Song Weiwei didn't move when she saw the shadow rushing towards her. She swung the meteor hammer, but the hammer hit her back.

Xiao Jing snorted, and said: "The little girl has good eyesight." His figure flickered, the shadow in front of Song Weiwei disappeared, and there was a strange noise behind him, Xiao Jing's figure appeared, turned away, and avoided Song Weiwei's Meteor hammer.

Song Weiwei's footsteps staggered on the spot, his body rotated, the shadows of the meteor hammer protected his body, and then he slammed down, Xiao Jing let out another cry, his figure staggered and disappeared, and appeared in front of Song Weiwei again, flying back go out.

Song gasped slightly, amber light flashed in his eyes, Xiao Jing's figure was clearly visible in her eyes, but her movements couldn't keep up with her eyes.The power in her body was running wild, and she needed a quick fix.

Xiao Jing was giggling, and rushed forward again, a diamond-shaped light flashed between Song Weiwei's eyebrows, and the meteor hammer cut out with a light blade like lightning, Xiao Jing's laughter stopped, and his body was split in two Falling down halfway through the air, the streets were covered in blood.

Song Weiwei was about to throw a meteor hammer to hit his shadow, when there was a sharp pain in her body, the meridians in her whole body seemed to stir at the same time in an instant, she couldn't help but groaned and knelt down on the ground, watching Xiao Jing's shadow slip away.

Can't let him go!That is the enemy who killed Teacher Li Fanggu!Song Wei Wei trembled all over, endured the pain and got up, his eyes caught Xiao Jing's shadow sliding across the street corner, and then, the shadow suddenly stopped.

A furry paw pressed against Xiao Jing's shadow, the shadow struggled desperately, but couldn't escape.

what is that?Song Weiwei was stunned, for a moment it seemed that the pain in her body was forgotten, because the scene was too funny.

The furry paw pulled back, and the shadow hissed, making a sound like fingernails scratching a blackboard. Not long after, a large swath of black spread from the shadow, and the entire street corner turned into a dark patch in a short while .

The furry claws stretched out again, and slapped the shadow fiercely. The shadow twitched twice, and all the black mist gathered in the shadow in a swirling shape, and the street became clear again.

The furry paw slapped again, the shadow twisted twice like a twist, and then dissipated in a puff of black smoke.

"Unfortunately, this shadow is not tasty." A voice said so, and then a Labrador turned out from the corner of the street.

Song Weiwei knelt down on the ground, dumbfounded, she said that it was Fang Sheng, it turned out to be Bai Fang.

White Fang walked towards her, his furry body deformed in the air, his face became hideous and majestic.When it walked in front of Song Weiwei, it had already recovered its original appearance.

Song Weiwei felt a huge pressure coming, forcing her to hang her head, unable to look directly at him.

Yazi's voice was majestic and low: "Master Yinsi, my master asked me to ask if you have time to sit down and talk."

Song Weiwei asked with a difficult tone: "Is it Zhou Qi?"

Yazi's eyes were shining, and he looked down at her condescendingly: "Yes, and no."

Song Weiwei's internal strength was restless, and there was the coercion of Yazi's power on his body, the two forces collided, dizziness and tinnitus, and he almost couldn't stand up.

A slender and strong hand supported her, and a voice came from above her like a clear spring: "Miss Song, it's cold on the ground, let's get up and talk."

That voice was like the sound of heaven, and immediately drove away all discomfort.Song Weiwei raised his head to look at the owner of the hand. That person has a pair of gentle and affectionate eyes, and his right hand hangs limply by his side. It is Zhou Qi...

No, she immediately denied it, because that person's eyes clearly reflected her own shadow, and the light from the street lamp hit his eyes, reflecting a faint yellow light spot, this person's eyes could clearly see of.

Yazi leaned down and called out respectfully, "Master."

Song Weiwei's heart beat like a drum, the person in front of her was clearly another person in Zhou Qi's body, who was this person?Isn't Bai Fang only worshiping Zhou Qi?Why would you call someone else the master?

