Wangjia Village, Pei County, Xuzhou

Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng got out of the car with Qi Fan, and they looked at the quiet village in front of them. The village seemed to be in good condition, and most of the families lived in small private buildings with two or three floors. The architectural style was a typical new style. The rural architectural style is not earthy or foreign, but it looks neat. Now that the sky is getting late, some people in the village have already seen dim lights, making the village look warm and pleasant.There is nothing wrong with such a peaceful place.However, Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng have already keenly sensed that there is a familiar aura here, which is the unique dark aura of Shadow Curse Masters, which means that there have been Shadow Curse Masters who have been active here, what are they doing here?What is the purpose?

Qi Fan led them into the village and explained as he walked, "At the beginning, nothing strange happened here, but since last week, seven children have disappeared within two days, and the children disappeared in the middle of the night. , these people will close the doors and windows at night, and watch their children closely when they sleep, but in the middle of the night, after they fell asleep unconsciously, the children disappeared. People in the village called the police, and the police came After searching for several days, the child was not found. At first they treated it as a human trafficking incident. Later, someone called us anonymously, saying that it was a supernatural incident. The person also mentioned that it might be related to the Shadow Spell Master, so we came to take over. We've come to see it, we've searched everywhere, but we can't find the whereabouts of the child anywhere. We only found something wrong in a big house at the head of the village. We've been tracking it down for two days, but there's no progress, you know The higher-ups have just issued a notice that all matters related to the Shadow Spell Master will be listed as special missions, so I will specially invite you to come here."

They were walking on the small road in the village. Song Weiwei could feel the villagers watching them. Qi Fan took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it after consulting the two people. We gave it to the media, and we told them to block it and not allow any media to report it. Some young people with computer skills posted on the Internet, but we also deleted it. For the time being, this is suppressed in advance. If it can’t be dealt with, we will talk about it later. Now The most important thing is to find the whereabouts of those children. Up to now, the life and death of these missing children are unknown. Counting it, it has been almost six or seven days. Most of the children are left-behind children. Their parents are working outside the home and they don’t go home all the year round. The rest are old people, and the younger ones are in their 50s. There are very few young adults in their 30s and [-]s. The number is enough. We are not at ease if we can't find these children."

Not far in front of them was a person walking towards them. He was slender, with short hair, and his face was too far away to see clearly. The person was wearing a white round-neck T-shirt, dark blue jeans, and dark blue sneakers. Song Weiwei and the others began to think that It was a man, and it was only when he got closer that he saw that it was a young girl who looked very energetic.The girl looked about 20, less than [-], with a heroic face, Qi Fan immediately introduced to the two, "This is a member of our spiritual detection department, called Wang Xia, she is good at detecting spiritual power. "

Wang Xia and Song Weiwei both nodded, "Who are these two?"

Qi Fan gave a vague introduction, "I used to know these two, they are both masters of curse, you can call them Xiao Song and Brother Cheng."

Wang Xia nodded, and then reported to him, "Director Qi, Li Meng and I just searched around again, and found an underground passage in the old house at the head of the village. Take a look, but there is too much evil in that passage, and Li Meng and I are not capable enough, so we might not be able to go down."

Qi Fan stubbed out the cigarette butt, "Let's go and have a look first."

Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng followed in their footsteps to the old house at the head of the village. The old house was in the architectural style of the Republic of China. The gray bricks were riddled with holes, making the house look dilapidated. Smelling the musty smell coming from inside, as soon as the door of the house was opened, dust rushed towards the nose.

Several people passed through the gate and came to the main room. The door of the room was wide open. Inside, a simple-looking man was squatting on the ground. He should be the Li Meng that Wang Xia said. He was checking a dark brown mark on the ground. Li Meng raised his head when he heard footsteps, "Director Qi, you are here. Look, this bloodstain on the ground is very strange. The bloodstain looks like it was several days ago, but the large amount of spiritual energy contained in the blood has not dissipated. Unlike Ordinary bloodstains."

Song Weiwei stepped forward and squatted down, touching the bloodstain with his hands, the vague spiritual energy snaked up towards his body along his fingers, "It's such a pure spiritual energy, it looks like the legendary fairy energy."

Jin Zhicheng said with a cold face, "It is said that there are no immortals in the world anymore, and all immortals escaped disaster hundreds of years ago, perhaps with the blood of some spirit beast."

Song Weiwei nodded, "It's possible." What left the large bloodstain here?It looks like someone was left behind after being killed. If it was really left by the Shadow Curse Master, what good things did those guys do here?She was eager to know.

