was not much, and the next page would be Meng Xuan's one-year-old.

Overcast April 1996, 3

Today is the first birthday of Yaoyao. We have invited many relatives and friends. Everyone praised Yaoyao for being beautiful and cute. I feel very happy.Yaoyao already knows how to talk a lot. Yesterday I discussed with Aihua whether she should learn piano or painting when she grows up. Aihua insisted that she practice piano, but practicing piano is so hard, I can't bear it.No way, I still try to convince Aihua, let her decide what about the child when she grows up.

May 1996, 8 sunny

Today, Yaoyao has a fever. Although I am a doctor myself, I know there is nothing wrong with being sick, but I still feel very uncomfortable. Our husband and wife are too busy with work, so we can only leave Yaoyao to our grandparents. I feel very guilty. It is really not easy to bring up a child. Although I love Yaoyao very much, I don’t spend much time with her. My baby doesn’t know. Dad can’t wait to put her in his eyes. Taking her with me, I will miss her terribly if I don't see her for a moment. Aihua has worked hard to take her with me. I will try my best to make up for her.

There was snow on December 1997, 12

It snowed early this year. Although Yaoyao had seen snow before, she had no memory of it. This time she was very excited. She clamored to go out to build a snowman in the morning. Although I was very tired when I came home at night, I still made it with her. A little duck, on a whim, the baby asked grandma for two big black beans to make duck eyes, and then learned how to call a duck, so cute.Aihua is also very happy.

Meng Ruo is a doctor after all, and his diary is almost full of running accounts, without literary talent at all. However, it is not difficult to see his doting on his daughter Meng Xuan, as well as his love and gratitude to his wife. What a happy family this is, Li Fanggu thought wistfully.

Most of the diary is written by Meng Xuan. From the time Meng Xuan cried for a day when she went to kindergarten for the first time, it took a whole week to get used to it. She often fell ill in kindergarten, but she made many good friends, and wrote in bits and pieces. Meng Xuan was in elementary school, and it was mentioned that Meng Xuan's favorite story was Cinderella, and she had always dreamed of having a pair of crystal shoes. Many of Meng Xuan's childish words in her diary made her feel distressed and sad when she read it.

Li Fanggu turned back, and the date turned to June 2002, 6

Meng Teng's handwriting visibly trembled, and it was written in the diary:

I don't know how to describe my current mood. I am extremely desperate. For two days and 6 hours, my Yaoyao has not been found yet. Where is she?We called the police, and the police said it might have been abducted.I can't accept it, but I don't dare to say more, Aihua is going crazy now, Yaoyao's grandparents are also sick, I can't fall down, I still have to find my baby.

December 2002, 6

Until now I can't accept that the deformed body floating up from the water is far away, impossible, that is not my beautiful and lovely daughter.My Yaoyao has always been like a princess, how could it be possible to lie in the water like that?

The paper on this page seemed to have been crumpled, with a large area of ​​yellowish water stains on it, and the handwriting on the back was very messy. Li Fangu could imagine Meng Tang's frantic mood at that time, and he continued to turn to the back with a heavy heart.

December 2003, 1

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, but I don't know how we can survive this year. Aihua fell ill, and she still can't accept that Yaoyao has left us.I can't accept it either, although I personally watched my Yaoyao being sent to the cremation room, and I also took out her ashes with my own hands.I bought a cemetery for Yaoyao, and the people in my hometown persuaded me, saying what kind of cemetery the girl wants, and burying the girl in the cemetery will damage Feng Shui, so I just wrap Yaoyao in a mat and throw it away. I know they have no malicious intentions, but I At that time, I just wanted them all to be buried with Yaoyao, why did my baby leave without a cemetery?

The handwriting behind here is very strong, which shows Meng Ruo's anger at that time, Li Fanggu calmed down, and then looked behind, he wanted to know when Meng Ruo started planning and how he knew the truth.

