Fusu withdrew his sharp claws calmly, and said, "Fortunately, we caught up."

Duan Jinming breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the edge of the bed.Zhou Liang was taken aback for a moment, seeing Yun Ji's limp body, he felt a strange feeling in his heart. It was an indescribable feeling, like loss, regret, or...sadness?

He frowned, shaking the strange feeling away.

Immediately, his heart ached again, and when he saw Jin Shuyan being held by Fusu on his shoulders, he immediately ran forward in three steps at a time, and took him from Fusu's hand.

Jin Shuyan's face was pale, without a trace of blood. If it wasn't for the weak movement of his chest, he would almost have thought that he had lost all vitality.

Zhou Liang felt another indescribable feeling in his heart, as if his heart had been pricked by a needle, and his breathing stopped for a second.

what does it feel likeIs it the legendary heartache?

He had never felt like this, never felt such emotions.His ethereal eyes stared worriedly at Jin Shuyan's face, and the expression on his face was indescribable.

what to do?How can we save this man?He hasn't had time to get to know him well, and he doesn't want to lose him so soon...

How can, how can we keep him?

His slender fingers scraped over Jin Shuyan's gentle eyebrows, straight nose, and then to his pale and soft lips, and his palm stroked his slender cheeks. A sad emotion surrounded him, making him feel inexplicably A trace of sadness.

Jin Shuting who was lying next to him coughed and got up with difficulty. Seeing him looking at Jin Shuyan with such eyes, he immediately exploded: "You pervert, let go of my brother! What are you going to do to him?"

Zhou Liang's emotions were interrupted, and he became manic again, with black air in his eyes, and he glared at him.do what?If you can do something, that's great!But with Jin Shuyan like this, he can't do whatever he wants!

Jin Shuting was stared at by him, and seeing how tough he was just now, he suddenly didn't dare to make a sound.He struggled to his feet, hissing in pain.

Seeing the messy room, Fusu hissed, and said, "The Ji family's reinforcements are coming outside, and they are delaying that monster Qingheng. We will wait for Xiao Li and the others to come back. Only when they come back can we move together. It's a pity that Mr. Jin Now he is in a coma, and he doesn't know his next plan. Mr. Jin will be taken care of by you first, and Lao Zhang and I will continue to go back. If the two little girls of Ji's family can't resist, we can help."

Zhou Liangliang nodded in response.

Hearing this, Jin Shuting felt a sense of loss. His elder brother had arranged so many things, why didn't he know anything about it?Isn't he from the Jin family?He didn't even reveal to him about the anticipation of the Xiao family's attack, and he didn't even know about calling the Ji family's reinforcements, let alone the next arrangement.

By the way, Jin's family was attacked, where is his father?Why didn't the father make any movement?Could it be...?

He panicked, got up enduring his injuries, and walked towards the door.

Zhou Liang put Jin Shuting on the ground, stood up and stopped him: "What do you want to do?"

Jin Shuting waved: "Go away, don't stop me!"

Zhou Liang said coldly: "It was because you opened the door that this woman noticed our aura just now, and now you plan to hold us back?"

Jin Shuting was furious: "What did you say? Say it again if you have the guts!"

Zhou Liang was cold and his tone was almost grim: "What did You Qie solemnly tell you before leaving? If Fusu hadn't appeared in time, where would the lamp be here now..." He stopped suddenly in the middle of his words, because he suddenly Thinking of a very important matter, Zhou Yu had repeatedly told him that to really kill the Xiao family, it was not enough to just kill the body, what was important was to exterminate their shadows, and Fusu just destroyed Yun Ji What about her body, her shadow?

He immediately looked worriedly at Jin Shuyan who was on the ground, Jin Shuyan was still in a coma, without any movement.Jin Shuting, who was opposite him, suddenly screamed and fell heavily towards him. Zhou Liang reflexively kicked him away to search for the target.

And Duan Jinming beside the bed suddenly let out a muffled snort, and a huge shadow suddenly appeared beside him, and he was knocked down heavily, but he didn't forget the lamp by the bed when he fell down, he quickly protected the lamp in his arms, and blocked it with his body. Shadow attack.

