Several people stepped up the steps one by one, and in the darkness, the rustling sound came again like a tide.

Li Fanggu raised his head from Fusu's back and said, "What's the matter? Haven't those zombies been brought down already? Where did these voices come from?"

"It's not a zombie." Jin Zhicheng said in a deep voice, "It's something like greasy dirt." Sure enough, several people looked over from the light of the battery lamp above their heads, and a layer of greasy and black things covered the dry and clean ground again. Like the tide of the sea, pushing it inch by inch, it spread to the bottom of the stairs in a blink of an eye.

Li Fanggu suddenly remembered those dreams of his own, and shuddered all over. Could it be that these are the unknown enemies who sneaked here back then?

He clearly remembered that these things turned into tentacles, pulling the residents of the entire city into darkness, and the Temple of Sacrifice died under the hands of these things.

Are these things still alive after all these years?Still spying here?

The oil stains stopped coming under the steps, and the rustling stopped.

A crimson light flashed in Duan Jinming's eyes, he snapped his fingers, and a thin flaming blade slashed across the layer of oil, the oil was like a touched mimosa, retreated a little, but quickly re-condensed return.

"It seems that they are afraid of fire." Song Weiwei pondered, "But the fire didn't do any substantial harm to them."

Jin Zhicheng's expression changed, and he said, "Forget about it, go to Tianzhong first."

Li Fanggu snorted and said, "I remembered. At that time, the heavenly bell was rang in the Temple of Sacrifice, and the power of the phoenix radiated from the heavenly bell made these things retreat. To get rid of these things, we also have to go up and ring the heavenly bell." ring."

Jin Zhicheng nodded, stepped up the steps step by step, and climbed towards the place where the big clock was.

The steps turned around, and they quickly ran towards the top of the bell tower. Just as they were about to reach the top of the building, Jin Zhicheng let out a snort and reached out to stop them.

The place on the clock platform is not big, only about ten square meters. On this clock platform, the huge sky clock is placed in the middle, leaving an open space on the side that can accommodate five people in parallel. In this open space, unexpectedly There is something else.

With the light of the battery lamp, they saw a person, a woman in a sacrificial robe, standing beside the clock expressionlessly, with two beautiful and delicate eyes staring straight at him like glass beads reflecting the light. them.

Li Fanggu called out in a low voice: "It's the Temple of Sacrifice! Is she still alive?"

Cold sweat rolled down Song Weiwei's forehead, and said, "I'm afraid she has been demonized and turned into a zombie. And, judging by the aura she emits, I'm afraid she is the head of those zombies."

Li Fanggu's heart skipped a beat, he slid down Fusu's back, and said, "Looks like there's going to be a war again, I'll stand aside, otherwise it will affect your movements."

Fusu felt that his back was empty and his heart was slightly lost. He nodded, agreed, took two steps forward, and stood with Jin Zhicheng and the others.

The general told Li Fanggu to be careful, and followed him.

The black hair of the Temple of Sacrifice hung down like a waterfall, standing motionless by the clock, like a gorgeous wax figure.

Jin Zhicheng took a step forward, Jishendian turned his face and looked at him coldly.

Jin Zhicheng's black bone fan transformed into a thick-backed machete, and stared at her cautiously.

The Temple of Sacrifice took a step forward, her eyes were filled with blood, her plump lips were parted, revealing her fangs, a surge of violent flames formed a powerful force, and she came towards Jin Zhicheng and the others. Jin Zhicheng's heart trembled and he let out a muffled groan , retreated several steps in a row, and almost retreated to the edge of the steps.

Fusu stretched out his hands to support his back, stabilized his figure, and then took a few steps forward to stand in front of several people, bearing the coercion for them.

What a powerful force!It seems that this sacrificial temple was extraordinary during its lifetime, and after its death, it was also demonized into an unusual zombie.

Fusu's face was calm, and he said, "With this strength, it seems that she is not far from Chengba."

After hearing this, several people trembled in their hearts.They have all heard of the power of Hanba. This temple is only one step away from Chengba. How strong does it have to be?

