The strongest magician

Chapter 154 Ending


Zhou Liang looked at the crazily twisted core in front of him, with a triumphant smile on his lips.

He took out the dagger that was stained with his blood, and cut it off abruptly, breaking a black branch on the core.

Zhou Liang swiftly took a dagger and cut the thick branch into the shape of a short sword. While drawing complicated spells on it with blood, he searched Xiao Lian's memory while tracing to make sure he was not mistaken. .

A huge wave of power came, Zhou Liang raised his head, with an anxious expression on his face: "It's not good, Qing Heng is back."

Zhou Yu and Jin Shuyan stood in front of him, and Zhou Yu said, "Do whatever you want, and the two of us will help you block him."

Zhou Liang replied "Okay!" He lowered his head and continued to focus on what he was doing.

The space distorted for a while, and Qing Heng appeared in front of several people panting heavily.

"Shijian, it really is you! Tell me, what did you do to Weifu?"

Zhou Yu looked at his ferocious face with a mocking smile, and separated from Jin Shuyan. Zhou Yu reached into the void with his right hand and drew out a long sword with a green blade. Jin Shuyan's eyes turned deep red, blood spread from his feet, Several pieces of dry bones drilled out from the ground in front of him, and piles of skulls stood between Qing Heng and him.

Qing Heng seemed to have noticed the existence of the two of them just now, he narrowed his eyes: "Fang Yanyu, you are not dead?" He looked at Jin Shuyan, already knowing it, and said: "It seems that I shouldn't be subordinate to you. Be merciful, I should kill you guys."

Zhou Yu ignored him. He glanced sideways at Jin Shuyan, smiled, and said in a low voice, "Brother, this is the second time we have fought side by side." However, the first time we fought together was alchemist Jian.

Jin Shuyan also smiled, the world is changing, and when he thinks of the past, he can't help sighing.

Qing Heng was in a hurry to check Zhou Liang's movements, so he didn't say any more at the moment, pulled out the long chain around his waist, and attacked the two of them.

Zhou Yu picked up the sword formula, and the sword light sprinkled all over the sky, stabbing towards Qing Heng.

Jin Shuyan manipulated the skeletons in the magic circle and slashed at Qing Heng, but he himself stood closer to Zhou Liang, taking care not to let Qing Heng play tricks close to him.

Zhou Liang lowered his head and carved the spell carefully, fearing that he would make a mistake.

Jin Shuyan took the time to look down at his serious and focused face, with admiration in his eyes.

The more Qing Heng was anxious to get past Zhou Yu and Jin Shuyan, the more he couldn't do what he asked for, the more impatient he became.In the end, he simply stopped hesitating, let his body burn, and released boundless power.

Jin Shuyan stood in front of Zhou Liang, and stomped his right foot on the ground, revealing countless dead bones, overlapping one after another, resisting the power emanating from Qingheng.

Zhou Yu's long sword rotated in a circle in his hand, and the light of the heavy sword turned into a barrier to block Qing Heng's attack.Even with these two layers of barriers, Qing Heng's power still pierced through the sword light and shattered the bone prison. Zhou Yu let out a muffled snort, and retreated sharply under the pressure of Qing Heng's power.

Jin Shuyan swayed for a while, but still stood firmly in place, blocking Zhou Liang's body.

Zhou Liang just finished the work in hand. Looking up, Jin Shuyan's tall body stood in front of him like a solid mountain, and there were traces of blood on the side of his white shirt.

Zhou Liang gritted his teeth, stood up, tightly held his dagger engraved with charms in his hand, and ran towards Qing Heng who was almost burning into a ball.

However, Qing Heng's body was as hot as boiling, and he couldn't get any closer after running halfway.

However, Qing Heng approached these people slowly, wanting to melt them with the blazing heat from his body: "Shi Jian, you are such a naughty child! Such a naughty child, I'd better take it back! Today you Just die here, let me receive your power."

