Li Fanggu picked up the phone, and Liu Yang's exasperated voice came from the other side, "Is it Xiao Li?"

Li Fanggu was curious, "Brother Liu, what's wrong with you, why are you out of breath?"

Liu Yang seemed to be going down the stairs, "Damn it, don't mention it. Zhang Lianfeng is dead."

Li Fanggu was not surprised at all, it would be strange if he was still alive after falling like that, "When did it happen?"

There was a sound of pushing the door from Liu Yang's side, "He died in the morning. I just talked to Zhang Lianfeng's parents. They were too emotional, so I had to use some special methods. Those two already knew what Zhang Lianfeng had done. I asked carefully, the group of children back then, in addition to the dead ones and Li Yuanyuan, there was also a student named Wang Yan, who was a student of Class 24, Grade [-] of Hehai Middle School. I just called Sister Ye Sister Ye said that they found Li Yuanyuan. Li Yuanyuan did not go to high school and went to a vocational technical school. Just now they found Li Yuanyuan's home phone number and called to ask. Li Yuanyuan disappeared yesterday because it was not yet [-] hours and the case could not be filed. , their family members are looking for her, but Wang Yan is more dangerous now."

Li Fanggu listened to his exasperated tone, "Why is Wang Yan more dangerous?"

Liu Yang said angrily, "I blame my carelessness. I didn't expect that Zhang Lianfeng's chief surgeon was Meng Xuan's father. His name was Meng Tang. When I asked about Zhang Lianfeng's parents, he happened to be looking for them, but he stole our words. I heard it. I found him missing when I chased him out. Hurry up and go to Nanhu Community. On the way, I will send you the home address of Wang Yan’s family. I suspect that Meng Ruo is going there. Go and see quickly. Hospital, find this Meng Tang's information, and hurry up and catch this perverted murderer."

Li Fanggu was stunned, what is retribution, he didn't expect Zhang Lianfeng to fall into the hands of Meng Xuan's father in the end, but Zhang Lianfeng's death should not have been caused by him, if he fell like that, he would be abolished even if he didn't die, just listen to Liu Yang His tone, Meng Ruo is going to attack Wang Yan now.

Li Fanggu put away the phone, "Jin Ming, we have to hurry to the Nanhu community, the female ghost may be heading there, you don't know the way, let me drive." He and Duan Jinming changed places and quickly started the car .

It is obviously not the rush hour for commuting, but there are many cars on the road, coupled with illegal battery cars and pedestrians, Li Fanggu was anxious for a while, and after a while, his mobile phone rang, it was Liu Yang who sent Wang Yan's home address, and Duan Jinming took his place. Turn on the phone and read out the text message, "At Unit 13, Unit 3, Building 401, Nanhu Community." Li Fanggu nodded, and a battery car came out in front of him, which almost scared Li Fanggu into a cold sweat. He remembered something again, feeling annoyed Said, "Oops, it seems that the BRT is being built recently on the way there, so I'm afraid we'll have to detour."

Although Li Fanggu was extremely anxious and ran through two red lights on the road, it took them half an hour to arrive at the Nanhu community, but before entering the community, they saw thick black smoke rising into the sky, and the front was surrounded After getting up, Li Fanggu stopped the car, opened the car door with Duan Jinming and jumped out, grabbed the passers-by and asked, "What's going on?"

Seeing his ferocious face, the man was a little unhappy, "I heard it was a gas explosion." Li Fanggu asked, "When did it happen?" The man looked at his watch, "Not long ago, maybe ten minutes ago."

Li Fanggu anxiously squeezed through the crowd to look over, the sound of fire trucks and ambulances rang out, the crowd was separated, and firefighters rushed in with fire fighting equipment.Li Fanggu looked towards the building where the smoke was rising. That direction was the fourth floor of Building 13. Amidst the billowing flames and black smoke, the female ghost they had been tracking down for the past few days dragged her tattered lower body with her arms like a spider. Crawling on the wall, she seemed to sense Li Fangu's presence. She glanced over with her white eyes, and then crawled away along the wall at a strange speed.