"Go to the tunnel and have a look." Jin Zhicheng said, Wang Xia led them out of the main room under Qi Fan's gesture, and came to a dry well in the backyard, "The tunnel is down here, I found it after chasing evil spirits."

Song Weiwei said in a low voice, "It's true that evil spirits are very strong here, no, there are evil spirits in this village, is there any monster at the bottom of this well?"

Jin Zhicheng said in a deep voice, "You'll know when you go in and have a look." He put down the backpack on his back, took out the equipment he needed, a military dagger, an emergency light, and the Lily of the Valley rubbed on the bottom of the bag by him. Lan Zheng looked at him with resentful eyes, but he didn't care, and ordered coldly, "Don't sleep, get up and work."

This time, Linglan changed into a new body, a Chinese-style red doll that looked very happy. She gave him a unwilling look, but could only obey his order and float into the air.

When Wang Xia and Li Meng saw a doll floating in the air, their scalps blew up, that situation was really weird.Song Weiwei smiled brightly, "Ling Lan, you're making A-Cheng angry again? Why are you always being misbehaved?"

Ling Lan made a gesture of curling her lips, "Who knows what kind of anger he is getting?" She really wanted to get rid of Song Weiwei, a woman who was too ruthless, and her eyes were too poisonous, and had a great influence on Jin Zhicheng. Not reconciled to just being a martial god, but if she wants to back Jin Zhicheng, she has to pass the test of Song Weiwei. She had found several opportunities at first, but when she thought of the evil star who died and came back to life, she lost her courage quickly after gaining weight Going down, she was so suffocated that she could only complain in her heart.

Wang Xia and Li Meng raised their eyebrows. Be good, this doll can not only float up, but also talk and make expressions. I don't know what else it can do.But this man is so weird, he actually uses a doll as a martial god, and their gazes at Jin Zhicheng became somewhat meaningful.

Jin Zhicheng didn't care. After putting on the equipment, he jumped into the well first.Jin Zhicheng's legs are strong and strong. After he jumped down, he stretched his legs and propped them up. With the movement of his hands, he sank slowly to the bottom of the well. The lily of the valley floated under his body, replacing his eyes and helping him see. deeper and further.

When he descended to a depth of about four meters, he said, "The entrance to the tunnel is here, I'll go in first."

Song Weiwei put on her equipment and leaned over to see his figure disappearing by the well. She raised her bangs, straddled her long legs, and jumped down too. Her movements were very light, just like Jin Zhicheng just now, and she quickly entered the tunnel entrance .

Wang Xia asked Qi Fan, "Director, what should we do?"

Qi Fan frowned, "Li Meng is waiting outside, Wang Xia will follow me."

Li Meng was a little unwilling, "I'll go down too, Director." He also wanted to see the strength of the legendary master.

Qi Fan sighed, "If we haven't come out for a day, you can go back and call for support." Li Meng is still young, and his wife just gave birth this year, so he couldn't bear to take him on an adventure together.

Li Meng understood, he looked at Qi Fan gratefully, "I see, Director, be careful."

Qi Fan and Wang Xia also went down the well in turn, and soon they also came to the corridor.

Entering the tunnel, they looked it over carefully, the tunnel was about one person tall, the soil was damp, the walls were covered with moss, and the inside was very cold, changing the sweltering heat on the ground, gusts of gloom were coming out from the depths of the tunnel, It made the few people at the entrance of the tunnel feel cold all over.Wang Xia smoothed the goosebumps on his arms, "It's really cold here, it's strange."

Jin Zhicheng held the emergency lights and opened the way ahead.Several people followed him forward in silence. The tunnel was not long, but the more they went in, the colder it became. After a distance of more than ten meters, an arch made of blue bricks appeared in front of them. The door was opened. Suddenly, a heart-piercing cold air was spreading from the door.

Jin Zhicheng pulled out the dagger from his waist and ordered, "Ling Lan, go in and have a look."

Ling Lan gritted her teeth, gave him a bitter look, and floated in.

Jin Zhicheng said, "There is a big room inside, and there is a coffin in the room."

Wang Xia gasped, "A zombie?" Jin Zhicheng nodded.

Song Weiwei smiled, "If I knew there were zombies, I might as well bring Xiaogu along."

There was also a smile in Jin Zhicheng's eyes, "I really should bring him here." The child's three-second zombie hold technique is very practical in this kind of occasion.