Zhou Liang gritted his teeth, facing the scorching heat that almost made his blood boil, and approached Qing Heng step by step. Every time he took a small step, he could feel the layers of blisters rising up against Qing Heng's skin, and the pain was unbearable.

Suddenly, he stretched out a hand from his side and took the short sword in his hand. He wanted to dodge it, but he didn't dodge it.

Xiao Long smiled miserably at him: "Lord Xiao Lian, let me repay your favor!" Holding a dagger in his hand, he rushed towards Qing Heng recklessly.

Zhou Liang didn't have time to take it back, so he could only shout: "Stick the heart!"

Xiao Long ran desperately, while running, the flesh and blood on her body disintegrated and fell to her feet one by one, turning into fluffy slag and sticking to the ground, that handsome and beautiful face had become like a ghost, a paste.

I don't know where his perseverance came from, he finally rushed in front of Qing Heng, Qing Heng's body was burning violently, and white flames leaked out of his body, making his eyes blurred, and he couldn't see anything clearly for a long time.

Xiao Long gathered her last strength and inserted the dagger into Qing Heng's heart.

The world fell silent in an instant, the white flames on Qing Heng's body disappeared, Xiao Long's movements stopped, his body peeled off piece by piece, and soon there was only a white skeleton standing on the ground, still maintaining the posture in front of him.

Then in an instant, the inner core rioted, a huge tree knot opened, and a huge vortex appeared inside. Everything in the room was distorted, and Zhou Liang and the others could hardly stand still.

The vortex produced a suction force so strong that it was almost abnormal. Qing Heng's frozen body was sucked into the vortex, and Xiao Long's skeleton was sucked in. Zhou Liang felt a strong pulling force, pulling him towards the vortex. He panicked. Resist this force with all your might.

Zhou Yu rushed forward, dragged him by one arm with Jin Shuyan, and led him outside.

Zhou Liang felt that his body was about to be torn apart. Zhou Yu and Jin Shuyan dragged him fiercely without giving up, and moved towards the door step by step in embarrassment. The huge vortex pulled his lower body into the air, and his shoes Being sucked away, the wound on the wrist broke open, and blood beads flew into the whirlpool drop by drop.

It was only one step away from the door, but that step was so difficult.

Suddenly, the suction of the vortex stopped, and Zhou Liang's body finally landed on the ground. However, before several people could breathe a sigh of relief, another strong impact came from the inner core. Zhou Yu and Jin Shuyan snorted, and their bodies were rushed out of the house Outside, a thick black tentacle protruded from the inner core, wrapped around Zhou Liang, and dragged him inward.

Zhou Liang was shocked, and the spells on Bao Yunjuan were being thrown out one after another, and he was about to be pulled into the core in a blink of an eye. Suddenly, a blue light flashed in front of his eyes, and Zhou Yu's long sword came first, cutting off the huge tentacles, long The sword was inserted into the core, and the blade hummed and trembled.

The inner core seemed to be frightened, and the gap was closed immediately, and then all the power gathered into a high-speed vortex, which disappeared instantly.Zhou Yu's long sword fell to the ground and made a clanging sound.

Zhou Liang finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground.The room became empty, with snow-white walls, gray-white concrete floors, and those black tentacles before seemed to appear in a dream.

Now he felt the pain all over his body, he raised his hand and looked at it, his arm was full of blood bubbles, no wonder it hurt so much.

He looked around the house again, opened his mouth, and said in a low voice: "Xiao Long, you are doing well."

There seemed to be a faint sigh in the room, and then it died away.

Zhou Liang looked at the door, Zhou Yu and Jin Shuyan supported each other to get up, and there were bloodstains in front of them.Zhou Liang smiled brightly at them, the smile was so bright that Zhou Yu and Jin Shuyan were almost dazzled.

"Brother Yu, Youqie, I did it! I sealed Qingheng! Now, at least for decades, we don't have to worry about him coming out again."

