Hearing Qing Heng's arrogant words, Fu Su threw his spear across his back and leaped into the air, a purple flame turned into a rainbow light and was trampled under his feet.

Fusu stabilized his figure on the rainbow light, pointed his spear at Qing Heng and said with a smile: "Isn't it too early to talk big now?"

When Qing Heng saw it was him, he was taken aback for a moment, and then an angry look appeared on his face: "It's you again! Why are you here!"

Fusu smiled and said: "Why, if you can come here, can't I?" He was smiling, but he couldn't laugh in his heart.Because of Qing Heng in front of him, his right hand grew out again.He clearly remembered that Qing Heng's right hand was torn off by himself last time, and during this time he actually repaired it again.

Qing Heng laughed wildly: "Very good! I'm still wondering where I should go to find you to avenge my shame, but I didn't expect you to come to my door by yourself. I will clean you up here with the Duan family today." He touched from behind, Pull out a slender chain, and then shake it with both hands, the chain suddenly becomes straight, like a spear.

"It's not good to be so full of words." Fusu chuckled, but his hands were not polite, he picked up a string of gunshots from the tip of his spear, and stabbed towards Qingheng like a spirit snake coming out of its body.

Qing Heng grinned grimly, shook the iron chain, and went up to meet him.The two immediately fought together.

When Duan Jinming heard the commotion above, he couldn't help worrying about Fusu's safety, he frowned, and was about to look up, when Duan Jihong's voice sounded: "Don't worry, we just set up a magic circle to assist this Mr. Fusu. "

Duan Jinming forced himself to calm down, and poured spiritual power into the transformation array through the Dharma node.

The sparrow tongue in Fusu's hand was bursting with red light, and every spear shadow swept out brought a piece of burning sky flames.With a contemptuous smile on the corner of Qing Heng's mouth, the long chain swept across, bounced off Fusu's gun style, cut through the scorching flames, and rolled towards Fusu's neck.

Fusu's spear swiped back, blocking the long chain's approach, and the spear was strangled by the long chain.Qing Heng pulled hard, but Fu Su refused to give in, the two of them couldn't stop arguing, Fu Su's spear echoed in a circle in front of him, Qing Heng was led by him to move three feet horizontally, the long chain slipped from the gun, and the two retreated separately.

Qing Heng licked the corner of his mouth: "Something!" He swung the long chain around his head, and then whipped it towards Fu Su.

Fusu held the root of the spear in his hand, and stretched out the long spear, the virtual and the real intertwined, both the right and the right, advancing as fast as thunder, and retreating as fast as lightning.I saw the gun shadow swaying and changing, and the gun flowers were picked out like pear blossoms and whirling, and Fusu's footsteps were also advancing and retreating in an orderly manner. His body followed his feet, his arms followed his wrists, and his whole body was integrated into a whole body.His marksmanship moves are complex, unpredictable and infinitely deified.

Qing Heng simply turned the chain into a whip, blocking, throwing, pointing, cutting, sweeping, panning, boarding, poking, blocking, teasing, and pulling, all kinds of things happened one after another. The shadows fell like snow, entangled with Fusu's gun shadow, Duan Jihong, who watched the battle with his spiritual knowledge in the formation below, couldn't help applauding in his heart, these two are really good at it!

Qing Heng pressed down the whip in his hand, and strangled the body of Fusu's gun.Fusu didn't change in the face of danger, the body of the gun was raised obliquely, and he thrust it forward suddenly, the body of the gun slid in the long chain, and pierced into Qing Heng's shoulder socket.

Qing Heng was startled, loosened his hands, withdrew his body backwards, Fusu kept his hand strength, stabbed out with more force, Qing Heng felt a pain in his shoulder, and immediately saw blood, but fortunately he retreated quickly, the injury was not serious.

Qing Heng looked down at his bleeding shoulder, with an angry expression on his face, he asked: "Good marksmanship! Who taught you?"

Fu Su chuckled: "Oh, I was bored playing with my mobile phone, and I saw a video of Yang Jia's pear flower gun. I learned it by myself."

Qing Heng was taken aback for a moment, and anger rushed to the top of his head: "What an arrogant warrior! Who is your master?"