"It's okay, I'm indeed Zhou Qi, but I'm usually in a deep sleep." Zhou Qi said with a faint smile, "The only ones who know about my existence are Bai Ya and Ayang, and even Zhou Qi herself doesn't know my existence. You'd be surprised I can understand that too."

Song Weiwei's thoughts turned, she let go of his hand and stood, looked into his eyes, there were countless images coming, she felt as if she understood a lot of things, but she seemed to receive nothing.She couldn't say what she saw specifically, but felt that the power flowing around in her body had finally found the right track, the pain in her body was soothed, and the restlessness was calmed down...

After a long time, Zhou Qi closed her eyes, blood dripped from the corners of her eyes, and fell to the ground tick-tock.

Song Weiwei woke up like a dream, she swayed to catch Zhou Qi's fallen body.

Zhou Qi closed her eyes and said weakly: "Don't worry, I use the power of a human body, which exceeds the load of my body, and I can recover after a little rest. I know you still have questions in your heart, so just ask."

Song Weiwei took out a handkerchief from his pocket, gently wiped away the blood for him, restored his fair face, and asked cautiously: "Who are you?"

Zhou Qi chuckled: "Didn't you say that, I am Zhou Qi. Maybe, you can call me 'Sky Eye'. Help me to sit on the side of the road, we can have a good chat."

Shocked, Song Weiwei walked to the bench by the side of the road and sat down while supporting his body.Yazi returned to his Labrador appearance, lying at Zhou Qi's feet and wagging his tail.

Song Weiwei felt that there were a lot of questions stuck in her heart, and she couldn't wait to ask them out, but it was messy and unreasonable, and she didn't know how to ask.

She hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Since I am the reincarnation of Yin Si, why does Lu Zhen always have memories of his previous life, but I can't remember anything?"

Zhou Qi hummed, and said, "I knew you would ask this. 500 years ago, Zhou Yu led people into Xiao's house, and you, Ling Duanyang, and Lu Zhen went straight to the inner core. As a result, you were seriously injured by the inner core. Almost lost your soul, and the inner core was also severely damaged, so the Xiao family has been in peace for so many years. Ling Duanyang took your remnant soul to the underworld, and it was Huozhao who used the ghost energy in the underworld to raise your soul, so that you can be reincarnated. Can you do this in this life? It’s not easy to be a normal person, let alone the memory of the previous life.”

When Song Weiwei saw that he actually called the Underworld Lord by his name, his heart was even more turbulent. What is the identity of this person?She had a vague guess in her heart, but she wasn't sure.

"How could the Lord of the Underworld be willing to..." The origin of ghost energy in the underworld?That is the treasure of the underworld, does Ling Duanyang have that much face?

Zhou Qi seemed to be able to see through her thoughts, and said: "According to Ling Duanyang's status, even Huozhao must sell his face. You don't need to ask more about who he is, why don't you change the question."

"Why did Ling Duanyang do it for me...?" She wanted to ask, did Ling Duanyang also have a place for her in her heart?If so, why push her away?If not, why did he owe such a big favor and save her?Who is Huozhao?Huozhao never does things for free. Lu Zhen also mentioned at the beginning that Ling Duanyang paid a price. Why?Is she not good enough?So Ling Duanyang only gave her expectations, but never let her get close?

Zhou Qi sighed, with a pitiful expression on her face, and said: "At the beginning, if you hadn't stood in front of him, then Ling Duanyang should have died. In this world, if anyone can kill him, it must be the core of the Xiao family." belongs."

Song Weiwei's face turned pale, and then she laughed out loud, so it's like this?It turned out to be just like this...

Song Weiwei's mind was in a mess, and the questions that were usually buried in her heart seemed to have disappeared. She looked at Zhou Qi with expectant and fearful eyes, and asked, "Ling Duanyang, when can you be resurrected?"

Zhou Qi smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth: "You are really smart." He turned his face away, as if he could feel Song Weiwei's infinite expectation with his eyes closed, and he could understand Song Weiwei's mood. After a while, he said: "Ling Duanyang, his There is a curse on his body. Anyone who is close to him will have a good end, without exception. Wei Wei, even if it is me, I still want to advise you, let go of what should be let go."

