The strongest magician

Chapter 130 Persuasion

Looking at his somewhat sad face, Zhou Yu was filled with emotions. Finally, finally, did this younger brother start to have these complicated emotions?How many years had he been looking forward to this?From being immersed in his own world when he was just born, to being manic and indifferent when he was young, to being indifferent when he was young, and finally opening his heart to him and Xiaoqi, he has put in countless efforts. Today, I finally saw him again Making progress again, I couldn't help feeling a little sad.

Originally, he was not afraid that he would be sad, but he was afraid that he would not know what sadness is.Seeing his sadness now, my heart hurts again, and I wish he never felt sadness.After all, it hurts him to hold Zhou Liang in his palm for more than 20 years, not to mention the hundreds of years he spent to nourish his crippled soul.

He looked at Jin Shuyan on the bed. Now he realized how much energy his elder brother had spent on him. The more he knew about this, the more he felt that what he had done for him was worthwhile.

He said softly: "You have just met him, how can you be sure that your heart for him is love?"

Zhou Liang said stubbornly: "I just know it. It's said in the book. The first time I saw him, I thought, this person is so special, I want to know him, I want to get to know him, I want to get along with him, I want to I met him again. When I was with him, I couldn’t help but want to look at him and figure out his mind. When he looked at me, I knew I was blushing and my heart was beating. When he looked at me, I was nervous, and when he didn’t look at me I'm lost again. Brother Yu, I've read psychology, and I know, this is love at first sight."

Looking at his face, Zhou Yu felt amused and helpless. Could this world be a little too wonderful?Do you understand Xiaoliang's mood?What would he think if he understood?But what he is more worried about is that if Xiao Liang recovers the memory of his previous life...

Today, the inner core of the Xiao family has seen Xiao Liang and knows his existence. How long can he keep Xiao Liang by his side?

"It's very good that you understand your own intentions. Brother Yu is afraid that you are just temporarily confused." Zhou Yu said softly.

"I know, Brother Yu. I've thought about this issue a long time ago." Zhou Liang listened to his explanation, "I've been with him in the past few days, and I've thought about it many times. It's very unreliable to fall in love at first sight. It's just a first impression. But the more I see him clearly in the past few days, the more I am attracted to him. Compared with the first time I saw him, I like him a lot more."

He paused for a moment, and said sadly: "But, Brother Yu, he can't hold on physically anymore, and I don't want to lose him."

Seeing his weeping expression, Zhou Yu couldn't help laughing, and said, "How do you know he can't hold on?"

Zhou Liang raised his head and said, "I am a doctor, Brother Yu. I know his body best." He was silent for a while, and said, "Brother Yu, he is the elder brother of you and Brother Qi in previous lives, right? "

Zhou Yu froze for a moment, shocked by his intelligence, then nodded.

Zhou Liang was silent again, and then his eyes lit up: "Brother Yu, why did you go to the wild world? Why did you leave before?"

Zhou Yu smiled: "Didn't you guess it all?"

The haze swept away from Zhou Liang's face, and he cheered: "Brother Yu, Brother Yu, you are so kind to me!" He hugged Zhou Yu tightly, and then thought of the wound on his body, he let go again.

Zhou Yu laughed: "I have spent a lot of effort, and your brother Qi will be happy." He carefully took out a box from the pocket of his suit. The box was made of black jade. With Zhou Yu's fingers, he unscrewed the box , a burst of aura exuded.

"Brother Yu, what is this?" Zhou Liang asked with wide eyes curiously.

"This is called 'Twelve Classics Notes'. It was left by a fairy named 'Xuanxi' in ancient times. These mantras are connected to the surface of the earth veins, and can transfer the extra aura in the earth veins to him. These auras can Slowly warm up his body for him, and when he recovers, he will be able to recover if he practices hard.” Zhou Yu pulled out a fist-sized spell scroll from the box, and Zhou Liang stared at it with wide-eyed eyes. It is made of paper, but it is all woven by magic.

Zhou Yu pulled away the scroll and covered Jin Shuyan's forehead with the scroll. When the scroll met his body, it slowly stretched out by itself. Jin Shuyan's body floated into the air, and the scroll wrapped around him Wrapped, and then, the mantra emerged and melted into his body bit by bit.

