The strongest magician

Chapter 181 Mission

The four of them found a place to sit down in the hot pot city. Considering that Duan Yiyi was young and couldn't eat spicy food, they ordered a light bone soup base, and ordered a lot of dishes with meat and vegetables.

Duan Jinming filled half a bowl of red chili oil for himself, Li Fanggu leaned over to take a look, the corners of his mouth twitched, but he didn't speak.

Duan Yiyi sat on the baby chair, holding the watermelon juice tightly, and Fusu fed her while eating.

Li Fanggu asked with interest: "How did you feel about where you went to play this time?"

Fu Su scooped out a quail egg for Duan Yiyi and blew it carefully: "Go to Ningxia, go to the Sumeru Grottoes."

Duan Jinming raised his head with interest: "The Grottoes of Mount Sumeru?"

"Well, I hiked in the nearby forest for two days, and took a lot of photos, which will be sent to your mailbox later, so you can take a look."

Driven by Duan Jinming, several people were very interested in traveling, and they exchanged their experience of the places they had been to while eating. The meal was lively and the atmosphere was good.

What they chose was a small private room, each private room was separated by wooden boards, which was quite like a forest cabin.The fun is there, but the sound insulation effect is not very good.

During the meal break, Duan Yiyi clamored to go to the bathroom, clamoring for Fusu to take her there, leaving Duan Jinming and Li Fanggu eating silently.

Someone came from the private room next door. It seemed that they were two men. After they sat down, they started chatting. They were talking about some company matters.

Li Fanggu watched Duan Jinming eat the bright red chili, and his lips became moist and translucent, so he couldn't help licking the corners of his mouth.His lover looked so attractive that he couldn't help but want to kiss.However, if he really kissed him, the hot taste must be very ecstasy, so he retreated again.

Duan Jinming looked at his almost shining eyes, not knowing what he was thinking, seeing that Fusu hadn't come back, he grabbed his collar and pressed his lips against it.

Li Fanggu endured it bravely, and opened his mouth to accept the baptism of his tongue.Sure enough, it was a hot kiss, tears were almost forced out.

Duan Jinming kissed him for a while, let him go, and sent him back to his seat.

Li Fanggu was tearful, panting with his mouth open, trying to get rid of the spicy taste in his mouth.

The conversation direction of the two men next door suddenly changed.

"Well, I've always been curious about why you broke up with your ex-boyfriend, would you mind telling me?" one of the men asked.

Li Fanggu stopped immediately, it's human nature to like to listen to gossip, besides, it's better not to interrupt when people talk about such private things.

Duan Jinming raised his eyebrows to see his expression, turned his face in amused manner, and poured him a glass of warm water.

Another man's voice came: "Oh, there is nothing special about it, he is pure one, I am not pure zero, and my sex life is not harmonious."

"Cough", Li Fanggu choked up when he heard this answer, lowered his body and coughed.

Duan Jinming was angry and funny, telling you to listen to the corner of the wall, it's all over now, the retribution is coming.He patted him on the back to make him feel better.

Li Fanggu was going crazy, he could hear such explosive private words even after a meal.

The man next door obviously realized that someone had heard his words, so he stopped talking, and Li Fanggu could feel their embarrassment here.

After a while, Fusu came back with Duan Yiyi, and seeing them silent in a strange way, he gave them a strange look: "Have you finished eating?"

"It's almost there. You can eat some more, we're not in a hurry, just leave them to me." He stretched out his arms to hug Duan Yiyi, and Duan Yiyi reluctantly let go and crawled into his arms.

The three continued to chat for a while, and then Li Fanggu went out to pay the bill, and when they came back, they left the private room together.

When they came out, the two people next door also happened to come out together. They met each other and looked at each other in embarrassment. Without saying a word, they missed and left.

Fusu didn't find anything wrong, he was so attached to Duan Yiyi that he couldn't help it, so he took Duan Yiyi back to Zhou's house to rest at night.