It's just that he is too weak now, and his movements are not as fast as in the past. Although the lamp was protected by him, it flickered a few times, and then went out...

Duan Jinming was stunned, and Zhou Liang was also stunned.

Zhou Liang roared, drew a spell on his chest with his right hand, and shouted: "Break!" The huge shadow was pierced through and fell into pieces.

Yun Ji by the door showed a smug smile, her neck tilted, this time she was completely dead.

There was silence in the room. Duan Jinming and Zhou Liang looked at the extinguished lamp in disbelief, their faces pale.

Savage world

Li Fangu is building a passage with all his strength. Jin Zhicheng is driving a Pegasus and running fast on a road covered with maple leaves built by Li Fangu. Compared with the road, it seems a little longer. They know what's going on, it's Li Fangu My spirit is too sleepy, and it is a blessing that this road can be created.

Li Fanggu was extremely sleepy, even if Song Weiwei kept talking to him, he could hardly stay awake anymore, he clenched his fists tightly, pinched his thighs, bit the tip of his tongue... Various methods were used in turn, Try not to pass out.

Seeing that the road was about to come to an end, the ever-burning lamp was just in front of them. Suddenly, the ever-burning lamp went out, and the road collapsed at the end. They suddenly fell from the edge of the cliff into the abyss, and the people and horses fell rapidly.

Countless black tentacles suddenly protruded from the endless darkness below, quickly rolling towards the three of them.Jin Zhicheng yelled: "Hold on to Xiaogu!" He stood up from his horseback, and the black bone fan transformed into a machete on his back. From his waist bow to his back to his arms, he slashed with all his strength and rolled towards them. The tentacles were severed.

Song Weiwei hugged Li Fanggu tightly, held the rein tightly with her right hand, looked around vigilantly with her beautiful eyes, and shouted at Jin Zhicheng: "Ah Cheng, left!"

A huge tentacle rolled over to their left, and a dark aura surrounded them.

Jin Zhicheng flipped the back of the saber, lifted the saber from the lower right, exerted force with his waist bow, and slashed towards the tentacles. With a hiss, the tentacles were cut off, and the broken tentacles turned into black smoke and flew away.

It was only a split second, Pegasus stopped falling, flapped its huge wings, and flew upwards with all its strength.

Surprised by the accident, Li Fanggu recovered a little bit of sobriety, and tried hard to think about the appearance of the ever-bright lamp, but no matter what, he couldn't capture the image of the ever-bright lamp.

what happened?Could it be that the lights went out?He panicked and felt dizzy for a while.

Duan Jinming looked at the extinguished ever-burning lamp, his heart ached, his whole body surged with energy, his eyes turned crimson, the flame of the ever-burning lamp was ignited again, but the flame was crimson, which was quite different from the original bright yellow.

Seeing this, Zhou Liang said, "Are you using your own soul fire to continue the lamp?"

Duan Jinming didn't care about answering, and struggled to maintain the flame on the ever-burning lamp.

Jin Shuting got up on the ground, panicked on his face, the light went out... Even if it was relit now, Wei Yuan...

He tremblingly climbed to Wei Yuan's bedside, put his finger under Wei Yuan's nose, his fingers touched a piece of ice, he lost his breath, Wei Yuan's body was dead...

Jin Shuting's mind went blank, and he sat slumped on the ground.

Jin Zhicheng rode his Pegasus upwards, dodging the endless black tentacles coming from below, but he was still unable to embark on the passage back to the world of the living.

Li Fangu's brain ached from thinking about it, and suddenly the image of a crimson burning lamp appeared in his mind, and the passage took shape again, but the overwhelming black tentacles rolled in again, even the passage constructed by Li Fanggu was destroyed by it, and the passage was in front of them Cave down.

Jin Zhicheng was furious, he was almost able to return to the mortal world, but he encountered unexpected problems, he clenched the handle of the knife, his face was ferocious, he slashed down angrily, and cut off part of the tentacles, while the other tentacles had already killed the entire Pegasus and them. The three of them were tied tightly, dragging them into the abyss.

Their bodies kept falling, Li Fanggu's body was tightly entangled, even his mouth and nose were sealed, he couldn't breathe, his hands couldn't break free, he could only watch helplessly as the passage got farther and farther away, and they fell into the abyss.