Zhou Liang stared blankly, and asked, "Can this save him?"

Zhou Yu smiled: "Yes, now, you don't have to worry."

Zhou Liang's big and ethereal eyes stared at him shiningly, as if he wanted to pounce on him and give him a bite.

Zhou Yu was amused, patted his head, and said, "I haven't been home for a long time, and I'm worried about you brother Qi, I'll go back first. You can stay here for a few more days if you want. But you brother Qi must be worried too. You, don't lose your home if you have a sweetheart."

Zhou Liang was embarrassed and protested, "How can it be? Don't worry, I'll go back and have a look soon."

Zhou Yu thought for a while, and then said: "Xiao Liang, you will have someone you like, and Brother Yu is very happy for you. However, Brother Yu also wants to remind you that love depends on fate. Big Brother ... I know him very well, and he has a clear sense of grievances and grievances. Although he is open-minded, he can't accept everything. You, if he still doesn't respond to you, you have to be mentally prepared. "

Zhou Liang looked at him, then at Jin Shuyan, and said in a muffled voice, "I know, Brother Yu. Although he looks kind, he always rejects people thousands of miles away invisibly. It’s not as good as it looks on the outside. But I just like him. Isn’t there a saying? Sincerity is as good as gold and stone. If you don’t try hard, how can you know that there will be no results. You have always taught me to do things before. Have perseverance and don’t be afraid of failure. Besides, I’m not such a hard-nosed person. Brother Yu, just let me try.”

Zhou Yu thought to himself, this is a grudge between Zhou Liang and his eldest brother in a previous life, Xiao Liang can't remember anything, and his eldest brother has such a good memory, I'm afraid he remembers everything.He also had doubts, if he hadn't thought that Xiao Liang was the eldest brother at the beginning, I'm afraid he wouldn't have given so much.

However, seeing Zhou Liang's stubborn expression, he just sighed softly, handed out the jade box that Lu Zhen gave him, and said, "Brother Yu, go back first, and when the elder brother wakes up, you will give this to him for me. If you give it to him, he will know what it is."

Zhou Liang took the box, snorted, and said, "Why is this box again? This box is obviously empty. Why is it so precious? People from the Xiao family have been looking for this."

"Empty?" Zhou Yu was taken aback.

"Yes." Seeing that he didn't believe it, Zhou Liang wanted to open it for him to see.Zhou Yu quickly pressed his hand and said, "Don't open it. How about this box, you can leave it to the elder brother to decide."

"En." Zhou Liang nodded obediently.

Zhou Yu stood up, smiled, and took another deep look at Jin Shuyan who was on the bed, "Brother, this time, I've won you!"

Seeing Zhou Yu go out, Zhou Liang put the box beside the pillow and put it away. He sat back and looked at Jin Shuyan. He raised his hand to test the temperature on his forehead. Perhaps it was a psychological effect, and the temperature seemed to drop.

He was relieved, it was good.He sat on the edge of the bed and watched him for a long time, but still couldn't help it, he bent down and kissed his lips secretly.

Jin Shuyan's lips tasted slightly bitter, and he knew it was because of his fever. These lips were so soft and tactile, he reluctantly let go.He is not Liu Xiahui, who is not in trouble.Besides, taking care of him for so many days should charge some interest.

He took off his shoes, sat cross-legged on the bed, grabbed his hand, and held it tightly. He didn't wake up anyway, so it doesn't matter if he eats some tofu, hmph.

Song Weiwei was sitting on the bus, her left wrist was wrapped with snow-white gauze.Several people looked at her secretly, probably thinking that she had just committed suicide.

She wiped away the tears from her eyes funny and sad, but couldn't help the tears slipped down the corners of her eyes again.

A butterfly flew in from outside the window and landed on her shoulder. She stood up and walked to the door, ready to get out of the car.

After getting off the car, she followed the guidance of the butterfly and walked all the way. When she saw the house number in front of her, she was stunned. Zhongshan Botanical Garden?Ah Cheng is actually here?

Although she was surprised, she still bought the ticket. After entering the door, she followed the guidance of the butterfly and came to the bamboo garden. From a distance, she saw the familiar figure from the back.

