The strongest magician

Chapter 161 Hate

Li Fanggu sat by the bed, thinking constantly, he thought of Yan Jinghe's kindness, Yan Jinghe's patience with him, Yan Jinghe's tolerance for him...

The more he thought about the past, the more he felt blocked, why?How can it be?In that short period of time, Yan Jinghe was gone?

His teacher, his sister, his enlightener, his guide, is gone?

But he let the murderer who killed his teacher slip away under his nose!

He hated Xiao Jing very much in his heart, hated himself very much, and hated Yan Jing and the traitor he said so much.

Now, what he most urgently wants to know is what happened to Yan Jinghe's traitor.Who the hell killed her!

At [-] o'clock in the morning, he called Ah Hua and told him that he wanted to visit his home. Ah Hua agreed to come down, so Li Fanggu cleaned up, went back home first, and drove back the car that was driven away by the general. .

When he got home, the general saw his bloodshot eyes and worriedly asked him what was going on.Li Fanggu briefly explained the matter, and Jiang Zi asked anxiously: "You are being targeted by the Xiao family? I will clean up from today and live with you to take care of you."

Li Fanggu shook his head: "No need, Uncle, Fusu lives with me, you don't have to worry about my safety. How is Fangquan now?"

"She was frightened and still resting. The boss asked for leave from the school for her. Are you sure there is no problem?" Jiang Zi was still worried.

Li Fanggu was silent for a while, and said: "Uncle, I hate myself so much now, it's so useless! I just want to find out who the traitor the teacher said is, and I want to know why the teacher died. Don't worry, there is I will call Fusu."

"Okay then!" General sighed, "I know you are worried about Fangquan, I will take good care of her for you, and you have to promise me to take good care of yourself, and if you need help, you must call me. Don't be impulsive, and don't push yourself too hard. .”

Li Fanggu originally wanted to agree with a grin, but his face stiffened, but he couldn't even make an expression.

The general sighed, patted him on the shoulder, and let him go.

Li Fanggu went to Li Fangquan's room to look again, and saw that she was sleeping drowsily, so he put a few onion orchids picked in the garden on her bedside, touched her forehead and went out.

He drove to Ahua's house, Ahua led him into the study, Wang Qing made them a pot of tea for them to talk slowly, and then took the door out.

Seeing Li Fanggu's red eyes, Ah Hua sighed, and said, "I know, Xiao Li, if I don't tell you, you won't give up. There are some things that I don't want to say, so I'll just tell you." I'll tell you everything I can say, and see if you can accept it."

Li Fanggu nodded, and listened to him holding the teacup tightly with both hands.

"Probably since last month, there has been news from the Spirit Investigation Department that there has been a sharp increase in the number of ghost cases recently. Some time ago, I almost stayed there to help with cases. Neither you nor Song Weiwei are here. , There is really no way, we applied to the headquarters to send someone to help. As a result, we learned from the headquarters that this is the case all over the country."

Li Fanggu frowned, last month?I didn't seem to have heard of this when I left here.

"Your teacher, Yan Jinghe, came here at that time to help deal with these supernatural cases. Summarizing several cases, we found that many long-lost demons and even demons suddenly appeared in the world. We suspect that It is because the channel connecting the human world and all circles is loose. Ling Duanyang said before that the human world used to be connected with all circles. At that time, there were endless disasters caused by monsters and monsters in the human world. Later, because the channel was closed, the world returned to peace. Now the channel There is probably a crack."

Li Fanggu nodded, Ahua seemed to know no more than he did, probably because there was a problem with the Three Realms channel.It might be because of the Xiao family's frequent actions and Qing Heng's crazy behavior some time ago.

"A few days ago, we heard that Qingheng, the inner core of the Xiao family, had done crazy things. Of the five great families of curse masters, only the Duan family survived, and the others were destroyed. The headquarters also suffered major damage. Now that monsters are rampant, our situation here is simply worse."

Li Fanggu showed an apologetic expression, and said: "I'm really sorry, I was busy with other things at that time, and I couldn't help you here."

Ahua waved his hand and said, "You are not idle, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Zhou Yu has already told me about your affairs, and I know that this period of time is not easy for you." He took a sip The tea moistened the throat and continued: "A few days ago, we heard that the inner core of the Xiao family was sealed. We were very happy, and thought that things had turned around and would develop towards a better place."

Li Fanggu nodded deeply, he thought so too.

"As a result, the Xiao family started to jump again. After Qingheng was sealed, they killed several curse masters in a very high-profile way, just like killing your teacher. They ate the body and soul of the curse masters .”