December 2003, 5

It's another May, and it's been almost a year since Yaoyao. I know very well that we can start over with a new child, but we can't do it. All our hard work has been given to Yaoyao, how can we forget her.Now I can think calmly again, I have been wondering, Yaoyao never went to play by the water, she has always been very obedient and sensible, why would she secretly go to the reservoir to play alone that day?And where is her peach red coat?Where are her shoes and socks?When she floated up from the water, she was gone, only a skirt was on. The police said that she might have been caught by a branch in the water. How could it be such a coincidence?I thought Yaoyao had taken it off and put it on the shore, but I couldn't find it anywhere.

2003. 6, 2

I said something was wrong, how could Yaoyao’s clothes disappear by itself? I searched everywhere on the shore where Yaoyao’s accident happened, and finally let me dig it out. Although the clothes were rotten, I still recognized the shoes. Distant shoes.who?Who the hell buried Yaoyao's shoes, socks and clothes?Yaoyao definitely didn't fall into the water by himself.Which beast is it?If you are dissatisfied with us, come directly to us. Why do you want to hurt my precious daughter?unforgivable!

Li Fanggu raised his head and blinked his sore eyes, maybe Meng Tan's anger and despair had affected him, he felt his eye sockets were so hot that he wanted to cry.

He continued to look through the diary, and many of the diary later described curses on the murderer, as well as feelings of helplessness. Then he wrote that Ruan Aihua was crazy and suffered from severe depression, and his parents passed away one after another. What was still being read was Yaoyao's name, and after that, the content was still very obscure. During that time, Meng Ruo was having a hard time.Finally, he turned to the content in 2005, and he looked at it intently:

2005. 7, 6

The school is on summer vacation, but Aihua no longer has this concept, what she thinks about is Yaoyao, she holds Yaoyao's favorite Barbie doll in her arms, as if Yaoyao is still there, in order to treat her illness, there is nothing left at home, I was also struggling at work, and I thought I would go crazy like this, and my life was completely hopeless.

2005. 8, 7

The summer vacation is not over yet, and my heart will always be hot. Today I received a little patient named Yan Lili. She was a neighbor who lived not far away. At first, I didn’t remember who she was. Hearing what he said with his friends, and then contacting Yaoyao, suddenly a thunderbolt came from the blue sky. I was very excited, and finally let me hear the truth. My Yaoyao really did not go to the waterside by himself, but was taken out by a group of children. A group of beasts, after Yaoyao's accident, they pretended not to know, and even buried Yaoyao's clothes and shoes to prevent us from finding them.With such a vicious heart, I really want to push the door in and ask her the truth before killing her, but I can't be impulsive, I want to find out the truth and find out those who killed Yaoyao one by one!

Li Fangu thought, it turned out that Yan Lili revealed the truth, so according to the time, Yan Lili was indeed the first student to die, and it seemed that she was also the first child to be revenged by Meng Tang.

2005. 12, 8

I met a young man today. He said his surname was Xiao. He saw my anger and despair. He said he could help me. Should I believe him?

Two pages of this diary were torn out afterwards, and I don't know what was torn out.

2006. 2, 26

The Chinese New Year has just passed, but I don't feel any joy in my heart. Aihua can't bear it any longer. She has long since lost love, and I want to go with her.

2006. 4, 5

Today is Ching Ming Festival, I heard that the gate of ghosts will open today, will Yaoyao come back to visit her parents?Does she know we miss her all the time.

2006. 4, 6

The legends are all false, and Yaoyao never came back.Seeing that Aihua was dying, I began to seriously consider the proposal of that man surnamed Xiao.

2006. 5, 3

I will never forget this day, my Aihua also left me, and now, I am alone.Where is the meaning of living?