"My master's name is taboo, how can a clown like you ask about it! Shame is not shame!" Fu Su smiled contemptuously.

Qing Heng knew that he was irritating himself, but he still couldn't stop his anger from the bottom of his heart, and said: "Okay, kill you first, and then kill your master! Anyway, dead people don't need names." He muttered a spell in his mouth, and a blue light It flew out of him in a flash, and then suddenly infinite power gathered towards Qing Heng's body.

Fusu noticed the change in the airflow around his body, his heart sank, Qingheng was gathering strength.He had previously obtained information from Jin Zhicheng and the others that Qing Heng's body was almost everywhere, and the power of this physical body was less than one percent of the body's. Now, it was clear that Qing Heng was summoning the power of the body.

How could he just sit back and watch Qing Heng gather his strength, without saying hello immediately, the long spear was reeled up, and attacked Qing Heng again.


As soon as Qing Heng's aura disappeared, Zhou Yu immediately picked up a bag and rushed out the door, Xiao Long who had been waiting outside for a long time immediately followed his figure.

Xiao Long didn't dare to ask Zhou Liang where he was going, he just followed behind him non-stop.

The manor was terribly empty, and there were hardly any people along the way.Zhou Liang had known for a long time that he was afraid that everyone would be sent away by Qing Heng. This is the cage where he was imprisoned. There are so many people, it would be better if no one was there.

Zhou Liang walked all the way to the second half of the manor, where Qingheng lived, and a white three-story building appeared in front of him. The small building was surrounded by trees, and it looked gloomy in the middle of the night.

Zhou Liang opened the bag in his hand, took out a dagger, and some wooden blocks. The wooden block was carved into an egg shape by Zhou Liang. The outer shell was covered with patterns like winding bean vines. The bean vines were intertwined with each other. Extended in different directions, and then meet each other, forming a spell-like condensation.If you look carefully, you can find other things in the hollow eggshell, something dark and unknown.

Xiao Long roughly glanced at it, then immediately turned away.Zhou Liang's hands are really skillful. Before that, he didn't know what Zhou Liang asked him to find the dagger and wood blocks for. It turned out that they were used to carve these things.

He didn't know what it was, but the first time he saw it, he felt terrible.There is a powerful power attached to it, and that power is not something he can spy on at this level.

Zhou Liang put the hollowed-out egg on the ground, facing the moonlight in the sky, and then the dagger cut his wrist, and the blood dripped down and landed on the wooden carved egg.

The wooden carved egg seemed to be extremely hungry. Zhou Liang's blood fell on it and was sucked in by it without leaking. In a blink of an eye, the egg turned blood red.

Seeing that the egg was completely red, Zhou Liang stretched out his hand to press the wound on his wrist, motioned Xiao Long to pick up the bloody egg on the ground, and followed him to the house where Qing Heng lived.

Zhou Liang looked at the locked door with a smile on his lips. He smeared his blood all over his wrists, gathered all his spiritual power, channeled the power from Bao Yunjuan, and shouted: "Break!"

The door slammed and stood still.Zhou Liang didn't give up, and continued dozens of broken words, and the gate finally trembled.

Zhou Liang rested for a while, and then handed out Bao Yunjuan again. The door trembled twice, but it still couldn't be opened.

Zhou Liang was extremely angry, so calm and powerful, he couldn't even break through the gate.

A voice came from behind him: "Xiao Liang back away. I'll open the door for you!"

Zhou Liang was overjoyed, and turned around to see that Zhou Yu was walking by the moonlight, exuding soaring aura all over his body.

This is Zhou Yu's body, and Zhou Yu has regained his strength.He quickly and obediently stood aside, giving way to Zhou Yu to open the door.

Zhou Yu formed a seal in his hand, and a circle of white circles protruded from the bottom of his feet, radiating away instantly, and then, with a sound of swiping, the energy between the heaven and the earth condensed towards his fingertips, and the moonlight in the sky shattered and shook, as if being shattered. Zhou Yu sucked in his fingertips.

Zhou Yu's handprint was slowly pushed out, and the huge energy slammed into the door of Qingheng's residence with a whistling sound.