Li Fanggu's eyes turned red when he thought of Yan Jinghe's tragic death.

"What we don't understand is why they found the curse master so accurately. You know, since Qingheng wiped out the four families, we have almost disappeared, and it is difficult to reveal our identity. But the strange thing is, Since the first ghost master disappeared, there have been one after another. Their news network is too well-informed, and they can find out the target accurately. I haven't figured it out before, and I received your call yesterday ,finally, I understand."

Li Fanggu looked at him puzzled and asked why.

Ahua sighed, touched the cup wall with his slender fingers, and said: "The people of the Xiao family, after eating the first curse master, deliberately left only a trace of soul, and told him that he was betrayed by a traitor."

Li Fanggu's brains turned sharply, and he continued, saying: "That silk remnant must be very unwilling, and will follow the memory of his life to find a familiar curse master to deliver this news, and then the murderer who killed him can follow this Find the next curse master with clues, kill him and do the same..."

Ah Hua nodded and said, "That's right, that's it."

That's it, that's it!Li Fanggu tightly pinched the cup wall, gnashing his teeth thinking.No wonder Yan Jinghe said that, she must not know that she was killed because her identity was exposed in this way.

"Xiao Li, fortunately you escaped this time. Otherwise, if you were also..."

Li Fanggu thought in a daze, yes, if it wasn't for Fusu, he must have been murdered, so who would his soul go to?Either Song Weiwei or Jin Zhicheng... No, maybe he will go to Duan Jinming who is far away in Mangshan Mountain...

He felt a pain in his heart, the location of the Duan family is very hidden, but Duan Jinming and him are involved in the soul fire, his soul will follow the guidance of the soul fire to find Duan Jinming, wouldn't that expose the location of the Duan family?

Fortunately...he is alive, really lucky!

"Does that mean that the chain of the Xiao family is broken here?" He gritted his teeth and asked.

"It's just this chain. There are similar things in other places." Ahua sighed, "I have already communicated with my colleagues in other places, and they have already taken precautions. I hope your teacher will be the last victim. Bar."

"But I don't understand. Before Xiao Jing died, he said that his mission had been completed. What kind of mission did he mean?" Li Fanggu asked.

"I also talked to Zhou Yu on the phone and asked for his opinion. He said, this is probably the Xiao family's plan. Although your chain has not been able to continue, you have conveyed the message. If we don't see through him We will believe those words, think that there is a traitor between us, and then start to suspect internally..."

"Civil strife will happen after that?" Li Fanggu continued.

Ah Hua nodded and said, "That's right."

Li Fanggu was silent, and said: "It's so vicious." It's still that his monster uncle who has lived for thousands of years has strong insight, otherwise, if this is really the case, there may really be chaos among their curse masters.

The interference of external forces is always not as fast as the decomposition from the inside.

"However, Zhou Yu also said that this may not be the case. Maybe there are really spies among us. After all, there is no guarantee that everyone will be loyal. But he also said that there is no need to make a fuss. Let's go at the original rhythm .” Ah Hua added.

Li Fanggu nodded, agreeing with this statement.That's right, it takes a lot of time to investigate this kind of thing, it's better to take one step at a time.

Knowing the truth about Yan Jing and her death, Li Fanggu suddenly felt powerless again.It's like a punch in the cotton.

When he came here, he thought of countless ways. If he finds out who the traitor is, he must be forced to live or die. However, Yan Jinghe died because of this, and the object of his hatred suddenly became one He didn't even know how to vent his anger.

Ahua looked at his expression and showed sympathy. He pondered for a moment and said, "Xiao Li, in fact, the association is very short of manpower during this time. But your teacher just left, and you must be in a bad mood. Go back and have a good rest..."

rest?Li Fanggu smiled bitterly, how could he rest in peace?His teacher just died tragically, so he wants to shrink back and hide in the turtle shell to heal his injuries?

He shook his hand and said, "No need, President. Just call me if you have anything to do. As long as I have time, I will be there for you."

"Well, if there is really a shortage of people, I will call you." A Hua sighed, "But, you have to be careful. Xiao Jing's shadow has escaped, and your matter must have been reported back to the Xiao family. Your recent behavior Try not to act alone for a while. Song Weiwei and the others are here, you'd better go with them. In short, take care of yourself and be safe."

Li Fanggu nodded, chatted with him casually, and then left his house.

Walking out of the community, he looked at the big sun above his head and felt dizzy for a moment. The recent events happened one after another. It seems that since last month, he has never stopped.

For some reason, he also felt tired, very tired.He especially hoped that everything would be over quickly, and even if he was allowed to farm on the edge of Mang Mountain and wait for Duan Jinming, it would be good.