Jin Zhicheng sat with his back straight, like a rock that had been lonely for thousands of years.

Song Weiwei hesitated for a while, then walked carefully to his side, and sat down with him.

Jin Zhicheng seemed to sense her coming, but also seemed to feel nothing.

Song Weiwei didn't speak, but just sat quietly with him.After a long time, it was Jin Zhicheng who spoke first.

"Ah Yuan and I used to come here often." He lowered his head and spread out the small pendant in his hand. In the pendant, a faint light flew slowly around the blood-red droplets. It was Lu Zhen Remnant Soul, "I want to take Ah Yuan to see the bamboo here again, he has always liked bamboo."

Song Weiwei had a sore nose and red eyes.

"I promised my elder brother that if I can't bring him back, I will let him go."

Song Weiwei's tears dripped down, silently falling on the back of her hand.

"Don't worry, Wei Wei, I won't do stupid things. Ah Yuan has suffered so much for his own responsibility. Now, his wish is not fulfilled, so I will do the rest for him. So, Don't worry, I will be quiet for a while, and when I am quiet, I will go back."

Song slightly nodded, although sad, but finally relieved.

"Where's big brother?" After a long silence, Jin Zhicheng asked again.

Song Weiwei hesitated for a moment, and said: "Zhou Liang said, brother's body, I'm afraid it won't be able to hold on anymore. When I came, I was still in a, prepare yourself mentally." As soon as she woke up, she summoned Yuan Die asked her to help him find him, but didn't ask any specific questions.

Jin Zhicheng was stunned for a moment, and his body shook.

Song Weiwei looked at him worriedly, reached out and grabbed his hand: "Ah Cheng, do you remember what you said to me when Ling Duanyang died?"

Jin Zhicheng nodded numbly.

"You said that we are not only partners, but also relatives. Don't forget what you said to comfort me."

Jin Zhicheng was confused for a while, and finally nodded and said, "Wei Wei, I promise you, I will persevere."

The corners of Song Weiwei's mouth curled up, but the tears were like broken pearls, and they couldn't stop.She covered her face, wiped away her tears, and said, "Okay, I know you always keep your word. I'll go back first, and I'll wait for your safe return. And Xiaogu, he will wait for you too."

She left the new address behind, hugged Jin Zhicheng, then turned and left.

Jin Zhicheng watched her back leave, looked down at the pendant in his hand, and murmured softly: "Ah Yuan, don't worry, I will help you finish what you haven't finished. Then...then I will accompany you... "

The wind blows through the bamboo forest, and the rustling of the bamboo leaves sounds like a lover whispering.

Li Fanggu fell asleep on the bed in a groggy state, the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dark, and he didn't know how long he had slept. Although he wanted to urinate a long time ago, he didn't even bother to move.Later, I felt that if I didn't get up again, I would wet the bed, so I half-closed my eyes and wanted to get up in a daze.

As soon as he moved, a pair of strong hands stretched out beside him, and Li Fanggu was half dragged and half hugged by him.

He fell into that slightly cold embrace and said in a daze, "Uncle, I'm going to the bathroom, please help me."

"..." Duan Jinming looked at him speechlessly, picked him up and sent him to the toilet.

After Li Fanggu drained the water in a daze, he didn't even bother to see if he urinated outside the toilet.After urinating, I put the baby away, knelt down on the ground, and continued to sleep while leaning on the toilet.

When Duan Jinming heard the movement, he quickly opened the door and came in. Seeing him falling asleep with his head on the toilet, he felt distressed and helpless.

He picked him up and put him on the bed, exhausted himself, so he took off his shoes and fell asleep next to him.

Li Fanggu felt his slightly cool body temperature, entangled him automatically, and slipped into his arms.

Duan Jinming took advantage of the situation to hug him, kissed the top of his hair, and fell asleep with him.

Li Fanggu smiled reassuringly, and said in a daze, "Uncle, you are really comfortable."

"..." Duan Jinming felt that if he wanted to continue with this child, he needed a particularly tolerant heart.

Li Fanggu slept for another whole day and night, and when he woke up, two full days had passed.