With a loud bang, the door shattered into dozens of pieces, rolling towards several people like fragments of an explosion.

Zhou Liang was stunned for a moment, seeing a piece of debris hit his face in front of him, his body became dull because of using too much force just now, and he didn't even react.

In a blink of an eye, the shards were about to smash hard on his forehead, his body was dragged aside, and the shards of the gate hit the spot where he had just landed, creating a deep pit.

Fortunately, if it hit his forehead, Zhou Yu might have to wait for his next reincarnation.

He looked to the side, and was about to thank the person who pulled him, but when he looked up, he was stunned, and it was Jin Shuyan who held him.

Zhou Liang's heartbeat stopped for a moment, why is he here?

The last time we met was when I ran to Nanjing to yell at him in spite of everything. Yes, it seemed a long time ago, but in fact it was only a few days.

Seeing that gentle and soft face now, it feels like a world away.

Unable to control it, Zhou Liang blushed completely.The arm held by Jin Shuyan suddenly seemed to be scalded by a branding iron, and then his whole body became hot.

Seeing his big clear eyes, Jin Shuyan was also taken aback for a moment, then smiled gently and asked, "Are you all right?"

Zhou Liang nodded quickly, then shook his head, stammering and barely able to speak.

You Qie, You Qie treats him so gently, it seems that he really forgives him?This person's heart is really so broad that he can't forgive himself now, how did he manage to forgive?

He stared at him blankly, with fascination unconsciously in his eyes.

Jin Shuyan smiled wryly, Zhou Liang and Fang Shijian were really too different, he was also confused now, and couldn't tell who the person in front of him was.

Zhou Yu coughed from the side, and asked, "Xiao Liang, the door is open, what are you going in for?"

Zhou Liang immediately woke up like a dream, turned his face in embarrassment, and let out a cry, motioning for several people to follow in.

Seeing the two people appearing suddenly, Xiao Long was puzzled, but immediately followed with her bloody egg in her arms.

Zhou Liang led the way and entered Qing Heng's residence. As soon as he stepped through the gate, the scenery in front of him changed immediately.

Zhou Yu snorted and said, "Isn't this the wild world?" The scene in front of him was indeed where Li Fanggu and the others were when they were chased by those black tentacles, and now those black tentacles are also here.

As soon as a few people entered the door, those black tentacles began to attack the intruder as if consciously, but the tentacles stopped within two meters in front of Zhou Liang.

Zhou Liang thought, sure enough, these tentacles may have mistakenly thought they were Qing Heng.He raised his bleeding wrist high, and those tentacles retreated obediently.

Surprised in their hearts, Zhou Yu and Jin Shuyan followed Zhou Liang forward cautiously.

Zhou Liang said cautiously: "The last time Qingheng came to pry into my heart, trying to find the location of the Three Realms Boundary Monument. I don't even know what that thing is. How could I know where it is. I guess, Brother Yu, the secret must be On you, Xiao Lian appeared at a critical moment and concealed your life experience for me."

Zhou Yu frowned: "Isn't Xiao Lian already dead? Why did he come out to help you?"

"I'm also surprised. Xiao Lian said that he is my shadow, and he is a part of me. So during this period of time, I saw all of Xiao Lian's memories, and then I realized that the Xiao family had been conspiring against Qing Heng. I studied a lot in private. Secret method. I found that I have a blood connection with Qing Heng, and I can even use part of his power. This is great. I can attack the shield with his spear, use his own power to check and balance him, and seal him up. .”

After hearing his words, Xiao Long stared at the back of his head in disbelief, with an excited expression on her face.

Zhou Liang led them all the way forward, those densely packed black tentacles moved away automatically, showing a dark road, walking down this road, they saw a huge black tree in front of them.

"Look, this is the core of the Xiao family. This space was created by Qing Heng himself. He opened countless doors in this space to connect various places, so he can freely travel anywhere."

Zhou Yu and Jin Shu scrutinized this huge black tree. The trunk of this tree stretched out into the endless void above, and the bottom of this tree hung down into the bottomless abyss. Facing them was a huge round knot. The knot is like a huge heart, beating non-stop.