The eyes of the Temple of Sacrifice turned to Duan Jinming, as if she felt the call of the flames in his body, her expression changed, and then her sleeve shadows flew, attacking them violently.

She raised her palm lightly, flicked her sleeve lightly, and a strong gust of wind blew out. Fusu, who stood in front of the crowd, felt her chest was stuffy and she could barely breathe.

Jin Zhicheng immediately revealed his true nature, and with one move, he slashed down Huashan with all his strength, cutting through the wind, and the blade cut straight towards the temple of worship.

Song Weiwei yelled coquettishly, the meteor hammer hit, Jiangzi and Fusu bared their fangs, and rushed forward, Ai'ai was ablaze with red light all over, and several of them went directly to fight against the shrine.

Li Fanggu stood at the bottom of the steps, nervously watching the battle in the arena, holding the gun in both hands, ready to shoot at the Temple of Sacrifice at any time.

Duan Jinming stood beside him, also staring intently at the battle on the field.

With a flick of the wide sleeve of the Temple of Sacrifice, the strong force knocked the general to the side, almost falling out of the bell tower.

Li Fanggu's heart skipped a beat, but fortunately Fusu gave him a hand and dragged him back.

The place above the bell tower is too narrow, and several people are fighting close to the shrine. However, due to the limited space, their attacks are always restrained. After a round of attacks, they can't even do close quarters.

Jishendian's expression was always cold and indifferent, and his sleeves were flung like a butterfly wearing a flower, but Jin Zhicheng and the others tried their best to not get a piece of her clothes.

Li Fanggu cursed in a low voice: "Damn! What kind of clothes are they made of? How come they haven't rotted even after thousands of years!"

Finally, he saw an opportunity, quickly pulled the trigger, and the bullet with the power of Bao Yunjuan greeted the head of the Temple of Sacrifice.

The speed of the bullet was extremely fast, but the movement of the Temple of Sacrifice was even faster. She just tilted her head slightly, and the bullet hit the bell, making a crisp beating sound, and then bounced back, rubbing the scalp of the Temple of Sacrifice and flew out. A strand of black hair like a temple waterfall was broken.

This action seemed to irritate her, she let out a sharp whistling sound, her two big sleeves snapped together and parted, Song Weiwei's meteor hammer was knocked to the side, and it hit the general. Once closed, retract the hammer head.

Jin Zhicheng's thick back saber style changed, cutting towards Ai'ai on the side, Ai'ai screamed, Jin Zhicheng pushed his left hand to the tiger's mouth with his right hand, and the thick back saber slid away against Ai'ai's arm.

This zombie actually made four moves with one hand and two strokes.

Duan Jinming saw the opportunity, and sent out a flame blade. The flame blade divided into two crescents in the air, and cut obliquely towards the body of Jishen Temple. Two swollen hands in the sleeves.

Without those two sleeves, the strong wind from the arms of the Temple of Sacrifice would no longer be so strong. With Fusu's cooperation, Jin Zhicheng could finally get close to her and slash at her shoulder. The ore was slashed with a big knife, and the blade almost curled up. A strong rebound force sent Jin Zhicheng flying out of the top floor with his knife and bullets, and his body fell downward.

Several people were startled. Under the clock tower, those unknown oils were still stalking. If Jin Zhicheng fell, he might die.

Song Weiwei sent out the meteor hammer, the long chain wrapped around his feet, Jin Zhicheng was hanging upside down on the edge of the bell tower holding the thick back knife.

The general hurriedly stretched out his hand, stepped forward to help catch him, but the Temple of Sacrifice did not give him a chance, a gust of claws hit the general's back, Li Fanggu was anxious: "Don't hurt my uncle!"

He fired three shots in a row, the Temple of Sacrifice flashed two shots, and another shot hit her shoulder socket, and the black flame burned on her body, spreading a layer immediately.

Duan Jinming also took up the attack, and several consecutive flaming blades hit the body of the Temple of Sacrifice, and the body of the Temple of Sacrifice suddenly burst into flames.

Li Fanggu was overjoyed, and Jiang Zi and Song Weiwei also took the opportunity to pull Jin Zhicheng up, and helped Su's sharp claws to draw the wind and slashed down. There was a clear tearing sound, and several pieces of flames from the Temple of Sacrifice fell to the ground, and then, Revealing the figure of the shrine in distress.