Zhou Yu also sighed, and said in a relieved tone: "Xiao Liang, you are doing well. Now, brother Yu can take you home."

Zhou Liang's big eyes are shining, yes, he can finally go home!After thinking for so long, I can finally go home!

He got up tremblingly from the ground, and walked towards the door step by step, as if he could go back to his warm home after walking through that door, Zhou Qi was waiting for him under the lamp, and he would snuggle up to his lap, Say sorry to him seriously, and then do your best to make it up to him.

Zhou Yu will cook a table full of dishes, waiting for him to feast on.

And Li Fanggu will come back, he can continue to pester him... Oh, Li Fanggu has a boyfriend.

It doesn't matter, there is You Qie, he will come to the house from time to time, although it is not for him, but at least you can see him, can't you?

One step, two steps... He wished he could fly.

Zhou Yu opened his arms, waiting for him to throw himself into his arms and give him an eager hug.

Only one step away!

Zhou Liang cheered and rushed out with his legs, but with a bang, his body hit an invisible wall hard and bounced back.

Zhou Liang sat down on the ground, touched his bloody forehead, looked at the two of them in disbelief, and asked in surprise, "What's going on?"

Zhou Yu and Jin Shuyan were also surprised. They took a step forward and wanted to pass through the door, but they were also blocked by a solid transparent wall.

Zhou Liang's lips trembled, and a possibility came to his mind.

"No, it's not true!" He stood up, walked to the door, hammered on the door with all his strength, and hammered on the transparent wall. He tried his best to chop with Zhou Yu's sword. His long sword went straight through, and his body was directly bounced back by the wall; he attacked with the spell on Bao Yunjuan, and the power of the spell passed through the wall, but he was still blocked by the wall; he was everywhere in this house Tried to break through the gap, but it didn't work at all.

He was imprisoned again, imprisoned in a prison built by himself.

Zhou Liang let out a miserable laugh, and knelt down at the door, all the strength in his body was taken away.

Zhou Yu and Jin Shuyan tried everything they could outside, but they couldn't get into the room.

Zhou Yu saw that Zhou Liang's blood blisters on both arms burst in order to open the gap, and the blood and water mixed with the festered skin became a paste, and his heart ached.

Zhou Yu sat down without a word, and quietly accompanied Zhou Liang. Jin Shuyan also felt pity in his heart. He sat down at the base of the wall, looked at Zhou Liang with a pale face, and lowered his eyelashes.

Zhou Liang's big eyes were filled with tears. Of course he knew the reason. He and Qing Heng were not only related by blood, but even their souls might come from the same source. Qing Heng was sealed in this room by him. How could the seal let him go?

He sealed Qing Heng and imprisoned himself here by the way.

He covered his face and laughed hysterically.That laughter was so painful that Zhou Yu's heart ached when he heard it.

"Brother Yu, I just want to go home! Why do you punish me over and over again? It's because I was too wrong before, right?"

Zhou Yu's heart ached so much that he wanted to reach out to touch his head to comfort him, but was blocked by the seal, and he couldn't put a finger in.

Zhou Liang hugged his legs, buried his face in his knees, his shoulders twitched and cried for a while, then wiped away his tears with his clothes, raised his face and smiled.

Zhou Yu looked at him distressedly, and comforted him: "Don't worry, Xiao Liang." He tried to touch a stone beside him and threw it through the door. The stone penetrated the seal and rolled in, "Look, Xiao Liang, look Inanimate things can still be sent in, Brother Yu moved his family here, let your Brother Qi live here, and will deliver meals to you every day, so that you will feel like living at home.” But you can’t leave go out……

Zhou Liang sniffled, smiled, and said, "Brother Yu, you're right. As long as you and Brother Qi are there, it's home, and it doesn't matter if you can't get out."