"This tree is alive." Jin Shuyan said, frowning.

Hearing his voice, Zhou Liang's heart beat out of rhythm, took two deep breaths and replied: "Yes, these tree trunks are what he uses to absorb power, and these branches extend everywhere, almost endlessly."

"No wonder Xiao Lian said that Qing Heng's body is everywhere. From this point of view, Qing Heng really cannot be exterminated." Jin Shuyan smiled wryly.

Zhou Liang wished to hear more from him. He carefully peeked at him, but Jin Shuyan turned his face to look at him. The two eyes met in the air. Zhou Liang felt a rush of blood, all of which rose to his face and body. The heat from the body almost radiates through the skin.

Jin Shuyan smiled gently at him, and Zhou Liang felt a little dizzy.

"Little Liang, what are you going to do?" Zhou Yu stood to Zhou Liang's left and asked suspiciously.

Zhou Liang collected himself, smiled cunningly, turned around and took the bloody egg from Xiao Long's hand.His wrist was still bleeding slightly, Zhou Yu frowned when he saw it.

Zhou Liang stretched out his wrist, and blood dripped on the black tree. The big tree squirmed a few times, and a part of the huge knot slowly moved away. Several people looked in through the gap, only to see a bottomless dark.

It's a pity that the gap only opened up a little bit and didn't widen. Zhou Liang waited for a long time, knowing that his connection with Qing Heng wasn't that close after all. Kernel admitted that he had reached the limit at this level, so he withdrew his hand and took the The blood egg was sent over, trying to stuff it into the gap.

The blood egg was bigger than the gap, so Zhou Liang pressed against the blood egg and pushed it in, but unfortunately the blood egg was still stuck on the edge of the gap after all the force of feeding was used.

He frowned in dissatisfaction, and Jin Shuyan and Zhou Yu also stretched out their hands to help him squeeze the bloody egg inward.

Jin Shuyan's hand was on his right hand, Zhou Liang's mind was in a turmoil, and infinite strength suddenly surged in his body, and with a little effort, the bloody egg rolled in.

Jin Shuyan retracted his hand, feeling a sense of loss in his heart, he finally managed to touch it.He felt itchy in his heart, if he took the initiative to hold her, would he throw her off?

Zhou Yu squinted at his expression, a little dumbfounded, Zhou Liang, Zhou Liang, don't show your thoughts too clearly!After all, just a few days ago, you went to your elder brother to complain, and in a blink of an eye, you showed the appearance of this little daughter-in-law in front of your elder brother. In order to save him, you didn't even want the body of Yang Shi, which you had so hard to get, and you never saw him treat you How close I am.

A gust of sour air passed by, and Zhou Yu clearly felt that he was a little jealous.

After the blood egg was absorbed by the tree knot, Zhou Liang retreated with a few people and stood there waiting.

"Brother Yu, let's just wait for Qing Heng to come back now. When he comes back, I will give him a big gift!" If he dared to make Zhou Liang cry, he must be prepared to be retaliated.

Zhou Liang smiled cruelly, but thinking that Jin Shuyan might be looking at him, he immediately put away his cruel smile and put on the expression of a good baby.

Zhou Yu helplessly supported his forehead, is Xiao Liang trying to protect his image?He suddenly felt that Zhou Liang's cunning look was actually very cute.

broad water

With Song Weiwei on Jin Zhicheng's back and Li Fangu on his back, several people slid down the slope along the rope and landed on the lost ruins of Guanghuang City.

Not a single tile of this huge ancient city remains, leaving only a huge magic circle on the ground.

Jin Zhicheng glanced blankly at the huge magic circle, pondered for a while, and said, "Go ahead and take a look."

Jin Zhicheng took Song Weiwei, who was almost unconscious, and walked forward for about 300 meters. On the ground in front of him, the complicated runes condensed into a circle, and the runes extended infinitely from the center of the circle to the surroundings. The center position of this magic circle.

Song Weiwei tried hard to open her eyes, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, as if she had received an inspiration, she opened her mouth with difficulty and said, "Put Xiaogu on this circle."