Song Wei smiled, her eyes were red, but she didn't say anything.

"I'm not omniscient, and my strength is not enough to resist Qing Heng." Zhou Qi couldn't wait for her question for a long time, and took the initiative to answer the question in her heart.

Song Weiwei was startled, she thought about asking him why he didn't make a move when Qing Heng appeared before, but it was just thinking in her heart, she didn't expect him to take the initiative to answer.

"However, one day..." Zhou Qi smiled, with a sigh-like expression on her face.

Bai Fang stuck out her tongue and licked his hand, Zhou Qi smiled lightly, stroked its head, and said to Song Weiwei: "Yinsi, although you still bear this name, you don't have to do anything It's because Ling Duanyang has already chosen a successor for you. Although he didn't tell you, you should understand that he hopes you can let go of everything in the past and live a good life now. "

Song Weiwei was in a trance for a while, the successor has been chosen for her?What a considerate master...

She closed her eyes with a miserable smile and said, "I see. I will seriously consider it."

Zhou Qi smiled sadly, she is really a stubborn girl, she talked about thinking about it, but in fact she never thought of giving up in her heart.

Feeling dizzy, Zhou Qi supported her forehead and said, "My time is up..."

Song Weiwei was anxious, and quickly asked: "Where is Ah Cheng? The devilish energy in Ah Cheng..."

Zhou Qi's tone lowered slowly: "Lu Zhen will tell you..."

Lu Zhen?Lu Zhen is dead.

Song Weiwei was anxious, and watched Zhou Qi's body fall, Bai Fang recovered his original shape, caught his body, carried him on his back, and said: "Miss Yinsi, I'm going to take the master back. Tonight Please keep it a secret."

Song Weiwei nodded blankly, deeply regretting that she only cared about her own affairs, she thought that Zhou Qi had a lot of time, so she didn't solve Jin Zhicheng's problem at the same time.

"Miss Yinsi, don't worry, Lu Zhen is still alive, he will give you instructions. Goodbye!" Yazi jumped into the air, after a few jumps, his figure disappeared.

Song Weiwei sat on the bench in a daze, what happened tonight was too unimaginable, she never thought that Zhou Qi's identity was so difficult.Now that I have received his revelation, my doubts have not been alleviated, on the contrary they have become more serious.

The world is so big and there are so many secrets, how strong and powerful a person must be to bear so many secrets alone?

give up?If only it were that easy to do...

The next day, Li Fanggu drove to Song Weiwei's house, called her to go downstairs, and drove her to find Jin Zhicheng.

Song Weiwei got in the car and sat down, rubbed her red eyes and said, "Xiaogu, I ran into Xiao Jing last night."

Li Fanggu looked at her in disbelief.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I killed him, including the shadow and the main body..." Song Weiwei began to fabricate lies, "And, thanks to him, in the end, I finally managed to use my power proficiently, pushing those restless forces back They're on track. So, now I'm fine and you don't have to worry about it."

Li Fanggu was excited, his eyes turned red, great, Yan Jinghe's revenge was avenged, and Song Weiwei's problem was also solved!It's a pity that he didn't do it himself.But if it was him who took the shot, he would definitely not be sure about dealing with Xiao Jing.It was still Song Weiwei who was so powerful that he was able to kill Xiao Jing with his hands without getting hurt.

"Sister, something is wrong. If people from the Xiao family want to be reborn, shouldn't they go through the core? The core is now sealed, Xiao Jing just died the day before yesterday, how did he get reborn so quickly?" Li Fanggu frowned and asked.

Song Weiwei analyzed: "Xiaogu, I thought about it all night last night, and I don't quite understand it. But I think, maybe someone will give us the answer."

Li Fanggu looked at her puzzled, who would know the answer?Could it be Zhou Liang?

He acted immediately, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Zhou Liang's number.

After two calls, Zhou Liang answered the phone lazily: "Xiao Li, what's the matter?"