Seeing his forced smile, Zhou Yu felt sore in his heart, and said, "Brother Yu will find a way to completely eliminate Qing Heng. At that time, you will definitely be able to go home, really, to our home in Haizhou."

Zhou Liang covered his eyes, forced back the tears that came out, choked up and said, "I believe in you, Brother Yu! No matter how long, I will wait for you, and wait for you to take me home."

A burst of birdsong came, and the sky became darker and darker. The darkest moment has arrived, but as long as we survive this darkness, we can usher in the dawn.

The three of them sat quietly and looked towards the east. When a ray of orange-red pierced the sky and penetrated the sky, the long-awaited sunrise finally arrived.

broad water

Li Fanggu opened his eyes and saw the snow-white ceiling, there was the sound of instruments ticking in the room, he turned his head and saw Song Weiwei lying on the hospital bed not far from him, her beautiful eyes were tightly closed, her lips were pale, Not a trace of blood could be seen.

Jin Zhicheng sat by her bed, leaning back against the chair, with his eyes closed, as if he had fallen asleep while sitting there.

The door was opened, the general came in, Li Fanggu turned his head, blinked at him, and signaled the general not to get excited.

With red eyes, the general sat softly on the edge of the bed and touched his forehead.

Li Fanggu looked at him guiltily, and asked in a low voice, "Uncle, how did we get back? How is Sister Weiwei?"

The general was taken aback, how did you come back? "Wei Wei is fine. You? Of course I carried you back. You lost a lot of blood at the time, so we didn't stay any longer. I carried you back to see a doctor, but you lost consciousness and passed out on my back."

Li Fanggu smiled bitterly: "Uncle, I didn't mean before, I meant that after Sister Wei Wei let the young phoenix hatch, the mountain collapsed, how did we get back?"

The general looked at him in surprise.

Li Fanggu said sadly: "Uncle, Duan Jinming... I know about the matter of giving me the Guanghuang Pearl. Although I am unconscious, my consciousness has always been awake. I know everything, but I can't open my eyes and say no." Speak." He held back for a long time, tears still slipping out of the corners of his eyes, "Uncle, it is definitely impossible for me and him. His nephew died because of me, maybe he also..."

The general stopped him: "Xiaogu, Duan Jinming is fine. Fusu called. Qingheng went to attack the Duan family. At the critical moment, the light phoenix bird hatched came to help. Qingheng was injured and retreated. A Cheng also contacted his elder brother before. Mr. Jin said that Qing Heng was sealed by them, and it might take decades for him to come out again."

When Li Fanggu heard the news, he couldn't digest it for a while, but soon, he finally straightened everything out, and asked with trembling lips, "That means, Qing Heng has been sealed, and Duan Jinming is fine, right?"

General nodded.

Li Fanggu covered his eyes and couldn't help laughing out loud. With a smile, tears flowed down the corners of his eyes and into his temples.

The general knew that he was venting his emotions, so he didn't persuade him, and let him go.

Jin Zhicheng's five senses were supernatural, even though Li Fanggu tried his best to suppress his voice, he still woke up immediately. Seeing Li Fanggu's expression, he turned his head coldly, as if he didn't see it.

After all, Li Fanggu was weak. Not long after he woke up, he fell asleep again. When he woke up again, he found that he had changed the room.where is thisHe blinked suspiciously, half asleep and half awake, but he didn't understand what happened.

A man's figure came into view, that man was tall and thin, leaning on the side of the bed and looking outside, Li Fanggu stared at that figure with infinite nostalgia in his eyes.

Sure enough, if he wanted to see Duan Jinming again, he could only see him in a dream.

He didn't dare to move, he didn't dare to speak, and he didn't dare to take a heavy breath, for he was afraid that if he accidentally interrupted the dream, he wouldn't be able to see that figure from behind.

After a long time, Duan Jinming turned around and saw Li Fanggu staring at him for a moment, narrowed his eyes, and walked towards him.