The lily of the valley floated out, and Jin Zhicheng's face became serious again, "There are indeed zombies inside, and there are quite a few of them."

Qi Fan was taken aback, "What? How many?"

Jin Zhicheng said coldly, "Hundreds of them."

Qi Fan and Wang Xia gasped, "Hundreds of them!"

Song smiled wryly, "Why don't we go back and pick up that kid?" It seems that he is always rolling around in the pile of zombies lately, what's wrong?In the past, I never encountered a zombie many times.

Jin Zhicheng shook his head, "It's too late. There are eight coffins inside, seven of which are arranged according to the direction of the Big Dipper. A large coffin is placed in the middle of the spoon head. That coffin is open. The corpses inside seem to wake up at any time. We can't go out now." It’s too late, so we can only solve it quickly.”

Qi Fan's face was pale, "But there are hundreds of zombies..." There are only four of them here.

Song Weiwei smiled beautifully, "It's too late to go, let's go in and have a look."

Jin Zhicheng took the lead and walked in.Song Weiwei followed closely behind him, and Qi Fan and Wang Xia had no choice but to grit their teeth and follow.After entering the arch, they saw that, as Jin Zhicheng said, it was indeed a large room, all made of blue stones, and there were almost hundreds of corpses lying on the floor of the room. There are all ages, and the styles of clothes on their bodies are not the same. Some are from the Ming Dynasty, some are from the Qing Dynasty, some are from the Republic of China, and some are from the 80s and [-]s after liberation. These corpses are all dry, like dried zombies, but here It is near a wetland, and the climate is humid. It stands to reason that it does not have the conditions to form mummies, but where did these mummies come from?

In the middle of the room is a red lacquered wooden coffin with the lid open, leaning on the coffin. This coffin is surrounded by stars and surrounded by seven coffins arranged in the shape of the Big Dipper, which looks particularly eye-catching.Jin Zhicheng held up the lamp and shone it, and they vaguely saw a female corpse in red. The female corpse felt the light, and its closed eyelids moved up and down a few times.

Jin Zhicheng looked at the coffins, his face became more and more serious, "This is the Seven Stars Gathering Spirit Formation. I heard about it from my elder brother."

Song frowned slightly, "What did your elder brother say?"

Jin Zhicheng flicked the light of the flashlight around the room, and then said slowly, "The yin qi gathers here, and the evil qi is strong. It is said in the "Funeral Sutra" that there is a star in the sky and a hole in the ground. Going down to the Seven Stars Gathering Spirit Formation, I am afraid that someone deliberately reversed the feng shui here and made a cave for raising corpses. There are still female corpses in this coffin. Put the seven-star coffin on the side of the coffin, the main coffin and the seven-star coffin are connected by a formation, and if a living person is placed in the seven-star coffin, the living person will use the formation to warm and nourish the female corpse. Over time, the female corpse absorbs the essence of the living person, plus This cave is full of Yin Qi, once this female corpse transforms into a dead body, it will fly stiff."

Qi Fan and Wang Xia were shocked, "Flying stiff?"

Jin Zhicheng nodded, "That's right. Ordinary zombies have to practice for thousands or even ten thousand years before they can develop their own wisdom and practice spells, and then become flying zombies, also known as 魃. Flying zombies kill dragons and swallow clouds, and walk like the wind. Thousands of miles away. The aura in this world can no longer support the cultivation of ordinary people. Therefore, there are no more immortals in the world for hundreds of years, and all kinds of spiritual beasts have disappeared. The previous magic weapons are almost unusable. Stiff, I don’t need to say more about the consequences.”

Several people looked at each other, and Song Weiwei's head was covered with cold sweat, "Looking at the dress of that female corpse, I'm afraid it's been a few years. If it was done by those shadow curse masters, why is this female corpse still lying here and not waking up?"

Jin Zhicheng said coldly, "I don't know, this female corpse seems to be hundreds of years old. They have been planning this matter for a long time. I don't know why the female corpse has not changed yet, but luckily it was discovered in time. Look at the mouth of this female corpse. The shape, there must be a soul-fixing orb inside, and there is something on her body that restrains her, so she can't come out. If she breaks free of these restraints, she will be resentful. Once the corpse changes, I am afraid that the village will be killed. "

Song Weiwei said, "It seems that the missing children must be in the seven-star coffin, but I don't know if they are dead or alive."