"Uncle, there is something I want to ask you." Li Fanggu told him the matter quickly, and then asked, "Do you know what's going on?"

"Li Fangu, do you think I'm an encyclopedia?" Zhou Liang muttered, "I'm in jail now, you have to consider my situation. If I've seen the scene, I can probably guess it, just listen to you, I don't understand either."

Li Fanggu smiled sheepishly, Song Weiwei frowned thoughtfully, and asked, "Zhou Liang, where's your second brother?"

"Brother Qi fell ill. He probably didn't close the window when he slept last night. He has a headache today and can't even get out of bed." Zhou Liang replied irritably. He wanted to visit Zhou Qi very much, but unfortunately he couldn't even get out of the house.

Li Fanggu immediately understood why it sounded like Zhou Liang was in a bad mood.He hurriedly comforted him: "It's okay, uncle, it's just a headache and a cold, uncle is taking care of him."

Song Weiwei also felt quite embarrassed that she still had to bother him at this time, she pondered for a moment, and motioned for Li Fanggu to ask about Jin Zhicheng, Li Fanggu blinked knowingly, and asked: "Uncle, what I asked about you yesterday, Have you figured out a solution?"

Zhou Liang snorted and said, "Wait a minute, someone has come looking for me. I can't figure it out right now. If you're in a hurry, go and look in my study in Haizhou. Maybe you can find some clues. Later I'll tell you again."

Li Fanggu looked at the hastily hung up phone and thought, who would have such a big face to make Zhou Liang, who has always been ignorant of others, answer so attentively?He slightly shrugged his shoulders towards Song, and Song slightly sighed.

Li Fanggu drove her to Jin Zhicheng's apartment to look for him. When passing by a high-end villa area, Song Weiwei let out a surprise.

Li Fanggu asked her what was wrong with his eyes.

Song Weiwei told him about chasing the demon last night, and then said: "It's so strange. I just thought that the demon should have entered this villa area, but the breath was cut off here, and I couldn't chase it down. But that is definitely an evil monster, the person who died yesterday should be its hands."

Li Fanggu's expression turned serious, and he asked, "Sister, are you sure? That demon disappeared here?"

Song Weiwei snorted and said, "That's right, although I was a little confused at that time, the aura was not wrong." Seeing Li Fanggu's worried face, she asked, "What's wrong with you, with such a solemn expression?"

Li Fanggu frowned and said, "My family lives here."

Song Weiwei was startled: "What?" She then remembered that Li Fanggu was also a rich second-generation young master, and now he has been living in Zhou's house, and she had forgotten his original identity.

"It's okay, with Uncle General at home, that monster shouldn't be so bold to harass my house. I'll go and have a look at my house when I come back after seeing Ah Cheng."

Song Weiwei nodded. On the way, she suddenly mentioned: "Xiaogu, you said that if Lu Zhen is still alive, he will definitely have a way to solve Ah Cheng's problems."

Li Fanggu looked at her and said, "Sister, you are all thousand-year-old monsters, and I am the most useless one. But I also agree with you, if Lu Zhen is here, Ah Cheng's problems will definitely be solved." The point is, Lu Zhen is indeed still alive, but he doesn't know when he will wake up.

If the eldest brother of the Jin family had a way to wake up Lu Zhen, he might have sent the news over.It seems that waiting for Lu Zhen to wake up is unrealistic.

Song Weiwei also sighed, took out the phone and called Jin Zhicheng, telling him that they were on their way to his house, but unfortunately the phone rang a lot, but no one answered it.

"Don't worry, sister, maybe Ah Cheng is taking a shower. We've already passed anyway, and it's not too far away." Li Fanggu saw her irritated expression, so he comforted her.

Song Weiwei felt uneasy, she gritted her teeth and said, "Xiaogu, drive faster, I think something happened to Ah Cheng."


Zhou Liang rushed to the door and saw Jin Shuyan who was visiting.

