"Xiao Lian?" Zhou Liang narrowed his eyes, he thought for a while, "I see, you are the child Yun Ji used my blood to combine with the spell and left at Xiao's house."

Xiao Lian smiled and said: "That's right. You don't have to worry, I'm dead now, and what I'm talking to you now is just an image, not a real consciousness. My essence is a part of your shadow. I'm dead, the shadow Back in your body so you can see me now."

"Why didn't I feel your existence before?" Zhou Liang asked with a calm expression.

"I showed up because you needed help." Xiao Lian looked back at him with straight eyes, "I am just a memory, a very useful memory for you. I used to be the head of the Xiao family, and I know There are many mysteries, including some secret techniques unknown to outsiders. If you need to know, you can come to this memory to search. I know that you want to deal with Qingheng now. According to your strength, if you want to confront him head-on, then Impossible! Not to mention you, even if the power of all the curse masters in the world is combined, they are not Qing Heng's opponent."

"Sitting and waiting is not my style." Zhou Liang interrupted him.

"I know." Xiao Lian smiled meaningfully, "Qing Heng is already going to attack your two older brothers, and you also want to help."

"Yeah, I'm not the Zhou Liang I used to be. I can't just hide behind them and let them shield me from the wind and rain... If I can deal with Qingheng and get rid of this serious trouble for them, I'm willing to use any method." He said in a sad tone, "I have done many things to be sorry to them, and now this is the only way I can compensate them."

"You can't attack from the front, so you might as well attack from the side. Qingheng's body was poisoned by me, and he will be weak for a long time. If you want to deal with him, you have to take advantage of his weak period. Let's find this memory Well, with your ingenuity, you should be able to figure out a way."

"The Xiao family has been under the control of Qing Heng for these years. If there was a way to resist Qing Heng, they would have gotten rid of his control long ago. How could Ling Duanyang trick them into what they are today? Besides, the Xiao family is a dog raised by Qing Heng. How could they go Are you disobedient to Qing Heng?" Zhou Liang frowned.

Xiao Lian sneered: "The Xiao family and Qing Heng are just for mutual benefit. Qing Heng thinks that he has a chance to win, and never puts his own dog in his eyes. How could he know that the Xiao family's ambition is not inferior to his."

Zhou Liang's big eyes sparkled with hope: "The Xiao family wants to replace them?"

"Otherwise, why has the Xiao family been chasing those boxes guarded by Ling Duanyang? Do you think they are just paving the way for Qing Heng?" Xiao Lian smiled charmingly, "Qing Heng always thought that the Xiao family was his watchdog, and if you lose a few bones, you will be fine." He will bite people for him, but he doesn't know that what he raises is actually a white-eyed wolf, waiting for an opportunity to turn over and devour the master at any time. The struggle between these two forces is nothing more than a dog bites a dog."

"That's right, it's just a dog biting a dog. Since there are ready-made dogs to open the way for me, it's a pity not to use them." Zhou Liang's gloom dissipated, and he finally smiled.

"So, try to search for this memory as carefully as possible, you will always be pleasantly surprised." Xiao Lian closed his eyes with a smile, and his figure faded away in the mirror.

broad water

Li Fanggu and the others finished their rest and stood on the city wall.Jin Zhicheng was holding an outdoor lighting xenon lamp in his hand, and stretched his arms straight to transmit the light. The strong light came out, and he had a panoramic view of the entire cave.

Li Fanggu followed the lights and saw that the lost city in front of him looked like a sleeping giant, with an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square meters shrouded in hazy darkness.The place illuminated by the light is like an eye opened by a giant, watching them and inquiring about their reality.

"Look, that's our goal." Song Weiwei pointed out, and they looked in the direction, about three to four hundred meters away from them, stood a building with a height of about three floors, and the top of the building was a A huge bronze bell about the height of a person, the body of the bell is uneven, exactly as Li Fangu described it, with inscriptions engraved on it.

Jin Zhicheng swept the light around the ground, then turned it off.Although this xenon lamp is easy to use, it consumes a lot of power, and turning it on like this will easily attract those things lurking in the dark to watch.

"Let's go straight to the goal?" Song Weiwei suggested.

Duan Jinming said with some embarrassment: "I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome. I have been taking medicine to suppress the aura in my body before, but now I can't suppress it anymore. If the aura leaks out, I'm afraid those monsters will take the initiative to find me."

Jin Zhicheng nodded, and asked everyone to take out the battery light from the backpack and put it on their heads, and said: "I have considered this, there is no other way, the soldiers will cover the water and soil, and kill them all the way."