But, thinking of Yan Jinghe's enmity, he clenched his fist tightly, Xiao Jing!He remembered the name, and his voice too!This beast, he will never let him go!

After getting in the car, he called Song Weiwei to ask how she was doing, and he wanted to visit him and her.

Song Weiwei sounded exhausted, and said: "Xiaogu is back. I'll go back to visit my grandma today, and wait until tomorrow. I'll call Ah Cheng together. Let's have a good get-together outside. We'll talk when we have something to say. .”

Li Fanggu was taken aback, thought for a while, drove to the supermarket to buy a lot of things for the elderly, and went to visit Song Weiwei's house in person.

Song Weiwei was surprised when she opened the door and saw him, and asked, "Why are you so out of touch? It's fine for people to come, why are you carrying these things?"

Li Fanggu saw that her face was as white as a ghost under the black-rimmed glasses, frowned worriedly, and said: "Okay, sister. What's the relationship between us, I should come to visit grandma and bring something. Why is your face so ugly?" ?”

Song Wei smiled, helped to take the things in, and said: "Look at your sweet mouth, you can usually coax Duan Jinming into a fool."

Li Fanggu was so soured by her, and his mood improved a lot.He bumped her with his elbow: "Don't push me like this. It will take more than a year for Duan Jinming to come to my place. I feel sad to mention him."

Song Weiwei was surprised: "Why did it take so long? He hid at home to embroider flowers for you to wear?"

Li Fanggu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and told her roughly about Guanghuangniao.Song slightly nodded, expressing his understanding.

"Go and see grandma first, let's talk later." Li Fangu suggested.

Song Weiwei looked at him gratefully, and went with him to accompany Yue Cuilian for a while.In the afternoon, Yue Cuilian took a nap, and the two of them finally sat down in the living room and had a good talk.

"Sister, tell me the truth, what's wrong with you? I know your resilience, you look like this, it doesn't look right." Li Fanggu asked in a low voice.

Song smiled wryly, took a sip of tea, seemed to struggle for a while, and decided to tell the truth: "The power given to me by the Temple of Sacrifice is too strong, and I can't control it. Especially at night, the power riots in my body. And the moon The more rounded the more obvious. I think I'm going to give up."

Li Fanggu was shocked. He carefully looked at Song Weiwei's face up and down, and saw that she was extremely weak. He suppressed his uneasiness and asked, "Then what should I do? Is there any solution? Have you asked others?"

"I found out when I came back. It's not just me, Ah Cheng has been doing something wrong lately. He was in Guanghuang City at that time, and he seemed to be attacked by the dirt from the demon world. The demonic energy could not be expelled from his body." Song Weiwei With a wry smile, "Xiaogu, you have to be mentally prepared, maybe neither Acheng nor I can pass this threshold."

"Impossible!" Li Fanggu said categorically, "We have come through so many difficult places, it is impossible to stumble here."

Song Weiwei looked at his worried face, smiled softly, and said, "Xiaogu, thank you. Thinking of having you by my side all the time, I don't think there is anything to be afraid of."

Li Fanggu bit his cheek tightly, why did this happen?Qing Heng is sealed, shouldn't everything go in a good direction?Why are the people around him getting into trouble one after another?How can this dilemma be resolved?

Song Weiwei turned to comfort him and said, "You look more worried than I am. Don't worry, Ah Cheng has already asked his elder brother. Brother Jin said to help us find a way. You know that man is mysterious and powerful. Very, maybe he can think of a way to help us. But you, why do you look so bad?"

Li Fanggu had no choice but to suppress his worries, and told her about Yan Jinghe.

Song Weiwei sighed, it was really a wave of ups and downs, it seemed that they hadn't had a peaceful life since they partnered.

The two of them really couldn't think of any solution, Li Fanggu comforted Song Weiwei a few words, and went back by himself.

Song Weiwei sighed after sending him away, and went back to see Yue Cuilian's sleeping face.

Grandma is also getting old, and I might leave before grandma. Do you want her to send a white-haired person to a black-haired person?

Grandma is her only relative in the world, I hope God can lend her some time, at least, at least let her send grandma away peacefully...

For the first time, she hoped that God could hear her prayers...

In the evening, Song Weijie and the others all went home, and they were quite surprised to see Song Weiwei came back.

Zhang Hailing prepared a few dishes in the kitchen, and the family ate together, Song Chengxian still pretended that Song Weiwei didn't exist.Song Weijie buried his head in eating, and after eating, he threw the chopsticks back to his room to play on the computer.