When he woke up, Li Fangu felt that his chest and his back were going to stick together. The room was not very bright, and it was not clear whether it was morning or dusk. Duan Jinming was sitting on the bedside, holding hands tightly with him.

The yellowish sunlight shone on Duan Jinming's face, his slender eyelashes cast fan-like shadows on his cheeks,

That expression, peaceful and serene, Li Fanggu was immediately moved.He just stared at him blankly like this, if Duan Jinming hadn't been awakened by his hungry cries, maybe he would have stared at him like this for the rest of his life.

Hearing his hungry grunt, Duan Jinming turned his face in surprise, and saw Li Fanggu was looking at him for a moment, this child is so cute, even the two pea-sized eyedrops at the corners of his eyes made him I feel so cute.

"When did you wake up? Why didn't you say anything?" He took a tissue to wipe off his eyes and asked lightly.

Li Fanggu's face flushed, and his tone was ambiguous: "You are so beautiful, I am dumbfounded."

Duan Jinming couldn't help laughing: "Are you hungry? I'll bring you some food."

Li Fanggu nodded hastily, and his stomach let out a fitful growl.

Duan Jinming leaned over to kiss him, and without looking at his embarrassed face, he opened the door and went out to serve dinner.

After a while, Duan Jinming came back with a tray, on which there was a bowl of corn porridge, two large white steamed buns, two dishes of side dishes, one dish of cold tea, and one dish of fried lettuce.

"It's not time for dinner. You can eat a little bit first, and I'll get you some delicious food later." He saw that Li Fanggu was already tidied up and sitting by the bed, so he put his hand on the high stool in front of him. .

Li Fanggu nodded, it turned out to be dusk, he chatted with him while eating: "Did Brother Yuan be rescued? We came back safely, Brother Yuan should be healed already?"

Duan Jinming was silent for a while, and said: "After you left, the core of the Xiao family turned into a human form and attacked us. There was an accident on our side, and the ever-burning lamp was not protected and went out, so Wei Yuan, his body was not saved..."

Li Fanggu was stunned for a moment, and even forgot to chew. A few seconds later, he hurriedly swallowed what was in his mouth: "What? Brother Yuan didn't come back? What about Ah Cheng?"

Duan Jinming sighed, and said: "Of course he was very sad, he left for a day, and later Song Weiwei persuaded him to come back."

Hearing what he said, Li Fanggu felt relieved.

"Mr. Jin has not been in good health, but this time the fever has finally subsided. Your little uncle has been taking care of him. He woke up yesterday, but only said a few words, and then fell asleep again. Zhou Liang said that he will gradually recover. Get up. Jin Zhicheng is also waiting for him to fully recover before talking to him."

Li Fanggu felt a little lost in his heart. He didn't expect them to go through life and death in the wild world, and in the end, they still failed.Thinking of Jin Zhicheng's current mood, he also felt sad.

Li Fanggu silently ate all the steamed buns and vegetables, drank the porridge, and licked the corners of his mouth.Duan Jinming handed over the facial tissue, and Li Fanggu wiped it clean, crumpled the paper into a ball, and threw it into the trash can, with a perfect target.

"It's good that Ah Cheng is back. You guys have suffered a lot this time. Where's my uncle?"

"He said he had been away from home for too long, so he went back to have a look first. Your little uncle said he would go back in two days. What are you going to do?"

Li Fanggu stood up and said, "Wait for me, I will tell you when I come out."

Duan Jinming saw him trotting all the way into the bathroom, and was extremely puzzled.The door of the bathroom was closed, and the sound of water came from inside. Two minutes later, Li Fanggu came out and sat down opposite him.

"Let me ask you, Jin Ming, you have to tell me honestly. When I came back from the soul, you, did you share your soul fire with me?" He opened his mouth, and a smell of toothpaste sprayed over , Duan Jinming sneered, did you just run to brush your teeth?

"Yes, I am worried that you will be in danger in the wild world. Who knows, it was because of me that I almost killed you and Jin Zhicheng. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have delayed so much time, and you might have returned long ago. Wei Yuan also..."

Li Fanggu rushed forward and hugged him: "You are talking nonsense. If it weren't for you, we might all have died there in Tongtian Temple. How can we come back? Your soul fire saved me More than once, don't take these things on yourself."