Li Fanggu raised his hand weakly: "Is there a way to put the rope directly on the bell tower, and let's slide over?"

Song Wei smiled and said, "We didn't bring so many ropes, and we couldn't throw them over such a long distance."

Duan Jinming smiled apologetically, and said, "I'm going to cause you trouble."

"Don't look outside. Now only the Duan family is left in the family of curse masters. Qing Heng is so arrogant now, and we have no way to stop him. Find the five phoenix beads and wake up the wings. This is the only thing we can do now to keep the Duan family. "Song slightly sighed, "This is also our responsibility as curse masters. We are not so great to save the world, we just don't want our current life to be destroyed. If the world becomes like the Xiao family, I would rather Die before the world becomes like that."

Li Fanggu smiled: "Sister, don't be so pessimistic! You see, we have broken through the wild world. I believe that as long as we work together, there is nothing we cannot do."

"Hmph, it's different when you have a lover. Everything is good, and you're now optimistic." Song slightly soured him.

With a hippie smile, Li Fanggu took out all the talisman papers from his backpack and stuffed them into his pockets by category.

Jin Zhicheng told them: "Mr. Duan's fire control ability is superb, but this is underground, the gas supply is tight, and combustion requires a lot of oxygen. Unless it is a last resort, Mr. Duan's ability should be used with caution."

Duan Jinming nodded to express his understanding.

Jin Zhicheng took the lead to find the location of the stairs, and stepped down the steps.Song Weiwei, Jiang Zi, Duan Jinming, Li Fanggu and Fu Su followed in turn.Duan Jinming glanced at Fusu with a subtle expression, then moved away without a trace.

A rustling sound sounded in the darkness, and Li Fanggu asked in a low voice, "What are these? Are those snakes again?"

The light on Jin Zhicheng's head wandered around in the darkness, but saw nothing.

They stepped on the ground, which was covered with an unknown layer of something, sticky and slippery, exuding a dull and unpleasant smell.Several people walked cautiously, paying attention to the rustling sound in the darkness.

They walked down the stairs, and at the moment Li Fanggu's footsteps stepped on the ground, a strange breath blew past. The sticky objects on the bottom of their feet were like a layer of oil and detergent, and quickly slid away, revealing the dryness of the ground. bluestone pavement.

"These things seem to be alive. It seems that this city senses that the Guanghuang has returned." Jin Zhicheng said in a deep voice.

Li Fanggu felt uneasy for a while, and suddenly felt a sense of urgency to give a speech. His legs felt sore and his palms began to feel cold.

Terribly, the spiritual energy that I had stored for a long time seemed to be empty in an instant.

Duan Jinming turned his head, saw his pale face, stopped worriedly, when the two walked side by side, Duan Jinming took his hand and held it, a burst of burning spiritual energy came through, and Li Fanggu felt much better.

Jin Zhicheng took the lead and walked towards the bell tower, and the rustling sound could be heard endlessly, but when they turned their heads to search, they couldn't find anything.

"What the hell!" Li Fanggu cursed in a low voice.

That voice seemed to be everywhere, surrounding them, ringing from far and near, reaching the ears of several people, making them feel hairy.

Lily of the valley floated high in front to explore the way. Suddenly, she stopped. Jin Zhicheng stopped everyone with his hand and said, "There is something ahead!"

Several people quickly stood up and put on a fighting posture.

A huge black shadow slid past, Li Fanggu opened his eyes cautiously, let go of Duan Jinming's hand, and took out the talisman paper in his pocket.

Duan Jinming's hand was empty, and he felt a little lost. He smiled and retreated behind Li Fanggu.

Layers of shadows slowly approached on the street ahead, approaching step by step. Jin Zhicheng turned on the light, and then several people took a deep breath.

In front, there are dense crowds of people, their faces are expressionless, their faces are cold, their bodies are dragging heavily, and the soles of their feet are dragging on the slippery ground, making a rustling sound.Make no mistake, these are zombies!Perhaps it was the residents of the former Guanghuang City who were demonized and turned into zombies after the fall of Guanghuang City.

Li Fanggu finally understood the source of those rustling sounds, he shivered all over, and squeezed the talisman paper in his hand.

Song smiled wryly: "Taking Tang Monk's flesh is really not a good job, we are surrounded."

Li Fanggu was startled, turned his head and looked over, sure enough, a group of demonized zombies came from behind, and then there were rustling sounds from the left and right, they were really surrounded!

Duan Jinming smiled wryly, knowing that he would encounter such a scene when he came down like this.