Li Fanggu wanted to catch up angrily, but there were too many people watching, he could only watch helplessly as the female ghost's figure disappeared in the black smoke.

Li Fanggu punched the car angrily, making a loud noise, it was too cruel, even if it was for revenge, the lives of these young boys and girls were gone, it was too frenzied.

Duan Jinming also had a heavy expression on his face, "Come up first. There are too many people, we can't get in at all. Wait for news from Liu Yang, and go back to the Spiritual Investigation Department first."

Li Fanggu had no choice but to look at the crowded fire scene, then got into the car and returned to the Spiritual Investigation Department with Duan Jinming.

Li Fanggu and Duan Jinming returned to the Spirit Detective Department, Xu Niuniu smiled softly when she saw them coming back, "You came back just in time, a guest has been waiting for you for a long time."

Li Fanggu was at a loss, guest?waiting for them?Who?Could it be the one from Xi'an that Sister Weiwei mentioned?

They followed Xu Niuniu to the reception room, and saw a tall and strong figure sitting there in the huge conference room, who looked like a man.

The man was looking down at the newspaper, when he heard the door open, he put down the newspaper and stood up, walking in front of Li Fanggu and the others.

Li Fanggu took a deep breath, oh my god, this man is really tall, he is nearly 1.8 meters tall, he has to look up to see this man, this man is estimated to be more than two meters tall.

The man's face was square, with a sense of righteousness on his face. His facial features were profound, and his tough lines seemed to be cut in half by a sharp knife. He carried the unique fortitude and vicissitudes of northern men.

Seeing the shock on the faces of the two, Xu Niuniu snickered inwardly. She also had the same expression when she saw this man. She politely extended her hand and introduced, "This is Lin Jiajia from the headquarters of the Xi'an Curse Masters Association. It's Li Fangu, and this is Duan Jinming."

What?Li Fanggu thought he heard it wrong, Lin Jiajia?The name of this strong bear-like man in front of him is Jiajia?

Lin Jiajia chuckled, "Young Master Li, Young Master Duan, it's my first time meeting you, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Duan Jinming's face was serious, "Are you from Jiamusilin's family?"

Lin Jiajia smiled and reached out to shake his hand, "As expected of a member of the Duan family, you have a good eye."

Duan Jinming smiled politely, "It's a pleasure to meet each other."

Li Fangu felt uncomfortable. He knew that the Lin family in Jiamusi, one of the five great families, was said to be the toubob king in the Northeast.This family is said to have inherited the bloodline of ancient alien beasts. The purer the bloodline, the stronger the power of the alien beasts, and some can even transform into alien beasts. Although the time is not long, the terrifying power displayed when transformed into alien beasts is very heart-warming. Surprised, he looked at Duan Jinming. Speaking of which, he still didn't know what the Duan family's special ability was. He asked Uncle General, but General only said that the Duan family was very powerful in Hunan, but no matter how many there were, he didn't know. , it seems that he will ask him some other day.

He stretched out his hand with a smile, "Mr. Lin, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Lin Jiajia held his hand, "It's strange, Mr. Li, why do you have the smell of corpse?"

Li Fanggu jumped, "You are the only one with dampness, and your whole family has dampness! Young master, I never have stinky feet, okay?" In the local dialect of Haizhou, dampness means beriberi.

Lin Jiajia Earl, what does body odor have to do with stinky feet?

Duan Jinming coughed, "His Valkyrie is a thousand-year-old zombie."

Lin Jiajia snorted, "So, it turns out to be a thousand-year-old zombie. It's really hard to tell."

Li Fanggu was embarrassed. It turned out that he was talking about corpse energy. He misunderstood him. He smiled and shook hands with him, but he said in his heart that 1000 years is nothing special. The beauty of their Jin Ming family, Fusu, was born in 2000 years. Not a little bit, but he is the best Jiang Zishu, no one else can compare.

Lin Jiajia sat down again, and his tall and strong iron tower-like body was miraculously stuffed into the boss's chair, and the chair rattled.

He cut to the chase, "I'm the general manager of the Xi'an General Association responsible for the inspection of curse masters, and I'm here to convey the spirit just issued by the headquarters."