Song Weiwei has been hugging him tightly all the time, the two of them are tied together, his back is tightly pressed against Song Weiwei's chest, the soft touch comes out, but he has no thought of daydreaming at all.

He saw a thin blade suddenly appeared in Song Weiwei's hand around his chest, the blade was sharp, reflecting pale light, he panicked, knowing what she was going to do.

Song Weiwei's blade cut her left wrist, a large amount of blood gushed out, forming five figures in the air, they were Song Weiwei's martial gods, the five crazy monks.

The five crazy monks shouted and fought frantically, their tentacles were torn apart, and the three of them regained their freedom.

Jin Zhicheng cut off the tentacles that bound the Pegasus, and flew upwards on the Pegasus. Five crazy monks were killing frantically below, and gradually drifted away from them.

Suddenly, a huge black figure came out from the darkness and slammed into them fiercely, about to knock them over and fly them away.

Jin Zhicheng gritted his teeth, handed the reins to Li Fanggu, jumped up from the horse, and slashed at the shadow with a thick-backed machete aggressively.

Li Fanggu exclaimed: "Ah Cheng, come back!"

The black shadow was cut off by Jin Zhicheng and exploded in the air with a bang.Jin Zhicheng couldn't use his strength in the air, and his body fell into the abyss. Once again, countless tentacles stretched out from the abyss, rolling towards him densely.

Suddenly, a golden sword light appeared in front of him, those tentacles were cut off and melted, and a flying horse broke through the darkness and rushed over.

It was Zhou Yu, who reappeared in an emergency.

Zhou Yu caught Jin Zhicheng, pulled him to sit on the back of the horse, and shouted: "Hurry up, the passage is going to disappear."

Li Fanggu breathed a sigh of relief, and shouted: "Sister, hold me tight!"

He concentrated his energy, stabilized the passage, drove the Pegasus into the passage, and rushed towards the direction of the light.

Song slightly pressed the wound on his hand to slow down the blood flow, and leaned his head weakly on his back.

Zhou Yu and Jin Zhicheng galloped behind them.The fireworks of the ever-burning lanterns flickered in front of them, while the road built by Li Fanggu kept collapsing behind them. They were racing against time.

The lights and shadows changed along the way, and finally, a huge door appeared in front of me, just one step away!

In the courtyard, Qing Heng, who had struggled on the ground for a long time, slowly stood up, the strange aura in his eyes was messy, today he was so humiliated by carelessness, he simply broke the boat, he has endless time, why bother to fight for the length of this day!

He turned his palm into a blade, and thrust himself into his chest. Huge and terrifying power gushed out from it, bursting out in a fan shape. The two little girls of Ji's family screamed and flew backwards, lying unconscious on the ground covered in blood.

Fusu rushed out just in time, roared, and flew forward to stop him from killing the two little girls.

Lao Zhang's shadow on the ground surged into shape, bumped into Qing Heng, Qing Heng glanced contemptuously, and kicked out, both Fu Su and Lao Zhang flew out.

Qing Heng didn't stop on his feet, and rushed directly to the ground. A few seconds later, he appeared in front of Zhou Liang and the others.

Zhou Liang was taken aback when he saw the menacing Qing Heng. Without thinking, he drew a talisman on his chest with his right hand, and a "broken" tactic struck.

Qing Heng didn't dodge or dodge, and when he accepted it, he grinned grinningly, grabbed Zhou Liang's neck with his left hand, and lifted him up: "My dear boy, you are still alive. Now go home with me."

Zhou Liang's neck was strangled, and his face turned blue and his body was weak. He was about to draw a talisman on his chest, when Qing Heng sneered, and with all his strength, his neck was about to be strangled.

Suddenly, a huge door opened behind him, Li Fanggu and Song Weiwei rushed out of the door and fell to the ground.

Behind them, a golden sword light flashed out, and the sword light was fierce, piercing through Qing Heng's chest instantly.

Qing Heng let go in surprise, and Zhou Liang fell to the ground with a bruised face, breathing heavily.