Li Fanggu looked at him, gritted his teeth, leaned over and said, "Duan Jinming, I warn you, no matter what you see, you are not allowed to laugh!"

Duan Jinming was confused, he was too late to worry, how could he laugh out loud, but seeing Li Fanggu's serious face, even though he was puzzled, he still nodded cooperatively.

Li Fanggu showed a resigned expression, squeezed the talisman in his hand, and waited for Jin Zhicheng's order.

Several people leaned together, Song Weiwei asked: "Fight?"

Jin Zhicheng nodded: "Make a gap and rush to the bell tower."

A tide of zombies slowly surrounded them, and then they all moved as if they had heard some command, and they quickly rushed towards several people.

Jin Zhicheng yelled, his face changed ferociously, and said: "Attention, there is a mastermind behind it! Don't let your guard down!" He injected spiritual energy into the black bone fan, and the black bone fan turned into a black gold stick, and he swept out with one blow. A group of zombies who rushed forward flew out and landed on the ground, revealing the sound of bones breaking all over their bodies.

Song Weiwei took out the meteor hammer, she murmured a curse, sparks were attached to the long chain of the meteor hammer, and they swept out in a circle, and the zombies touched flew out howling like wild dogs hit by high-voltage electricity.

Fu Su, Jiang Zi, and Ai Ai all rushed forward and rushed to fight among the zombies.

Li Fanggu took a deep breath, threw out all the talisman papers in his hand, and shouted: "Break!"

The strong air blast exploded in the air, and the zombies hit by the air flow flew out and rolled on the ground.

Even so, the densely packed zombies still came like a tide.It seems that when the city fell, all the people in the city were demonized by the attacking enemies. Calculated in this way, there are at least a thousand zombies here, and there may be more.

Li Fanggu pulled out the talisman papers one by one, and the zombies hit by the talisman papers flew out one by one.

After the talisman was scattered, he used his gun to shoot down one round, and there was an open space in front of them, and the few of them quickly pushed forward.

However, they were still so far away from the direction of the clock tower. According to this speed, they were exhausted before they got near the clock tower.

After one or two minutes, Jin Zhicheng and Song Weiwei's cheeks were sweating.

Duan Jinming was unwell and lacked physical strength. He was forced to use the Flame Blade a few times and consumed a lot of spiritual power. Soon his face turned pale and his footsteps became stilted.

Fusu and Jiangzi are brave, but the red light on Ai'ai gradually fades away.

Fighting like this consumes too much energy!And the bullets will run out quickly!It takes time to make these spiritual power bullets, and I cherish each one, and Li Fanggu feels a little distressed.

Li Fanggu was troubled in his heart, he gritted his teeth and said, "Ah Cheng, I'm going to use the demon dance, you guys cover me!"

Jin Zhicheng and Song Weiwei showed joy on their faces. They had only heard about Ji's Heavenly Demon Dance, but had never seen it before. It would be a lie to say that they were not curious.

Moreover, it has long been rumored among the curse masters that when the Heavenly Demon Dance came out, the Quartet surrendered. Today they are finally lucky enough to see it with their own eyes.

Duan Jinming and the others are also full of expectations. Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. Today, they can finally see the rumored Demon Dance.

Li Fanggu put away the gun and took off the backpack on his back with a generous expression on his face.

Duan Jinming took the backpack from his back and held it in his hand. With a snap of his fingers, he cut the two zombies that were rushing towards Li Fanggu in half with the flame blade.

Li Fanggu took out the phone from his pocket, and swiped his finger on the screen a few times.

A few people took the time to look over, and it turns out that there is still a soundtrack, what kind of dance can he dance?Rumba?precisely?Tango?Although Li Fanggu is not very handsome, but he has a tall and straight figure, long hands and long feet, and he should look good when dancing.

Li Fanggu stuffed the phone back into his trousers pocket, stood up straight, and raised his chin slightly, showing a nice arc.

Well, this posture is not bad, is it the national standard?

In the darkness, a male voice with broadcasting voice sounded: "The third set of national radio gymnastics for middle school students - Dancing Youth, starts now!"

Huh?Jin Zhicheng tilted his Wujin stick, and was bounced back by a sharp claw from the zombie in front of him, almost hitting his forehead.

Song Weiwei's eyes were dull, the meteor hammer in his hand circled around the top of his head, the hammer head fell off, and almost hit his arm.

Jiangzi and Fusu turned their heads suspiciously, watching Li Fanggu's movements.