Duan Jinming looked at his smooth back neck, lowered his head and kissed it, Li Fanggu gasped: "Don't kiss it there, once you kiss my neck, my whole body will go limp."

"..." It turns out that the neck is a sensitive zone, no wonder he hummed when he kissed the neck last time.

Li Fanggu let him go and stared at him with piercing eyes: "Jin Ming, at the time at Heishan Pass, I thought we were all dead. .”

Duan Jinming softened his heart and scolded him: "Don't do that next time. That Bi Fang is just a part of my soul. If it's gone, I'll just feel a little hurt and nothing will happen. But you, I almost hurt you." Luckily, nothing happened to you, otherwise I..."

Li Fanggu didn't let him finish speaking, and blocked his mouth with his unrelenting mouth.

Duan Jinming kissed the smell of toothpaste, which was both funny and touching.

Li Fanggu waited for this kiss for a long time, and was not satisfied with the first kiss, so she got up, sat on Duan Jinming's lap, held Duan Jinming's face and kissed it.

At the end of a long and affectionate French kiss, Li Fanggu reluctantly kissed Duan Jinming's bright red lips, making a loud water-stained sound.

Duan Jinming blushed, lifted his T-shirt with both hands, and touched his body carefully.The child's movements are really neat, just when he went to serve the meal, he took a shower, and now he smells of refreshing soap.It smells very pleasant.

The skin was very smooth and warm, and the air conditioner was turned on in the room, and the place not covered by the clothes was cool.He lowered his head and kissed Li Fanggu's neck, Li Fanggu let out an ouch and his body softened.

"You, don't pick where to kiss, I have no strength." Li Fanggu complained wanting to cry without tears.

Duan Jinming didn't listen to him, his lips kept lingering on his neck, his T-shirt was lifted high, revealing his delicate skin and tender flesh.

Li Fanggu blushed, he didn't have much muscle, but he had a lot of meat. As a man, he was also a curse master, it was too shameful, Duan Jinming would definitely laugh at him.

Duan Jinming didn't comment, but gently kissed his lips all the way down his neck, and even teased those two sensitive spots with the tip of his tongue.

How could Li Fanggu stand such teasing, he pressed his hand and begged for mercy: "No, you can't do it now, don't tempt me like this."

Duan Jinming grabbed him, put his two hands behind his back, grabbed him with one hand, and kept the other hand groping up and down his body, stripping him naked in a while.

Li Fanggu wanted to break free, but couldn't bear it, he was so excited that he let Duan Jinming do whatever he wanted with him.

After a while, he confessed to his lover again.

Li Fanggu wanted to cry but had no tears, Duan Jinming was a bit too aggressive like this, he was just a fake in front of him, let him knead him.

Duan Jinming kissed him dotingly, and let go of his grip.Not reconciled, Li Fanggu held his face and kissed him carefully.For some reason, he felt that Duan Jinming seemed to be a little different, but he couldn't tell what was the difference, he just felt that Duan Jinming was closer to him.

Before Duan Jinming treated him, he felt that he treated him like a favorite pet, and he felt more indulgent.This time, Duan Jinming took the initiative to respond to him. He felt that the interaction between them was more like lovers.

Does this mean that their relationship is a little deeper?

Duan Jinming hugged him affectionately, after a while, Li Fanggu struggled up with red face, and put on his clothes.

Looking at his embarrassed expression, Duan Jinming felt as if he had been scratched by a cat's paw, itching uncomfortably, wishing he could bully him more.

Li Fanggu looked at his expression, glared at him sternly, then possessed himself unwillingly, kissed him loudly, and said, "Wait, when your body returns to normal, I will hold you down on the ground." Fuck until you cry on the bed."

He is betting that Duan Jinming will push him away with a cold face?Or just give him a fist?Or just kick him to the ground?

Duan Jinming raised his eyebrows, narrowed his eyes and smiled, and said, "Okay, I'm looking forward to it. Let's see who is crying."

Li Fanggu was overjoyed, almost humming happily.

Duan Jinming looked at him amusedly, and said, "You have recovered now, someone has been waiting to see you for a long time, do you want to meet now?"

Li Fanggu was taken aback, who wants to see him?

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