Duan Jinming drove the two of them to the door, and then took Li Fanggu home.

Li Fanggu recalled what he had just heard in the box, and laughed sullenly.

Duan Jinming parked the car in the parking space and glanced at him: "What are you laughing at?"

Li Fanggu came over: "The sex life is not harmonious..."

Duan Jinming also laughed.He opened the car door and was about to get out of the car, but was grabbed by Li Fanggu and sat back.

Li Fanggu climbed over the seat and sat on his lap. The driver's seat was not very spacious, and it was very crowded with two big men.

Duan Jinming showed an expression of great interest, what is this kid going to do?

Li Fanggu stroked his eyebrows and eyes, felt his breath in the dark, and said, "Duan Jinming, we are quite harmonious, right?"

With a smile on the corner of Duan Jinming's mouth, he felt his lips close, and his cheek rubbed against him intimately.

His lips parted slightly, waiting for his kiss.But after waiting for a long time, Li Fanggu just lingered on his face with an ambiguous breath, and never kissed him on the mouth.

Duan Jinming squinted, the child was whetting his appetite, although this kind of ambiguous feeling is not bad, but he prefers to order directly.

He held Li Fanggu's face with both hands, and was about to kiss it forcibly, but Li Fanggu turned his face away, smiled happily, opened the car door, slid out of the car, and ran upstairs by himself.

Duan Jinming held his forehead and waited until he got home to deal with him.

Duan Jinming returned to the door of the house, the door was ajar, he pulled it open, and stretched out a hand from inside, dragging him in, and then the door was closed.

Li Fanggu pressed him against the wall, his lips slid up against his chin, lingered around his face, and finally landed on his slightly parted lips, the flexible tip of his tongue slipped into his mouth, vigorously stirring.Duan Jinming responded to him eagerly, putting his hand on his shoulder.

Li Fanggu's kiss slid down to his chin, then he opened his mouth, bit him, the bite was very light, not painful at all, leaving only the touch of the tip of his tongue, and then along his chin, slid to his On the Adam's apple, circle it up and down.

Duan Jinming panted comfortably, his hands slid down his shoulders to hug his flexible waist, his warm hands picked up his cotton-padded jacket, opened his knitted sweater, and stroked his skin.

Li Fanggu slid his hands to his hips, and when he exerted force on his hands, Duan Jinming's whole body was lifted up and pressed against the wall tightly.

Li Fanggu raised his head and kissed him, motioning for his legs to be wrapped around his waist, sticking to him very tightly, and then rubbed against him up and down, and after a while, the two of them became hard together.

The room was dark, with no lights, only the intimate breath of the two entangled each other.All kinds of senses become extremely sensitive, and the lover's rapid panting is transmitted to the ears, which is particularly aphrodisiac.

There was a clear sound of water stains in the room, loudly imprinted on the eardrums, Li Fanggu kissed his lover's neck, chirping again and again, and said muffledly: "Duan Jinming, I originally wanted you to come all this time, but I don't think I can take it. Let me be up there tonight, okay?"

The corner of Duan Jinming's mouth curled up, as expected he couldn't hold it back anymore, he knew it.During this period of time, the child obediently tolerated him, and today he finally succeeded.

"Come if you want," he bit Li Fanggu's earlobe, and teased him with the tip of his tongue, "otherwise I'm afraid that our sex life will not be harmonious."

Li Fanggu let out a muffled laugh, Duan Jinming lowered his head and bit his Adam's apple, feeling the vibrations from above, tingling into his heart.

After the clothes were taken off, Li Fanggu finally turned on the switch, hugged him and kissed while entering the living room to touch the remote control to turn on the air conditioner.

"Take a bath first." Duan Jinming whispered in his ear panting.

Li Fanggu nodded and entered the bathroom with him.

After hastily washing his body and doing a good job of cleaning, Li Fanggu walked out of the bathroom with Duan Jinming in his arms.The living room wasn't very warm yet, Li Fanggu's skin was aroused by the cold, and he shivered all over.