Li Fanggu looked at him infatuatedly, not daring to break the dream.

Duan Jinming looked into his eyes, and then sighed deeply. He sat down beside the bed, and stretched out his hands to brush his messy forehead hair back.

"Why didn't you call me when you woke up? You've been asleep for two or three days, aren't you hungry?" Duan Jinming asked in a low voice.

Li Fanggu's eyes were sore, but he didn't dare to close his eyes, isn't it a dream?If it was a dream, it would be too real.

"Forget it, you must not be awake yet. You wait for me to get something to eat."

Duan Jinming touched his forehead, turned and left.

Li Fanggu panicked, immediately reached out to grab his hand, and said eagerly: "Don't go! Let me see you more, just for a while!"

Duan Jinming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he turned around and sat back on the bed, and said: "Li Fangu, you are not dreaming, I am really here. You have been hungry for so long, so let's talk when you are full."

Li Fanggu finally showed a surprised expression, and then let go of his hand.

Duan Jinming leaned over and kissed him on the forehead, and said, "Don't worry, I won't leave. Let's have a good chat when you wake up."

Li Fanggu watched him go out as if sleepwalking, then pinched his thigh so hard that he almost lost control of himself.He quickly lifted the quilt and ran to the bathroom.

He washed up as fast as he could, and took a shower by the way to sort out his thoughts.

It looks like it's in a hotel, the general sent him to live here.What about Song Weiwei?Is she better?When did Duan Jinming come?It seems that the crisis in his family has been resolved, and he must have come to settle accounts with him.

Thinking that he had killed his nephew, he couldn't help feeling sad.

Before he finished his bath, Duan Jinming came back with food.Hearing the movement, he hastily dried himself and walked out of the bathroom.

Duan Jinming looked him up and down indifferently, then walked to the bedside and sat down with the food plate in his hand.

"Come here, eat your meal first." He pointed to the porridge and side dishes on the plate, and said in an almost commanding tone.

Li Fanggu didn't need to think too much, Duan Jinming must be angry.This time he didn't hit him with his hands. He had tried his best to endure it.He didn't dare to resist at the moment, sat down and ate the food without knowing the taste.

Duan Jinming sat down and looked at him quietly, without saying or doing anything, his eyes were quietly glued to his body.

While Li Fanggu was eating, he was trembling with fear. Duan Jinming's eyes were terrifying, like a snake staring at a mouse, making his back almost sweat.

Finally finished the meal, Li Fanggu said shyly, "I'll take the food out by myself."

Duan Jinming stopped him: "No need, let's clarify what we need to say first."

Li Fanggu was stunned, and suddenly wished that he was not sober now, he knew what Duan Jinming was going to say, and Duan Jinming came to find him for a showdown.He killed his nephew, and there was absolutely no way they could go on.

He opened his mouth stiffly, and then sat on the edge of the bed, covering his face with his hands to hide the pain.

"Okay, tell me, I'm listening."

Duan Jinming looked down at his performance, distressed and angry at the same time, he asked coldly: "The first question, you have the poison of Hanba on your body and the seal in your body, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Li Fanggu raised his head and looked at him in surprise, wondering why he was about to break up and asked this question.

He hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "I've always been good at something, but I'm also stupid. I'm afraid that if I say it, you'll be treated as a fool, and you'll look down on me."

Duan Jinming looked at him, and his eyes softened unknowingly: "Li Fangu, even if you don't have a seal in your body, I admit that I was prejudiced against you at the beginning. I thought you were bad, and seemed to be holding you back. But after getting to know you, I never had that idea. In fact, many times we relied on you to get out of danger. Li Fanggu, if you think this way, you look down on me, Jin Zhicheng and Song Weiwei too."

Li Fanggu smiled wryly, now he especially wishes to have a cigarette in his hand.He also smoked cigarettes when he was particularly rebellious before the age of 20, but because he disliked the smell of cigarettes on his body, he quit before he became addicted.But he has always missed the feeling of smoking quietly burning in his fingers when he was irritable.