2006. 5, 4

I decided to accept Mr. Xiao's suggestion.I can't let go of hatred, I want revenge!The most unforgivable thing I can do is that those brutes murdered my daughter with no guilt at all while they watched tv and ate chips for the summer and my daughter was forever underwater, I want them Pay the price!Although Mr. Xiao's method is cruel, isn't it cruel that they murdered my daughter?They are minors, and I have no evidence. I can't do anything to them with my own strength.Now I feel that the law is a joke. I asked my police friends, and they said that even if evidence is found, they are minors and should be protected. Even the law cannot sanction them.They are minors and they are protected, so who will protect my daughter? !

December 2008, 6

Mr. Xiao helped me make Aihua into a puppet corpse. Seeing that Aihua has changed beyond recognition, I feel extremely painful, but thinking of avenging Yaoyao, I feel that I have to endure it.My Yaoyao cannot die in vain.

Seeing this, Li Fanggu was completely shocked, that female ghost turned out to be Yaoyao's mother?He looked at the black and white photo on the bookcase again. The woman in the photo is that crazy female ghost?

He then turned to the back, and the crazy story in the diary continued:

2009. 7, 13

I saw Zhang Lianfeng today, one of the beasts that killed my daughter, I couldn't help it, I wanted to go up and kill him with my own hands!But Mr. Xiao stopped me. Aihua hasn't fully transformed yet. I still need time. I am impulsive now, and I will only let other beasts get away with it. They have committed crimes and will be punished.Mr. Xiao used a weird method to force me to question Zhang Lianfeng. I finally knew what I was thinking. The bastard in front of me is the culprit. Just because of jealousy, he can ruin my family.I want him to die badly.And those who knew the truth back then but didn't tell me, I won't let go of them all!

Li Fanggu finally understood that it turned out that Song Weijie was targeted because he did not tell the truth back then. It seems that Meng Ruo has gone mad because of hatred, and even the innocent Song Weijie was involved. How can it be?But thinking about it from another angle, if Song Weijie said it at the beginning, these children might be condemned by their conscience, and they would change themselves when they grow up and understand, and maybe Meng Ruo would no longer be so obsessed with hatred.

He continued to look at the back, and began to describe the content of revenge, which was full of resentment. Li Fanggu turned to Zhang Tingjin's name, so he took a closer look:

2011. 8, 24

Today I saw Zhang Tingjin, he didn't know that I had been paying attention to him, and he didn't know how many times I had missed him in my heart, he didn't recognize me at all.This beast, because the high school class started early, he was unhappy, so he pretended to be sick and came to the hospital, trying to stay at home for a few days.It's really interesting that he even asked me to issue a fake certificate for him.OK, if you don't want to go to class, I will make you never go to class.

2011. 8, 27

Seeing Zhang Tingjin's head cracked from the fall, I was so happy!Yan Lili and Wu Xiaoxiao are dead, Zhang Tingjin is also finished, the next one is Song Weijie, and Zhang Lianfeng, that bastard, I want him to die the worst!

Li Fanggu wondered why Meng Ruo didn't mention Li Yuanyuan's name throughout the article?Li Yuanyuan is now missing and her whereabouts are unknown. Could it be that Meng Ruo did it?

At this time Zhu Wenjie came out of the house, and Li Fanggu asked, "Minister, what is the cause of Meng Ruo's death?"

Zhu Wenjie had a strange expression on his face, "Zhou Liang said he was killed by a curse."

Li Fanggu was also surprised, "What? Curse to kill?" That means Meng Ruo was killed, who did it?Behind Zhu Wenjie, Li Bing also came out. He smiled at Li Fanggu, and then suddenly rushed out at the fastest speed.

Suddenly Li Fangu's heart was full of alarm bells, and he subconsciously wanted to chase him out.But Duan Jinming moved faster, he took a step ahead of Li Fanggu, but unfortunately he still didn't have time.

Li Bing ran to the door, turned around and said something, Duan Jinming had already chased after him, but seemed to hit a solid wall, bounced back hard, and fell to the ground.Li Fanggu threw away the diary in his hand and went to help him.

The diary fell to the ground and turned to the last page. The handwriting on it was messy, and there was only one sentence on the whole page: Xiao Bing used me!Xiao Bing used me!

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