The general hesitated for a moment, and after getting Jin Zhicheng's approval, he placed Li Fanggu flat in the center of the circle.As soon as Li Fangu's body touched the ground, a strong light burst out from the circle, wrapping Li Fangu's body in silky strands, and in a blink of an eye, it became a huge light chrysalis.

The general was in a hurry and wanted to pull Li Fanggu out, Song Weiwei immediately stopped him: "Uncle general, come back, the young phoenix is ​​hatching."

She slid down Jin Zhicheng's back, pushed Jin Zhicheng back, and said, "Ah Cheng, I know what to do. You and Uncle Jiang Zi all step back up, or the light of the young phoenix bird will kill you when it was born." .”

Jin Zhicheng looked at her worriedly and asked, "Are you in danger?"

Song Weiwei raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, "I don't want you to find another partner."

"With your words, I feel at ease." Jin Zhicheng pulled the general back and started to back up for a long time, then turned around and ran towards the slope.

Song Weiwei watched the two climb up the slope along the rope, and let out a sigh.

She closed her eyes and prayed in her heart that she never thought of dying, hoping, hoping to live.

She squatted down, pulled out the blade hidden in the sole of her shoe, wiped it clean on her clothes, then walked to the side of the huge light chrysalis, stretched out her wrist, cut it off with a knife, and immediately a fountain of blood fell to the ground.

Jin Zhicheng, who had just climbed up the slope, turned his head and saw her movement, his face changed drastically, and he roared: "Song Weiwei!" He turned around and was about to jump down.

The moment Song Weiwei's blood touched the ground, a huge circular array was activated, a strong light was emitted, and a huge energy shield rose up. Jin Zhicheng and the general were ejected violently by the energy shield, hitting the walls of the surrounding mountains On the ground, the whole ground trembled violently.

The power that had been flowing in Song Weiwei's body finally found an outlet to vent, which made her swollen body relieved immediately and became extremely comfortable.Kneeling on her knees, she looked up and saw the intense light pouring into the light chrysalis, which almost burned her cornea.

Fusu pointed his spear at Qing Heng, a blue light flashed on Qing Heng's body, and Fusu's spear was bounced away.

Below, Duan Jihong changed the formula in his hands, and all the Duan family members changed their fingerprints accordingly. The spells circulated in the huge magic circle, and the whole magic circle seemed to turn its angle.

Fusu felt a burst of more abundant power flow into his body along the spear in his hand, he let out a low cry, and took a step forward, the spear slanted towards Qing Heng's chest.

Qing Heng sneered, and pushed out his right hand flatly, pressing down on Fusu with tremendous force, Fusu's spear point stopped one centimeter in front of Qing Heng's chest, Ren Fusu couldn't go any further with all his strength.

Qing Heng was about to exert pressure, when suddenly he let out a cry, the blue light on his body dissipated, and Fusu's spear advanced, piercing Qing Heng's rib.

Qing Heng's body seemed to have a hole, and the energy flowed out instantly.He was horrified, his complexion changed drastically, what's going on?Why can't the power be condensed suddenly?

Zhou Liang looked at the bright red light on the huge tree knot with satisfaction. He was bathed in power, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Look, I'm starting to share Qingheng's power. He's gathering power, but power It was all transferred to me through the inner core.”

Qing Heng was furious, could it be that Shi Jian was making trouble behind his back?What did he do?

Fusu received a shot, and Qing Heng's eyes showed ruthlessness, now it is time to make a quick decision, and there is no way to play with these wings like a cat and a mouse.He himself widened the chest wound, and in an instant, huge power poured out from there, rolling towards Fusu like a tide.

Fusu only felt that the power was rolling towards him like a blade. Before he could call, the sparrow flame instantly turned into a red circle to cover him, pulling him away to the infinite distance. He was startled, it was the Duan family send him away.He patted the circle with all his strength, and saw that the Duan family members below stood up.

The mountains were trembling, and Fu Sufei was flying in the air. In the endless mountains, there was another huge dreamy blue wing Bi Fang flew up, and the fascinated light on the transparent body was changing, like a bright and strong sunset glow burning.

The Duan family decided to burn the boat and die with Qing Heng?