Half of Jishendian's black hair was burned off, her face was covered with black ashes, and a layer of clothes fell off her body. However, she was not seriously injured, and the combined attack of several people was only enough to tickle her.

The Temple of Sacrifice was enraged, she opened her mouth wide, and her roar became more sharp.

Li Fanggu heard a rustling sound in his ears, and the black oil stains under the clock tower retreated like a tide. Could it be that the Temple of Sacrifice is still fighting against these oil stains after death?The oil did not spread to the bell tower, could it be because they were afraid of the power of the Temple of Sacrifice?

Li Fanggu noticed that the Temple of Sacrifice has not moved much. Could it be that she can't move?

He observed her lower body, the long skirt covered her feet, but nothing unusual could be seen.

Jin Zhicheng interrupted his thoughts: "Be careful, she's about to move!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the swollen claws of the Temple of Sacrifice probed into the void, and then tightened tightly. Li Fanggu and Duan Jinming immediately felt a strange force attacking them, grabbing them and flying towards the Temple of Sacrifice.

Jin Zhicheng roared angrily, and slashed both hands at the Temple of Sacrifice. The Temple of Sacrifice turned his head ferociously, roared at Jin Zhicheng, and swung his free hand fiercely, hitting Jin Zhicheng's knife edge.She loosened her hand, Li Fanggu fell to the ground, but Duan Jinming was dragged over as if someone had squeezed his throat.

Jin Zhicheng flew out with a knife, Song Weiwei sent out a meteor hammer to chase, the hand of the sacrifice hall kept sweeping out sideways, the strong wind hit it out, Song Weiwei flew out with his forehead hitting the sky clock, Tianzhong remained motionless, but Song Weiwei's face was covered with blood.

Aiai screamed and went up to attack, but was pierced through the heart by the claws of the Temple of Sacrifice. Aiai screamed, and the Temple of Sacrifice pulled back its arm, pulling out Aiai's Fengyu, and with force in his hand, the Fengyu shattered, and Aiai disappeared in smoke.

Jin Zhicheng fell to the bottom of the bell tower amidst Li Fangu's exclamation. There was a clear impact sound, and at the same time there was a tide-like rustling sound, and Jin Zhicheng was covered in oil.

General Zi and Fu Su, who were swept by the gangster wind together, rolled on the ground against the sky clock. There was a sound of bones breaking from Jiang Zi's body. .

Duan Jinming flew towards the Temple of Sacrifice, and he shot a flame blade in the air, slashing towards the Temple of Sacrifice.The Temple of Sacrifice did not dodge or dodge, and the flame blade hit her body without any injuries.

Li Fangu was in despair. He changed his position, desperately, pulled the trigger, and hit Jishendian's arm one after another. Finally, Jishendian seemed to feel the pain. When he let go of his hand, Duan Jinming landed on her. on the ground in front of you.

Duan Jinming landed, quickly changed his body shape, put his hands on the ground, and kicked the temple's face continuously with his two long legs, and there was a bang, bang, bang on his body. change.

The Temple of Sacrifice raised its hand and pressed it in the air, and Duan Jinming was pressed to the ground by a powerful force, unable to move.

Li Fanggu was shocked, and fired the last bullet. The movement of the Temple of Sacrifice slowed down, and then he immediately used his hands again. Duan Jinming heard the sound of bone cracking in his chest, and he groaned, his face was pale, but he was powerless to resist.

Song Weiwei struggled to get up, flung out the meteor hammer, and hung on the hand of Jishen Temple, she used all her strength to tighten the other end, restraining the movement of Jishen Temple.

Fu Su jumped onto the bell tower and attacked from the back of the Temple of Sacrifice. He swung his sharp claws and grabbed the back of the Temple of Sacrifice.

The Temple of Sacrifice didn't look back, she just lowered her head, her black hair flung out, and hit Fusu's face. Fusu's figure flew out.

The general climbed up, stretched out his hand to grab Song Weiwei's body, but was carried by that force, threw him off the bell tower, and flew out.