Duan Jinming let out a muffled laugh, Li Fanggu looked at his smile, and entangled him like punishment.The two fell on the sofa in the living room.

At night, there was a rustling sound from the glass, and Li Fanggu raised his head sleepily, got up from Duan Jinming's arms, and opened the curtain to look out.

Duan Jinming stood up and asked what was wrong, Li Fanggu was stunned for a moment, then turned to tell him: "It's raining."

The drizzle was flying like a cow's hair under the reflection of the street lamps.

Haizhou has not had snow for many years. Although this winter is extremely cold and dry, there is no snow.It's rare that it's raining now, and there are still some snowflakes in the rain, which seems to be sleet.

Li Fanggu put down the curtains and slipped into Duan Jinming's arms. The warmth of his lover's body instantly drove away the coldness in the room.

After getting into the bed, Li Fangu tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. I don't know if it was because of the dry air, or because of the exhaustion after the night's indulgence.

Duan Jinming sensed that he was in a bad mood, turned on the light, and reached out to smooth his frowning brows: "What's wrong with you?"

Li Fanggu simply sat up and gathered his messy bangs with his hands: "I don't know, I just feel very irritable, always feel like something is going to happen."

Duan Jinming touched his neck, he didn't think it was nonsense.He knew that Li Fanggu sometimes had amazing premonitions, but he didn't know what was going to happen this time.

Li Fanggu sat up, feeling more and more irritable, Duan Jinming leaned on the bedside to accompany him silently, without the slightest impatience.

Thinking that Duan Jinming would go to the company the next day, Li Fanggu kissed him on the forehead guiltily: "Go to bed first, maybe I'll go to the balcony to smoke a cigarette."

Duan Jinming nodded: "The clothes are ready, it's cold outside."

Li Fanggu nodded, got dressed, turned on the light for him, walked to the balcony by himself, lit a cigarette, took a puff, and let the cigarette burn quietly between his fingers.

What exactly is going on?How could there be such an ominous premonition?It seems that Yan Jinghe felt the same way the night he saw him for the last time.

Is it...?

Who is this time?

He got up irritably and began to pace, and at the corner of his eyes sensitively saw a black shadow slipping out of the street lamp, it was a monster.

He stubbed out the cigarette, turned around and prepared to go out to catch up, but saw Duan Jinming already dressed, sitting in the living room waiting for him.

As soon as his heart became hot, Duan Jinming didn't ask him, and went out with him, holding the car keys in his hand.

Li Fanggu summoned West Wind and let it chase after the monster in the direction where the monster left. Duan Jinming drove the car and followed closely along the way.

The more he walked forward, the more Li Fanggu's heart sank. This direction was clearly the direction of Song Weiwei's home.

Yue Cuilian's spirit became worse and worse, and she often fell into a coma.Song Weiwei didn't have any distractions, so she set up a folding bed beside her, and when she was free, she would lean on it with her clothes on and squint for a while.

That night, she woke up from her dream and saw the phone flashing. She took it over and saw a familiar number on it.

It's Jiang Hanhan.

Jiang Hanhan's voice sounded strange in the silent night.

"Wei Wei, I'm on the road downstairs from your house, do you have time to come down? I have something to give you."

Song Weiwei was startled, looked at the sleeping Yue Cuilian, and tiptoed out.

When she got downstairs, she realized that it was raining, but it wasn't raining heavily, so she didn't care, so she put on the hat on the padded jacket and walked towards the road outside the community.

Jiang Hanhan stood quietly under the street lamp, and the shadow behind him was elongated strangely by the street lamp, almost extending to the boundless sky.

Song Weiwei looked at her, her heart was sore, this time it was too obvious, Jiang Hanhan had a strange aura all over her body, and there was also a death aura so thick that it couldn't be concealed.

What's wrong with her?So what happened?

Jiang Hanhan's face was dead pale, watching Song Weiwei getting closer and closer under the rain, she smiled sadly and said, "Weiwei, I'm here to say goodbye to you."

