The strongest magician

Chapter 182 Turning Point

Li Fanggu sat quietly on the sofa chair on the balcony, the rain outside the window was still rustling.

Duan Jinming brought a cup of hot coffee and put it on the glass table beside him, took a dry towel in his hand, and sat beside him to dry his hair.

Looking at his calm face, Duan Jinming sighed, let him lean on his shoulder, didn't say anything, just stroked his back lightly.

Li Fanggu closed his eyes, absorbing his body temperature, and his cold body slowly warmed up.

Just now, they took Song Weiwei to send Jiang Hanhan's body to the hospital, and then called her family.

On this end of the phone, he could hear Jiang Hanhan's mother's broken cry.

What was even more sad was Song Weiwei, she seemed like a stone statue, with no expression on her face.

Li Fanggu was worried that she would be overwhelmed, but unexpectedly, she smiled and comforted him first, saying that she was worried that Yue Cuilian was at home, and then asked Li Fanggu and the others to send her back.

On the way, Li Fanggu couldn't help but said: "Sister, Ling Duanyang is a complete bastard, why don't you let me beat him up?"

Song Weiwei looked out of the car window expressionlessly, the rain slammed on the glass presumptuously, and the rustling sound made people feel numb: "Because he is lying. Every time he is lying, I can see it."

Li Fanggu was helpless: "Sister, you are lying to yourself, do you still have expectations for him? You should wake up."

Song turned his face slightly, and smiled sadly: "Xiaogu, don't you understand? He said that to push me away. He doesn't need me, and my expectations of him have become his burden. If it is In this way, then I will satisfy him, I will leave him, give him up."

Her gaze plunged into the boundless darkness: "If he doesn't want me to see him again, I will live my life obediently according to his expectations."

"From now on, I won't think about him again."

Listening to her faint tone, Li Fanggu sighed: "So, are you going to give up on him?"

Song Weiwei was silent for a long time before saying: "I don't know, maybe I will continue to wait...Because I don't know what else I can do besides waiting."

Li Fanggu looked at the raindrops falling from the sky outside the window, and felt that the coldness almost penetrated his heart. If Duan Jinming's body temperature was not there, maybe he would be stiff all over.

Duan Jinming stroked Li Fanggu's damp hair: "Don't think too much about it, you can go to Weiwei's house to see her tomorrow, and explain to her well, she must be very sad when she says she is strong."

Li Fanggu nodded, buried his face in his shoulder: "I can't sleep."

Duan Jinming's eyes were gentle: "It's okay, I'll sit with you for a while, anyway, it's almost dawn."

Li Fanggu nodded, reached out and entangled his fingers, the two sat together, waiting for the rain outside to soak the whole city.


Ling Duanyang was walking in the quiet manor with the box in his hands. Not far away, Zhou Qi stood quietly, with his right hand hanging down softly, and his left hand was touching Bai Fang squatting at his feet.

Hearing Ling Duanyang's footsteps, Zhou Qi raised her eyes. In her gentle and beautiful eyes, the pupils reflected the light of the street lamp.

With a straight expression, Ling Duanyang walked up to him, knelt down on one knee, offered the box, and shouted respectfully: "Master, the things are back."

Zhou Qi stroked the pattern on the box with his left hand. The moment he touched it, a layer of light patterns appeared on the box, ripples like water waves.

Ling Duanyang looked up and saw his limp right hand, and asked strangely: "Master, your right hand...?"

Zhou Qi frowned and smiled: "It's nothing, this is the price to pay for deceiving Zhou Liang."

Ling Duanyang lowered his eyes: "Master, I have always wanted to ask, why did you choose Zhou Liang instead of Zhou Yu? Whether it is ability or intelligence, it is clear that Zhou Yu is superior. Isn't it more appropriate to let him be the successor? "

Zhou Qi signaled him to get up, and sat with him on the bench by the roadside: "Zhou Liang's mind should be cleaner."

Ling Duanyang was silent: "But it's also more extreme, isn't it too unstable?"