The sound of the roof being crushed came from below, and only Li Fanggu and Duan Jinming were left on the clock tower.

Everything happened in an instant, and these changes were so huge that Li Fanggu didn't even have time to react.From the beginning to the end, the Temple of Sacrifice hardly moved at all. They were either killed or injured, and almost the entire army was wiped out.

The hand of Jishendian continued to press down, and Duan Jinming's face turned livid. Li Fanggu put away his gun and rushed forward desperately, bumping his shoulder into Jishendian's body. Fang Gu slammed into the sky clock hard, her head was bleeding.

The smell of blood seemed to frighten the Temple of Sacrifice, and her movements slowed down for a second.

Li Fanggu struggled to get up, got up and fell on Duan Jinming.

The Temple of Sacrifice was attracted by the smell of blood, her eyes were filled with scarlet light, she bent down, stretched out her hand to grab Li Fanggu, turned his body to face her, then she opened her mouth to reveal her sharp fangs, biting on Li Fanggu's neck.

Warm blood poured into her throat, she tasted it, and immediately swallowed it.

Duan Jinming watched Li Fanggu being sucked blood by her, but he didn't even have the strength to move his fingers. His heart was full of shock and anger, and his eye sockets were almost cracked.

"Let go of him!" he yelled.

What answered him was the continuous swallowing sound from the Temple of Sacrifice.

The pain on Li Fanggu's neck was unspeakable, he was unable to struggle, and felt life slipping away from his body, and his whole body was slowly weakening.Finally, he heard the sound of something breaking clearly in his mind, his mind became dizzy, and his eyes gradually darkened.

Zhou Qi, who was far away in Haizhou, woke up from his sleep. He fumbled to get up and walked to the living room.

Zhou Yu also came down from upstairs. He looked in the direction of the storage room with a suspicious expression on his face, where a shattered light gushed out, dotted like the Milky Way outside the window into the room.

Zhou Qi turned pale and said, "Brother Yu, the seal you set in Xiao Li's body is broken! That crystal ball is cracked."

Zhou Yu also nodded with an ugly face, and said, "Yes, but there are more troublesome things now."

Zhou Qi sighed: "Qing Heng is here." At two o'clock in the middle of the night, what they had been worrying about and looking forward to all along, still happened.

A powerful coercion came, and Qing Heng was about to come before their eyes.

Zhou Yu walked downstairs calmly, and then suddenly shouted loudly: "Master Ming, it's time to fulfill the promise!"

Zhou Qi thought to herself, what did the Underworld Lord promise Zhou Yu?He always suspects that it is not as simple as helping the enemy as he said before.

The void in the living room was broken, and the figure of Huo Zhao appeared. She lifted the ghost mask covering her face and said, "Zhou Yu, the world and the underworld are closely related. If the world is destroyed, the underworld will definitely die. This time, I help you voluntarily, but You have to remember this favor."

Zhou Qi breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Huozhao was worthy of being the Lord of Hades, and he was able to take the initiative to stand up at critical moments.I just don't know what agreement between her and Zhou Yu.No matter what the conditions are, he will definitely help Zhou Yu to repay them.

Huozhao walked up to the two of them, and slammed his palm down. Zhou Qi felt a gust of wind blowing in front of him. Before he could react, his neck hurt so badly that he passed out.

Huo Zhao caught Zhou Qi's fallen body and said, "I will help you take care of Zhou Qi's safety. You can give it a go. I hope your plan can go smoothly."

Zhou Yu nodded to her coldly.

When Huozhao's body stepped into the crack of the void, he said, "Thank you, Lord Underworld."

Huo Zhao put down his ghost mask, snorted, and said: "It's really not easy to ask you, Fang Yanyu, to thank you sincerely. I have done so many loss-making transactions to get it."

Zhou Yu didn't answer, turned around and went to the door, and opened it.

Soon, the space in the open space at the door was twisted, and Qing Heng's body appeared. Zhou Yu looked at his only left arm hanging by his side, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth: "The inner core of the Xiao family took action personally, it seems that I have a lot of face."