Song Weiwei's lips trembled: "Hanhan, what happened to you?"

Jiang Hanhan looked at her, but didn't answer her question: "Where is Ling Duanyang? Do you know Weiwei?"

Song Weiwei was taken aback, how could she know Ling Duanyang?How did she know that Song Weiwei knew Ling Duanyang?

Jiang Hanhan looked at her indifferently: "Wei Wei, this is the last thing I want to do. I have something to give to Ling Duanyang. Someone told me that if I find you, I can find Ling Duanyang, because you are a Yin priest."

Song Weiwei was even more surprised, and was about to step forward to ask, when a person walked out from the shadows, seeing him, Song Weiwei stared at him fixedly, almost couldn't believe that he would appear here.

Ling Duanyang came out of the shadows with a smile: "I know what you are going to give me, bring it here."

Seeing him, Jiang Hanhan asked uncertainly: "Are you Ling Duanyang?" She turned her face to Song Weiwei, asking for her opinion.

Song Weiwei gritted her teeth and spat out with difficulty: "Yes, he is Ling Duanyang."

A car drove by not far away, Duan Jinming got out of the car and leaned over with Li Fanggu.Seeing Ling Duanyang appear, they were also taken aback for a moment.

Hearing Song Weiwei's affirmation, Jiang Hanhan smiled relievedly, and said: "The old man of Menghun Island asked me to send back the things you entrusted to him for safekeeping. The passage between the demon world and the human world has been destroyed. If you want to send things over, you have to use Something special."

Although Li Fanggu didn't quite understand, he immediately understood what happened to her. It seemed that someone used death to build a passage in order to send something from the demon world. The monster he chased before seemed to be the murderer of death.

Jiang Hanhan continued: "During this period of time, I have hurt many people, and I feel very guilty. But I am also willing to deliver the things."

Song Weiwei's lips are trembling, what do you mean?what is going on?Isn't Jiang Hanhan an ordinary person?How could she get involved in these things?

Jiang Hanhan turned his face to the sky, and said lightly: "Wei Wei, I started to have chest pain a year ago. I didn't take it seriously at first because I was young. By the time I went to the hospital, it was already too late, and I was diagnosed with breast cancer." Cancer. The doctor said to give me chemotherapy and surgery. Even so, the chances of a cure are slim.”

Song Weiwei felt a pain in her heart, sure enough.Jiang Hanhan is still so young, why!She bit her lip tightly, her face turning pale.

"I'm so unwilling. I haven't lived enough. I'm so focused on my work that I don't even have a boyfriend. Maybe you don't believe me, but when I entered school, I was full of enthusiasm. Although I was tired from work, I get up early and go to bed late every day, the students are disobedient, and the parents are not cooperative, but after I have worked for several years, some students who have already set foot on the job come back to see me and tell me that they are very grateful for what I have done to them in high school. It's all worth the pain."

"I am so serious, so serious about living, but God doesn't take care of me." Jiang Hanhan's tears slid down, "I am not reconciled, so reconciled! My parents, they have always loved me, and I haven't had time to do something for them What, let them send the white-haired people to the black-haired people, I feel so sorry for them."

Almost all the people present had experienced it. For a moment, they felt that their hearts were so blocked that no one opened their mouths to speak.

"Later, for some reason, I found that I had a different ability. One day, a colleague came to visit me. I held her hand and wept bitterly. She came to comfort me. I felt a strange power go along with me. I saw her hand flow into my body, and after that, I went to the hospital for a follow-up examination, and the doctor said that my condition has improved. I am very happy, can you imagine that feeling?" Jiang Hanhan rinsed his tears, looking Looking at Song Weiwei: "I want to live."

Song Weiwei calmly said, "What happened to that colleague of yours?"