Zhou Qi smiled: "You can treat me as partial."

Ling Duanyang smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

Zhou Qi turned her eyes to him and sized him up carefully: "Ah Yang, have you ever blamed me in your heart?"

Ling Duanyang smiled all over his face: "You have done everything you can to me. I should thank you. No matter how willful I was, you never punished me."

Zhou Qi sighed: "I took away your time when you were so young, which led to your indulgence in the future. These are all my fault."

"It's because I didn't know how to cherish it. Unfortunately, when I realized it, it was too late." Ling Duanyang smiled, "I regret that there were so many beautiful things in front of me before, all because of my self-indulgence. Whether it is Fusu, Shijian, or Weiwei now, I wasted their sincerity. I deserve everything! You have given me so many opportunities, and I squander them at will. You don’t blame me, I Thank you so much."

Zhou Qi reached out and touched his head, as if she was stroking her own child: "Ayang, I am very happy to see you grow up like this. It's a pity..."

"Yes, it's a pity..." Ling Duanyang smiled, and turned his eyes to the box in his hand, "Master, everything is in place now."

Zhou Qi nodded: "Yes, it's all there. The net is so big, it's finally time to collect it."

Ling Duanyang watched his handsome expression sink, and nodded: "Yes, then I will start to arrange it now."

Zhou Qi patted his head: "Thank you, Ayang. You have done a lot for me, and I am really grateful to you from the bottom of my heart."

"You are too polite to me. You created me, and you gave me everything. I am willing to do all this for you." Ling Duanyang looked at him with admiration, "This time, I must give Get rid of Qing Heng's cancer completely, and protect your world!"

Zhou Qi smiled: "Very good. I will wait and see."


This rain lingered for two days, Li Fanggu went to Song Weiwei's house to help her take care of Yue Cuilian during the day, and also went to take care of the things needed for the marriage, when he returned home at night, he saw Duan Jinming cooking and washing for him without complaint, He almost took over all the housework, and the guilt in his heart almost overwhelmed him.

That night, when Duan Jinming brought in the dried clothes, Li Fanggu quickly took out the steam iron and drove him to sit on the sofa: "You've been tired all day, go and rest, I'll iron your shirts for you."

Duan Jinming smiled, sat on the sofa, watched him roll up his sleeves to his elbows, and began to iron his shirt skillfully and neatly.

I have been with Li Fanggu for more than two years. At the beginning, the two of them were basically idiots about housework. When they were really unsure, they would find part-time workers to help.

The two of them worked together with division of labor, and it went smoothly after practice.Although Duan Jinming's cooking is not as good as the cook's, it is rich and delicious.Li Fangu often goes out, but when he comes back, he does almost everything except cooking.

In the first year, Duan Jinming's clothes were thrown directly into the washing machine for washing. After washing, they were dried and wrinkled and then put on. Your son's breath became more relaxed in an instant.

Li Fanggu couldn't bear it, so he went to Zhou Yu for advice, only to find out that the shirt had to be ironed before wearing it.Only then did I buy an ironing machine and came back to tidy up the clothes for Duan Jinming.

Duan Jinming admired his earnest face while chatting with him: "How is Grandma Weiwei today?"

Li Fanggu flattened the collar of his shirt carefully, and replied without raising his head: "The spirit is getting worse and worse. Sister Wei Wei is always worried that she won't survive for five days. I have everything ready, but there are no good days these days." .”

Duan Jinming nodded: "The Chinese New Year is coming up in less than a week, it's too rushed."

"Yeah, the company is also very busy, isn't it?" Li Fanggu raised his head and asked him, seeing his gentle eyes froze for a moment, his heart felt warm instantly.

"Fortunately, it's almost time to prepare for the holiday. By the way, you haven't been to your uncle's place for a long time. Do you plan to take Yi Yi to visit him before the Chinese New Year? I heard that he is in a bad mood now Very often, I shut myself in the room alone and couldn’t come out.”

Duan Jinming reminded him.

Li Fanggu wailed, oh my god, Zhou Liang was so busy that he almost forgot about it.