A burst of passionate music sounded, Li Fanggu took a deep breath, and the password began: "Preparation Day!" Li Fanggu stretched his arms and stroked in a circle. Wherever his arms were stroked, a strong energy came out, and he A dozen or so zombies on both sides of the body flew upside down and slammed into the wall.

"one two three four five six seven eight……"

Li Fanggu stretched out his hand and raised his leg. With every movement, there was a fierce airflow flying out. The zombies around him were like bottles being blown away by a bowling ball, staggering to and fro.

Li Fanggu's face was full of seriousness, his ears were pricked up to listen to the beat of the password on the mobile phone, and he tried his best to make the movements in place.

"First session, stretching, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight..."

Li Fanggu stretched out his left arm and tapped his toes on the ground. The zombie who jumped up from the left side of his body flew out and hit the zombie who came up behind him.

Li Fanggu rotated his body 90 degrees, stretched his upper limbs, and drew a big circle. The zombies in front of and behind him flew out, and fell into one piece with the zombies pressing up behind him.

Then he switched to the right, and the zombies on the right flew out... After one session, there were hundreds of zombies around them.

The command of radio exercises continued: "Chest expansion exercise, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight..."

Li Fanggu bent his arms and raised them horizontally, stretching them behind him. The zombie in front of him was pulled by a strange pulling force, and flew from above him to behind him.

Fu Su and Jiang Zi stared dumbfounded at a group of zombie crows flying through the air, and then slammed to the ground following Li Fanggu's kicking movement, and never got up again.


The password for broadcast exercises in the arena continued to ring, Jin Zhicheng swept away the zombies in front of him, retracted his stick and stepped back, staring at Li Fanggu's movements with strange eyes.It can be seen that he worked very hard on this set of drills, and his movements are so standard that they can almost be burned into a teaching CD; the rhythm is just right, and he can even flexibly change his position according to the position surrounded by zombies in the field...

He tried his best to hold back his laughter, and the expression on his cold face twisted.

Song Weiwei was still able to stand at first, but then she just slid onto the ground covering her stomach, covering her stomach with one hand and her mouth with the other, trying not to make a sound, her whole body twitched, as if her body was being twitched. Electricity, violent trembling.

Duan Jinming was dumbfounded, the backpack in his hand fell to the ground unknowingly, watching Li Fanggu do the body turning exercise, as his body turned, circle after circle of zombies were swept away and hit the walls of the surrounding houses .

After four and eight beats, the number of zombies around has been reduced by half.

Li Fanggu performed jumping movements. He stretched his arms and slid up and down, his legs moved flexibly, changing between lunge and upright, and his slightly long bangs moved up and down, covering his serious face.The zombie approaching was like a watermelon being picked up, hitting the roof in the distance, and the sound of thumping was endless.

Duan Jinming's face was distorted, and that noble face was as if convulsed. No wonder, no wonder he immediately changed the subject every time he mentioned the Heavenly Demon Dance...

Li Fanggu did a kicking movement. He cooperated with his hands and feet, kicked his legs high and strong, and pushed forward with strong energy. The zombies within ten meters in front of him retreated five meters out of thin air. Li Fanggu retracted his legs, and all the zombies fell forward. , sticking to the ground, the body shivered twice, and never moved again.

Good... good... so powerful! ! !No wonder the two sisters of the Ji family could rely on this set of demon dance to resist Qing Heng for so long!

Finally, Li Fanggu managed to tidy up his movements, and the field within a five-meter radius was basically emptied, leaving a few sporadic ones that fell and flew out as he moved his arms...

The corner of Jin Zhicheng's mouth twitched, he picked up Song Weiwei who was still laughing and twitching on the ground, and led her to clean up the remaining zombies, making the final cleanup.

Song Weiwei smiled while waving the meteor hammer. She couldn't straighten her hand several times and was almost hit by her own hammer.

Li Fanggu lingered back and forth, clasped his fingers together, stretched forward vigorously, bent his waist deeply, and bent his back in a beautiful arc. Finally, the zombies who surrounded him fell to the ground fiercely, and the ground was smashed for a while. trembling.

Li Fanggu straightened his upper body, stretched his whole body slowly, and came to a stillness slowly. Finally, the command of broadcasting exercises called out the word "stop".In the middle of the field, the wind stopped and the clouds stopped, and the corpses of zombies lay all over the ground, no longer a trace of vitality.

Duan Jinming and Fusu were already in a mess in the wind, and there was a strange atmosphere in the field. For a while, no one spoke, and no one knew what to say.