Xu Niuniu closed the door by herself, Li Fanggu and Duan Jinming pulled the chairs and sat down in front of him, "What kind of spirit?" Li Fanggu was puzzled.

Lin Jiajia chuckled, "From next month, that is, September 9st, all officially registered underworld masters across the country will start to evaluate their professional titles. All professional titles are divided into four levels, first-level, second-level, Level three and special level. Here are the working rules for professional title evaluation. Lin Jiajia took a stack of documents from the conference table next to me. I heard that you are the current partner of Jin Zhicheng and Song Weiwei, so I came here to see you."

Li Fanggu looked at the stack of documents with one head and two big ones. As a scumbag, he wanted to die when he saw such a thick stack. He smiled stiffly, "Brother, explain it roughly. My sister Wei Wei What level is Brother He Cheng at the moment?"

Lin Jiajia chuckled, "The two of them, the above means that they are exempt from inspection and directly designated as a special class. As for you, we have to investigate and inspect carefully. The specific methods are listed in these rules. At first I heard that you are a meat foot Shrimp, but you actually have a thousand-year-old zombie as a Valkyrie, so it doesn't look bad. Besides, Wei Wei seems to respect you quite a bit, so you should be able to be rated as a super class."

Duan Jinming glanced at the child and said calmly, "Why do you do this?"

Lin Jiajia shook her head, "You know that there are shadow curse masters making troubles, and the life safety of ghost curse masters must be carefully considered. So now there is a task level recognition system, and any level of tasks can be completed by ghost curse masters of that level .And all the events that shadow curse masters participate in are all classified as super-level, and there are some high-risk ones. According to the above regulations, these commissions must be accepted by special-level magic spell masters. This is also for your safety. Of course, every There is also a huge difference in salaries at different levels.”

Li Fanggu seemed to receive a bolt from the blue, what?Does this mean that if he doesn't qualify as a super class, he won't be able to partner with Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng in the future?As if humiliated, he stood up, blushing, "I know, I will definitely be rated as a super class."

Duan Jinming glanced at him and turned away.

Lin Jiajia looked at him and laughed, "Don't worry, you have to take it step by step. Except for a few authorized ones above, everyone else has to take it step by step. As long as they have obtained the qualification of the curse master, they will be at the first level. Starting from the second grade."

How many licensed ones are listed above?Li Fanggu focused on "several". Could it be that apart from Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng, there are other people who are stronger than monsters like them?Unknowingly, he expressed his doubts.

Lin Jiajia smiled calmly, "Not many, about ten people."

Li Fanggu took a deep breath. What is there to say that there are people outside the mountains? He thought that Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng were already invincible. He didn't expect that there were so many people who could keep pace with them. Thinking of Ling Duanyang who only met once, since Ling Duanyang once claimed to be the strongest in the country, no matter how strong he is, he should not be stronger than him, right?

After Lin Jiajia finished conveying her spirit, she looked at him meaningfully, and left alone, leaving only Li Fanggu who was still in a mess under the air-conditioning vent, and Duan Jinming, who had nothing to do with him, hanging high. After Lin Jiajia left, Liu Yang soon Li Fanggu cheered up, and Duan Jinming also ran downstairs again, starting the car and heading to the address sent by Liu Yang.

Meng Tang’s registered residence at the hospital is Room 201, Unit 200, Building [-], Qiangwei Community. It’s not far from here. Li Fanggu and the others arrived in only [-] minutes. , They parked the car in the parking space in front of the shopping mall [-] meters away from the community, walked to the community, and saw Liu Yang's dejected face at the door, and Dong Yawen, who was full of disappointment, stood beside him.

Seeing them coming, Liu Yang spat, "Damn, the address is fake, I just asked Yawen to knock on the door, and now there is an old couple living there, they have lived here for five or six years, Meng Ruona The bastard doesn't live here at all, so I visited around again, and the property management office of this community checked for us, and there is no such person as Meng Tang here at all."