Jin Zhicheng said, "Not necessarily. If the female corpse has no blood to absorb, it will undergo a corpse transformation. Now that the female corpse has not transformed into a corpse, it means that the blood of the children has not been absorbed. Let's move quickly and drag them out of the coffin , Maybe it’s still too late. Just look at the movement of the female corpse, she will wake up at any time, so, I will stop these zombies on the ground, Wei Wei, you control the female corpse, and try to destroy her, Qi Fan and Wang Xia, you two Look for an opportunity to drag the child out of the seven-star coffin. Ling Lan, hold the lamp."

Ling Lan wished she could hide far away, and now she was struggling to hold the emergency light, hung it high on the roof of the stone room, and turned the light downwards, immediately the situation in the room fell into everyone's eyes.

At this time, the mummy on the ground sensed the existence of light, and slowly got up from the ground, surrounded by hundreds of zombies, it was a spectacular sight.

Both Qi Fan and Wang Xia were taken aback and took a few steps back unconsciously.Jin Zhicheng, however, hissed, "Fortunately, I'm lucky. They're all green-haired zombies, so they're not very powerful." Ordinary zombies are divided into eight grades, purple zombie, white zombie, green zombie, hairy zombie, flying zombie, walking corpse, Lying corpses, not melting bones, and then there is the Hanbai, above the Hanbai is called "Ji", who is almost close to the gods, if they meet Yu, they don't need to be here, just lie down and wait for the wheel .The ones here are green-haired zombies. Normally, zombies need to drink blood to improve their cultivation. However, this tomb is full of Yin energy, so after a long time, it has given them some ability.These zombies are affected by evil spirits. Although they have the desire to attack people, they move slowly, which is relatively easy to deal with among zombies.

Song smiled lightly, "Yeah, it's much better than being surrounded by hundreds of thousand-year-old zombies last time."

Qi Fan and Wang Xia gasped, surrounded by hundreds of thousand-year-old zombies?They even survived?Which monsters are these two people?

Jin Zhicheng pulled out the dagger at his waist, and handed the backpack to Wang Xia, "Wei Wei, pay attention, don't let that woman transform into a corpse, once she transforms into a corpse, she will need huge energy, and the children in the seven-star coffin will die , and don't let her be dissected directly, now she and those children will die together, once the corpse is dissected, those children will also die."

Song Weiwei clapped his hands lightly with him, "Understood! Let's do it!" The two had a tacit understanding, one rushed towards the zombie group, and the other jumped towards the vermilion lacquered coffin. Suddenly, a scuffle broke out in the room.

Wang Xia pulled the stunned Qi Fan, "Director, what should we do?"

Qi Fan patted her reassuringly, "Let's wait for the opportunity and find the right opportunity to pull the child out of the coffin."

Jin Zhicheng's figure was brave, and he moved very quickly. He rushed into the pile of zombies, swung his long arms, and cut off the head of a zombie. The zombie's head flew out and landed at Wang Xia's feet. Wang Xia screamed jump up.

Jin Zhicheng stretched his long legs and swept out, several green-haired zombies flew out and hit the zombies behind. These green-haired zombies moved relatively slowly, but they were numerous and very difficult to deal with.Qi Fan and Wang Xia saw that Jin Zhicheng had more than enough to deal with, so they turned their attention to Song Weiwei.

The seven stars of the Big Dipper are Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang. The seven coffins are also arranged in this direction. Song Weiwei moves lightly, and with a jump, his body is already standing firmly On the fluttering light, she stared intently at the inside of the vermilion lacquer coffin. The female corpse in red in the coffin had a fresh and tender face, as if alive, her cheeks were rosy and rosy, and the cheeks were slightly protruding. It can be seen that there must be soul-fixing beads in her mouth. She looked carefully at her chest, there were seven dark holes on the bright red dress on the female corpse's chest, Song Weiwei used her eyesight to see clearly, it turned out that seven soul-suppressing nails were nailed into her chest, these soul-sacrificing nails were used to be It was nailed to the lid of the coffin, seven nails were nailed into the soul, but now they are nailed to the female corpse, so that her soul will be disturbed forever, and the accumulation of grievances will not be dissipated. If this evil corpse is not eliminated, it will become a disaster in the future.

She observed carefully again, there was a circular magic circle under the vermilion lacquer coffin, and a series of charms snaked under it like chains, and then linked to the seven-star coffin under her feet, she stepped on the ground tentatively while observing carefully At the movement of the female corpse, I never imagined that as soon as her feet touched the ground, the energy from her body would be sucked away immediately, and the mouth of the female corpse in the coffin slowly opened, revealing a dazzling bead.

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