Zhou Yu appeared behind Qing Heng. He drew out his long sword and kicked it out. Qing Heng was kicked out and landed on the ground rolling several somersaults. Qing Heng got up and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood. , no more hesitation, his body turned into a liquid, and flowed away on the ground in an instant.

Jin Zhicheng was the last to rush out of the gate. After he left, the gate slammed shut and disappeared in the air.He didn't bother to check the situation in the room, he quickly ran to Wei Yuan's bedside, lifted Jin Shuting and threw it aside.

Jin Shuting didn't fight back at this time, he sat quietly on the ground with a pale face.

Jin Zhicheng looked at Wei Yuan's lifeless face, trembling his lips: "Ah Yuan, I'm back."

But Wei Yuan on the bed was silent.

Duan Jinming saw a few people appear, sighed softly, the power of the soul fire was withdrawn, and the eternal light went out.

Li Fanggu struggled on the ground several times, but was still unable to stand up and fell asleep directly.Song Weiwei pressed her bloody wrist and stood up, looking at Jin Zhicheng's back with a bewildered expression.

Jin Zhicheng's lips trembled, and he did not give up calling: "Ah Yuan, I am the one who is back, open your eyes and have a look."

Wei Yuan remained silent, and the color of his originally rosy skin gradually dimmed.

Duan Jinming looked at Li Fanggu on the ground, but he didn't even have the strength to walk over to help him up. He said guiltily, "I'm sorry, Mr. Jin, I failed to protect the lamp. The lamp went out..."

Jin Zhicheng knelt down on the ground, after a while, he got up, carefully hugged Wei Yuan in his arms, then hugged him tightly, buried his face deeply in his shoulder, trembling all over, crying silently.

Everyone in the room watched the life and death in front of them silently, and there was silence.

After a while, Zhou Liang got up from the ground, looked at Zhou Yu who was covered in injuries, and called out in a low voice, "Brother Yu."

Zhou Yu sighed and opened his arms. Zhou Liang rushed in and hugged him tightly: "Brother Yu, you are finally back."

The wound on Zhou Yu's body was crushed, and he was sweating all over from the pain. He still didn't say anything, and touched the back of his head: "I'm sorry, Brother Yu was delayed by something, so I'm only coming back now."

Zhou Liang felt infinite grievances in his heart, and when he met Zhou Yu, he finally vented all of them.Hold him tighter.

Zhou Yu had no choice but to turn his eyes to the unconscious Jin Shuyan on the ground, his eyes softened, finally, finally caught up, brother, I can finally come to see you...

Duan Jinming looked at Jin Zhicheng unbearably, and turned his eyes to Li Fanggu who was on the ground. He wanted to go over to help him up, but he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

After a while, Fusu and Lao Zhang came in with the two little girls from Ji's family in their arms. When they saw Li Fanggu on the ground, their expressions changed. They put the girl in their arms aside and stepped forward to hug Li Fanggu.

Duan Jinming finally saw Li Fanggu's face, the child had passed out, and his face was full of tiredness that could not be concealed.

It doesn't matter, it's good to be alive, it's good to be alive...

Fusu looked at Li Fanggu worriedly, and seeing Duan Jinming's worried expression, smiled melancholy, hugged Li Fanggu to his side, and put it in his hands.

Duan Jinming looked at him gratefully, and reached out to take Li Fanggu.Then she hugged him tightly like a treasure.

Song Weiwei looked at the room in bewilderment, what kind of ending is this?what ah!

After a long time, Zhou Yu sighed and asked: "It seems that this place is destroyed, we have to move it as soon as possible. Da...has Mr. Jin made any arrangements?"

The little girl from Ji's family on the ground just woke up faintly, and when she heard his question, she said, "Brother Yan has made arrangements, please wait a moment."

She got up and went out to make arrangements with Fusu's support.

Jin Zhicheng hugged Wei Yuan's body tightly, after a while, there was a rustling sound, and everyone who heard the sound looked over strangely, it was Wei Yuan.Wei Yuan's body was melting into sand, starting from his toes, he turned into strands of fine sand that flowed down, landed on the ground, turned into light spots and dissipated.

Song Weiwei's lips trembled, it was too cruel, couldn't he just keep thinking about it?