"Duan Jinming, let me out!" Fu Su roared angrily!

Song Weiwei's blood covered the entire huge circular formation. She never thought that a single person's blood could spread out in such a large area. She was dizzy for a while, and she saw the light pupae enveloping Li Fanggu. A gap was opened, and dazzling light came out from it, it was about to come out, the young phoenix hatched, where is Li Fanggu?

Qing Heng grinned grimly, and pressed down hard with his right hand, Duan Jihong's body shook, and the figures of all the Duan family members shook, but no one fell down.

The souls of the departed wings covered Qingheng, and boundless purple flames surrounded Qingheng. Qingheng laughed arrogantly, spread his hands, swung out a circle, a blue light flashed across, and the purple flame was bounced off. The body of the Duan family members below shook, and Duan Jihong spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to his knees.

Zhou Liang was full of spiritual energy, he stretched out his right hand, punched suddenly, and poked into the huge tree knot at the core.

Qing Heng's body felt weak, he gritted his teeth, his body sank, and the huge formation set up by the Duan family was crushed by him.

Song Weiwei saw the light chrysalis break open, a clear cry sounded, a brilliant beam of light shot up into the sky, a gorgeous and dazzling shadow left traces on her retina, the huge light bird broke through the hidden mountain, and flew straight to the sky go.

Song Weiwei knelt down on her knees and fell on the sleeping Li Fanggu.The mountains trembled, and the falling rocks fell down, hitting Song Weiwei and Li Fanggu's faces and bodies, but they were powerless to resist.

The light blue moonlight poured down from the gap above, Song Weiwei looked at the dark night sky with confused eyes, and a relieved smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Zhou Liang clenched his fist, grabbed an object in the darkness, and twisted it hard!

Qing Heng roared, with a pained expression on his face, he sank suddenly, and landed on the open space of Duan's Square.

The corner of Duan Jihong's mouth was bleeding. He looked at Qing Heng with a determined expression. He formed seals in his hands, and the other Duan family members changed accordingly, and boundless fireworks spread on the ground.

Qing Heng sneered, struggling to die.He stretched out his right hand and swung it upwards, Duan Jihong sprayed blood from his mouth and flew out.

Qingheng stepped forward, stepped on his chest, stopped his struggle, endured the pain in his body and smiled grimly: "I wanted to play with you, but I am impatient, so I will send you on your way now. Bi Fang, the divine bird, will become history from today on.”

Qingyue's cry came from the sky, Qingheng looked up suspiciously.

The next moment, an extremely intense light rushed towards him in an instant.Qing Heng was shocked, conditioned reflex spread a powerful energy shield in front of him, his body collided with the strong light, there was a huge cracking sound, and Qing Heng's body was bounced away.

Qingyue's chirping sounded again, and a huge light phoenix bird with dreamlike beauty rose into the sky and rammed towards Qingheng again.

Zhou Liang's hand went deeper, he concentrated all his strength in his hand, and then pulled it out fiercely, a pile of viscera-like things were brought out of the core's body along his arm, Xiao Long almost vomited when he saw it.

Qing Heng was twisted all over, he couldn't care about anything else, he tore open his chest, boundless power poured out, and collided with Guanghuang.

A scene as violent as a nuclear bomb explosion emerged in the air. Fusu withdrew his tongue flame and stretched out his hand to cover his eyes to block the dazzling glare.

Guanghuang let out a shrill cry, and its huge body was slowly shrinking.

Qing Heng turned his palm into a blade, and slashed at the struggling Guanghuang. Fusu roared, and the sparrow flame turned into a spear and was thrown by him forcefully. The moment Qing Heng's knife hit Guanghuang's body, his chest was pierced by the sparrow flame. chest through.

The sparrow flame covered Qing Heng's chest, turning into a boundless red flame and igniting blazingly.

Guanghuang's body fell limply, Fusu stepped forward to catch Guanghuang who had become only the size of a swan.

Zhou Liang's right fist was inserted into the tree knot of the core again, and he shouted: "Break!"

Qing Heng roared mournfully, his figure turned into a blue light in the air, and it flew towards the boundless sky in an instant.

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