Duan Jinming said, "You really can't leave these few days, let me take a trip to Qingzhou for you."

Li Fanggu gave him a sly look: "I have to trouble you again, I feel so sorry for you."

Duan Jinming walked over and patted him on the forehead: "What are you talking about? I will pick up Yiyi tomorrow and take her to Qingzhou. How is Weiwei?"

Li Fanggu shook his head: "I can't tell. Jin Zhicheng also went to see her, and I made an agreement with Ah Cheng to take turns to look at her, so that she won't have to worry about it when she's alone."

"It's good to have friends like you." Duan Jinming said sincerely.

Li Fanggu looked up at him, lowered his head and rubbed his heart: "It's great to have a lover like you."

The corner of Duan Jinming's mouth curled into a smile, and he reached out to stroke his messy hair.

"Hair is a bit long." He said softly.

Li Fanggu groaned: "Tomorrow I will go to repair it."

"Yeah." Duan Jinming leaned over and kissed the top of his hair, "I'll get up and make breakfast tomorrow morning."

Li Fanggu blushed: "It's okay, you have to be restrained! I have to run a lot these two days."

Duan Jinming smiled playfully: "Okay," he touched his lover's red earlobe, "I can get home tomorrow night, and I will make dinner when I come back, or should we take them out to eat?"

"Let's go out and eat. A noodle restaurant just opened recently. Let's take Yiyi to eat noodles. She likes noodle soup the most."

"Okay. It's ok. You don't need to iron it so neatly. I'll wear your sweater tomorrow. Let's hang this one first." Duan Jinming took his hand and led him to the bed.

"Come back after hanging up, don't be so impatient!" Li Fanggu went crazy.

Early the next morning, Duan Jinming took Duan Yiyi to Qingzhou, Li Fanggu packed up and went straight to Song Weiwei's house.

Yue Cuilian often falls into a coma, and every time she wakes up and sees Song Weiwei, she asks, "Wei Wei, how many days are left until your wedding day?"

"There are still four days, grandma." Song Weiwei replied.

"Why are there still four days? I can't about you show me the wedding dress first, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until that day..." Yue Cuilian said with confusion.

Song Weiwei bit her lip: "No, grandma, you will get better gradually."

Li Fanggu listened to it from the side, always feeling sad.Song Weiwei stayed with her for several consecutive nights, and today she couldn't bear it anymore, Li Fanggu asked her to take a nap in Song Weijie's original room, and he came to watch Yue Cuilian.

He sat quietly by the bed, looking at this weather-beaten old man, her wrinkled face, every crevice hides the marks left by the years.

Death is really a terrible thing. My dearest person will become a black and white photo hanging on the wall from now on. When I miss her, I can't get close to her, touch her, hear her voice, Not feeling her care, this fear of "losing" is enough to defeat any strong person.

Yue Cuilian's right hand was covered with needle holes due to frequent infusions. Li Fanggu wiped it with his hand. Her hand was cold, so he took it carefully and put her hand under the bed.

A wave came from behind him, Li Fanggu was startled, turned his head suddenly, but saw Ling Duanyang standing behind him with a smile.

Li Fanggu immediately stood up and looked at him coldly: "What do you want to do?"

Ling Duanyang said: "I haven't seen you for two years, you seem to have become much stronger."

Li Fanggu frowned: "You and I have nothing to talk about."

Ling Duanyang smiled, looked at Yue Cuilian who was dying on the bed, and sighed: "Go and wake up Wei Wei, she can't hold on anymore."

Li Fanggu was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

Ling Duanyang pushed him aside, sat beside Yue Cuilian's bed, and held her right hand. Li Fanggu wanted to stop her, but was afraid that she would hurt Yue Cuilian. When he was hesitating, Ling Duanyang said, "Go and ask Wei Wei to come here." , otherwise she will not be able to catch up with her for the last time."

Li Fanggu knew that Ling Duanyang would not attack Yue Cuilian, and there was no need to attack a frail old man who was about to die, so why did Ling Duanyang come here?