Li Fanggu stood quietly, with tears almost all over his face, finally, finally, they saw him, ahhhhh, he has no face to face anyone! !

At the beginning, he thought about it, how could he choose an easy-to-learn dance that could bring out the full power of the Heavenly Demon Dance when he had no foundation in dancing and was a man?It's a pity that he knows those dances, but those dances don't know him. He tried many dance songs recommended by Ji Lingche, but gave up.Finally, he decided to choose a set of fast-paced radio exercises to play.

He still remembered the ghost-like expression on Ji Lingche's face. Her delicate and delicate face convulsed for half an hour, and then called Ji Lingqing over.

After hearing his thoughts, Ji Lingqing's alluring and beautiful facial features trembled as if they were passing through a sieve, and he still vividly remembered the extremely weird look in his eyes.

The two cousins ​​kept laughing for a long time. Damn it, he could see clearly that when they were helping him to separate the components of the secret method, their bodies were also twitching. They thought their backs were facing him, so he didn't know they were laughing?ah?

Although he was very quick to master the Heavenly Demon Dance and practiced this set of exercises very proficiently, but every time someone asked him about his learning of the Heavenly Demon Dance, he would have no face to speak out.

It's a pity that paper can't hold fire, and today, I finally showed it, especially in front of my lover.This scene, this atmosphere...

Tianmo Wu's power is indeed extraordinary, but now he just wants to dig a hole on the spot, bury himself in it, and never come out again.

Why is it that Duan Jinming can be so handsome that there is no one else in the world when he shows his power, but Li Fanggu is so stupid that he will shake the world, there will be no one before or after!

Duan Jinming's face convulsed for a long time, and he finally came back to his senses. He picked up the backpack, coughed, walked in front of him, opened his arms, and hugged him.

He leaned into his ear and said: "I didn't laugh just now." He endured it very hard, really!

Li Fanggu gritted his teeth, with a death-wanting expression on his face: "You'd better laugh, I feel bad for internal injuries."

Duan Jinming's body trembled twice, buried his face in his neck, laughed muffledly, and sprayed his scorching breath on Li Fanggu's neck, Li Fanggu burst into tears.

After a while, Duan Jinming calmed down and said, "Well, I admit, I really laughed just now. But, Li Fanggu, you were really handsome just now! Really!"

Li Fanggu sighed, forget it, this is his fate, he accepted his fate!

Duan Jinming let go of him, scratched his cheeks with his fingers, and asked softly: "Are you tired?" His face was so pale, the demon dance consumes a lot of spiritual power, and the child is possessed by a phoenix bird, so he will definitely feel very tired.

Li Fanggu nodded and said, "I can't walk anymore, I wonder if I can take a rest for a while."

Fusu came over from the side and said, "I can't rest here, let me carry you on my back, and you can rest on my back for a while."

Duan Jinming also smiled and said: "If I'm the one who carries you, unfortunately, I'm not much better than you now. It's also good to help Su carry you. Let's hurry up and go to the bell tower first."

Jin Zhicheng dragged Song Weiwei, who was still smiling, over, and said: "These zombies have been wiped out, but they were clearly ordered just now, and there must be a higher-level monster behind them. Let's not delay here, hurry up and go to the court first." go forward."

Hearing this, Li Fanggu no longer insisted, stretched out his hand to grab Fusu's shoulder and climbed onto his back.

Jin Zhicheng took the lead and walked forward, this time leading the son in the rear.

Li Fanggu buried his face on Fusu's back, and said in pain, "I'm ashamed to throw it at grandma's house."

Fu Su smiled lightly and comforted him, "I think you did those moves just now very beautifully. The power of Tianmo Wu is really extraordinary, you were really handsome just now!"

"Thank you for helping Su, I feel more comforted in my heart." Li Fanggu said sullenly.

Fusu smiled faintly, and poked him a little higher, making him lie on his back more comfortably.

They walked all the way, the footsteps echoed clearly on the bluestone road, the desolate and dark ancient city was empty, there was nothing, but the quieter it was, the more hairy their hearts were, and they always felt that there was something more terrifying in the darkness something, but they can't imagine what it is.

This short 500 meters was both short and long. They seemed to have walked for a long time, and they seemed to have only walked for a short while, and finally came to the bottom of the bell tower.

Li Fanggu had seen this road in a dream, he looked up to the top of the clock tower, and he could see the dark mouth of the big clock above.

As long as they go up, they can reach their destination.

Jin Zhicheng took a deep breath, suppressed the ominous premonition in his heart, and took the lead in stepping up the spiral winding stairs on the bell tower.

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