"Duan Jinming, I was wrong. I admit, I'm sorry for you. I know what you're here for. I won't make excuses for myself. Whether you beat me or scold me, I won't fight back. "

He closed his eyes deeply and said, "I'm sorry for killing your nephew! I never thought of embarrassing you, and I really never thought that I would let you face that choice. It's mine Self-righteousness has troubled you, if possible, I wish I had never met you, never dragged you down like this..." He wanted to say more, but couldn't go on.It hurts like being held tightly by someone's fist, and it's hard to breathe.

Duan Jinming paused for breath and asked, "Do you really hope so?"

Li Fanggu gritted his teeth, nodded, and said "yes".

Duan Jinming took a deep breath, calmed down the anger in his body, and said, "Xiao Nie went there last month. You didn't kill him. The Guanghuang Pearl should belong to you, and your guilt is superfluous. "

Li Fanggu stared at him with wide eyes in surprise, and asked, "Is what you said true?"

Duan Jinming was silent for a while, and then sneered: "Li Fangu, I admit that I love you, but I haven't loved you enough to joke and lie to you with my nephew's life. Xiao Nie's body has been damaged a few years ago. He couldn't hold it any longer. After all, he was young, and he had been relying on the aura of his family members to continue his life. He couldn't bear it any longer and left by himself. You saw him that day in the Wilderness Realm, and he just took you The boy who pulled out of the Black Pass with me."

Li Fanggu listened in a daze, it turned out that he had already met Shuangyi Bifang face to face.

Duan Jinming paused for a moment and said: "Yesterday after Qing Heng retreated, I met Xiao Nie's spirit body again, he left the last bit of strength, thanked me, and said that you are very good, so I must cherish you. He moved a little closer, "The day we were in the wild world, he was supposed to go, but because of the energy of the Phoenix Bird in your body, he persisted for a few more days. So, his departure has nothing to do with you." No."

Li Fangu's heart stopped beating when he said "Li Fangu, I admit that I love you". After a long time, he took a deep breath, stood up excitedly, looked at Duan Jinming, and asked: " If this is the case, then, Duan Jinming, even if you are still angry that I kept this matter from you, I will never let you go! Duan Jinming, you can beat me up and vent your anger, but don’t leave! I was wrong Yes, but I can correct it! This kind of thing will never happen again in the future, give me a chance."

Duan Jinming walked up to him, faced him face to face, breathed on his face, and asked ambiguously: "You just said you know what I'm here for?"

Li Fanggu's eyes were excited, but his tone was heavy: "Yes, I know. But I hope you can give me a chance, and I will really correct myself."

Duan Jinming knew that they must not be on the same channel again, he sighed and grabbed Li Fanggu by the collar.

Li Fanggu tightly closed his eyes, welcoming the coming of the pain, but never thought that his lips would be grabbed by Duan Jinming, his mouth would be opened, and Duan Jinming's nimble tongue would come in and stir in his mouth.

Li Fanggu froze for a moment, opened his eyes wide, watching Duan Jinming's slender eyelashes brushing his cheeks.

"You..." He wanted to speak, but Duan Jinming didn't give him this chance. He kissed wildly, sucking his lips and the tip of his tongue. Li Fanggu was pushed down on the bed by him, and his body trembled.

It wasn't until Li Fanggu felt that his head was short of oxygen that Duan Jinming let go of his lips, straightened his body, and started to untie his neckline.

Li Fanggu hadn't figured out the situation yet, so he stammered and asked, "You, you, what are you doing here?"

Duan Jinming narrowed his eyes and said, "Didn't you say that you know what I'm going to do? What else am I going to do? Of course it's - you!"

Duan Jinming said those two words very seriously, Li Fanggu's head buzzed and he exploded.

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