A burst of black air emerged from Yue Cuilian's body, followed Ling Duanyang's hand, and sank into his body.Ling Duanyang closed his eyes, as if enduring boundless pain, he said with difficulty: "Go, time is running out."

Li Fanggu seemed to know what he was doing, he turned to look for Song Weiwei, Ling Duanyang stopped him.

"Don't tell Wei Wei that I've been here." Ling Duanyang raised his head and looked at him with pleading eyes, "Please."

Li Fanggu's heart trembled, Song Weiwei's speculation was true, Ling Duanyang's ruthlessness before was indeed just to push her away.

Why?What's wrong with Song Weiwei?Obviously he has an immortal body, why did he push Song Weiwei away again and again?

It seemed that he also liked Song Weiwei, and Jiang Hanhan also said that as long as Ling Duanyang was alive, he would definitely stay by Song Weiwei's side.If so, why?

He nodded and went to call Song Weiwei.

When the two stepped into Yue Cuilian's bedroom, Ling Duanyang was not there, but Yue Cuilian sat up looking very energetic, as if all the pain in her body had disappeared: "Wei Wei, you came just in time. Grandma just had a dream. When I took you to eat chestnuts fried with sugar, I suddenly wanted to eat chestnuts. Can you go and buy some for me?"

Seeing her expression, Li Fanggu had an ominous premonition in his heart, he quickly said: "Wei Wei, you stay with grandma, I'll buy it for you."

He ran out quickly, bought a pack as fast as he could and took it home. When he entered the room, Yue Cuilian peacefully closed his eyes and fell asleep.Song Weiwei sat on the edge of the bed with her head down, motionless.

Hearing his footsteps, Song Weiwei raised his head to look at him, and smiled as if losing his mind: "Xiaogu, no one will eat the fried chestnuts I bought from now on."

Everything was so abrupt that Yue Cuilian couldn't make it through.The wedding was cancelled, Song Chengxian was furious, and came to question Song Weiwei and Li Fanggu.

Song Weiwei finished Yue Cuilian's funeral in a calm manner, not even bothering to explain to Song Chengxian.

Song Weiwei simply and rudely ordered Song Chengxian not to ask any more questions, but when facing Song Weijie, he hesitated for a moment, and then beckoned him to come over.

Song Weijie found a rice noodle restaurant to invite him to dinner, Song Weijie was flattered.

"I remember that you liked rice noodles very much when you were in elementary school. I don't know if I remember it correctly." Song Weiwei took the recipe, "You can order whatever flavor you like. We haven't eaten together for a long time. I don't even know what your taste is. Heavy or light."

Song Weijie's legs were trembling nervously, and he even stammered when he spoke: "Whatever, whatever. Me, me, whatever."

Song Wei smiled: "Order a cross-bridge rice noodle, let's eat together. My siblings, you don't mind, do you?"

Song Weijie shook his head quickly.

Song Weiwei looked at the circles in his glasses and asked, "How many degrees are the glasses?"

"Eight...eight...eight Baidu." Song Weijie stumbled in his answer.

Song Weiwei sighed, lowered his head and took out the envelope Song Weijie gave her from his bag and pushed it over: "I'll give you this back. The fact that I married Li Fanggu is fake, and it's for comforting grandma."

Song Weijie was stunned, and then became excited: "How is it possible? Isn't it you and his child one by one? How could you have a fake marriage?"

He was too excited, so his voice was inevitably a little louder. Several people around looked over, and he quickly sat down and closed his mouth.

Song Wei smiled, and didn't mean to blame: "Li Fangu is my godbrother, I asked him for help. Yiyi is his child, it just happens to look like me, I borrowed it for use."

Song Weijie was shocked, as if he didn't believe it.

"That's the truth, believe it or not. Take the money back. You earned it so hard that you can keep it for yourself to buy a house and marry a wife."

The corner of Song Weijie's mouth was pulled down, staring at the envelope, and then pushed it over: "Whether you are married for real or fake, I owe you these. I can't take them back."