Jin Zhicheng raised his head and pleaded in a low voice: "No, Ah Yuan, don't go, please!" Wei Yuan disappeared bit by bit in his arms, and in the end, nothing was left, only a white sheet Lying quietly in his arms.

The last bit of evidence of Wei Yuan's existence has also completely disappeared.

Jin Zhicheng's expression was numb. After a while, he suddenly stood up, roared angrily, and rushed out the door.

Song Weiwei yelled behind him: "No, Ah Cheng, come back!" She wanted to chase him out, but due to excessive blood loss, she fell unconscious on the ground.It was only at this time that someone noticed that her wrist was still bleeding.Zhou Liang sighed and went up to help her bandage the wound.

The little girl from Ji's family came back and took them to a safe place.No one knew where Jin Zhicheng went, he just disappeared like this.

In the car, the long-haired girl from Ji's family introduced herself to them: "My name is Ji Lingche, and that is my elder sister, Ji Lingqing. We are twins, although we look different. You can call me Xiaoche .”

Ji Lingche didn't go far with them, and settled them in a village near Qixia.They arrived at night, and the village was very quiet. The house arranged by Ji Lingche was at the entrance of the village, very close to the main road.It was a small two-story building, and someone came to meet them as soon as they got off the car. Jin Shuting saw that standing at the door was Jin Jiawei who had been ill for a long time.

Jin Shuting looked at his father, it seemed that he hadn't seen him for a while, and his father looked much older.Jin Jiawei searched around, and asked expectantly, "Where are A Yuan and A Cheng?"

Jin Shuting couldn't bear it anymore, tears fell, he wiped away the tears in embarrassment, "Dad, the second brother is gone, then... Jin Zhicheng is missing. Miss Ji has sent someone to look for it, and he should find it back. "

Jin Jiawei was stunned. It seemed that after a long time, he nodded and seemed to accept the news calmly.

He turned around and led them in. When he entered the door, his figure swayed for a while, then quickly stabilized, and arranged for someone to settle them down.

Jin Shuyan fell asleep drowsily, and Zhou Liang was taking care of him all the time. He hugged himself tightly, sat in the chair, looked at his face with a high fever, and didn't know what he was thinking.

After a while, Zhou Yu knocked on the door and came in.Zhou Liang raised his face in bewilderment: "Brother Yu." At this moment, he remembered that Zhou Yu was also covered with injuries. He looked at Zhou Yu who was in a mess with guilt. Zhou Yu had been taking care of him all this time. Only then did he think of Zhou Yu's kindness to him.Guiltily, he stepped forward to hold Zhou Yu's hand, and told him to sit down, "Brother Yu, why are you hurt so badly, let me help you see."

Zhou Yu patted his head and said, "It's okay, it's just a flesh wound. I'll ask someone to wrap it later. Don't worry."

Zhou Liang turned around and saw a wound on his chest, the flesh of the wound was rolled up, and the bones below could be vaguely seen, his face turned pale, Zhou Yu pressed his hand: "It's okay, I have applied the hemostatic medicine myself , It just looks scary. Don't worry about this, Brother Yu hasn't seen you for a long time, tell Brother Yu what happened recently."

Zhou Liang's eyes turned red, and the tears rolled in his big eyes twice before holding them back. He had infinite grievances in his heart, but he couldn't express them. He muttered: "Brother Yu, your injury must be very painful. How can you endure like this?"

Zhou Yu gave a rare smile, and said, "What should I do if I can't bear it? No one loves me." It's not that he doesn't say anything, he's just very used to it, pain, physical pain can never knock him down, never ...

Knowing that he was teasing him, Zhou Liang ignored him and lowered his head with a blushing face.

Zhou Yu touched the top of his head, looked at Jin Shuyan on the bed, and asked with a strange expression: "Xiao Liang, do you have something to say to Brother Yu?"

Zhou Liang pursed his lips in embarrassment, and said, "Brother Yu, I'm in love."

"That's a good thing, why do you look sullen?" Zhou Liang noticed the disappointment on his face.

"Brother Yu, this is the first time I've fallen in love with someone like this, but," he showed a teary look, "but maybe I'll lose him before I get to know him better."

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