Qing Heng looked at Zhou Yu and said, "Fang Yanyu, I didn't expect Shi Jian's descendants to have such an outstanding talent like you. You invaded the Xiao family 500 years ago, and you destroyed the Xiao family's thousand-year-old foundation, and almost destroyed it." All the painstaking efforts of this seat."

"Master Kernel is humble. At that time, it was clear that you had the upper hand. I brought thousands of immortals and high-level monsters, not to mention more than half of the damage. Master Wu Zun was forced by you to open up a new realm, far away from the world, and could not come back." Zhou Yu With a cold expression, he moved his lips with Qing Heng unhurriedly.

"Hahaha, you are right to say that. After all, I cut the Yin priest under the sword at that time, and I also broke Ling Duanyang's left and right arms. Now the Yang sacrifice has disappeared, and only one of the three guarding the boundary monument is left. Now we only need to find Where the boundary monument is located, if Ling Duanyang is completely killed and the boundary monument is destroyed, then I will open up the three realms, and the time to win the world is just around the corner."

"You want to aspire to the top of the Three Realms? You're too ambitious. Aren't you afraid that Feng Da will flash your tongue?"

Qing Heng sneered: "This seat has this ability, how can I allow myself to be trapped in shallow water?"

"It doesn't matter if it's a dragon or a worm, it's better not to say it's too full." Zhou Yu sneered coldly and mercilessly, "If you really have this ability, why wait for thousands of years?"

Anger appeared on Qing Heng's face.

"Fang Yanyu, you always have this ability to make me very angry. I will deal with you first tonight, and then take your blind brother back. The next step is to destroy the Duan family. You so-called curses Master will prepare the coffin at home and wait for others to bury you."

"Oh, don't you know, my lord? Sure enough, I have been cooped up in Xiao's house for too long, and I have become a fool." Zhou Yu continued to talk to him.

What?Qing Heng narrowed his eyes.

"Curve burials have long been out of fashion, so there is no need to prepare a coffin! It would be better for me to prepare an urn for you. My Zhou family has never been short of this money. I can pay for as many urns as I want. You give it with both hands." He also emphasized the word "hands", and Qing Heng's face twisted in anger.

"You..." Qing Heng's face was full of anger.

"Where is Xiaoliang?" Zhou Yu stretched out his hand to the void behind him, pulled out his saber, and asked coldly.

"Shi Jian is my son, so naturally I won't do anything to him. But now he misses his blind elder brother very much, so I came here specially to take him there and let their brothers go to get together." Qing Heng didn't move him. Putting it in his eyes, he raised his head to release his perception, then frowned and asked, "Where's your blind brother?"

"My Zhou Yu's younger brother, is it that you can see him when you meet?" Zhou Yu sneered, with a long sword in his chest, posing, "You should weigh yourself first before you speak wildly in front of me."

Qing Heng raised his head: "Hahaha, good! Fang Yanyu, your arrogant character has not changed, I will teach you a lesson today, kill you first, and then take your blind brother back."

"Is it crazy talk? You'll know it once you've seen it. Does your lord know? Most of the villains in movies die because they talk too much nonsense!" , the void burst, and a circle of water ripples spread out from under his feet, suddenly condensing the area within a hundred meters into a world of ice and snow.

"What is this?" Qing Heng raised his eyebrows, watching his movements.

"My lord is always so self-confident. I will suffer a loss at that time, but I will lose face." The crack on Zhou Yu's right side is getting bigger and bigger, and something is burrowing out of the crack.

Qing Heng felt a familiar breath coming, his face finally changed, could it be...?

From the crack, a black light and shadow came out, soaring into the sky, hovering in the sky, and then stopped behind Zhou Yu, flapping its gorgeous wings, and then became smaller, standing on Zhou Yu's shoulder.

Qing Heng narrowed his eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "This is the consciousness of the wild world, that demonized phoenix bird! You actually subdued it!"

Zhou Yu stretched out his hand to tease Huang Niao's chin, and with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said, "Today I found an old friend who has fought with you for thousands of years. Today, you can resume your relationship and have a good fight."