Zhang Hailing spoke hesitantly, and said, "Wei Wei, you are not too young, should you think about marriage?"

Song Weiwei had a cold expression, and said, "I'm too busy with work, let's talk about it later."

Song Chengxian snorted coldly: "When will it be too late? No one wants to become an old girl?"

Song slightly frowned, really didn't want to talk about these issues with them.She touched the ring on her finger and said coldly, "Let's eat your food."

Zhang Hailing and Song Chengxian ate quietly and stopped talking.

At night, Yue Cuilian fell asleep, but Song Weiwei still couldn't fall asleep. With the rising of the moon, the turbulent power surged through her body like a tide, making her life worse than death. He cried out in pain.

The street lights on the street were on and off, extending along the road to an unknown end, and then blocked by heavy buildings.She looked at the street scene on the road, and there were almost double images in front of her eyes.

Suddenly, a shadow jumped across the road quickly and disappeared in a flash.

That shape... Song narrowed his eyes slightly, it was obvious that it was not a human being, but looked like a demon...

It doesn't matter, there are other curse masters, not to mention that she is still very unwell, she comforts herself like this.

A few seconds later, she still sighed, took out the meteor hammer from her bag and wrapped it around her waist, closed the door carefully and went out.

Walking to the street, she followed the evil spirit to search for it, and walked all the way to a deep alley.This seems to be the back door of an entertainment city, she thought, frowning.It's two o'clock in the middle of the night, and the place is still full of sensuality. It seems that there are still a lot of people who are still looking for fun.

Do you want to go in?Or just sit here and wait for the monster to appear by itself?

While she was hesitating, a black figure swooped down from the sky, and swung its sharp long claws towards her.

Song Weiwei's eyes flashed coldly, he stepped sideways with his right leg, and turned around.

The black shadow flashed beside her, and then ran away into the depths of the alley.

Song Weiwei was about to catch up, when suddenly there was a sound of wind approaching overhead, she jumped back to dodge, there was a loud bang, and a heavy object hit her where she was originally.

When Song saw the object that fell, he was slightly stunned. It was a young man, his face was bruised and purple, and his face was so swollen that he could hardly recognize his face, and because he fell from a high altitude, he already looked terrible.

what's the situation?Was it killed by that demon just now?

She calmly took out her mobile phone from her pocket, called the police, and then continued to chase after her evil spirit.

She ran on the long street, walked along the fading fascination, and came to a large group of villas.Strangely, the evil spirit disappeared without a trace here.

She frowned, walked around the villas, and found that the monster's aura had indeed been cut off here. It seemed that this monster had a strong concealment ability, but it was not certain that this monster had entered the villas.

She secretly wrote down the address and planned to call Ah Hua tomorrow to tell him about it.

Before she knew it, she had already run so far down. She stopped her steps, endured the surging strength in her body, and returned along the original road.

The moon hung high in the sky, and every step she took, she felt that she was walking on the beach with surging waves, and it was almost difficult to stand still.

On the quiet road, only her long back pulled by the street lamps was slowly moving, and occasionally a vehicle whizzed by quickly, the street was so quiet that one could hear her own footsteps clearly.

Soon, Song Weiwei realized something was wrong, the footsteps were not right, and at some point, there was an almost imperceptible footstep following her closely, almost overlapping with her footsteps.If it wasn't for her rich combat experience to remind her, she would have almost ignored the footsteps.

There was a sneer on the corner of her mouth, and she kept her pace unchanged, while carefully distinguishing where did the footsteps come from?



Yes, it is...

She smiled seductively, and the meteor hammer in her hand swung across a circle, hitting the soles of her feet.

With a muffled grunt, a man jumped out from the shadow under her feet, rolled around a few times in embarrassment, and stopped in front of her.

"Hee hee hee, interesting, you are also quite strong as a curse master. I didn't expect the curse master here in Haizhou to be unexpectedly delicious." The man licked the corner of his mouth and said in a cold voice.

Song Weiwei brushed up her long hair with big waves and smiled coquettishly: "What, is it a livestock with cannibalism? Interesting, it's not so easy to eat me." She pulled up the chain of the meteor hammer and put on a fighting posture .

The corner of the man's mouth curled up into a weird smile, revealing his fine black teeth, and said, "Interesting, the chick looks really spicy! I just like this taste."

"Come and try, but before that, shouldn't you announce your name? So that I can know who you are?" Song Weiwei said in a provocative tone.

"Hee hee hee hee hee, if you want to know, I'll tell you. My name is - Xiao - Jing!" The cold man said in a playful tone, and then rushed forward.

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