Li Fanggu's heart sank, and they rushed to nothing. It seemed that Meng Ruo had been prepared for a long time, but now that they had already frightened the snake, it might not be so easy to catch Meng Ruo. Now they had no choice but to hope that they could find Li Yuanyuan. , and it is a living person, not a cold corpse, but where is Li Yuanyuan now?

At this time, Song Weiwei had already changed into his travel equipment, and was sitting with Jin Zhicheng in the special car from Haizhou to Xuzhou. The driver was called Qi Fan, who came from Xuzhou specially. Qi Fan is 35 years old this year, and it is also a curse. Teacher, the bullwhip on his body is very powerful. He has cooperated with Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng several times before, and this time he came here specifically to seek help from Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng.

Qi Fan was driving the car with a heavy expression on his face, "I'm really sorry, this time I have to rely on the strength of the two of you again. It's just that the matter is a bit unusual, and I'm afraid it has something to do with those shadow spell masters, and our people can't solve it. I had no choice but to come find you."

Song smiled lightly, "It's okay, we all work together, there's no need to be so polite."

Qi Fan smiled wryly, "Take a rest first, the car will arrive in Xuzhou in less than two hours. I will call you when we arrive at the destination."

Song Weiwei played with her long wavy hair indifferently, Jin Zhicheng looked at her indifferently, "Why, I went to see my grandma today, what's there to be unhappy about?"

Song Wei smiled brilliantly, "Ah Cheng, Song Weijie was almost killed in front of me today."

Jin Zhicheng hummed and waited for her to continue.

Song slightly lowered his eyes, "Do you know? He was very close to me at the time, as long as I shot, he would not be injured. However, what I thought at that time was that I couldn't do it, and I didn't want to save him at all. Ah Cheng, can you understand? I was born to the same parents. When I was a child, I only wore old clothes. His new clothes came one after another. Sometimes I still wear his rotten clothes. I am alone. The girl, wearing tattered boys' clothes, was ridiculed at school; I was hungry, so I could only wait for the meal, and the snacks at home were all his; Drooling and watching. What's more hateful is that even if I didn't make a mistake, as long as Song Chengxian was in a bad mood, I would be beaten, and no matter what he did, Song Chengxian could hardly bear to say a harsh word. The only time he beat someone The little girl broke half of her front teeth, and the parents of that family came to the door. He was just kicked on the buttocks symbolically, and I was beaten half to death just for laughing. To pay the tuition fees, my grandma had to desperately beg Zhang Hailing and Song Chengxian, but he needless to say, they will provide him with the best, you say, in such a comparison, how can I treat him as a younger brother?"

Jin Zhicheng frowned, and put her in his arms, "Wei Wei, it's all over."

Song Weiwei continued to smile, "Ah Cheng, I finally have the strength to protect myself today. I also dealt with Song Chengxian and Zhang Hailing, and I also made Song Weijie suffer, but I don't feel happy at all. Ah Cheng , I can’t get through it, I can’t get through it forever, I’ve been ruined by them a long time ago. Today I saw Song Weijie almost died. I was so happy at that time, but it’s a pity why he didn’t die sooner. If he died when he was young, maybe today I will live a different life. Xiaogu was by my side at that time. Although he didn’t say anything, I knew he was blaming me in his heart. He wanted to ask me why I didn’t save my brother? But, Ah Cheng, I really can't do it."

Jin Zhicheng stroked her long hair, without any expression on his face, "It's okay, Wei Wei, it's not your fault."

Song Wei smiled brighter, she buried her face deeply into Jin Zhicheng's chest, no one could see her expression, and no one knew that even though she was smiling, tears were streaming down her face.

The clothes on Jin Zhicheng's chest were wet, but they were soon dried by the heat. Song raised his face with a slight smile, as if nothing had happened.

Qi Fan looked at the two people's intimacy through the rearview mirror. He couldn't hear their conversation clearly and thought they were whispering. He asked with a smile, "Are you two a couple?"

Song Weiwei chuckled, and rolled her eyes, "No, we are girlfriends."

As soon as Qi Fan sneered, Jin Zhicheng's face was very cold, but there was obvious connivance in his eyes.

The signage in front shows: 150km away from Xuzhou

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