The brilliance on Jiang Hanhan's face faded: "Shortly after, she went to the hospital and was diagnosed with leukemia. She died after two months without support." She smiled bitterly: "I'm such an asshole, am I? Depriving others of their lives to prolong themselves Yes. At first I was afraid, doubtful, fearful, timid, and deeply guilty, but none of these were worth the desire to live. I didn’t dare to lay hands on people I knew well, and I started wandering around Everywhere, select people who don’t know. After killing several young people who are about my age in a row, I regret it. They went there at a young age. What about their parents and family members? So I changed my goal , and began to look for the elderly to start with."

Li Fanggu was taken aback, and looked at Song Weiwei.

Song Weiwei's lips trembled violently: "My grandma..."

"I'm sorry, Weiwei, I didn't know that old man was your grandmother. I really didn't know." Jiang Hanhan looked at her tearfully, "I chatted with your grandmother for a while that day, when I was about to leave, She suddenly said that she has a granddaughter who is about the same age as me, and her name is Song Weiwei, and I only found out at that time that she is your grandmother." She covered her face and knelt down in collapse, "I'm sorry, Wei Wei. You I told me that your grandma is your only family member, I really didn’t mean it! Really! I wish I could go back in time, if I could go back in time, I would definitely not do that.”

Song Weiwei took two steps back, her face was ashen, she had already guessed this point, but she still found it hard to accept Jiang Hanhan's own confession, her best friend killed her only family member.

Li Fanggu looked at her worriedly, and then looked at Ling Duanyang, who was silent all the time.Ling Duanyang stood with his back to the street lamp, no one could see the expression on his face clearly.

"Wei Wei, you came to see me that day, do you know?" Jiang Hanhan looked at Song Wei Wei with a choked sob, "I saw the vitality in your body, luxuriant like a towering tree, you know how hard I endured so I didn't absorb it Your life? I kept looking at you in the kitchen, and I thought, we are best friends, I have already hurt your family, I can't hurt you again. I dare not face you again, so, I spent the night Moved away, just thinking about going as far as possible.”

Li Fanggu interrupted: "Then Xiaoye from Huahai Electronics, why did you harm her? Didn't you only pick on the elderly? She is still so young."

Jiang Hanhan froze for a moment, and the rain patted her cheek coldly, making her face extremely pale: "There are not enough old people. Their vitality is already scarce, and absorbing their life is not enough to support me to complete the task."

Li Fanggu frowned: "What mission?"

Jiang Hanhan took one last look at Song Weiwei, wiped away the tears on his face, and walked towards Ling Duanyang: "Just a few days ago, I heard a revelation, someone whispered in my ear, asking me to give something to Ling Duanyang, Only when the things are delivered can I wash away the sins all over my body. I don’t know who Ling Duanyang is, but that voice tells me that if I find Song Weiwei, I can find Ling Duanyang, because as long as Ling Duanyang is still alive, he will definitely guard Song Weiwei around."

Song Weiwei looked up at Ling Duanyang incredulously, Ling Duanyang's mouth curled up, but he didn't respond.

"Sure enough, I found the real master." Jiang Hanhan stopped, and the shadows behind him spread out in an instant, stretching towards the feet of several people.

Li Fanggu felt cold all over, and felt as if he was standing on solid ice that would not melt for thousands of years.

Jiang Hanhan squatted down, stretched his hands into the dark and cold ground, and dragged something out of it desperately.After a while, a square object floated out of the ground and slowly entered the field of vision of several people.

As more and more parts of the box were exposed, Jiang Hanhan's face became more and more terrifying. Finally, she held the whole box in her hands and handed it to Ling Duanyang, her voice was so weak that it was almost unrecognizable: "Ling Duanyang , the old man of Menghun Island said: The things have been delivered, but luckily the mission is fulfilled, please accept it.”

Ling Duanyang sighed and took the box with both hands.

Jiang Hanhan smiled hollowly, and slowly slid down.

Song Weiwei woke up like a dream, ran over to catch her, and cried in a low voice: "No, Hanhan, don't. Hold on, don't go! You can't go!"