"Have you visited Brother Qi? How is he doing now?" Zhou Liang rubbed his hands anxiously, wanting to leave here to see Zhou Qi, but unfortunately he could only wait for someone else to deliver the message for him.

"I went to see him just now, don't worry, Xiao Qi just has a little fever. Now the fever has subsided, and Chang Geng is taking care of him." Seeing his concerned expression, Jin Shuyan comforted him gently.

"That's good, I really want to rush to him and take care of him." Zhou Liang exhaled, looked at the lunch box in Jin Shuyan's hand, and showed an expectant expression.Today is another meal delivered by him. Brother Yu seems to be too busy and has no time to cook.But Youqie's cooking is also delicious, and he is his sweetheart, picky eaters and so on at this time have long been forgotten by him.

Jin Shuyan smiled, sat on the ground, handed in the lunch box, and said, "Chang Geng has been very busy these days, but I have been resting and recuperating, and I have nothing to do, so let me deliver the lunch for these few days." .”

Zhou Liang nodded with a smile, and couldn't wait to open the lunch box.

Today is also very rich: vermicelli baby dishes, shredded eggplant, celery chicken, arctic shrimp in honey vinegar, and a mustard soup with shrimps.Jin Shuyan's taste is bland, and the dishes he cooks are mainly bland, but Zhou Liang thinks that no matter what he eats, it is delicious and has endless aftertaste.

Seeing that he was eating happily, Jin Shuyan's mood was infected unconsciously, and a smile was stained on the brows.

Zhou Liang was very obedient, he ate all the soup, then tidied up the lunch box and said, "Well, I'm sorry to trouble you all the time. Is there anything I can do for you? You're welcome. , Just tell me directly."

Jin Shuyan was stunned for a moment, took back the lunch box, frowned slightly, and said, "Recently, there is really an unsolvable matter that I want to trouble you with. Ah Cheng was attacked by the demonic energy that killed Guanghuang in Guanghuang City. , can’t be excreted from the body. I have been thinking about it recently, but I can’t find a way. Chang Geng said that you are very knowledgeable, so I think maybe you will know.”

Zhou Liang murmured in his heart, thinking, why did he do this for this matter, what a coincidence.

He was silent for a while, and said: "Yesterday Li Fangu also asked me this question. I thought about it all night. There are several methods I can try, but I can't guarantee that it will work. I'm planning to ask Brother Yu to bring some information. I'll do some research and then tell him."

Jin Shuyan smiled lightly: "What do you lack, I'll find it for you. Ah Cheng is my younger brother, I'm sorry to bother you about his affairs, let me do what I can."

Zhou Liang nodded with a feeling of displeasure, fell silent for a while, and said, "You Qie, actually you don't need to do this."

Jin Shu's Yan Wenrun's eyes turned cold, he let out an oh, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhou Liang bit his cheek and said: "If you want me to do something, you can just tell me or order me directly. I will definitely not refuse. I will do as much as I can for you. You don't need to do anything to repay favors." Cook for me, I'm really not that difficult to deal with."

Although Jin Shuyan was smiling, Zhou Liang knew immediately that he was a little angry.

He felt uneasy, and scolded himself: How hypocritical, if he is willing to come to see you, he should just laugh, no matter why he came.He is such a powerful person, if he is willing to come to you for help, he already thinks highly of you, and to complain that he is not sincere in coming to see you is really greedy.Besides, you offered to help yourself, so why feel sorry for yourself now?I really don't know what to do!

Jin Shuyan was quiet for a while, smiled, and said, "I see."

"Well, I didn't mean that, I really hope I can help!" Seeing his expression, Zhou Liang knew that he must have offended him somewhere, and hurriedly explained.

Jin Shuyan smiled gently, didn't say anything, bent down to pick up the lunch box, said politely, turned and left.

Zhou Liang stood at the door in a daze, his heart aching like a knife, You Qie's smile just now was so indifferent and alienated, it seemed that he had distanced himself from him in an instant.Did he see it?See his selfish nature, so feel disgusted?

He watched Jin Shuyan's back go away, feeling empty in his heart, what's wrong?What exactly is going on?

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