Qing Heng was furious. He wanted to devour the power of this phoenix bird for thousands of years, but he was blocked by Lu Zhen all the time. He finally smashed Lu Zhen's burning spirit formation, but he killed the army of the underworld sideways, and made him coveted. Swallowing the fat, and now being ridiculed by Zhou Yu like this, his heart was filled with anger, and he gathered all his strength to attack Zhou Yu without saying hello.

Zhou Yu snorted coldly: "Dangtang's inner core, being so lacking in manners is really ridiculous. If you want to win the Three Realms, I'm afraid it's just a joke."

Qing Heng's face was gloomy and cold, he pressed down his only left hand, and a unique force shot out vertically, pushing towards Zhou Yu.

The figure of the magic phoenix on Zhou Yu's shoulders skyrocketed, and it let out a Qingyue cry soaring into the sky, and a burst of soaring magic energy was startled, like a blade like electricity, and collided with Qing Heng's power.

Holding the sword in his hand, Zhou Yu drew circles and circles on the ground in a leisurely manner. Then, on the frozen ground, countless sharp blades protruded. Every time Qing Heng moved, he danced on the blades. Just bloody.

Zhou Yu squeezed the sword formula with his left hand, and held out the long sword with his right hand, taking advantage of the gap between Qing Heng and the Demon Phoenix's fight, making Qing Heng extremely embarrassed.

Qing Heng was like a mouse being teased by a cat. The more he fought, the angrier he became. The more he looked at Zhou Yu's face, the more angry he became, the less he would fight. Xiao Lian, Zhou Liang again, and now Zhou Yu again, he really hates this face now.

Zhou Yu saw that his face was getting paler and paler, and her heart was clear.Qing Heng fell into Xiao Lian's scheme, and he might not last long. If he could drag the poison into Qing Heng's body, he might have a better chance of winning.He was not in a hurry, and with the cooperation of the Magic Phoenix's attack, he teased Qing Heng to his heart's content, wandering around the edge of the battle circle, but not getting close to him.

Demonic Phoenix was full of demonic energy, and Qing Heng's body seemed too fragile compared to his own powerful strength. He wanted to use all his strength, but he was afraid that the body that had finally been condensed would be destroyed, and he was also very anxious in his heart.

If there was an alchemist admonishing that incomparably tough body, he would not pay attention to hundreds of Zhou Yu, but now he seems to be dancing in shackles, hands and feet tied, and Zhou Yu's face is indistinct. The contemptuous expression enraged him even more.

Soon, he also saw Zhou Yu's countermeasures. Zhou Yu was waiting. When he was weak, it seemed that he knew what Xiao Lian was doing to him before he died. It seemed that he and Xiao Lian had a long history collusion.No wonder he talked so much before, it turns out he was just stalling for time!

When he thought that the person in front of him colluded with Xiao Lian and tripped him, he felt even more angry. He immediately sacrificed all his strength and exerted coercion within a radius of [-] meters, regardless of physical damage.

After all, Zhou Yu is also a mortal body, he did not expect Qing Heng to have such a plan to die, and was planning to withdraw from the battle circle, but unfortunately, he was too slow, and was crushed by the power he exerted, and his body fell to the ground.

He leaned on the sword in embarrassment, knelt on the ground on one knee, propped up his body, and tried to stand up.

The Demon Phoenix let out a Qingyue cry, and fought back vigorously towards Qing Heng.

Qing Heng smiled grimly, stretched out his hand to tear his chest apart, an incomparably turbulent force gushed out, turned into a long sword and stabbed Zhou Yu on the ground, Zhou Yu couldn't dodge in time, and watched helplessly as the energy pierced through his chest.

Zhou Yu had a blank expression on his face, and his heart was in severe pain. He coughed up blood, slowly closed his eyes, and fell to the ground dead.

The magic phoenix circled low in the sky, let out a sad cry, broke through the void, and flew away.

Qing Heng staggered to Zhou Yu's side, stretched out his feet and kicked over his corpse, and said with a sneer, "Now, I want to give you back your words. You really died from talking too much nonsense. I can't take away your blind eyes." Brother, taking you away is the same, all I want is an answer."

The surrounding ice and snow slowly faded, and after a gust of wind, there was nothing left on the ground.

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