Jiang Hanhan fell into Song Weiwei's arms, her face was dead gray, she looked at Song Weiwei, full of guilt: "I'm sorry, Weiwei. Please forgive me, I really didn't mean it."

Song Weiwei's tears fell drop by drop, hitting her face, her lips moved, but she didn't speak.

Jiang Hanhan looked at her, saw her nodding, finally smiled with relief, and slowly closed her eyes: "I'm really, really reconciled...not reconciled..."

Her body quickly became cold, and she slowly lost her breath.

Song Weiwei was stunned on the ground, the rain gradually became heavier, and the raindrops fell on her body. She hugged Jiang Hanhan motionlessly, as if she had already petrified.

There was a void in Li Fanggu's heart, his heart was pulled hard, and the pain was so unbearable, he walked to Song Weiwei's side, looked at her face like a wax figure, and couldn't bear to say: "Sister, she is dead, I will send her Hospital. You should go back too, don't stay here, this's too cold..."

Ling Duanyang stood there quietly holding the box, without saying a word.

Song Weiwei turned to him stiffly: "Why Hanhan? She is my only friend."

Ling Duanyang turned his face sideways, and after a while, he turned around and laughed. Li Fanggu felt that the bright smile on his face was so dazzling that he wished to beat him up hard.

"Wei Wei, why do you attract ordinary people by your side? There is a reason why Jiang Hanhan was chosen. Her fortune was changed by me as early as the moment I met you. I put her by your side just for On this day, you fell in love with someone who has nothing to do with you."

Li Fanggu was extremely angry, Ling Duanyang did this, it was too beastly!Is it that fun to play with people's lives?What is it for?Ling Duanyang sacrificed so many people just for these boxes, what are these boxes?Is it that important?

Song Weiwei shivered as if struck by lightning, and then seemed to be unable to stop, as if she had just realized the cold weather, and shivered.

Ling Duanyang looked at her with a smile, as if looking at someone unrelated: "Stupid, useless and cowardly apprentice, Wei Wei, you always cry so much, you can't learn to be strong. Really, I'm so sad." He knelt down in front of Song Weiwei, and wiped away the tears on her face with his hand, "It's really annoying to cry so much all the time."

Li Fanggu couldn't stand it anymore, stepped forward and grabbed him by the collar, reaching out to beat him up.

"Xiaogu, stop!" Song Weiwei stopped him, Li Fanggu's fist stopped near Ling Duanyang's mouth, looked at his indifferent smile, and pushed him away bitterly.

"Xiaogu, help me send Hanhan back together. The rain is so heavy, she will be cold." Song Weiwei lowered her head and hugged Jiang Hanhan when she got up. When she got up, she staggered, but she still hugged her friend firmly in the crook of the arm.

She walked past Ling Duanyang, stopped for a moment, and turned her face towards him: "Goodbye, master." After she finished speaking, she walked towards Duan Jinming's car with Li Fanggu without looking back.

Ling Duanyang stood quietly in the rain with the box in his hand. Duan Jinming's car had been away for a long time, and he didn't even move.

Lu Zhen came out from the darkness, looked at his statue-like figure, and sighed: "Jiang Hanhan was just an accident, why would you take the blame on yourself and hurt her like this!"

Ling Duanyang raised his face from the darkness and smiled: "If you're not so heartless, how could she let me go and live her own life. Anyway, it's impossible to be with her, so why not hurry up and cut everything off."

Lu Zhen looked into the darkness, and said quietly for a while: "Ling Duanyang, you are so good, you have the heart to cut everything off. I know that I will be separated from Ah Cheng sooner or later, but I am still greedy for his feelings. Maybe I I should be like you, cut off this relationship as soon as possible, and bid farewell to Ah Cheng."

Ling Duanyang smiled brightly: "Treasure it, you are not so desperate."

Lu Zhen sighed, and then punched him with a fast fist: "Stop laughing, it's uglier than crying."

Ling Duanyang fell to the ground and closed his eyes watching Yusi hit his face all over his face.

It's so cold, the rain in's so cold!

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