Song Weiwei sighed: "Song Weijie, you don't owe me. The family affairs have nothing to do with you. I'm not short of money now."

Song Weijie blushed, but couldn't speak.

"Song Weijie, listen carefully. I blamed you before, but now the misunderstanding between us has been resolved. Grandma is gone, and I have no relatives. But you are still at home willing to take the initiative to care for me. I am very happy. It is also very hard for you to make money, and now is the time when you need money, so you can take it back."

Song Weijie was unwilling to accept whatever he said, Song Weiwei hesitated whether to fiddle with the ring, and then he sighed and said: "Song Weijie, compared to this money, I should choose to get something else."

Song Weijie looked at her suspiciously.

"Until now, I haven't actually heard you call me 'sister' properly. You should call me now."

Song Weijie's face was flushed, and his mouth could hardly be opened.

Song Weiwei looked at him indifferently, with anticipation in his eyes, and finally, Song Weijie murmured, "Sister."

Song Wei smiled, feeling at a loss.

Grandma also left, Jiang Hanhan also left, and Song Weijie was not that close after all.Ling Duanyang doesn't need her, the world is so big, what should she do?

Jiang Hanhan wanted to live so much, but he left at such a young age.

She still has plenty of vitality, but she doesn't know what to do with herself.

what to do?

This year, it seems to be very bleak.Li Fanggu finally got over all his affairs, and he could go home with Duan Jinming to celebrate the New Year with Duan Yiyi, but he couldn't be happy anyway.

He thought, it must have been affected by the life and death experience he had experienced before.

But he didn't know how to deal with these negative emotions.Fortunately, Duan Jinming has been patiently explaining him by his side, without showing the slightest bit of impatience towards him.

He was always worried about Song Weiwei, afraid that she would miss her.As a result, on the night of the third day of the Lunar New Year, he received a call from Song Weiwei.

Song Weiwei's tone sounded cheerful and lively: "Li Fanggu, are you celebrating the New Year at home?"

Hearing her voice, Li Fanggu heaved a sigh of relief, and looked back at Duan Jinming, who was sitting on the sofa and telling stories to Duan Yiyi, his eyes were soft: "Yes, I'm back home. How about you?"

"Oh, I'm celebrating the New Year in my apartment. I just had dinner with Jin Zhicheng and Brother Yuan, and we enjoyed our meal." Song Weiwei seemed to be walking, her breath a little short.

"It's not authentic! Why don't you call me and Duan Jinming?" Li Fanggu complained.

Duan Jinming looked back at him, Li Fanggu winked at him.

"There's a lot of time, so you stay at home and spend time with your family. I'm embarrassed to take up so much of your time because of me." Song Weiwei smiled heartily.

"Sister, why do you sound in a good mood? Is there any good news?" Li Fanggu wondered, Song Weiwei seemed to be in a happy mood, as if something good had happened to her, could it be that Hua An did something to make her happy? matter?

"Oh, remember Yang Chuchu?" Song asked with a slight smile, "She just called me and said she was getting married."

Li Fanggu wondered, why is she so happy when someone else gets married?

"It's the New Year's Eve. When you hear good news, you should be happy. She invited me to a wedding banquet on the eighth day of the next month, and asked me to bring a boyfriend. Where can I rent a boyfriend?"

"You don't want me to pretend again, do you?" Li Fanggu complained.

Duan Jinming glanced at him, Li Fanggu's chrysanthemum tightened, this matter can't be endless.

Song Weiwei spat at him: "Fuck you, I won't do anything to a married man. Besides, if you want to save face, Ah Cheng's image will be much better than yours."

Li Fanggu was so depressed that he should be dismissed like this.

"I want to ask you, how about finding Hua An?" Song Weiwei stopped and asked him seriously.

"Hey, sister, are you willing to consider Hua An?" Li Fanggu was surprised.

Song Weiwei looked at the children running around on the street setting off fireworks, with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "People can't live in the past, I thought about it, maybe I should start over."

Li Fanggu breathed a sigh of relief, it's great that she can think so.

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